Chen Yang immediately said, "of course, I met the soul master. I'm here for the soul master."

Soul Muyang's face changed greatly, and his eyes could not help flashing a wisp of Murder: "what happened to your soul master?"

Chen Yang said, "it's not what happened to our soul master. I just want to ask you. Do you know the origin of the soul master?"

Soul Mu Yang's face is cloudy and clear, way: "you ask this to do what?"

Chen Yang said: "it matters a lot, because the soul master has exposed his identity. She was captured by the experts in her family. Not only that, but also my other brothers and friends. I had a narrow escape, so I brought zhenhunguo to you. "

"She was taken?" The soul bathes in the sun and the body shakes.

Chen Yang said: "I need to find a way to rescue my friend now, but I don't know where the Guangyao star is. You know what? "

"It's all because of you!" Soul Muyang ignored Chen Yang, and his eyes flashed endless anger. He then roared at Chen Yangli: "Ming Jiaolong has been hidden here for three hundred years and has never been found. It's because you've taken zhenhunguo away that she can't use her real strength. In this way, we have just revealed our whereabouts... "

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

Now he said, "it's no use for him to deny who is responsible. If you know the position of Guangyao star, please point it out to me. I'm going to save my friend. If possible, I'm willing to help you save mingjiaolong. "

"The Guangyao star is the dragon's den. Do you think you have the ability to rescue them? You're just going to die! " Soul Muyang hate voice said.

Chen Yang said: "that's my business. I'm going to Guangyao star now. If you know the location, can I ask you to tell me? "

Soul Muyang stares at Chen Yang coldly.

Chen Yang is a little creepy.

After a long time, soul Muyang said: "I'll go to Guangyao star with you. If Jiaolong has an accident, I'll regard you as the first enemy in my life and never die!"

"She won't die!" Chen Yang was quite apologetic and said, "you should know what they did when they took her back."

"Not even that!" Soul Muyang is more angry.

Chen Yang said, "good, good, no, No. When shall we start? "

"You go outside the planet and wait. I'll go with you as soon as I give you a little explanation." Soul Muyang said.

Chen Yang nodded.

After that, Chen Yang left zhenhun Daofu and waited for Hun Muyang in an empty place outside BOLUO.

He left a mark with soul Muyang, but he was not afraid that he would not find it.

Chen Yang didn't wait long in outer space. About half an hour later, soul Muyang came to Chen Yang.

Soul Muyang changed into a black Taoist robe.

Chen Yang is also a black, two people meet in the dark, quite pondering. This is the place where the stars are blocked by Borneo.

"Didn't you bring some disciples?" Chen Yang see soul Muyang a person to come, then can't help but ask a way.

Soul Muyang said in a deep voice: "this trip to Guangyao star, more evil than good. There is no difference between more people and less people. It's only for me that Jiaolong shows her whereabouts. I'm going to this place, life or death. "

Chen Yang sighed and said, "it's really our fault. We let you get involved in such a disaster for no reason."

Soul Muyang is just a cold hum.

Chen Yang understands the mood of soul Muyang and thinks that he is well cultivated. If you are yourself, if your beloved is killed like this, you will have the heart to be cut by the future.

Then, the soul Muyang sacrificed a magic weapon!

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

The magic weapon is a black comb!

Of course, this is definitely not an ordinary comb. The material of this comb looks like black meteorite, but there is a dull light in the dark.

Chen Yang wanted to ask, but he held back. So as not to make trouble for yourself again!

Soul Muyang points out a finger, and the soul power is immediately excited on the black comb. The black comb has twelve teeth. With the stimulation of soul Muyang's soul power, the twelve teeth all burst out black mist.

The Black Mist forms a hood the size of a small bedroom.

There is also a door ahead.

Chen Yang then guessed that this thing is probably a magic weapon that can speed up the speed. He couldn't help but feel excited for a moment. Now he just missed this magic weapon to speed up! Without the soul chariot, it's really inconvenient.

Soul Muyang took the lead in the fog.

Chen Yang doesn't need to be called by Muyang, so he follows closely.

The material of the fog cover is as strong as black fine steel. Chen Yang's idea of exploring, but also found that the fog inside contains a strong and profound soul power, a little bit of exploration to give Chen Yang an endless feeling.

After that, the gate is closed!The whole fog cover is as natural as nature, without any gaps. Chen Yang finds it difficult to leave the fog.

Soul Muyang launched the mana, Chen Yang immediately felt the fog cover flying quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he entered the super space.

"It's not like hyperspace. It's in the psychic world?" Chen Yang can't help but feel surprised, he finally can't help saying.

