Yan RI Lun suddenly realized, he said: "I see. I've been wondering why your Highness's power seems to be endless. So it's not surprising that I'm working with my wife. " After he said that, the conversation changed again and said, "however, if we don't talk about it, there's no way for us to know about it."

Feng Shangren said, "if we don't say it, Mingyou certainly doesn't know. But you don't know one thing, that is, Bing Xuanxin also knows this thing. Will they keep a secret for me? And even without it, I can't trust Mingyou. "

"Oh?" Yan RI Lun Road.

Feng Shangren said: "Mingyou is not broad-minded. He can't tolerate me. Because I'm better than him and I'm younger than him. To make a comparison, he is naturally assured that Bing Xuan's heart will control the earth star clan. "

The wild goose sun wheel said: "the Ming you is not really a broad-minded person."

Feng Shangren said, "I have a plan now. You go to win over nihilism and guangyingmen. After that, I come and go to cooperate with Mingyou. Even if you want to deal with me, you will pretend to cooperate with us first. After that, I will unite with nihilism and guangyingmen to kill Mingyou. "

Yanrilun couldn't help praising: "Your Highness, good plan!"

"Hum!" Feng Shangren said: "it's not a good plan, and Mingyou won't really believe in this hall. So, before that, we have to bury an ambush! "

The wild goose sun wheel said, "eh?"

Feng Shangren said: "in a word, you go to the light and shadow gate and nihilism in secret first. You just need to express our wishes quietly. At that time, the Ming you army will be under pressure, and they will have a number in their heart. At the same time, we should also let them do a good job of prevention! "

Yanrilun said, "yes!"

Then he said, "I'll take it with me. As for the safety of your shadow clan, we will try our best to preserve it for you. "

Yanrilun said, "thank you, your highness."

After that, yanrilun left.

After Yan RI Lun left, ah Qing asked Feng Shangren, "husband, do you really trust Yan RI Lun?"

With a faint smile, the wind said, "he is a smart man and knows how to do it. His life is in our hands now. He can't make waves. "

Ah Qing was relieved when she heard the words. She said, "what do you mean by ambush?"

Feng Shangren said: "dark god! Let's go to the dark gods now! "

Ah Qing slightly pale, said: "but the dark Protoss extremely dangerous."

Feng Shangren said, "I have learned the lesson of obsidian dragon. I will be cautious this time. I believe that there are not many such as the Obsidian dragon. "

Ah Qing said, "I'll follow my husband to do what he wants. I'm not afraid of heaven and earth."

Feng Shangren was so moved that he said: "ah Qing, you are the best person to me except my mother in my half life. I will never fail you in my life. "

Ah Qing smiles contentedly.

The dark Protoss has always been a mysterious existence.

It is more mysterious than the shadow clan.

The difference is that at the beginning, the shadow clan had a lot of high-profile, and the power to restrain the gods and the stars. In the end, many experts besieged the film clan.

The remaining masters of the shadow clan escape into the underground sea and hide in Jiuyou cave.

However, all this happened after the war of purification.

At that time, the saints and the old people were no longer there.

As for the dark gods, they keep a low profile and do not participate in the world.

They're in the northern hemisphere, and they're a mysterious part of the planet.

There are many mysterious creatures in the underground sea of the northern hemisphere, such as beasts of God, Warcraft and so on.

There is a sea area where there are blood fog beasts.

Blood fog beast dense, such as prison, such as the sea, terror.

It's a natural moat.

If you want to go to the real dark Protoss base camp, you have to go through the sea area where the blood fog beasts exist. The blood fog beasts guard the entrance border.

Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin come to the northern hemisphere in the eternal night with the ancestor of Mirs.

The underground sea ice is cold and wet.

Bingxuan heart is connected to the universe.

In the underground sea, bingxuanxin, Chen Yang and the ancestor of Dapeng are all in the black hole crystal.

In that sea area, the black hole crystal formed a submarine like existence, but once it was in operation, it quickly turned into low light, shuttling between heaven and earth.

Inside, there is a vast world!

In this underground sea, the operation of black hole crystal has great hidden benefits.

At this time, in front of the shimmering light, a dust shuttle like electricity, blink of an eye came to the black hole crystal.

People are like fish

When Chen Yang looks at it, he feels that he is the mermaid he once saw!

That's the mermaid in the world.

The difference is that the mermaid is a man.The man's lower body is fishtail, and the scales are golden. His body, arms are covered with golden scales, including his face.

It's really scary to watch!

"He is the universe!" Bing Xuanxin said to Chen Yang, "let him in!"

Chen Yang nodded. He turned the mana, and a door appeared immediately.

As soon as the body of the universe flashed, it went into the crystal of the black hole.

