The island around the Shenfeng gate is also wrapped by woods, and the beach here has not been developed.

In the center of the island, towering buildings appeared, which looked like red palaces. There are also various buildings around. Generally, they are only two or three stories high!

In the sky is filled with warm sea breeze, which is actually an array.

Shenfengmen's array is to protect shenfengmen and regulate Fengshui so that the disciples living in it can absorb more aura. Even if a servant lives in it, he can live longer.

Chen Yang is careful and does not rush.

He waited outside until someone came out.

Four people came out at a time. The cultivation of these four people is around the fairyland

When they fly out directly, they want to fly far away.

Chen Yang's presence and absence depend on the crystal of the black hole to turn into a thin black light. He attacked one of them in an instant!

Cave fairyland cultivation is also the existence of a overlord on earth.

But in front of today's Chen Yang, that's really not enough.

Chen Yang's cultivation seems to have many rivals in the universe. But in fact, if you put him on the earth, that's the existence of super ancestors.

Chen Yang just flashed, then he entered into the man's brain. It was so fast that the others didn't notice.

As soon as he entered the human brain, Chen Yang instantly transformed it into a big thunder sound and golden light.

The four were flying fast in the void.

Chen Yang communicates with the people who have been educated with his ideas.

"What's your name?" Chen Yang asked.

The man also replied with his mind, "the villain hears the eagle!"

Chen Yang said, "what's your identity in Shenfeng gate?"

Wen Ying replied, "villains are not disciples of shenfengmen."

"What?" Chen Yang was surprised.

"In detail," he said impatiently

Wen Ying said: "Lilliputian is the popular servant of the little prince of the Earth Star royal family. In recent days, the little prince has been here. Now the villains and they are going to buy flower cakes for the little prince. The little prince likes to eat flower cake! But I don't think shenfengmen's flower cake tastes good. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized. He didn't know whether he was lucky or not. He caught a little prince's entourage.

Between speaking, Wen Ying and others have arrived on another island.

It's a busy island in the market.

Wen Ying and the others said hello and went to the other side.

The rest of us have no doubt, because when we come out, we always do our own private affairs. They're all companions. There's still some friendship.

Chen Yang learned more from the smell of the eagle.

In the royal family of the earth star, the old emperor is called fengtaixuan!

Five hundred years ago, Feng taixuan became obsessed with practicing martial arts and took a lot of Lieyang pills, which led to the disorder of his meridians. The deeper his skill is, the stronger his meridians are. But this firmness is in the wrong direction.

Over the years, Feng taixuan's body is getting worse day by day. It's hard to come out once in almost a hundred years

Therefore, the Earth Star royal family has always been managed by Bing Xuanxin, Feng taixuan's concubine.

Bing Xuanxin is a powerful character with profound cultivation and the support of his mother's family mufazong.

Little prince fengxinglie is bingxuanxin's only son.

However, in the past three hundred years, the situation has changed.

That is the great prince Feng Shangren's accomplishment. He got the support of the internal royal family, and several clans declared their loyalty to him. Feng Shangren is now very hard on Bing Xuanxin

It's only in his eighties now, which is quite young.

Chen Yang has learned that 80 year olds look like ten year olds.

It will take 400 years for the Earth Star royal family to have a child.

It's not until you're two hundred years old!

Chen Yang also learned that fengshangren is now over 900 years old, and his cultivation has reached the sixth level of creation.

He also has two capable generals, who are also extremely terrible.

When Chen Yang heard this, he secretly complained: "soul Muyang wants to kill fengshangren. I'm afraid he can't kill fengshangren even if fengshangren doesn't move."

This time, fengxinglie came to shenfengmen, which was a visit in name. In fact, I also want to win over the leader of Shenfeng gate.

Chen Yang also learned something about yaotianzong of the Tianshen clan from Wenying.

Yao Tianzong is the royal family of the God family.

The Tianshen clan is the most powerful, but in addition to yaotianzong, there is also guangyingmen, nihilistic clan! The two sects are not weak, and they always contain yaotianzong.

So this is also the reason why yaotianzong wanted to marry the earth star clan.

At the beginning, Feng Shangren had his own plan to get married. He wanted to completely defeat Bing Xuanxin.

In a word, wherever there are creatures and thoughts, we can't escape these intrigues and power struggles.After learning about the situation of the Tianshen clan, Chen Yang inquired about the local conditions and customs there.

He then left Wen Ying and asked Wen Ying to continue with his companions.

Chen Yang decides to go to hunmuyang to warn them, and then go to Tianshen clan to save LAN Tingyu.

When Chen Yang left, he took a suit of clothes from Wen Ying and dressed himself as a servant of the Earth Star people.

After he left Wen Ying, he searched for the mark of soul Muyang in his brain.

Soon, Chen Yang contacted soul Muyang.

The distance between them is not too far. Chen Yang's body is flashing, and he quickly finds the soul Muyang on an island.

Soul Muyang also changed into the service of the earth star clan. At this time, soul Muyang also found out the place where the big prince fengshangren was.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Yang stops soul Muyang and asks.

Soul Muyang said in a deep voice: "bear on the wind in the Earth Star royal family, I want to go to the Earth Star Palace."

"Do you really want to kill Feng Shangren?" Chen Yang said.

"Soul Muyang said:" there are false

Chen Yang said: "I found out that the cultivation of tolerance on the wind is one of the best in the whole Guangyao star. He is the only one, and you are not his opponent. Yao Tianzong wanted to marry fengshangren, that is, he took a fancy to fengshangren's strength. I advise you to think about it at once

They were both hiding in the woods, exchanging ideas and talking.

Soul Muyang said: "I didn't say that I wanted to kill directly. I went in first and pretended to be a monk. I'll wait until I have a chance. If I don't have a chance, I'll wait. "

Chen Yang slightly a Zheng, said: "it seems that you are not as stupid as I imagined."

Soul Muyang said, "you don't have to worry about my business. You'd better go and find a way to save your companion. Your task is no simpler than mine. "

Chen Yang said, "that's true."

He has warned the soul Muyang, and can only do this. At present, Chen Yang and soul Muyang are separated.

"Take care!" Soul Muyang in Chen Yang ready to go, suddenly said.

Chen Yang takes a look at soul Muyang. Their eyes are complex, but they have their own perseverance in the complexity.

Their actions are extremely dangerous, but for the sake of the people they care about each other, they will not retreat.

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