Soul Muyang glanced at Chen Yang and said coldly, "this magic weapon is called Linglong soul weapon. It is made of extremely cold soul iron in the world of soul power. Soul power is a universal mysterious power in the universe. Because few people exert it, the channels are not disturbed in the world of soul power. So at the moment, we are going through the channel in the world of soul power, which can save a lot of time. "

Chen Yang said, "I see! If you want to go, once you enter this kind of soul power world, will no one be able to pursue you? "

Soul Muyang said: "no, ordinary people can also enter the world of soul power. It's just that there's no way to run the soul power. You can follow me when I enter. But if you can't run the soul power, you can't take the shortcut inside. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized. He added: "before the battle, you didn't use this exquisite Horcrux. What's the use of this Linglong Horcrux? "

The soul Mu Yang vigilantly looked at Chen Yang one eye, said: "you ask this to do what?"

Chen Yang immediately said: "I have no malice, just curiosity."

Soul Muyang still has trust in Chen Yang. After all, Chen Yang's willingness to return zhenhunguo also shows a certain sincerity. Now he said: "Linglong Horcruxes are really mainly used for chasing and escaping, as well as storing soul power. It's like your pills On that day, you were under the king of zhenhun, with lush soul power. I don't have to run the Linglong Horcrux. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

Linglong Horcruxes in the world of soul power, just like entering a highway from a national road. When necessary, soul Muyang will also let Linglong Horcrux leave the world of soul power, and then shuttle through wormholes and so on.

Within one day, soul Muyang took Chen Yang into the solar system.

Chen Yang seems to want to go back to the earth to move the rescue soldiers, but then he thinks, who can move to the earth?

It's hard to move anyone who meets the master of Guangyao star!

Moving Xuan is Hao, God Emperor, Zhang Daoling and black clothes Su Zhen such master is easy to use. But now, I can't find Su Su anywhere. The God Emperor can't be found As for Xuan Zhenghao and Zhang Daoling, they still have the responsibility of protecting the earth.

Chen Yang is sad to find that he used to think there were many rescuers behind him. But now, there seems to be no help behind it.

Always feel like the earth is very cow, can encounter this absolute strength, or appear weak.

Of course, it's also very good to include such giants as the star Lord.

But the star master will never be the one who will intervene for his personal enmity!

Chen Yang began to worry about one thing from the side, that is, when the imperial Tianzhou really comes, can they resist it?

Chen Yang has no music in his heart. He thinks that at that time, it will be the soldiers who will block the water and cover the land.

As for the phantom of the assassin, it's really powerful!

Chen Yang can't figure out whether the phantom follows LAN Tingyu or follows him. Or has it gone back to earth?

I don't know!

The only thing he knows is that the phantom is very principled. There is no absolute certainty, that is, they will not fight to death.

This is also the reason why the phantom didn't even fart when Yu's father and his party came. Chen Yang doesn't blame the phantom either. He must admit that the phantom is an excellent assassin.

After flying into the solar system, Chen Yang had a strange feeling in his heart.

Before, he always thought that the earth was the only life in the solar system. But now it seems that this is not the case.

The light Yao star is a more powerful being.

After entering the solar system, Chen Yang can clearly feel the existence of the sun.

There is still some time to go all the way.

Chen Yang said to Hun Muyang, "it seems that there is no solution for us to go to Guangyao star. After all, the strength of you and me is not enough to compete with the master of Guangyao star. But that doesn't mean we don't have a chance! "

Soul Muyang way: "how to say?"

Chen Yang said, "I've heard that mingjiaolong said that she is the princess of her family. She left Guangyao because she escaped marriage. "

The complex look flashed in the eyes of soul Muyang, and his fist could not help squeezing.

Chen Yang said: "this shows that Guangyao star is not monolithic. You say it's hard for us to save Ming Jiao dragon. What if we kill the prince of the earth star clan? Or do you blame the clan of mingjiaolong? So they become enemies. Do you want to marry mingjiaolong? Of course, don't get excited. I'm making an analogy. If their clan is very weak and is razed to the ground by the earth star clan, then we will be guilty. I mean, right now we're in the dark, we can do it in a lot of ways. If you can't do it hard, you can outwit it. "Soul Mu Yang suddenly eyes a bright, said: "yes, kill the star clan that prince!"

After listening to Chen Yang for a long time, the key to remember is to kill the prince of the earth star clan.

Chen Yang was quite speechless. He said, "Taoist, don't be impulsive. Do you understand? Others have the capital to fail, but you and I have no capital to fail. Besides, we have no backup. If you fail, you die. "

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