Chen Yang has time to look at ah Qing!

Ah Qing is a girl, a beautiful girl.

It seems that she is only 28 years old. She is wearing a snow-white dress, just like an elf and a spotless princess.

Her face was so perfect that it was like a work of nature.

Chen Yang thinks that ah Qing's beauty can be compared with that of ling'er, but they are different styles and different beauties.

The beauty of ling'er, like the holy snow lotus, is cold and colorless!

Ah Qing's beauty is the beauty with a trace of flawless sunshine.

What makes Chen Yang feel even more incredible is that ah Qing's cultivation seems to have reached the sixth level of creation!

This little beauty's cultivation is so terrible.

Of course, she's not a little beauty. Years may have been thousands of years, maybe thousands of years.

Bing Xuanxin looked at ah Qing, and she was surprised and said, "I can't believe that there is such a master hidden in the brain of Feng Shangren!"

Ah Qing has fallen into a coma. She is seriously injured. Chen Yang blocked her brain and meridians with great magic power, never giving her a chance to start.

Chen Yang said to Bing Xuanxin, "it seems that she has some mysterious connection with fengshangren's divine armor. When she merges with fengshangren, Tianpu divine armor can burst out its incomparable power."

Ice Xuan heart said: "but now, the heaven spirit armor has been destroyed."

Chen Yang said, "that's right!"

He thought about it and took out the white jade bracelet.

The ice Xuan heart sees toward the white jade bracelet, her facial expression is difficult to conceal joy. For her son, she cares after all.

But at this time, Bing Xuan's heart suddenly snorted.

"Your wound?" Chen Yang asked immediately.

Ice Xuan heart said: "I'm ok, just rest for a while."

Chen Yang said: "I'll look at the popular brain God bomb first. If it can help to remove it, it's the best. Here, I can also help you heal! "

After he finished, he broke the seal of the white jade bracelet, and caught the popularity inside.

There are other things in the white jade bracelet. But at this time, Chen Yang is flawless to take a close look, also flawless to take into account.

Fengxinglie is still in a coma. His whole body is blocked by the mana of fengshangren. With a wave of his hand, Chen Yang lifted his ban with the force of fate.

It's so simple!

But if Chen Yang doesn't have the power of destiny, he can't break the ban at all. Because it's a ban from Liuchong masters.

Fengxinglie's own cultivation is not high, only the cultivation of cave fairyland.

Even the blood of God has not awakened.

After Feng xinglie wakes up, he looks around and immediately sees his mother Bing Xuanxin.

He was immediately overjoyed, quickly stepped forward, yelled at his mother, and threw himself into bing Xuanxin's arms.

Bing Xuan's heart also embraces Feng xinglie, and she is very excited.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "it's not the time to be happy. Feng Shangren has planted a Yuanshen bomb in the little prince's brain."

Bing Xuan's heart and body trembled. She looked at Chen Yang and said, "is there a way to relieve it, young master?"

Chen Yang said, "I'll try."

Popular strong smell speech, just know oneself brain domain still have a problem, can't help but face pale. At the same time, he was also surprised and said, "mother, who is this man?"

Bing Xuanxin immediately said, "this young master is Chen Yang, a great benefactor of our mother and son. Thank you on your knees

Feng xinglie was reluctant, but he didn't dare to disobey his mother. Now he had to kneel down. Chen Yang is the most observant. The little prince is used to arrogance. If he kneels down at the moment, he will bear a grudge in the future.

He didn't want to get into these unnecessary troubles. He said immediately, "don't be polite, little prince. Now you'd better look at your brain first."

After he finished, his body flashed and came to fengxinglie. Then he touched his brain.

The power of destiny and Chen Yang's ideas are explored.

It's too popular to resist.

Chen Yang soon saw that there was a Yuanshen bomb in the popular brain. The Yuanshen bomb actually fused with the popular brain area, like octopus, and connected with his brain vein.

If you want to forcibly demolish it, I'm afraid that it will damage your head and become a madman.

In addition, we should also be on guard against the violent explosion of Yuanshen bomb.

"No one can solve this method, only great fatalism!" Chen Yang said in secret.

There was a faint worry in his mind.

He felt like a spendthrift in his family. With money, you do it at random.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid There will be a great disaster in the future!

But if you don't use fatalism, you can't do it at all.

To get in touch with the imprints in the brain area of the popular fierce, such a precise operation will definitely need more fatalistic force.

However, Chen Yang has never been a desperate character. If the ability is poor, I have a clear conscience."Well, forget it. Anyway, I'm already like this. I don't worry if I have too much debt, and I'm not afraid of itching if I have too many lice. " Chen Yang made up his mind that he would first use great fatalism to ban everything around him.

"In the name of fate, cut off all the connections between fengshangren and fengxinglie!" Chen Yang runs the power of fate and is about to take action.

