Jade childe hasn't calmed down, Chen Yang this little rabbit son immediately angered him. Immediately his eyes were red and he jumped out like a fighting rooster.

Young master Yu and Chen Yang are standing opposite each other in the dark void. Young master Yu stares at Chen Yang and says, "you little thief, you don't know what real power is. Today, I'll make it impossible for you to live or die. This is the price you dare to insult me, this is the price you have to pay

Chen Yang sneered and said, "maybe the real power you think is not vulnerable at all. Maybe you don't know what it is that there are people out there and heaven out there! "

"Hum!" Master Yu said, "I have seen through you, but you have never seen through me!"

Chen Yang immediately said, "what nonsense is that? Let's do it, son of a bitch!"

Young master Yu just can't hear what others say in his childish words. This son of a bitch can't bear it. He immediately roared, and then, at that moment, his golden armor suddenly burst out a terrible golden light.

All of a sudden, those golden lights formed a great power of war spirit. The spirit of war appears like a golden beast. The golden beast is hundreds of feet high and kills Chen Yang in an instant.

In front of Chen Yang, the golden fist suddenly came down like a mountain.

Powerful and terrifying!

What's more, there are also The true meaning of the sun!

The absolute dominating power from the sun can dissolve the absolute mystery of burning all things in the world!

Yugongzi is absolutely proud of himself. He has traveled all over the universe and dealt with countless creatures. This golden armor is called primitive armor. It absorbs the scarlet essence from the interior of the sun and can instantly explode a death star. When he fights with many experts, he usually kills them with one punch.

Even in the face of a higher level than his opponent can not bear his punch!

It's also reasonable for young master Yu to look down on Chen Yang. Chen Yang's realm is just the same as his. If he wants to kill an opponent of this level, it is as simple as killing a dog.

Chen Yang knew the strength of the fist at the moment when Master Yu gave it.

However, Chen Yang once fought with Ouyang Yu and was tempered by the sun moon furnace near the sun. So the power of the sun is no stranger to him.

He was not afraid of the power of the blow.

At the moment, he just sneered

At that moment, Chen Yang encouraged his whole body strength and also made a fist.

Black hole magic boxing!

The black hole crystal changes on his fist and instantly merges with his whole body mana. The eternal crystal is tempered in the sun and moon furnace, and its power can live forever in the sun and fire.


The huge black fist seal will fight up immediately!


The two great forces collided together, and the afterwave instantly shocked more than a thousand li.

But at that moment, Chen Yang directly smashed yugongzi's original armor fist power into ashes.

At the same time, Chen Yang pushed another hand and killed the golden soul directly.

The original armor is back to the original again.

Wu Liyang and others suddenly pale.

Young master Yu's face also changed.

"Is that all you can do?" Chen Yang made sarcastic remarks.

Chen Yang's personality has never been a gentlemanly person. At the same time, he is also an expert at scolding and mocking.

That jade childe immediately more angry, Li shouts a way: "thief, this childe hasn't started to contribute."

After his words, he immediately made another move.

Suddenly, the golden scales on the original armor changed. In an instant, countless scales flew out, and finally turned into 360 golden swords!

Master Yu made a seal in his hand, and there was light in his eyebrow.

His body is integrated with the original armor, and his mana is fully integrated. All of a sudden, he drinks heavily and goes!

The 360 golden swords suddenly came to Chen Yang!

Every sword contains a wonderful mystery and truth!

Every sword contains the power of terror.

Any one of these swords can directly kill the masters below the realm of creation.

At present, three hundred and sixty swords come out together, which coincides with the profound meaning of three hundred and sixty Zhou Tian!


The sword is strong and powerful. It shoots at Chen Yang in an instant.

This kind of competition, you can't escape.

With a wave of his hand, Chen Yang immediately displayed the mysterious space of the black hole.

Infinite strange space stands out!

But what's more terrifying is that the 360 swords sent out super power in the space.

The whole space instantly boils and melts

It's like the sun is coming.

This jade childe is the weakest in Wu liyang's cultivation, but his power is so terrible. This makes Chen Yang more afraid of Wu Liyang.It also proves that the big brother's worry is very reasonable.

When Chen Yang met his opponents before, most of them went beyond their ranks.

This time, he suddenly realized that he was not the only one who could leap over the ranks.

He almost crossed the line.

The mysterious space can't resist these swords, and Chen Yang's space is destroyed in an instant.

Chen Yang's heart even gave birth to a sense of defeat.

"The sword formula of fortune!" Chen Yang moves quickly.

The black hole crystal turned into a thousand black swords in an instant. Every sword is the creation of seizing heaven and earth. It is full of aura and powerful.

