Chen Yang lost more than 300000 years of life, so they went to the Obsidian tunnel first. Anyway, now, with the participation of grandmaster Mirs, they are more unscrupulous. However, in the past few times, in the Obsidian tunnel, they never met Yannanfei again.

After Chen Yang recovered his life, he carried some Obsidian away.

After their life expectancy had been restored, they returned to the house of earth.

Next, bingxuanxin settled down the Grandmaster of Mirs.

After that, bingxuanxin and Chen Yang put forward fengtaixuan.

In the cold star hall, Bing Xuanxin and Chen Yang face the wind taixuan that can't move.

Everything around us has been sealed. No one will know what's going on inside.

The light is bright. In the bedroom, Feng taixuan looks at Bingxuan's heart. His body trembles slightly and says, "anyway, Xiaolie is my son. Do you really want to be so cruel and kill me? One day, he knows his own father was killed by you. What do you think he will think of you? "

Bingxuan stares at fengtaixuan, but she doesn't say a word.

Her eyes make Feng taixuan's heart hairy.

Then she laughed and said, "I know that you are now afraid, miserable, resentful and humiliated. Chen Yang and I are adulterers in your eyes, right? And we're going to kill you! "

"But..." Bing Xuanxin said: "things are far from as dirty as you think. Now that you have reached this stage, I will give you the dignity and dignity you should have. To tell you the truth, Chen Yang and I are innocent. He helped me because he wanted to save people in the hands of Mingyou, and Mingyou also sent him to watch me. Our relationship is complicated, but there is no love between men and women, let alone indulgence. Believe it or not! "

Feng taixuan certainly believed it, because at this time, Bing Xuanxin really didn't need to lie.

After that, Bing Xuanxin continued: "Feng taixuan, you are really Xiao lie's father. It's cruel for Xiao lie to kill you. But I won't kill you, OK? You have done so many evil things, you have killed so many innocent people. You think I'm sorry, but did you ask me? Would you like to be your concubine? Can't I resist? My resistance, that's it. That's the only way. Can I have another way? Can I lose my temper and fight with you? If I really fight with you, will you spare me in Xiaolie's face? Probably, if you kill me, it will be like killing a garbage, right? Do you feel guilty? "

Fear flashed in Feng taixuan's eyes.

The more painstaking Bing Xuan's heart was, the more scared he was.

How Frank Bingxuan's heart is at this time just shows how strong her killing heart is!

"Don't kill me, you'll save my life." Feng taixuan said in a deep voice: "Xuanxin, I know that I'm sorry for you. In the past, you have grudges and grudges, but now it's time to pay them off. You left me a life, at least worthy of Xiao lie. You killed me, no matter how many grievances you have, you are sorry for Xiao lie! "

Ice Xuan heart silent down.

Chen Yang didn't talk much on one side.

This is bingxuanxin's family affair. How to deal with fengtaixuan is a big problem.

Ask yourself, change the place, Chen Yang certainly can't do to kill their children's mother. Even if the mother is full of evil Because it's cruel for children.

What is more painful for Chen Yang is that his mother was killed by his father.

So now, he can't let go.

If you want revenge, you can't!

Want to give up, more can't!

"Xuanxin..." Chen Yang opened his mouth. He thought about it and said, "I shouldn't have opened my mouth, but what you don't know is that my mother was killed by my father. This matter, let me extremely painful, so far I do not know how to face my father. Although my father saved me and my wife and children countless times, I still don't know how to face him. So, maybe you should really think about it for Xiao lie. "

Feng taixuan's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said: "yes, Xuanxin I... "

At this time, ice Xuan heart suddenly hand, big hand print a grasp, then shrouded the wind too Xuan head.

The next moment, Feng taixuan's head broke, followed by the whole body.

The blood mist is surging, and countless pieces are scattered.

Ice Xuan heart directly condenses the end of inflammation, burning it into ashes!

Fengtaixuan, the emperor of the earth star clan, was a hero of the generation. He once dominated the world, but now he died in the hands of bingxuanxin.

Chen Yang was stunned.

He thought that Bingxuan would leave fengtaixuan with his life!

But did not expect that she so decisively killed Feng taixuan!

Chen Yang has to admit that when it comes to courage and ruthlessness, he is far inferior to Bing Xuanxin.

"He's dead at last!" Ice Xuan heart suddenly a smile, say.

Under the light, her face is so beautiful, her smile is so charming.

Charming to let Chen Yang some shudder!"Why, afraid of me?" Bing Xuanxin asks Chen Yang.