In this case, the Obsidian tunnel again appeared. The wild goose flies south and comes with the wind

Feng Shangren's eyes were red and said, "if you try to cut off the Yuanshen bomb, our hall will detonate it immediately."

He hated it to the extreme.

A moment ago, he was still winning, just like a cat playing with a mouse.

But at this time, he suffered the most painful failure in his life.

The two major battle generals were killed, the heavenly spirit armor was destroyed, and the white jade bracelet was taken away.

Moreover, even ah Qing fell into the enemy's hands.

Fengshangren has no time to grieve. He has already noticed that the enemy is trying to cut off the Yuanshen bomb between him and fengxinglie.

Fengxinglie is not a fool. He knows this is his only card. Ah Qing is still in the hands of the enemy. If the Yuanshen bomb is released, he will be led by Bing Xuanxin.

Chen Yang and Bing Xuan look at the wind.

He was so popular that he turned pale.

Bing Xuanxin has taken the initiative at this time. She smiles and says, "it's a good saying to bear on the wind. When you are proud, don't be too rampant! You can't imagine that the retribution is coming so quickly

The wind gritted his teeth and said, "you haven't won yet. Your son's life is still in my hands."

Ice Xuan heart light a smile, say: "you really think, depend on my son's life, can coerce to me?"

"Mother!" It's very popular.

Bing Xuan's heart coldly rushes to Feng xinglie and says, "shut up

It was so popular that it suddenly became silent.

Feng Shangren said: "I don't want to entangle with you too much. If you let ah Qing go, I'll take the Yuanshen bomb from your son's brain."

Chen Yang doesn't speak to one side, anyway, now, everything is left to Bing Xuanxin to deal with.

This matter, too sensitive. If you don't handle it well, you will complain.

The human heart is so complex.

"How?" Said the wind.

"Not enough!" Ice Xuan heart light says.

Her voice was cold to the extreme.

"Not enough? Your son's life is not enough? " It was as if I had heard the Arabian Nights.

"We have always kept the peace on the surface. But all the peace is broken by you today. You are always submissive in front of me, especially in the past, you said I was more intimate than your mother. And today, you're so powerful, you're a bitch. Besides, don't you suspect that I killed your mother? Well, I'll just tell you, I did kill your mother. "

"You..." On the wind he burst into a rage.

Chen Yang feels extremely surprised at one side. What does Bingxuan want? The son is still in each other's hands, but she tells her mother about the wind. Aren't you really afraid of the fury of the goods?

Ice Xuan heart sneer, say: "how, very angry?"? Anger can kill my son. My son's life is yours. "

"Mother..." There was a strong whine of wind.

Ice Xuan heart but ignore popular strong.

"Do you really think I dare not?" he said

"If you have the courage, you can kill me. Let's do it together. I'll kill ah Qing, and you'll kill my son. How about that?" Bing Xuanxin said, "let's do it together. I'll count to three and kill you on the count of three! One Two... "

Bear soul shudder on the wind, he seems to have heard Bingxuan heart shout three, as if to see ah Qing has died.

"No, no!" On the wind endures to shout greatly.

His voice was full of horror.

Bing Xuanxin said, "no? Then kneel down and talk. "

Her voice was cold, without any emotion.

I can't bear to gaze at Bingxuan's heart on the wind.

"How's it going? Facing the enemy who killed his mother, not only can he not revenge, but also kneel down? How can you tolerate such insults? Let's do it. If you don't get down on your knees, I'll kill you. " Ice Xuan heart says.

He went down on his knees to bear the wind.

Ice Xuan heart laughs.

"Fengshangren, over the years, I've been watching you grow step by step and become crazy. Do you really think it's luck that I've come to the present step by step? Chen Yang's help was an accident, but it was by no means my last resort. In the rumor, there is the God armour of Moyan in my seat. Do you think it's really a rumor? "

Her voice falls place, the body shape changes suddenly, on the body suddenly put on a god armor!

It's a shining black armor!

The scales on the armor were like a burning flame, but the flame was black.

"It's the last burning armor!" The wild geese fly to the South and change color in the wind.Bing Xuanxin looked at the wind and said, "you must be very strange. Why should I tell you this?"

"Why?" Asked the wind.

Bing Xuanxin said, "because I want you to die! I want you to know that you are dead after you go out. If you are willing to die here, I will release your ah Qing. You can rest assured that Yannan will come to protect her. "

"You are crazy!" On the wind endure angry way.

Ice Xuan heart says: "won't?"

"Of course not!" "No one will agree," he said

Bing Xuanxin said, "how can you ask me to take the Jueming pill?"

"What do you want?" roared the wind

Bing Xuanxin sighed and said, "ah, it's really difficult! Well, before you came here, didn't you say you wanted to fight me fairly? Obviously, before that, it wasn't fair. Now, how about a fair fight? "

"Well," he said

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