"You have come here. Do you think you have a chance to leave?" On the wind endures and did not put ice Xuan heart's threat in the eye. He had a trace of fear, but now with ice Xuanxin mediation, his confidence is more and more sufficient. He had wondered why Bing Xuan's heart was so strange, but now he no longer felt strange. He felt that Bing Xuan's heart had completely lost its fighting spirit.

In front of the woman, once invincible!

But now, she just wants to survive!

Feng Shangren sat there. He looked at Bing Xuanxin below. He felt as if he was sitting very high. And the woman below, has been humble to the dust.

You can knead her as you like.

Feng Shangren then grabbed a man from his magic weapon white jade bracelet.

This man is It's very popular!

Bingxuanxin's only son.

It's a coma.

After Feng Shangren caught Feng xinglie, he didn't spread the news all the time. Even more has not threatened ice Xuan heart with the popularity fierce! Because the wind bear ready to wait for a suitable opportunity, give ice Xuan heart thunder.

Strong popularity is the hindhand of tolerance on the wind!

Ice Xuan heart see son after, immediately complexion big change. In any case, she is a mother.

"Bear on the wind, release my son, I quit!" Ice Xuan heart clenched fist and said.

Feng Shangren smiles a little. He holds Feng Shangren in his hand and says, "Bing Xuanxin, if you quit, I'll let your son go. Do you think it's realistic? I think you should show some sincerity. "

Ice Xuan heart eyes a tight, way: "what sincerity do you want?"

Feng Shangren said: "I have prepared a Jueming pill for you! After you take it, Sanhua will be in chaos, and all kinds of brain cells in the brain area will begin to change, attack madly, and finally go crazy. "

Ice Xuan heart immediately says: "impossible!"

"Then I'll have to kill your son!" "It seems that you don't love your baby son enough," he said

"He's your brother!" Ice Xuan heart says.

The wind bear a smile, and then harshly said: "don't say it's my brother, even if it's my son, for the purpose, I killed it."

Ice Xuan heart body a shock, she said: "I can't take this Jueming Dan, once after taking, you don't keep your promise, how can I take you?"? At that time, our mother and son are really at your mercy. "

Feng Shangren said, "since you are not willing, we have to kill your son in front of you. Then I'll kill you again. "

"Wait!" The color of panic flashed in Bingxuan's heart, and she said, "you let my son go, I'll swallow your Jueming pill immediately. But I want you to let him go first. I've fallen into the trap. Don't you worry? "

The wind forbeared silence, and he suddenly felt something was wrong. After a while, he said with a smile, "I almost believe what you said. Although we don't know what you are thinking, as long as we let the little boy go first, you will have a way to take him away. But do you really think it works? Our temple planted Yuanshen bomb in his brain, and gave it to you, so what? It's easy for us to kill him! "

"You..." The ice Xuan heart hears speech spirit extremely, her delicate body trembles, the chest front wave undulation.

"Bear on the wind, do you really want to force me to this point?" Ice Xuan heart a word says.

Feng Shangren said, "it's just, it's just, I'm not interested in talking with you anymore. Now it's fair to change your mind. As long as you win, our temple will release your son and release his Yuanshen bomb. If we win, we will kill your mother and son. "

"Are you serious?" The ice Xuan heart sinks a voice to say.

Feng Shangren put the strong wind into the white jade bracelet again.

He had a more secure consideration in his heart. Suddenly, he pointed out that there was a door of emptiness in front of him.

"Come with me!" On the wind, he stepped into the door of void.

Ice Xuan heart immediately followed past.

Out of the gate of the void, you have come to an underground sea.

It's dark ahead!

The wind bear deliberately waiting for ice Xuan heart, so the speed is not too fast. Ice Xuan heart follows behind, two people gallop all the way.

"Where on earth is he going?" Ice Xuan heart secretly wondered, her heart began to some uneasiness.

At the same time, she also communicated with Chen Yang and said, "are you sure?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "don't be afraid. If you can't kill him, you are sure to escape."

After a pause, he said, "this cunning thing must lead you into a certain trap. Let's start ahead of time

Bing Xuanxin said: "no, he will threaten me with xinglie's life and death. We only have one shot. We have to hit it

Chen Yang said: "I'm not sure he has any help."Bing Xuanxin said: "of course he has help, but as long as we catch him, everything is easy to say."

Chen Yang said, "you are really brave enough to place your life on me. I feel a lot of pressure now! "

Bing Xuanxin said: "success or failure depends on this. You can see that Feng Shangren hates me to the bone. He won't give me a chance. I can't kowtow to him. "

Chen Yang thought of something and said, "well, does her mother's death have anything to do with you?"

Bing Xuanxin sneered and said, "I don't need to hide from you. I killed her mother. But her mother is not a good thing either. She's just one of the best. "

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment and said with a bitter smile: "the plot is not the same as what I thought. I thought you are really a kind-hearted person!"

"Can a kind-hearted man survive in this land of tigers and wolves? It's already dead! " Ice Xuan heart says.

The wind is moving fast.

"Where are we going?" On the brain, a Qingfeng asked.

"Go to Yannanfei!" the wind said

Ah Qing said, "we have enough to deal with Bing Xuanxin."

The wind said with a sneer, "be careful. It's always good. It's not that I'm not confident enough, but that Bing Xuan's heart is a little strange. I can go to today, is ice Xuan heart is not careful. She had a thousand chances to kill me, but she didn't. So, as a lesson from the past, I will not follow her old way. "

Ah Qing recognized the idea of tolerance on the wind and said, "you can be more careful indeed."

Feng Shangren said: "before Yannanfei sent an daoshen, I hope I can join hands with him to help him kill a person. I agreed, but before that, I have to ask him to help me deal with Bing Xuanxin. I don't think he dares to refuse me

Ah Qing smiles and says, "husband, you are so smart!"

On the wind endures also to smile.

Ah Qing thought of something and suddenly said, "you just told Bing Xuanxin that even if it's your own son, you can kill him ruthlessly..."

I was stunned in the wind.

He didn't expect that this was heard by ah Qing in his heart.

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