Chen Yang looked at Bing Xuanxin and said, "I admire you. You are absolutely right. But if it were me, I couldn't do it. "

Bing Xuanxin said, "is that right? I also feel that I am not cruel enough after all. I had thought about it countless times that he would not be able to survive or die. To let him die in great pain, but after all, I still let him die too easily. I could have let him think that I had something to do with you without telling him anything. That way, he will be more painful! I'm still too kind. "

Chen Yang touched his nose and said nothing more.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

Don't look on others and persuade them to be generous without understanding their pain.

"Next, I'll use great fatalism to find Yannanfei and fengshangren." "I don't think they should be in the shadow clan anymore," Chen said

Bing Xuanxin said: "there are still many secrets in fengshangren. It's really necessary to solve them as soon as possible. Later, I'm afraid there's a change in Mirs. "

Chen Yang said, "let's start then?"

Bing Xuanxin said, "good!"

Chen Yang said, "look for the clothes on the wind."

Located in the southern hemisphere, a mysterious undersea.

The vast underground sea in the southern hemisphere is unimaginable.

There are so many secrets in the ocean.

In this mysterious place, there is a hidden hole.

The hole is at the bottom of the sea!

There is a border on the entrance!

This place is so hidden that it's hard for even experts to find it.

And this cave is the old man's mantle cave.

Yannanfei, fengshangren and ah Qing came here two days ago.

In the eternal cave, the mystery is endless.

Fengshangren was able to come to the eternal cave because he got the white jade bracelet left by the eternal old man. According to the information in the white jade bracelet, Feng Shangren finds it.

Ah Qing was hatched from a dragon egg. It was Feng Shangren who helped ah Qing turn from dragon to human.

Ah Qing's father is an old man, and his mother is a dragon. In order to be with the old man, her mother also cultivated into a human form.

But later, it was a dragon egg.

Dragon eggs have been sleeping for thousands of years. It was hatched a thousand years ago!

As for Li Zhanfei, Li Zhanying was left by the old man to guard the cave and ah Qing. Ah Qing used to absorb nutrition and practice in dragon eggs. Her accomplishments are excellent, but she doesn't know the world.

Later, ah Qing left the dragon egg, but still can't turn into a human.

Ah Qing must become a human, because to inherit her father's mantle, she must become a human.

Feng Shangren helped ah Qing with all his strength.

Ah Qing has never seen the outside world. He is graceful and careful. Therefore, ah Qing fell in love with him at first sight.

When they first entered the cave, Li Zhanfei and Li Zhanying wanted to fight against the wind. But ah Qing stopped!

Later, Feng Shangren and ah Qing got married in the cave and agreed to go to the old age.

Ah Qing provided a lot of help to Feng Shangren, and they also practiced Tianpu Shenjia together!

She never dares to face up to his father and his mother. I always feel very strange and not used to calling him father.

Li Zhanfei and Li Zhanying have also been sealed for a long time. It was after ah Qing hatched that their seal was automatically removed.

Li Zhanfei and Li Zhanying are not very clear about many things in those years.

All I know is that the old man was obsessed with the art of armour refining!

After ah Qing's mother, the dragon daughter, hatched her, she realized that the eternal old man had joined her just to cultivate the spirit armor together.

In a rage, the Dragon girl was far away from the old man.

The old man looked for the Dragon Girl everywhere, but he didn't find it.

Later, the old man knew that he had been deeply in love with the Dragon Girl.

However, the brain circuit of the elder was also quite strange. Later, he was not satisfied with the spirit armor, but also wanted to build the spirit armor. He thought that if he made more powerful armor, he could save the Dragon Girl.

I just didn't expect that I would die later!

God's armor was extremely dangerous that day. It was built to cultivate with the Dragon Girl.

On his deathbed, the old man named ah Qing and arranged everything. After that, the old man passed away into the abyss, and his soul dust guarded the armor of God.

Ah Qing lacks affection for her father and mother. She has been in this cave for a long time. She has read a lot about the old man's past. She also feels that the old man is smart and brilliant all his life. But he didn't look like his own father. She has no idea of her mother!

After coming to this cave, Yannanfei is most happy.

This cave was left by the elder generation of the shadow clan!He looked around and saw that there were many files and marks left by the ancient people.

Many of the secrets of the shadow clan can also be seen clearly here.

Yannanfei also saw some secrets. When he saw them, he was filled with righteous indignation. "In those days, people in the line of heaven and God wanted to strangle our family, not because our family made a big mistake, but because our ability made them scared, ridiculous and hateful. The information left by the ancestors of the clan is also consistent with that of the ancient predecessors! If one day, I will let the blood of the gods pay for it

The wild goose flies in the heart secretly.

But on the face of it, he didn't show anything. Because although fengshangren belongs to the Earth Star family, it also belongs to the God family. When the shadow clan was hanged, the earth star clan did a lot of work.

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