Fengshangren explored the inner depth of the Obsidian tunnel with his mind. Soon, he found the dragon vein.

At first glance, the whole Obsidian tunnel is like a winding mountain!

But compared with the dragon vein, it is like an island in the sea. That dragon vein is deep in the earth, as long as ten thousand li, and has a boundless feeling.

On the wind, he forbade Yan RI Lun to wait on it. Then, his figure flashed, and the armor of God also changed. The power of space started, and the armor of God was like a grain of dust, which instantly penetrated into the ground!

This dust can penetrate thousands of miles in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, the dust came to the bottom of the earth and stood on the Obsidian dragon.

The Obsidian dragon is ten thousand meters wide and ten thousand li long!

The dragon vein is black. Around the dragon vein, the power of space flows, and the rock wall on the upper layer stands in the air like a magic weapon!

Black Dragon air is everywhere.

Standing on the wind, it's like being in the dark before dawn, surrounded by thick fog.

That dragon spirit is too strong, already let a person breathe not smooth.

There is some mysterious Majesty in the dragon spirit!

The wind endure there will put these in the eye, his eyes cold light a flash, then urged the God of the armor.

That day, the reactor in front of God's armor began to gather, and then the Yin and Yang double swords came out, quickly forming a storm of yin and Yang in the air!

Yin Yang wind reappears!

This wind of yin and Yang, in which the wind is lingering like a lover, but the flame will burn the sky! The wind blows the flame and quickly attacks the Dragon

The strong dragon Qi was touched by the Yin Yang wind and ignited quickly.


At that moment, strange and terrible things happened. The black fog dragon Qi in the whole Obsidian dragon vein is burned, and the black flame is fierce burning. Within ten thousand li, it is all black flame!

It's as if the sky is half burnt, and the murder is unparalleled!

Even on the wind forbearance also startled!

However, he is also a ruthless person, not awed by the scene in front of him.

However, at this time, the black flame suddenly began to condense, and finally all converged, forming an obsidian dragon.

The Obsidian dragon shrank a lot and appeared in front of the wind like a hill!

The Obsidian dragon opened his eyes.

There's a flame burning in its eyes It's like anger from ancient times!

It coldly looked at the wind, and then began to speak, its voice seems to contain a distant, grand, vicissitudes of meaning, just listen to it said: "you this young man, so rude, why do you want to burn the dragon?"

The wind is not afraid to bear, sneer: "because this dragon block my way!"

If the Obsidian dragon had realized it, it would then say, "no one dares to offend me. Death will be your only way

He laughed and said, "is that right? It depends on whether you are dead or I am! "

"Arrogance Obsidian dragon way.

Feng Shangren quickly turned the power in his body, and the Yin Yang wind became furious again, and quickly enveloped the Obsidian dragon.

Obsidian dragon's eyes were cold, but there was a terrible intention to kill.

Then, the body of the Obsidian dragon turned into a black flame.

The black flame contains endless dragon power!

At the same time, the ancient spell sounded!

"There is a mixture of things, born in nature. It can be the mother of heaven and earth. I don't know the name of it, but the strong word is "Dao!"

"When the Tao comes, everything is exercised in the name of this seat. All things in front of us are illusory. Illusory will turn into the power of this seat!"

The black flame melted into the wind of yin and Yang. With the start of the spell, all the wind of yin and Yang began to whimper, and finally all were absorbed by the black flame.

Feng Shangren was surprised. For the first time, he encountered such a strange situation.

"The competition of power is the competition of strength. The rule is profound. Why do I feel that his will is unshakable? Why does its power simply devour my power? It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense! "

I can't think about it in the wind.

He is not ready to move again, the black flame has been lightning like his cage cover!

Start the spell again

"Your soul is full of filth. I will purify your soul. Your eyes will turn into the pearls of the night, and your bones will turn into the divine sword of nature..."

The black flame began to immerse itself in the wind

Feng Shangren immediately felt that his whole body was paralyzed, and many of his magic powers were hard to exert

The armor of God seems to be dumb at this moment.

The black flame, like a hurricane, penetrated into the whole armor of the gods, and controlled him and ah Qing.

The wind endures ten thousand don't expect, this inside incredibly still have so fierce existence.If he had known, he would not have run to death.

At this moment, he finally realized his weakness.

He is far from being able to face everything in the world with arrogance!

"Ah Qing, ah Qing!" Roar on the wind.

"My husband!" Ah Qing made a weak voice.

"The combination of yin and Yang is the only source of vitality." On the wind endure to drink a way.

Ah Qing nodded and said, "good!"

