"The blood fog God King, as well as the inspection elder, just now I felt that there were waves in the secret array. What happened? " Zang jiuchen asked. His voice is low and dignified!

There are four inspection elders, most of whom are about the triple cultivation of the holy land.

The chief inspector is called Wu Yun!

Elder Wu Yun replied: "I'll tell you, just now we feel that there is energy fluctuation in the trench of the blood fog God King, and it's quite fierce. We realized that there was an outsider breaking in and went in time to help. How do you know, as soon as it passed, the comer broke into the secret array of eternal night! I'm ashamed to say that I haven't seen each other clearly. Then, the man broke through the secret formation of eternal night, and now we are also searching for his whereabouts. "

Zang Jiu could not help frowning and said: "this man can defeat the blood fog God King in an instant, and you can't even touch his shadow. I'm afraid it's hard to imagine his accomplishments. "

After a pause, he asked the king of blood fog and said, "master of God, you can see the origin of this man by playing against him?"

The king of blood fog did not dare to be proud in front of cangjiu. He said, "I'll tell you, that man is very young, and should not be a thousand years old. I don't understand his way. In his power, there is the blazing of the gods, but there is also the ice cold as hell. It's too weird to resist

Zang Jiu said, "this man is so powerful in cultivation that he forced himself into our dark god clan. Now, hiding the head and shrinking the tail must be the result of bad intentions. "

The Lord of the dark dragon hall, Pu Dalong, said, "supreme, now we need to strengthen our guard. What's more, we need to find out what his purpose is. If you fight alone, I'm afraid that all of us, except you, are not rivals in the dark Protoss. How many of us are the opponents of the king of blood fog

Zang Jiu nodded and said, "the dragon is right. We must strengthen our guard. However, I don't know what he wants to do now. "

"Is it for The throne of eternal night in your hand? " Dark peak temple Lord Cang Xuetian said. He is a strong man in the middle of the six sacred realms!

"The throne of eternal night?" The cold light flashed in Zang Jiu's eyes.

He then sneered and said, "it depends on whether he has this ability."

"My subordinates think it's better to find out and kill this man as soon as possible. If this person sneaks in, he will not leave without doing anything. " Dark moon Temple Lord a Yue said.

A Yue is a beautiful girl, and the holy land is rebuilt four times.

"But how to find out? This man's accomplishments are so high that if he is hidden in our brain, we can hardly distinguish him. " Finally, Canghai, the master of the shadow hall, said.

"I have an idea!" Said pudalong.

Zang Jiu looked at PU Dalong and said, "you say it!"

"Gather all of us together and check one by one," said prahlung. It's hidden in other places. We can find out. It's hard for us to find it in the human brain. So, after we gather all the people together, after investigation, we can prove our innocence. Then the supreme will put it into the throne of eternal night. After all the people have been thoroughly investigated, it is impossible for that person to hide in our dark Protoss. "

"There are loopholes in it!" A Yue said: "the other side can hide under the sea."

Cang Xuetian said: "this is a loophole, but we can not say the purpose first. After gathering all the people, surround them with array. At that time, if the other party wants to escape, there will be no chance. Unless he's not in the brain... "

After hearing the suggestions, Zang Jiu immediately had a problem in his heart and said, "OK, that's it. Get down there and get everyone together. In addition, master Xuewu returns to the trench and continues to stick to it! "

Everybody take orders!

After everyone went down, the Supreme cangjiu was still sitting on the throne, and a small magic weapon appeared in his hand. A closer look at the magic weapon shows that it is a throne of eternal night. The throne is dark all over. There is a head on the top. The head opens its mouth, and the mouth is dark.

This is the throne of eternal night.

The mouth of the throne of eternal night suddenly opened, and the black fog came out, which quickly formed an ethereal person. This man has no specific face and shape. He is ethereal and eccentric. But he said, "master, do you think the other party is coming for the throne of eternal night?"

Zang Jiu's eyes drooped, and he said faintly: "I didn't even see people's shadow. How can I make a judgment?"

That man is the spirit of the throne of eternal night, called eternal night!

Yongye said: "do you think, according to their suggestions, you can really search out this expert?"

Zang Jiu took a look at Yongye and said, "what do you think?"

Yongye said: "maybe this master will hide in the brain of several Temple masters. Since he has the ability to defeat the blood fog God King, it is possible for him to defeat these Temple masters. "

Zang Jiu said: "it's really possible, so I've been contaminated with the eternal night atmosphere on several Temple masters. As long as their eternal night breath changes, I can find this personYongye was slightly stunned, and then said, "master is wise!"

