Chen Yang absorbed Wu liyang's fierce power. He felt that he could not accept it in his body and was about to explode. At this time, Chen Yang must release his energy!

But at this time, in Wu liyang's stomach, the energy is still surging!

At this time, in the stomach, Wu Liyang suddenly turned into a God. The yuan God turned into a sword light and immediately shuttled into the bronze immortal hall, killing Chen Yangmei. Chen Yang immediately uses the power from the east to kill him, but he only uses half of his energy. Now if you use all your strength, you can't continue to absorb the other party's energy.

Because when absorbing Wu liyang's energy, Chen Yang also needs to have strong basic energy.

It doesn't mean that you only have four or two strength to pull a thousand catties. It's that you have the power to surpass a thousand pounds, but you only use four or two.

All around the bronze immortal hall was red and soft, and it was about to collapse.

If Chen Yang and others are in the center of the magma, the sword of Yuanshen can cut in easily, just like a sharp knife cutting tofu.


Chen Yang's sword came from the East, and the sword light and the yuan God's sword were smashed together. The aftershock immediately disintegrated the whole bronze immortal hall. At that moment, the flames in all directions, no longer reserved, tried their best to strangle Chen Yang, Taoist priest Luo Tong and Fu Qingzhu. Now the temple is destroyed by the blood of Fu Qingzhu.

Before Chen Yang could react, Wu Liyang gathered the spirit of the void again and formed the sword of the spirit to kill him. Chen Yang didn't have time to absorb more energy. At the moment, he had no choice but to gather the remaining strength again and send out a sword to the East.

Again, kill!

The sword light is fierce, and the aftershocks are roaring between heaven and earth.

Chen Yang is almost exhausted.

Then, infinite flame power toward three people strangle, kill.

Chen Yang could still exist in the flames, but Fu Qingzhu and Taoist priest Luo Tong complained repeatedly.

Fu Qingzhu, in particular, was seriously injured and couldn't bear it at the moment.

Chen Yang couldn't help being so anxious that he tried his best to protect Fu Qingzhu and Taoist priest Luo Tong with black hole crystal. But his own strength has been exhausted. How can he protect his friends now?

Flame burning, such as flame knife attack fierce!

Chen Yang didn't expect that they had paid so much, and it was not easy for them to come to this stage, and yugongzi died. He also killed Lianyun and Lianbi, and finally saw the dawn of victory. The four of them only need to work together to defeat Wu Liyang.

But never thought, at the moment was forced to Wu Liyang so desperate!

Chen Yang promised Suzhen in black that he would no longer use fatalism easily.

But for now, he has no choice.

If it's just him, that's fine. But how could he let his brothers and friends die?

The situation of Luo Feng and LAN Tingyu is not good either.

They were caught in the hands of Wu Liyang respectively, and were crushed by great power and Wuyi. LAN Tingyu incarnated as nine Yan Shenhuo, he was already injured, now is more difficult. At this time, Luoxue desperately transfers energy to LAN Tingyu, but LAN Tingyu lets these energy to protect Luoxue. As for him, he turned into a nine flame. Although the flame became weaker and weaker, it was impossible for Wu liyang to kill LAN Tingyu in a short time.

Luo Feng once again showed great fatalism!

His fatalistic power protected his body and tried to crack the other's great infinite power.

His life is burning wildly.

Gray fate gradually break open a hole, the next second, Luo Feng burst roar, actually broke the shackles of Wu Liyang.

As soon as he turned, he stood in front of Wu Liyang.

At this time, Luo Feng lost another 5000 years of life. His eyes are red. Although he is cold in nature, he is also affectionate and righteous.

If all his friends were to die here at the moment, he would not live alone.

Even, he thinks, it's good. If you die, it's all over. Every day of this life, which day is not suffering?

If he had not had the last hope, he would have wanted to die.

Luo Qingxin feels Luo Feng's desire to die, and he is shocked. He immediately said: "now you immediately run the power of destiny. It's very easy for us to escape. They can't be saved. We need to keep the Castle Peak. You've got zhenhunguo, so don't sacrifice for nothing. Think of your wife and daughter

Luo Feng said coldly: "to go, you go!"

Then, he suddenly sacrificed a sword!

The sword of fatalism!

"Great destiny, I use life span, luck, cause and effect, remnant body, life and everything I have to ask you to help me kill this thief in front of me! The power of destiny, the sword of destroying heaven

The gray fatalism suddenly became strong, and absorbed the life of Luo Feng crazily.

The gray fog formed a magic sword!After that, the sword came out of the sky and chopped at Wu liyang's eyebrows.