Together, they urged the sea of the highest Yang and the sea of the highest Yin

Although the black flame was extremely fierce, the sea of the highest Yang and the sea of the highest Yin slowly merged together.

Feng Shangren immediately felt better, and they began to merge. Yin and Yang were intertwined. They began to produce strange purification forces and integrate them into their bodies.

As a result, the sense of paralysis gradually disappeared!

"Your eyes will be the pearls of the night! Your roots and bones will turn into a congenital sword! "

The spell comes again!

Feng Shangren feels the numbness on his body is aggravating again. He roars out, and ah Qing tries his best to motivate the remaining strength.

The sea of yin and Yang is surging wildly

But, after all, it was suppressed by the black flame

"Yin and Yang give birth to the power of all things, with the spirit of all things, out of nothing, kill curse!" On the wind endures to shout greatly.

Ah Qing also immediately said: "out of nothing, kill curse!"

The sea of yin and Yang is filled with powerful willpower. Under the confluence of willpower and mana, a white light suddenly appears, flies out, and quickly shoots into ah Qing and Feng Shangren's body!

At that moment, the sense of paralysis on Feng Shangren and ah Qing disappeared instantly!

I'm free in the wind.

At this moment, the spell sounded again.

"The great way is revealed. All things in heaven have their own will. Your eyes are the pearls of the night light..."

The wind was endlessly suffering from a sense of crisis, and he could not care about anything else. He once again cheered: "Yin and Yang breed all things, make things out of nothing, do whatever it takes to escape here!"

"Get out of here at all costs!" Ah Qing also yelled.

The sea of yin and Yang meet again!


A door of emptiness appeared in front of Feng Shangren

He turned the armor of the gods into a grain of dust and rushed into the door of the void regardless of everything

Then the door of the void disappears.

After a long time, Feng Shangren and ah Qing came to the Jiuyou cave of the shadow clan.

He was so frightened on the wind that he felt a lingering fear when he remembered what had just happened.

"How dangerous, my husband!" Ah Qing can't help saying to the wind.

Fengshang took a deep breath and calmed his mind. He also said: "it's really dangerous. The power of obsidian dragon is very strange. It's not as if it's power, it's a rule. But doesn't law need power? I don't feel its power in the war with it, but our bodies have begun to paralyze. "

Ah Qing said, "there are people out there, and there is heaven out there!"

Feng Shangren said, "no, I can't be at ease because I don't know about it. I have to find yanri Lun to find out! "

Between his words, the yanri wheel just flashed.

"Master!" In the face of the wind, Yan RI Lun is respectful.

The wind took a cold look at the yanri wheel and said, "just now I fought with the Obsidian dragon and almost died in his hand. Did you know that Obsidian dragon was powerful? "

The wild goose day round is frightened, says: "the villain dares not! I really don't know there is Obsidian dragon below. "

Feng Shangren said: "these are the mysteries of your shadow clan. You are the oldest existence of the shadow clan. You told me you didn't know? Since you don't even know this, what are you left to do? You might as well die. "

"Master, spare your life!" Yan RI Lun is very bitter. He really has a lot of pain.

Before is a difference of thought, chose this to live the road of indulgence!

But along the way, it was too bitter.

Yanrilun wanted to fight very much and wanted to rush to the crown, but he still lacked a trace of courage.

"Say it On the wind bear cold way.

Yanrilun lowered his head and said: "on the first day, God was born in Shengyao star, and then came to Guangyao star. Half of Guangyao star is always illuminated by Shengyao star, but the other half is always in the cold and dark. Obsidian dragon was born in such darkness, and gave birth to Obsidian essence stone. Among the shadow people, there is the blood of obsidian dragon. It is said that the Obsidian dragon has already realized the road when he has reached the extreme of cultivation. Later, it became a dragon vein.... "

"The villain didn't know that there was an obsidian dragon in the Obsidian dragon vein." The wild goose sun wheel finally said.

The wind said in a deep voice: "I see, the Obsidian dragon is such an ancient existence. Why did he turn into a dragon vein? "Yanrilun said, "well, I really don't know. But it's like the end of the road. You see, the first day God has disappeared. The ancient sages did not appear before our eyes. Sometimes, the villain is thinking, could the universe of heaven be the universe of heaven which was built by the ancestors and finally transformed into the universe of heaven? "

On the wind endures if has thought, then said: "is it?"

Yanrilun said: "we still have desire, but our desire is no longer the wealth of the world, women. Our desire is more and more simple, that is power, more powerful power. But when a man's power is strong enough to destroy the universe, what is his significance? "

"What else did he pursue at that time? When he doesn't pursue it, will it turn into the universe? " The wild goose sun wheel said.

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