Zang Jiu said: "it's not a good omen to have such a master for no reason. It seems that the peaceful days of our nation have come to an end. "

Yongye said: "with you, the dark Protoss will be fearless!"

Hide nine one smile, but no longer say what.

In the dark dragon hall, after the main Pu Dalong came back, he immediately ordered everyone to gather.

Yuexiaying, as a bodyguard, is also responsible for the task of summoning.

Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin knew that Pu Dalong had come back. The ancestor of Dapeng said, "now we can fight against Pu Dalong."

Chen Yang is a heart jump, said: "not right!"

"Well?" Bing Xuanxin and Dapeng Laozu look at Chen Yang together.

They are still hiding in the brain of yuexiaying.

Chen Yang said: "all of a sudden, this is not to check it?"

Bing Xuanxin said, "do you think that even pudalong will be checked?"

Chen Yang said: "yes, it will. Moreover, I'm worried that something will be left behind on Pu Dalong. As long as we move our hand, the Supreme cangjiu will immediately notice. "

"Are you sure?" Asked Bingxuan.

"I'm not sure. It's all my guess," Chen said

Ice Xuan heart wry smile, said: "well, your guess every time is accurate, I believe you!"

Chen Yang said: "we can't be found first. We can't take the risk. Tolerance on the wind is now highly skilled, not afraid. We can't face so many experts! So, it's better to let him be discovered first. Otherwise, we will be targets. When the time comes, the wind will bear to hide in the dark and make a profit. "

Ice Xuan heart way: "reasonable, that we at present?"

Chen Yang said: "the underground is also protected by the border, so it's impossible to leave from the underground. Let's leave yuexiaying's brain area first, and wait for them to assemble. After leaving, we will dive into the sea and wait. More or less, I will be able to leave some marks in his mind when I wait. Let's hope that Feng Shangren will be found out first

Bing Xuanxin said, "hope!"

The ancestor of Dapeng said, "they guess that we will hide in the brain. But what's the use of conveners? We can hide on this little animal! "

Chen Yang said: "after the investigation, we will thoroughly investigate all the cases. The brain waves of those small animals are too weak to hide our whereabouts. "

"All right," said Dapeng

Then, they quietly left yuexiaying's brain and hid in her room.

The dark peak hall, after returning to the dark peak hall on a snowy day, immediately called all the people together.

Meanwhile, Cang Xuetian sat down alone in his bedroom.

He has many beautiful concubines, among which Tianji is his favorite. Tianji is weak and boneless. Her cultivation is in the holy land Beautiful and moving, especially in the room technology, is able to let people die.

Cangxue just sat down. That day, Ji came in wearing a tulle skirt.

Her steps are full and her smile is full of charm. It's hard for her to stand on her own.

Tianji barefoot snow feet came to cangxuetian in front, cangxuetian smile, a pull, will pull the beauty into his arms.

Then he kisses Tianji's lips.

Tianji immediately poked out her sweet tongue

But at this time, the snow felt the crisis.

He had a look in his eyes and a flash in his figure. He was three meters away.

"Who?" The snowy sky stares at Tianji.

When tianjitun was pale, she wanted to open her mouth. Suddenly, her head burst open and a blood mist came out.

Then, a young man in white appeared in front of the snow sky with an evil smile.

It is It's hard to bear on the wind.

Tianji died like this. Cangxuetian couldn't help mourning. He really loved Tianji.

However, sadness comes back to sadness. At this time, the snowy sky is more scared.

He gazed at the young man in white and said, "are you the master who broke in?"

The wind said with a cold smile, "don't try to send a signal to the outside. Just now when you were going to kiss this woman, I had already laid a border inside your bedroom. You can't send out any signal. No one knows what will happen here and now. "

"What do you want?" Cang Xuetian immediately found that the outside of the brain area, the feeling is a vast expanse of snow. He asked in a deep voice.

Feng Shangren said: "I can hold you as the supreme of the dark gods and let you have the throne of eternal night. The premise is that you will listen to me later. Of course, you can not listen. I really don't have much time. If you don't agree, I will choose to kill you immediately. "

Cang Xuetian was shocked and said, "who are you?"

"How much nonsense you are Feng Shangren was a little impatient, and then he said: "you are contaminated with the eternal night breath left by the Supreme cangjiu. I have smelled it as soon as I came in. But you haven't noticed that once the eternal night breath fluctuates, cangjiu will find that you have changed here. But it will take a little time for him to break through my border. That's the time. I can kill you. "

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