The wind forbeared to warn Cang Xuetian before, but Cang Xuetian dared to resist him. So, he had to kill cangxuetian. This is Liwei. This Wei is not for others to see, but to cultivate his own Wei.

After killing Cang Xuetian, Fengshang can't help but fight against Cang Jiu, so he hides in Cang Xuetian's brain.

How do you know, this nine is also very powerful, soon found the whereabouts of the wind bear.

Bear on the wind immediately drilled out of the brain of the snow sky, when it came out, it was a grain of dust. In an instant, he turned into his original body. He was wearing black and white divine armor of yin and Yang, and was majestic.

Zangjiu didn't talk nonsense, so he took action immediately.

At the same time, he also knew that this man was so powerful that he was killed in the snow. So zangjiu doesn't have the confidence to win this opponent.

He signaled all the masters to come.

Feng Shangren is not afraid of hiding nine, but he also knows that it's not suitable for hard work at the moment. As soon as his body flashed, he wanted to leave.

"Go there, gods, darkness, cover!" The fingerprints in Zang Jiu's hand changed, and the mana poured into the throne of eternal night.

The dark light quickly enveloped the field!

In the dark, time and space stagnate.

Fengshangren broke through the darkness quickly, but there was no progress.

He is not flustered, immediately run out of yin and Yang double melt!

"Yin and yang are pregnant with all things. They are created out of nothing. One sword breaks the boundary!" I can't bear to drink on the wind.

There was a sword light in the sea of yin and Yang!

The dazzling sword light contains the great sword meaning, grand and vast!

And cycle, endless!

A sword, the dark space quickly split a hole. Light from the outside comes in

With a flash of forbearance on the wind, he quickly came out of the darkness of the gods.

And left the palace of the dark peak hall.

The wind came to the sky.

Zangjiu was also surprised. His God darkness is the spirit of the throne of eternal night, and his mind is the understanding of the God of darkness.

With this move, few people can break through. Even if it can break through, it will take a long time.

But the young man ran away in a flash.

Hiding nine in the heart turns over to startle the sky terrible wave, he knows, the affair is more and more serious.

"We have been living in seclusion for a long time, but we didn't expect that the masters of the outside world have already cultivated so much!" Hidden nine dark way.

He wanted to go back, but he didn't hesitate at all. He immediately chased him out.

That outside sky, other superior all arrive. We will bear the wind, front and back, inside and outside surrounded.

Zang Jiu arrived with him.

The wind burst out laughing three times. He looked around at the heroes and then yelled, "get out of here!"

Then he rushed to the East.

It is Pu Dalong and Wu Yun, the elder inspector, who are guarded by Dongfang.

Pu Dalong and Wu Yun immediately fight together. Their mana is surging, and their magic weapons are sacrificing. They cut the most powerful blow!

The rest of the people are not idle, have to hand!

For a moment, strong attack and killing, the sky attack, vast and ferocious!

All the magic weapons flew out, including cangjiu, which also cut out the spirit of eternal night!

The spirit of eternal night is the spirit of darkness. Once it is cut, the dark elements will be turned into spirit, tearing each other's mana and power to pieces.

With this move, there are 300 explosive changes inside. Each explosion can break the planet!

That's the tough move!

Hide nine to bear on the wind fear too deep, so never keep hands.

One shot is the ultimate killing move!

Many experts make moves together!

Finally, all these killing moves were cut into the armor of the gods.

"Bang!" Feng Shangren also moves at the same time, with one sword

Pudalong tried his best to meet him, but he was defeated. At last, he flew out and spat blood.

Elder Wu Yun was even more frightened, so he quickly avoided.

Feng Shangren inhaled all the master's killing moves into the armor of God. There was a hole in front of him, and he flew out directly. The next moment, the wind endured to the sea, then into the depths of the sea.

"Chase Nine drinks.

He saw that many attacks were actually accepted by fengshangren, and fengshangren's figure had not changed at all. His eyes had already shown fear.

It's incredible, it's terrible.

All the people immediately chased after him, and they all followed him to the bottom of the sea, but they threw themselves into the air.

The wind on the bear into the sea, then into the sea, no trace.

Naturally, the experts didn't give up. They searched again, but they didn't get anything.

The search was extremely terrifying.

Chen Yang and others who are hiding in the dark dragon hall are almost searched out. Fortunately, in the end, they are stabilized by Chen Yang's great fatalism.This search lasted until midnight, and finally, there was no way to end it.

But they all saw the strength of the enemy and did not dare to relax.

Be on alert everywhere!

In the house of the dark god, zangjiu sat at the top.

His eyes were very gloomy.

Once he was also a young genius. He was born to defeat countless experts.

Today, when he was fighting against the young man, he suddenly felt as if he was old.

There are talented people coming out of the country!

In the hall, where is the body of the snowy sky.

