Ah Qing is also in the ocean of extreme Yin!

She communicated with Feng Shangren through her mind and said, "husband, this armor of God is not so easy to master. The eternal old man has placed countless blood essence in it. Only with my blood as a guide can he slowly control the armor of God. I'll give you permission after I control it first! "

The wind can not bear to act rashly, repeatedly agreed.

He was deeply moved and said, "ah Qing, the luckiest thing in my life is to meet you. Thank you

Ah Qing said with a sweet smile, "you are my husband!"

After she finished, she said, "I'm going to start fusing the armor of the gods."

"Be careful," he said

Ah Qing nodded.

Ah Qing drops his own blood into the sea of Yin.

She was originally immersed in this kind of ocean, and felt that the surrounding ice was too cold to bear. But when her blood came in, it was like a chemical reaction. Ah Qing felt that the sea water seemed to have life, and began to drill into her body.

At that moment, ah Qing closed his eyes.

She felt as if she had returned to the dragon's egg, surrounded by nutrient solution.

She began to run the mana in her body. The blood mantra ran in her body, but more and more nutrients poured into her body.

An hour later, ah Qing's blood curse was completely removed.

Her cultivation is completely restored!

At the same time, she took control of the armor of the gods, and gave permission to fengshangren.

Fengshangren practiced in the power of Zhiyang. About an hour later, all his injuries recovered.

Then the two started to work.

The sea of the sun and the tolerance of the wind!

To the sea of yin and ah Qing fusion!

Then, the combination of yin and Yang and the sea, this kind of fusion, mysterious unparalleled, is heaven and earth!

Yin and Yang breed all things!

The power it produces is unimaginable.

It's also extremely difficult.

The two oceans turn into ancient dragons, hover together, begin to entangle, and finally combine.


The power of yin and Yang together produce a strong exclusion!

To the sea of the sun burst out gorgeous fire, seems to be to burst the sky in general!

The sea of Yin instantly froze for thousands of miles, freezing all the sacred fire!

But soon, the fire exploded

In the overcast sea, countless waters began to boil.


Then, ah Qing and Feng Shangren spewed blood at the same time.

They were badly hurt in a flash.

Ah Qing's face turned pale. He felt that the magic power in his body was running wildly. It was very hot and dry, as if he was about to burn half of it.

As for tolerance on the wind, he was originally practicing the power of the highest Yang. But at this time his body was covered with a layer of frost, and he shivered and suffered to the extreme.

"My husband!" Ah Qing came to bear on the wind.

The wind can't bear to look at ah Qing. He laughs bitterly and says in a trembling voice: "I'm wrong, ah Qing. I'm sorry. We have recovered from the injury and we should stop when we get better. I'm afraid time is running out for you and me now. "

Ah Qing shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid. I'm willing to die with you."

The wind bear efforts to embrace a Qing.

He said: "this armor of God, no wonder your father died in those days. We can't both bear such strength. How can he bear it alone? "

Ah Qing's original pure fire was burning, and he felt that his mana was out of control and could not stop it.

If he let ah Qing go, it would be much better.

The suffering of ice and fire at the same time is really beyond ordinary people's tolerance.

Ah Qing is also very uncomfortable, but she also hugs the wind.

Ice and fire bite each other, and suddenly become gentle.

Fire and ice begin to entangle

I don't know how long after that, the ice on my body has disappeared. And the flame on ah Qing went out.

They opened their eyes and found the change in their body.

They were pleasantly surprised.

At this time, I only feel that you have me, I have you, very novel.

Later, their confidence increased greatly and they began to practice again

Yannanfei has not been idle, he looked around in the eternal cave.

Finally, he was attracted by a stone tablet.

That stone tablet is the epitaph of the old man.

But this epitaph is very strange. It should have been written by the old man himself.

"Before you die, you write yourself a monument?" The wild goose flies to the south.

That monument looks very common. If you don't pay close attention to it, it's really hard to find it."Well? No The wild goose south flies of breath suddenly thick heavy.

"Is this stele a wordless stele that has been handed down by our ancestors of the shadow clan?"

"The wordless sky stele? Why did the ancients write on it? Oh, by the way, he should want to integrate his life into Tianbei. So as to really control this day monument, but later in a hurry, there was no time! "

Wild goose flies south, in the heart is ecstatic.

His thoughts penetrated into the inscription, and the plain black tablet vibrated with an unspeakable cold air.

There is an endless desolation in this breath!

Extinction, heaven and earth only me!

"It's the wordless stele of heaven!" Yannanfei finally fully affirmed what he thought.

"Ha ha ha, it's really hard work! I thought that the disaster of the film clan started with Chen Yang, but unexpectedly, it gave me such an opportunity to find the wordless stele! It's said that the wordless stele can suppress the eternal sky, absorb all the great powers into the stele and turn them into its own power. "

Wild goose south flies wild joy, and soon calm down.

