Chen Yang thinks that there is a samsara in the world!

He once killed people by leaping over their ranks. He was very happy! Now he came to the Guangyao star. Everyone was a superior to him.

He used to use the great phagocytosis and black hole vortex to absorb people's power!

Now Yannanfei has a wordless Tianbei, which is even better!

He used to be the champion of both yin and Yang. Now Feng Shangren and ah Qing have come to a world where Yin and Yang blend and breed all things!

This Guangyao star is just an ominous place!

Unfortunately, even if Chen Yang wants to get out of this quagmire, it is impossible. Until now, he still can't believe that he has lost his big brother. He always felt that big brother should not be dead!

How could big brother die? The Dharma God was worried that big brother would make trouble in the world. He couldn't have lost it so easily?

At this time, a group of people did not immediately return to the Earth Star Palace, but directly entered the eternal cave.

This ancient cave is the cave where the old man lived. It's a legendary place. How could people come back empty handed before Baoshan.

In the eternal cave, all the experts move separately.

Bing Xuanxin and Chen Yang are together. They communicate with each other, and they are not in a hurry to search for anything.

Ice Xuan heart sink a voice to say: "this descend difficult to handle."

Chen Yang said: "it's really difficult. I devour it with great phagocytosis and store it with fatalistic power. In the end, they took over my life of 300000 years. I have a hunch that even if I run out of a million years, I can't kill them. Once the three swords are used up, they will not die. That's my death! So just now, I didn't go after them

Bing Xuanxin said: "today, we have accumulated all the power of the Earth Star Palace. In addition, we have some helpers like Dapeng Laozu. Such strength, unexpectedly did not defeat them. That's not a good sign. I thought, even if I go to shanghuan Tianyu, I can't! "

Chen Yang said: "it's true, but it's impossible for them to take the initiative to attack and kill us. We still have time to think about it Their strength and adventure are in this ancient cave. Let's have a good look. Maybe there is a way to solve it. "

Ice Xuan heart said: "now also can be like this."

Deep and vast in the eternal cave, there is darkness everywhere, and there is a mysterious and dignified existence in the darkness!

There are also many records of the history of Guangyao star, and there are also many objects left by the ancient people and some early magic weapons.

Bit by bit, Chen Yang and others find out that ah Qing is the daughter of the eternal old man.

Besides, ah Qing has a mother, Dragon Girl!

No one has heard of Longnv, but the ancestor of Dapeng has. The ancestor of Mirs tells Bing Xuanxin and others that it is said that Guangyao star once had no life. But on the first day, God was born from the sun and rose from Guangyao star, and changed some ecological environment of Guangyao star. Some of his blood began to grow into intelligent creatures.

Some of them are trained as human beings in the end!

Some of them are more pure in blood, like the ancestor of Mirs. They can be transformed into human beings or animals.

But after Dapeng turned into a god beast, his cultivation will not increase much.

Only when humans have the blood of God on the first day and wake up, can they become gods and beasts. It's a chance to become a beast and lose talent.

But when human beings turn into gods and beasts, it is hard to measure their power!

It's different, like the old Dapeng.

At that time, there were different kinds of God beasts and Warcraft.

There are golden winged Mirs, blood wolves, Ivy beasts and so on!

Among them, the most noble is the dragon!

But dragons are rare

This dragon girl should be one of the fourth generation.

Once upon a time, this dragon girl was also a man of the hour, and her cultivation was excellent. But she appeared, like a flash in the pan, and soon there was no news. "But I didn't expect that the Dragon girl was with the elder generation of the ages," said Dapeng

"How can the predecessors and sages of those years break the fault? Now it's all gone? According to the truth, the sages, their life expectancy is in millions of years! Since Guangyao star had civilization, it's only 30000 years At this time, bingzhipu, bingxuanxin's father, couldn't help asking the ancestor of Dapeng.

Dapeng Laozu took a look at the spirit of ice, and he saw that the rest of the people looked at him. Obviously, this question has hovered in the hearts of many experts.

The ancestor of Mirs has always been mysterious. Therefore, we also want to hear what he said.

Dapeng Laozu said at the moment: "although our life span is very long, our Laozu is the oldest in the presence. My grandfather is over 8000 years old now, and he has a long life! But Ben's life is at least 800000 years away! But recently, I always have a feeling that the day is getting thin and the evening is running out. "

"Why Asked the spirit of ice.

The ancestor of Mirs said in a deep voice: "in the dark, there is a destiny. After a planet breeds civilization, there will be fortune and doom in it. When we become stronger and stronger, and even have the possibility of destroying the planet, the planet may trigger fate and doom, which is a self-protection mechanism. Just like the protection mechanism in the human body, it is not clear! At that time, about 10000 years ago, there was a battle between the masters on the planet. Everyone was involved and the fighting was very fierce. After the fight, the top players disappeared. Such as the old man of the three wonders, the old man of the dark god, the five emperors, the four saints, the emperor of the earth and stars, etc! But I didn't expect that there was a cave left by an old man here. ""That battle, which few people know, is called the battle of purification! It is not clear how the war of purification started. Afterwards, it's not clear whether the experts died or left. In short, after that war, there was a real shuffle. There are no experts on the planet. After so many years, it's 10000 years. Now there are many experts on the planet. In fact, this is not a good thing A total of 30000 years of the planet, the first 10000 years is lonely, but in that first 10000 years, the first day God disappeared. I don't know why it disappeared. In the second 10000 years, the gods fell. This is the third ten thousand years. Don't you find that in recent years, the number of experts has increased, and contradictions are increasing irreconcilably? Maybe we are in the same situation as the saints in those days, but we can't escape. "

The words of the ancestor of Mirs gave everyone a fright.

Chen Yang is thoughtful.

"It's really strange that there are clear murders and robberies on earth now. Why does the light Yao star seem to be experiencing the same destruction as the earth? It's just that we don't know who is the king of destiny. It can't be me, can it? I'm not from you. Is the king of the earth's destiny not only limited to the earth, but the whole galaxy? No, the solar system? "

Chen Yang feels a little creepy when he thinks about it.

The ancestor of Mirs said, "there were still a lot of magical animals in those years, and Warcraft took part in the war. Among the beasts, the dragon is the most powerful. But there's another difference! "

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