Then, the gate closes.

There is no water inside.

Leaving the underground sea, the golden scales on Huan Tianyu's body changed instantly, including the fish's tail turned into legs.

The gold scales on his body turned into gold armor!

That's a majestic gold armor!

On his face, the scales had faded.

Chen Yang looks at Huan Tianyu again, and Huan Tianyu is already a beautiful man. The sword eyebrows and stars are bright and handsome with heroic force.

"Ice girl!" Huan Tianyu glances at everyone and then shouts to Bing Xuanxin.

Bing Xuanxin smiles, and then introduces Chen Yang and Dapeng to Huan Tianyu.

Huan Tianyu was very interested in Dapeng. He said with a smile, "I didn't expect that Dapeng's elder also joined Bing girl's camp. At the beginning, our people even fought against Dapeng's elder."

Dapeng Laozu laughed and said: "at the beginning, thanks to your mercy, otherwise, Laozu, I can't live to now."

Huan Tianyu was slightly shocked, but he didn't expect that the rebellious and unruly ancestor of Dapeng was now so humble.

He didn't care much about Chen Yang. He just said to Bing Xuanxin, "ice girl, you call me, but what's the matter?"

Bing Xuanxin said, "I have an enemy. At the moment, I'm worried that he will go to the dark Protoss for help."

"Well?" Huan Tianyu was slightly surprised, and then he said with a smile: "ice girl, you are so worried. We dark Protoss will never interfere in anything in your southern hemisphere. If your enemy seeks our help, it is doomed to be fruitless. "

Bing Xuanxin said, "no, brother Tianyu, I know the rules of the dark Protoss. But my enemy is a little different now. His strength, very strong, we have to defend. So you take us to the holy land of the dark gods. We act according to circumstances. If the enemy doesn't come, we will leave. If the enemy comes and makes you feel embarrassed, we can also help you! "

Huan Tianyu said: "this is not allowed. We dark god holy land never allows outsiders to enter. We are friends. Please don't make me embarrassed, OK

After a pause, he said, "besides, we don't care how powerful your enemies are. In this world, no one can force us to do anything. "

Bing Xuanxin said, "brother Tianyu..."

Huan Tianyu said: "ice girl, I owe you the favor, I will return it. But it's not negotiable. I promised to do it for you once. I remember that. But if you try to break into our holy land, don't blame me for being ruthless! "

Ice Xuan heart immediately don't know what to say.

"You go back!" Huan Tianyu said: "if I find you trying to break into the holy land, don't blame the dark Protoss for attacking you. Goodbye

After he said that, he forced to leave the black hole spar.

Once immersed in the sea water of the underground sea, huantianyu became a mermaid. Then he turned into a grain of dust and went back and forth. In the blink of an eye, it disappears.

After waiting for the world to leave, Bing Xuanxin said to Chen Yang, "you can see it, too."

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "I thought you were looking for an old acquaintance to show us the way. I didn't expect that, on the contrary, it let us expose our whereabouts first. "

Ice Xuan heart wry smile, said: "I did not expect, he is so unreasonable."

Chen Yang said: "I don't know much about the dark Protoss, but they haven't met the enemy for a long time. Fengshangren has the ability to enter their holy land. If he secretly does something bad and controls some people, we will be very passive. For the moment, our warning is not going to work either! "

Bing Xuanxin said, "do we want to go to the dark gods?"

Chen Yang said, "don't you want to go?"

Bing Xuanxin said: "I just think that everything is your guess. We don't have to take such a risk and spend so much energy on it. What if fengshangren didn't go at all? "

Chen Yang said: "this is an important strategy. If he doesn't go, it's better for us to control it secretly. Now let's go ahead. When you realize that fengshangren has gone, it will be too late. We are not the opponents of fengshangren now. If we don't do our strategy well, we will definitely lose in the end. "

Bing Xuanxin was stunned by Chen Yang. She said, "well, you have a point. I'm lazy But why do you think so far? How old are you? "

Chen Yang said: "it doesn't matter how old you are, but you are mostly studying and practicing. You're too young to understand people's minds and their tricks. "Bing Xuanxin said, "I'm glad you're not my enemy, or I'll be miserable."

Chen Yang said: "don't say these useless, now, we leave the northern hemisphere."

"Leave? Don't you mean to go to the dark gods? " Bing Xuan was surprised.

Dapeng Laozu was also surprised.

Chen Yang said, "stupid, you are still watching us. Pretend to leave first to reassure him. Then come in again

Bingxuanxin and Dapeng Laozu are slightly stunned, and then they can't help admiring Chen Yang!

In the blink of an eye, the black hole crystal turned into low light and left the underground sea of the northern hemisphere directly!

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