Even if Chen Yang had xuanhuang Shengu seed, he didn't dare to fight with soul Muyang!

Soul Muyang has infinite soul power behind it. Here is the world of soul Muyang! In this instant, Chen Yang immediately launched the black hole river!

His mysterious space and strange black hole are all included in it.

Soul Muyang's fingers point out that the soul power spreads out the vines like the flood breaking the dyke, and these vines explore crazily all the way into the black hole river.

Under Chen Yang's design, if the opponent's strength is not enough, then the river can be endless.

But the power of soul Muyang is obviously enough. It can break countless illusions in an instant and absorb the power of the black hole.

These forces are not much, Chen Yang's black hole is not to control each other, but to delay each other!

Soul Muyang attacks and kills all the way, but it can't get close to Chen Yang's real body!

Chen Yang is standing at the end of the black hole river.

At the same time, his backhand began to absorb the soul power around him.

This soul power is not used by Chen Yang originally. It can be said that only the experts of Boluo can exert it. But although Chen Yang can't exert his soul power, he can absorb it and transform it into his pure energy!

The battle between Chen Yang and Hun Muyang is in a strange deadlock.

Then at this time, the soul Muyang suddenly withdrew all the fingers!

Chen Yang suddenly felt the air in front of him, and all the pressure disappeared. But at this time, he did not feel relaxed, because he knew that the other side must be a big move.

In this case, Chen Yang took a deep breath.

He knew that he was the enemy of his life and could not be underestimated. However, Chen Yang was not afraid. Because in front of him, although his soul power is wonderful, his strength is no less than that of emperor Shengtian. However, the realm of soul Muyang is only in the creation realm after all!

Without the suppression of the realm, Chen Yang is much bolder.

It's like a kind of suppression on the blood.

Chen Yang is not afraid to be a master of creating five levels of environment. In the beginning, the creation environment two had killed the four level masters. Now the three level masters are afraid of the five level masters. With the help of Big Ben Yuanshu, his strength is magnificent and strong, which is much better than the same level of experts.

The soul Muyang is the first person on the whole planet. Every time he makes a move, a simple spirit can kill the enemy with one finger. He didn't even make a second move.

The spirit of a guide out, you can absorb the strength of the other party all clean.

But today, the soul Muyang is met with Chen Yang this freak. The finger of spirit can't play any role at all.

"Dark town prison!" Soul Muyang moves again.

Then he saw that his Dharma was solemn and his hands were sealed with Dharma seal!

In the sky that day, soul power surged The dark soul power is as thick as a lead cloud

Then, a dark gate appeared in the dark soul power.

Inside the door came innumerable roars, screams, resentment and terror, which made people shudder.

Chen Yang was surprised.

In a flash, the body in the door flickered

Then, ten monsters surrounded Chen Yang.

When Chen Yang's mind swept away, he saw ten monsters around him. These monsters are hundreds of feet tall, ferocious, and full of black air.

At the same time, Chen Yang can feel the powerful breath of these monsters.

Those black Qi are also soul power, but they are full of some kind of resentment, not so pure.


Ten monsters have blue faces, tusks and scales. They roar out, and the sound waves vibrate. In an instant, they are like a storm, like the sound blade of ten thousand arrows shooting at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang felt that the eardrum was going to be torn.

The terrible sound waves, such as tsunamis, landslides and ground fissures, come with the real power of attack and kill.

Chen Yang still started the black hole river!

He hid himself in the black hole river. If outsiders want to kill him, they must break the black hole river!

Those sound waves in the long river of black holes shatter the sky and earth, such as a violent storm, tearing around the long river.

But this image doesn't matter to Chen Yang. Chen Yang doesn't care about this damage. He just absorbs all the sound waves into energy with an earthquake and a suction.

Then, the ten spirit beasts launched together.

In the eyes of outsiders, the long river of black holes is also an entrance.

Ten ghosts and beasts went into the black hole river together.


Ten ghosts and beasts all burst out black thick fog. They are extremely powerful and can destroy the black hole river.

At this time, if you fight hard, Chen Yang will definitely have a headache.

But the construction of the black hole river is to destroy each other. Chen Yang is not afraid of this.

He feels strange, soul Mu Yang second time hand, affirmation is prepare but come.

He is ready to meet the spirit of Muyang, but this It doesn't seem to be a good move!But just then, immediately, Chen Yang knew what was going on.

After the ten ghosts were destroyed for a while, their speed suddenly increased.

The collapse speed of the whole black hole river is accelerated by the naked eye.

The black hole river could have been boundless, but now, everything seems to be out of control.

"Well? What's going on? " Chen Yang immediately made a detailed investigation, and at the same time absorbed soul power while continuing to build a long river of black holes.

