When Chen Yang's army began to rush to the shadow clan's nest, Yannanfei also noticed.

The wild goose south flies to sink a voice to bear to say to the breeze: "ice Xuan heart they came, still big troops."

On the wind, he could not bear to smell the words, and said with a cold smile, "come, come. When they were in the eternal cave, they had nothing to do. Now we have nothing to do! "

Yannanfei said, "we know this, and they know it. So I don't think they're going to come and work for nothing. "

"You mean, they are for obsidian tunnel?" the wind said

Yan Nanfei said: "we can see now that Chen Yang needs to add Obsidian essence stone after each display. The last battle consumed almost half of his strength. They want to compete with us. Chen Yang really needs to add strength. "

Feng Shangren said, "isn't the array good yet?"

The wild goose south flies evil spirit to smile, say: "originally is extremely difficult, but after having the wordless sky stele, there are unexpected results. Now, the array has been set. As soon as he comes in, he can be trapped in the Jiuyou Jedi where the Jiuyou space and the wordless stele merge. "

"That's just right," he said

But there is a problem. That is, if we trap them all, can we still win this battle? But if you don't trap them all, what if someone breaks through my array from outside? "

"This is really a problem," he said

Yannanfei said: "the reason why Chen Yang dares to come here is that he thinks my array has not been set up. This is unexpected But he also knows that if you and I are in the Obsidian tunnel, it's hard for him to start

Fengshangren is also a wise man. He said, "if I were Chen Yang, I would feint at your old nest and force you to defend it."

Yannanfei said, "that's right!"

"What's your plan?" he said

The wild goose south flies to say: "we pretend to be deceived, wait after fight, I go over, you defend here.". Let me know immediately after you have trapped him in the wordless stele. At that time, I will join you. We will take away the wordless stele and go to another place to kill Chen Yang. When Chen Yang dies, Bing Xuanxin's army will have no resistance. "

The wind couldn't help but be overjoyed and said, "I think you can't move this array."

Yannanfei said: "Jiuyou space and wordless Tianbei are mobile. But the premise is that Chen Yang will not be trapped, but after this fusion, it will be more powerful and mysterious. "

Chen Yang and others have come to the home of the shadow clan.

In the past, the shadow clan's home was a big secret. But now, almost everyone knows. This is another reason why Yannanfei hates Chen Yang.

Enter Jiuyou cave through the underground sea!

The Jiuyou cave is mysterious and vast.

Originally, outsiders in this place would never want to go in. But Chen Yang's great fatalism as a guide, it is easy to find here.

In addition, the Qi Li of all the masters smashed the chaos of time and space around the Jiuyou cave, as well as all kinds of mysterious obstacles.

This many experts attack together, the stone breaks the sky startles, what simple array can resist!

In the Obsidian tunnel, Yannanfei immediately felt that the external array was smashed. It was his painstaking efforts for many years. For a moment, his heart was aching. But on second thought, as long as we can kill Chen Yang this time, then everything is worth it.

All his life, Yannanfei hated the gods for harming the shadow clan. That's racial hatred

But Chen Yang is the one who makes him hate most.

As long as he can kill Chen Yang, he is willing to pay any price.

Just as the array outside Jiuyou cave was broken, there was a loud shout from Chen Yang and others "Kill the remaining evils of the shadow clan, and leave none!"

"Hateful, damn it!" The wild goose south flies to hear a voice, not from rage.

Racial hatred has never disappeared. Now the other party actually said that they were the remaining evils, and wanted to kill them all.

In this sentence, all the old and new enmities of Yannanfei are linked up.

The wind resisted immediately Yannanfei, said: "you can go now, but don't be impulsive. They yell like that on purpose to make you impulsive. Well, let's go back to the defense. Remember, their target is Obsidian tunnel

The wild goose south flies originally already hot blood up gush, smell speech just calmed down.

There was a movement in Jiuyou cave immediately. The experts in the cave didn't need to gather, they all rushed out.

The wild goose south flies is the body shape flash, blink of an eye between, then all appeared in the nine you cave outside.

Yannanfei, andaoshen, Shenglun, Teuton

Another four shadow clan masters of Holy Land triplet also ran out!

There is also an old man with white hair who has never appeared before.

The old man with white hair is the ancestor of the shadow clan and the grandfather of Yannanfei.He's called Yan RI Lun!

Yanrilun is old, and he is a man of the same age as the ancestor of Dapeng. He had been closed all the time

This time, I felt the unprecedented crisis and just came out.

Yannanfei has been afraid to disturb yanrilun.

Although Chen Yang has been in the shadow clan's nest before, in the final analysis, it has not become a threat. Later in the Obsidian tunnel, Yan RI Lun didn't know anything about it.