Pudalong was also seriously injured.

In the main hall, there is silence, which can be described as melancholy.

Elder Wu Yun said in a deep voice: "supreme, this enemy, the cultivation is really terrible. We are all invincible. Now that he is hiding, he will not calm down or leave. He will certainly attack again. Please find a way to subdue the strong enemy! "

People also asked.

He was a little annoyed, but he couldn't say anything. After thinking about it, he said, "next, all the experts in the palace will wait in the palace. Don't give him the chance to hunt."

"But what if he goes to harm other disciples and people?" Someone can't help asking.

Zang Jiu said, "let's go out together."

"This is not a long-term solution after all!" That shadow Temple Lord Canghai said.

Zang Jiu's heart is full of hatred. Of course, he knows that this is not a long-term solution.

But what can he do now?

He was not angry and said: "it seems that you have a good way, Canghai Temple master?"

Canghai was slightly shocked, and then he realized that the supreme was angry. He was startled and said, "my subordinates are guilty!"

He took a deep breath and said, "time has changed. We dark protoss have experienced countless disasters and finally ushered in the Millennium peace. However, the years in the mountains are easy to pass, and the world has been prosperous for thousands of years. Today, the strength of the outside world's strong enemy is beyond expectation. Although the original one is the supreme one, in the face of such a strong enemy, it is not enough for the heart. Let's work together with the rest of us to tide over the disaster! "

"What is the purpose of this enemy?" That dark month temple Lord a Yue says.

This is what people don't understand.

No one can give an answer, so the audience fell silent again.

Night, deep.

In the main hall of the dark god, the masters sat in silence.

Over the five big islands, the moon magic weapon hanging in the sky is also hidden in the dark.

The whole dark Protoss fell into boundless darkness.

Darkness is the eye of the people of darkness.

Zangjiu sacrificed the throne of eternal night, which was integrated with all the darkness. He wanted to find the trace of the enemy in the darkness.

So, where did fengshangren go?

Originally, at the crucial moment of the fight, fengshangren absorbed the attack from all the people and seriously injured Pu Dalong. Seemingly natural and unrestrained, in fact, the wind is not easy to bear, and suffered a lot of injury.

Other people's attack is just, the eternal night spirit of Zang Jiu is too overbearing.

Both Feng Shangren and ah Qing were injured.

He hid himself in the sea, forced yin-yang fusion, and then offered a protective cover. They hid in the protective cover, and even Zang Jiu didn't find it.

The darkness in the sea is not pure, so it is difficult for the dark god people to find it even if they hide.

Although Feng Shangren and ah Qing were injured, they were able to breed all things through the fusion of yin and Yang, and soon recovered.

When zangjiu launched Yongye, he did not dare to act rashly, so he was still hiding at the bottom of the sea.

Chen Yang and others are still in the dark dragon hall, and they return to yuexiaying's brain.

At the same time, Chen Yang also takes great fatalism as a guide!

So there is no trace of Chen Yang and others in cangjiu.

Yuexiaying also inquired about what had happened before.

After Chen Yang and others listened to yuexiaying's report, bingxuanxin and Dapeng Laozu were surprised.

Bing Xuan said in a deep voice: "it's said that the dark snow sky is the holy land of Liuchong. It's so simple that he was killed by the wind. We all went out together. He not only ran away, but also seriously injured prawn. The cultivation of tolerance on the wind is so terrible now. "

Chen Yang was not surprised, and said, "what is powerful is not his cultivation, but the armor of God and the power of their yin and Yang blending." After a pause, he said, "do you think it's right for us to come here? If we don't come, the dark Protoss will be taken by him. After that, the dark Protoss will become a terrible ambush

Ice Xuan heart wry smile, said: "I must admit, without you, this battle, I have lost."

Dapeng said: "now, do you have a way to crack it? Can we kill Feng Shangren here? "Chen Yang said, "it's too hard to kill Feng Shangren. We must carefully prepare for a forbidden array that he can't break in a short time, then trap him, and finally kill him. "

Bing Xuanxin said, "so, what's your plan?"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "now it seems that the dark Protoss has more headaches than us, so I have to talk to the Supreme cangjiu."

"Talk? Will he believe us? " Bing Xuan is worried.

Chen Yang said, "it depends on how we talk about it."

Bing Xuanxin said, "OK, everything is up to you."

At the moment, Chen Yang asked yuexiaying to see the Supreme cangjiu.

In the dark god's main hall, cangjiu searched for a long time, exhausted all means, and got nothing.

At this time, the bodyguard officer outside came in and announced: "I'm the most honored. The bodyguard chief of dark dragon hall has an important clue to report in English. I'm asking for a meeting outside!"

People's eyes lit up when they heard the words.

But pudalong was puzzled: "is the moon shining? Can he have a clue? "

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