These swords are directly cut with 360 golden swords of the opponent.

No matter how spiritual Chen Yang's sword light is, the mystery of the sun in Master Yu's golden sword is beyond everything


In a twinkling, all the light of fortune sword was killed by the golden sword.

Chen Yang grabs the black hole crystal again.

Chen Yang understands that the earth is not the only one in the universe. Chen Yang is by no means the only protagonist. In the earth, he is a character. Out of the earth, that is a grain of dust.

Therefore, there will be many strange people in the universe.

Now he's in a tough role.

But he can't go back.

At this instant, Chen Yang directly sacrificed the great phagocytosis.

He knew that the mysterious space could not resist the golden sword, and he knew that the formula of fortune sword was not an opponent.

But he needs to understand the characteristics of the golden sword first.

More need to consume some of the strength of the other party. So he can swallow it!

Chen Yang knows that he doesn't have many opportunities.

The power of black hole whirlpool, great phagocytosis, xuanhuang divine Valley seed and eternal crystal stone are all transported by Chen Yang.

The attribute in the eternal crystal can ensure that the black hole vortex will not be melted by the golden sword.

360 golden swords directly cut into the black hole vortex.

These 360 swords coincide with the number of 360 and the force of the heaven. Their rotation has its own rules and forms a terrible suction. Once in the black hole vortex, it not only keeps itself from being sucked away by the black hole, but forms a kind of suction to phagocytize the black hole vortex.

What's more, it has terrible heat to dissolve everything!

The black hole vortex is added with the property of eternal spar. At this time, it is also dissolved by the golden sword, and some forces are even sucked back.

The jade childe showed a ferocious smile on his face. He sneered and said, "little thief, this is the real power, the real truth, the real meaning. You can see it now. It's too late."

At this time, Chen Yang is not in the mood to talk to Yu Gongzi. His expression is dignified to the extreme.

The power of the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu broke out.

Chen Yang's will is like the sea of stars!

Blood oozed from his eyebrows and pores!

Never give up!

Never give up!

The will is as hard as heaven and earth, let the will of heaven be my will!

The seeds of xuanhuang Shengu began to form strange blood flowers in his blood. These blood flowers bloomed with super strong suction. After absorbing everything in heaven and earth, the greater the suction of the outside world, the more blooming the blood in Chen Yang's body, and the more terrifying the suction.


Finally, Chen Yang's suction defeated the golden sword.

One of the golden swords was swallowed into the black hole vortex by the great phagocytosis and quickly dissolved.

There was one less week in 360 days, and all of a sudden there was a big chaos.

As a result, more golden swords were absorbed by Chen Yang.

At this time, Chen Yang's whole body exudes blood beads, and he seems to have become a blood man.

The jade childe had already won, but now he was shocked. He desperately wanted to take back the golden sword, but it was too late.

Young master Yu's eyes were red, and he roared and pointed out.

The original armor flew straight out of him.

The original armor forms a huge golden sword!

This sword instantly cuts the black hole vortex.

"Doggie, I want you to die!" Young master Yu roared.

The golden sword carries endless majesty and power, as if it were a sword to cut the sun. The power of this sword surpasses all the ordinary things in the world, as if to kill eternity!

Cut off heaven and earth, cut off eternity, cut off everything!

Cut off everything!

At this time, Chen Yang also suddenly angrily opened his eyes.

Suddenly, he also cut a sword!

The power of the golden sword was absorbed by him. In an instant, his power soared to the point that his body could not bear.

A sword to the East!

A sword exhausts all strength, without reservation!

Chen Yang knows when to keep his strength and when to kill the enemy.His sword can be used twice, but he integrated all his strength into this one. As long as you kill this jade childe, it doesn't matter if he is beaten to pieces. He can take the opportunity to recover because he has teammates behind him.

But this time, you must die!

This is Chen Yang's purpose!

The sword light from the East contains golden light!

When a sword comes to the East, it is like a surging river. When a sword suddenly appears, it will make the whole river still and the heaven and earth still.

It doesn't seem to have much power, it seems ordinary, but it seems that it is the universe itself!

Jianguang and the golden sword were killed together, Chi!

In an instant, the light of the sword cut the golden sword to ashes.

That jade childe immediately spewed out a mouthful of blood.

He and the original armor have been fused together for a long time. Now that the original armor is destroyed, Master Yu is also injured.

What's more, Chen Yang's sword light didn't weaken, and he continued to kill Yu Gongzi.

At this moment, all the people were disgraced!

Even if others want to intervene, it's too late

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