"It's the dark resentment. The dark resentment has penetrated into the long river of black holes! "

Chen Yang finally understood the purpose of soul Muyang. When the ten soul beasts came in, he focused on them. But he ignores the dark resentment, which is different from the soul power. The essence of soul power is pure power.

Dark resentment corrodes the black hole River, and it's the corrosion of the whole!

Chen Yang's construction of the black hole river is wonderful and can be destroyed by various powerful forces, but it is extremely difficult to affect its overall structure. But this dark force corrodes the whole structure of the black hole river. In this way, the length, space and time of the black hole River are also destroyed!

When Chen Yang realized that it was wrong, he couldn't cut off the river.

If it goes on like this, the whole black hole river will collapse in a moment.

It's not terrible to collapse. After a while of self-cultivation, you can build a long river of black holes with black hole crystal again.

But now, if the river collapses. Then I will face the attack and kill of soul Muyang and ten soul beasts.

"Before soul Muyang comes in, I have to kill these ten spirit beasts first!" Chen Yang is quick to make a decision and has a flash of body shape.

The ten ghosts and beasts were destroyed in the long river of black hole. In the long river, particles are floating, infinite big whirlpool and small whirlpool are playing a wonderful role. As soon as Chen Yang's figure flashed, he appeared in the middle of ten ghosts.

When the ten ghosts saw Chen Yang, they immediately attacked and killed him without saying a word.

The dark resentment is mighty and strong!

The soul beast roars loudly, and all the sound waves rush to kill. It's as fierce as ten thousand arrows!

There was a flash of light in Chen Yang's eyes. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and roared!

His sound waves burst out immediately!


His sound wave is more terrifying, contains the profound meaning of the universe, in which there are more laws of heaven and earth!

In the sound wave boom, such as the archaic dragon appears!

In an instant, all the sound waves were resolved by Chen Yang's sound waves, and killed in the past. The ghosts and beasts are not weak. They are not the same thing at all.

Twenty huge dark resentment fingerprints were suppressed by Chen Yang!

It's like the whole soul force, the dark hell is pressing on him!

It's black above!

Extinction, repression, darkness!

There's no place to run, no coco to go!

Chen Yang, however, did not say a word and showed his soul quicksand.

At the same time, the soul particles, such as the quicksand of the long river, scour wildly.

In the long river of Chen Yang's black hole, there is the shadow of soul quicksand.

Many dark resentment fingerprints are submerged in the quicksand of the soul. In the long river of black holes, soul particles rush madly. In the blink of an eye, those 20 powerful fingerprints are washed into nothingness!

Chen Yang absorbs infinite elixir. He controls the long river of black hole, and the shifting sand of soul has been constantly consuming mana.

If it were not for his magical power, he would have been exhausted by other experts of the same level.

In the rush of quicksand, Chen Yang suddenly comes out of the quicksand.

As soon as he grasped it, he cut out ten sword lights of the Dark Dawn in the blink of an eye!

Sword light carries thunder cold light!

In the fierce, there is the vast meaning of turbulent waves!

Endless, endless sword intention to kill out!

The ten spirit beasts also shot together. Their claws became extremely sharp, and they quickly killed them together with the ten sword lights.

Bang bang!

It's so gorgeous!

At this time, Chen Yang showed his soul crystal, pretended to be in the middle, and then with the help of the mystery of the black hole space, he hid in the dark.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Yang suddenly appears behind one of the ghosts.

The beast is very tall, like a towering mountain!

Although Chen Yang's body shape is small, at this moment, he just ejected a small black hole crystal! Black hole spars can be broken down by him.

The black hole crystal shot into the back of the beast's head.

Then, the black hole crystal instantly petrified and expanded!

In a flash, the black hole crystal was as big as a black iron mountain, which burst the head of the beast.

As soon as the spirit beast's body softened, it soon turned into an endless black mist.

Chen Yang immediately absorbed the black fog and evolved it into pure energy. The rest of the ghosts also found Chen Yang's trace and killed him one after another.They roar, claw sharp, powerful, earth shaking!

Chen Yang's body is shining, but they can't touch the corner of his clothes.

"Go Chen Yang suddenly drinks lightly, nine tiny black hole crystals are shot out.

At the same time, the spirit of quicksand is also played to the extreme by Chen Yang.

Endless soul sand rushes towards nine spirit beasts, and the crystal of black hole hides in it


The crystal of the black hole penetrated into their heads and then expanded, and many ghosts and beasts exploded.

The black fog they turned into was completely absorbed by Chen Yang.

At this time, the soul Muyang outside suddenly clapped to the entrance of the black hole river!

Chen Yang is inside the long river of black holes. At the moment, he feels that there is a force of terror outside, such as thousands of troops rushing in!


This instant, the black hole River can no longer support, completely broken!

The establishment of this long river of black holes is the result of Chen Yang's painstaking efforts, led by the crystal of black holes. It will take a few days to recover if it is completely destroyed.

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