"There are some ancient words on it. How can I inherit the wordless stele? Absorb the essence and spirit of ancient predecessors, and then start to write. " Yannanfei has an idea in his heart.

In that Star Palace, Chen Yang has found the whereabouts of Feng Shangren through great fatalism.

"It's really not in the shadow clan's old nest!" Chen Yang said to Bing Xuanxin.

"Where is that?" Ice Xuan heart ate a surprised, ask.

"In the old man's cave!" Chen Yang said.

Ice Xuan heart suddenly complexion a change, say: "not good, affirmation that there is a way in the cave to help them to restore power."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "if they leave the Obsidian tunnel, they will not be afraid even if they recover their skills. Besides, fengshangren has lost Tianpu Shenjia. Now we have grandmaster Dapeng to help us. In addition, in case of any accident, you call the ranger of the dark protoss huantianyu. Let's do it together. It must be like killing Feng taixuan. We'll finish the battle with one blow. "

Bing Xuanxin nodded and said, "we should have enough people. I can't move until I have to. He's a secret weapon! "

She then said, "my experts will also bring some. Don't worry, long Xin can help. Besides, my father can help me with my mother's family. So, there's no need to call him! "

When Chen Yang heard the speech, he stopped insisting and said, "well, it shouldn't be too late. You can gather quickly, and then we'll start right away."

Bing Xuanxin said, "OK, I'll arrange it!"

An hour later, Bing Xuanxin arranged everything in place.

Bingxuanxin's father, bingzhiren, has arrived.

In addition, long Xin, Mo you, and Bing Xuanxin's most mysterious subordinate, Granny LAN, also came.

All are the same master!

The lowest cultivation is Longxin in holy land!

Bing Xuanxin also gives his blood cloud armor to Mo you, and let Mo you control it.

In this way, the guard force in the Earth Star Palace is extremely weak.

But it doesn't matter. They are together in the strongest day. It doesn't matter if the Earth Star Palace is taken away in time. You can take it back in a second hand.

Ice Xuan heart will be popular strong to bring in the side.

As for her mother's family, she didn't bring them.

After all, it's not tourism.

The party set off quickly.

Fengxinglie is hidden in the inner part of Moyan Shenjia.

In the blink of an eye, people quickly came to the sky of the ancient cave.

The eternal cave is extremely secret, but Chen Yang finds the entrance directly with great fatalism. When you go in, you encounter the turbulence of time and space, which is extremely dangerous!

Ice Xuan heart big drink a, way: "we work together, blow this space open!"

The universe heaven group works together, and the Grandmaster of Mirs is extremely fierce. Let's send out a strong energy wave together!

At that moment, the darkness of the void dazzling to the extreme!

Then, space and time are broken.

Countless pieces of falling, such as falling leaves in general, beautiful to the extreme.

Although the old man was an ancient master, he just set up an array. Which of these young people is not the outstanding person in this world?

In the future, after bingxuanxin died, their descendants will mention them, and they will also be legendary predecessors.

After breaking the time and space, the group immediately came to the eternal cave!

There was an immediate response in the eternal cave.

Then, the shadow flickered, followed by the wind and Yannanfei appeared in front of the crowd.

As for ah Qing, he was hidden in the armor of the gods.

Bear on the wind wearing the armor of God!

Yannan flies through the cold magic armor.Two young talents face the universe.

Ice Xuan heart row out of the crowd, she cold gaze on the wind endure and wild goose South fly.

"Yannanfei, you don't have to wade in this muddy water. Now you leave, I don't care about you!" Ice Xuan heart says at first.

They such a group of experts come over, such as the top of the precipice, dark clouds cover the city, it really gives people a very terrible pressure.

If Yannanfei is a little timid, he will leave immediately.

Yannanfei is not the kind of person who does not care about life and death, but he must rely on the wind to deal with Chen Yang. So, he can't go!

In addition, Yannan got the stele of wordless sky, and he had a lot of confidence.

At the same time, the wind forbearance, they also have God's armor, so, wild goose South fly at this time will not waver.

"Brother Yan, when disaster comes, fly separately. If you want to leave, I will not blame you, brother!" Bear on the wind first said to Yannanfei.

"Ha ha ha..." Yannanfei immediately laughed and said, "you and I have become brothers, and we should live and die together. Today, we will live together and die together. This ice Xuan heart is full of evil. It is as harmful to your father as it is to my father. She killed your mother like my biological mother. It's too much deceiving to persecute such a cheap maid and thief. Today, I'm going to fight against the demons with you

"Well, ha ha, we fight against the demons!" The wind bear also laugh, is really very high spirited.

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