"Grandfather!" At this moment, Yannanfei saw yanrilun, tears filled his eyes.

The wild goose sun wheel coldly looked at the wild goose flying south, and then said: "after that, I'll settle accounts with you."

The wild goose south flies a body to quiver, his heart originally still has to see the joy of grandfather. It's a joy for children to make trouble and see adults. But soon, grandfather's cold attitude let him return to the cold reality.

What kind of kinship is there in the home of a monk?

The cultivation of Yan RI Lun is also the sixth sacred land!

Six peaks!

In the third ten thousand years since the fall of the last generation of masters, no one has ever reached the seventh level of the holy land.

In Guangyao star, the ascent of cultivation is also extremely difficult.

Especially between Liuchong and Qichong, there seems to be a magic spell, and no one can break it.

Chen Yang here saw the wild goose day wheel, is also slightly surprised.

Chen Yang doesn't know Yan RI Lun, but he can feel that Yan RI Lun's accomplishments are extremely high. He can't help but be thankful that at the beginning, he didn't pursue Yannanfei. It's not so simple in the shadow clan's home.

At this moment

"Who are you?" The wild goose day round swept to ice Xuan heart, Chen Yang this side, his eyes Sen cold, cold ask.

Ice Xuan heart has not yet opened his mouth, at this time, the old ancestor of Dapeng laughed and stood up and said: "Yan RI Lun, I didn't expect that you are still alive?"

Yanrilun also noticed the ancestor of Mirs, he was also surprised, said: "Mirs?"

"Yes, it's me," he said

The wild goose sun wheel said in a deep voice: "there is no grudge between you and me. It is not easy for us to live to this day. Why do you lead the people to attack our shadow clan today? "

Dapeng Laozu embarrassed smile, and then said: "brother Yan don't worry, I have no malice to the shadow clan. Just today, I have to. Now, my life has already been pinched in the hand of Bing Xuanxin, the mother of the Earth Star Palace. So, do it later, brother Yan, and don't hate me. We all do it to live. "

"I see!" Yanrilun suddenly realized. He then looked at Bing Xuanxin and said, "it's really daunting. Unexpectedly, there is such a heroine as you in this world. Not yet? "

"Earth Star Palace, ice Xuan heart!" Ice Xuan heart immediately says.

Yanrilun said: "ice Xuanxin? Earth Star Palace? I only know that the master of the Earth Star Palace is fengtaixuan all the time. I don't know. Now, where is Feng taixuan

Bingxuan said in a deep voice: "fengtaixuan is my husband. I am his concubine. Now, he's possessed and confined to the forbidden area. "

"Geese wheel said:" Oh, so it is After a pause, he said: "our shadow clan has always lived in seclusion here, regardless of the world. Do not know today, ice girl why do you want to lead the public to attack? "

Bing Xuanxin sneered and said, "this is it. We don't have to keep superficial prosperity. Although the shadow clan lives in seclusion, they are not indifferent to the world. You can ask, what did your good grandson do before

"What's the matter?" The wild goose day round immediately swept one eye wild goose south to fly, ask.

Yan Nan Fei has a red face.

Ice Xuan heart then said: "he is embarrassed to say, as I come to say for him.". On that day, he sent several men down for no reason to catch my men, servants and my son. I don't know what happened to my son and his men today if they didn't have a big life. No injustice and no hatred, elder, I also want to ask, why is your grandson like this? "

"Really?" Yanri asked Yannan fly.

Yannanfei couldn't refuse. He replied in a deep voice: "yes!"

"Are you crazy?" Anger flashed in Yan RI Lun's eyes. But he soon calmed down, and then he said to Bing Xuanxin, "ice girl, there must be some secret. Can you give me some time to find out. After we find out, I will give you an account. "

"No need!" Bing Xuanxin refuses directly. She said: "we are already irreconcilable. Now your good grandson is still colluding with our rebellious fengshangren. We are here today to destroy your shadow clan. Let's do it according to our ability! "

"You..." The face of yanrilun changed greatly.

Although his accomplishments were excellent, he could see the situation clearly. I know that these people are all experts in the world. Once there is a real war, there will be heavy losses.

Yanrilun took a deep breath.

He said, "seriously, is there no room for moderation?"

Ice Xuan heart coldly said: "no!"The wild goose day wheel is helpless, he then says: "good, good, good!"

The war broke out in an instant

Chen Yang retreated immediately

Yannanfei has been staring at Chen Yang. When he sees Chen Yang leave, his heart will jump out. He knew that everything was going according to his plan.

Originally, he was worried that the loss of the old nest was too heavy. Now that my grandfather came out, he felt relieved

As soon as Chen Yang leaves, Yannanfei puts on the cold Demon Armor first

Da Peng Lao Zu laughed and said, "brother Yan, come on!"

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