Wu liyang's heart has been in a rage. First, he was angry with the death of young master Yu. Then he was angry at the death of Lian Yun and Lian bi

At this moment, what he was most angry about was that they forced him to use the body of the beast.

From then on, there will be no day for a breakthrough in cultivation.

There is no such card from now on!

His inner fury was beyond words.

This kind of fury made his power terrifying to the extreme.

If it wasn't for his identity, he wanted to use the most vicious and dirty language to scold these Dalits in front of him.

He doesn't care about the ghost now.

The only thing he wanted was to crush these Untouchables to pieces, so that he could vent his hatred.

But at this time, Luo Feng broke through his confinement again.

This made him even more irritated. Although he was furious, he was not stupid. When the sword of fate came, he immediately felt the crisis.

This is a sword that can threaten his life!

At this moment, Wu Liyang couldn't take care of LAN Tingyu. He threw away LAN Tingyu, and then grabbed the fateful sword.

Great, fierce power and the sword of fate hang together.

The sword of destiny is shining and booming! Wu Liyang felt uncomfortable and irresistible, but he also struggled.

Despite everything, Luo Feng is still burning his life.

Everything, it doesn't matter.

At the moment, Luo Feng's heart is very calm.

He suddenly felt that this was his best destination.

Ten thousand years of life, burning!

Luo Feng has only five thousand years to live.


At this time, Wu Liyang felt collapsed again.

Because, in his body, that is, in his stomach, there was a sense of terrible crisis.

Familiar power!

It's like the grey power of Luo Feng!

At that moment, Chen Yang finally summoned great fatalism again!

He also issued the sword of fate!


Finally, Wu liyang's body burst open.

Chen Yang's sword of fate pierced his head.

Chen Yang's life span was only 20000 years, and this sword consumed 8000 years of his life.

Luo Feng's sword of destiny also cuts Wu liyang's eyebrows.

Wu liyang's real beast finally disintegrated

Finally, it's all scattered in the universe.

Chen Yang and others are free.

The body is twinkling and the figures are crisscrossing.

The four got together again.

The blood red in Luo Feng's eyes finally disappeared. When he saw that Chen Yang and others were not dead, he was slightly relieved. At the same time, there was a touch of loss and sadness in his eyes.

He wanted to die.

But God didn't let him die after all, so he still had to survive.

All of them have suffered a lot.

At this time, the situation changed again.

That is, in the void, the figure flashed, and then a person appeared.

The man was covered in black.

But an old acquaintance, that is Soul master.

It's not surprising that the soul master appeared here, because he was originally imprisoned by Wu Liyang. The cage is in Wu liyang's magic bag. But at this time, the magic bag was cut into pieces by Chen Yang, and at the same time, the cage was broken.

So, at this moment, the soul master was free. She was sealed by Wu Liyang before, but it has been unsealed all the time. Just now, with such explosive force, she finally succeeded in breaking through the seal.

Although the soul master has never appeared, she still has a sense of everything outside.

The soul master flashed in front of the crowd. Her voice was cold and she said, "hand over the soul fruit."

Chen Yang and his party are already disabled and defeated. None of them are in good condition. It's really hard to deal with such a powerful enemy as soul master.

LAN Tingyu has a headache.

However, Chen Yang is not afraid of the soul master. He recovers the great fatalism. The soul master is not so terrible at all.

Before Chen Yang had time to speak, Luo Feng spoke coldly and said, "the soul of Zhen is in my hand." He directly sacrificed zhenhunguo.

The ghost fruit is in the palm of his hand.

The soul master's eyes were full of joy.

Luo Feng said coldly, "if you want, you can. Take it according to your ability

Fear flashed in the eyes of the soul master.

It can be said that the soul master didn't pay much attention to Chen Yang before. Think that their individual ability is no more than that!

But at present, even Wu Liyang such a first-class master died in their hands.This

The soul master deeply felt the fear.

She looked at the four and then said, "you've all been seriously injured. Now you're not my opponent. I don't want to make things too rigid. Don't force me! "

Chen Yang immediately opened his mouth and said, "it's true that we are injured, but you can't beat us. You can go as far as you can. Otherwise, if you are found by your people, you know very well what will happen to you. "

The soul master's delicate body was shocked suddenly, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

But immediately, her eyes were replaced by the color of perseverance. "It doesn't matter whether I die or not. But zhenhunguo is our Taoist. You'd better hand it in immediately. "

At the end of the speech, her voice could not help sharpening.

Luo Feng said in a deep voice: "the whole universe is the jungle. No more nonsense. I can't give it back. If you want to get it, you have to rely on your ability! "

"Good!" Soul teacher Jiao drinks.

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