In the main hall of the dark god, there is still darkness.

The masters looked at the throne of eternal night, but they didn't know what was going on inside. They are very curious, but they are not worried about the safety of supreme Zang Jiu. For the throne of eternal night is the supreme weapon, in which the supreme is the only one.

Time is passing quietly!

In the eternal night throne, Zang Jiu continued to ask Chen Yang, "so what's your plan?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "the God's armour of tolerance on the wind is really powerful. With the integration of yin and Yang between him and ah Qing, it can be changeable. The more pressure we put on him, the more impossible he can create. So it's very hard to kill him. Now I think that even if we join hands with the supreme, we can only repel him, not kill him. "

Zang Jiu said, "you just said that."

"My plan is to take it by surprise," Chen said

"Surprise?" Zang Jiu was stunned.

Chen Yang said: "yes, surprise. I don't know that I have come here. I want to hide in your brain. When you are defeated by him, he will control your brain. At that time, I will use magic to confuse him, let him think you are restrained. In fact, you're not controlled. When he trusts you and uses you at ease, you will give him a fatal blow at the critical moment. "

"Into my brain?" Zang Jiu seemed to have heard a big joke. He said, "how can this be possible. The brain is the place of life and death of the Buddha. Even the most intimate person can't be opened to him. I've just met you. It's ridiculous that you put forward such a plan. "

Even Bing Xuanxin and Da Peng Laozu on one side think this plan is too unrealistic.

This is the main battlefield of zangjiu. As the supreme, he is not in a desperate situation. How can he let Chen yanglai into his brain.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "I know it's hard, but it's the only way I can think of.

Later, Chen Yang said, "I won't force people to do things. If the supreme one doesn't want to, it's as if I didn't mention it. "

With a sneer, Zang Jiu said, "these things don't mean that if you say something, I will agree with you. It's hard to tell who is good and who is bad between you and fengshangren. It's still difficult for Feng Shangren to control himself. But don't you want to control the Buddha? If you agree, don't you have no trouble? "

Chen Yang said: "the supreme concern is really reasonable. Actually, I have another proposal. "

"Well?" Zang Jiu was surprised.

Chen Yang said: "you can find someone you trust, and then you can get into my brain first to control me. Then, I'll enter your brain again. In this way, if I have a bad heart, everyone will die together. How about that? "

Hide nine eyes a bright.

He thought it was a fairer way.

"Do you really want me to get into your brain?" Zang Jiuwen.

Chen Yang said: "absolutely serious!"

Zangjiu said: "you are not afraid, I will kill you?"

Bing Xuanxin is also worried and thinks that Chen Yang's move is too risky.

However, Bing Xuanxin knows Chen Yang after all. He knows that Chen Yang has a sense of propriety and assurance in his work.

Chen Yang laughs and says, "why does the supreme want to kill me? Kill me and you'll have two more enemies. Such enemies as Xuanxin and Dapeng Laozu are not pleasant. What's more, the wind is still outside

Zang Jiu said, "well, since you are so cheerful, I will believe you once."

Chen Yang said: "thank you for your trust!"

After that, Zang Jiu called out the eternal night.

He let Qi Ling into Chen Yang's brain.

"Eternal night is the spirit of the eternal night throne. Once the eternal night urges the power, it can instantly detonate all the power of the eternal night throne. From the inside to the outside, if you are wrong, it is your great ability and a dead end. What's more, I can know what's wrong with Yongye. " So Zang Jiu said.

Chen Yang said: "I don't mean to kill the supreme, so how fierce Yongye is has nothing to do with me."

Yongye soon got into Chen Yang's brain and controlled Chen Yang's brain.

All this is under the control of Zang Jiu.

Zangjiu and Yongye are one.

After that, Zang Jiu let Chen Yang into his brain again.

This can be regarded as mutual restraint.

After that, Chen Yang and Zang Jiu will be able to communicate more easily.

Zang Jiu asked Chen Yang, "next, what do you want me to do?" At this time, they communicate with each other by their thoughts, so bingxuanxin and Dapeng can't hear what they are saying.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "just as we haven't appeared, the wind can't help it. When he shows up again, you can do what you were going to do. "

Zang Jiu said, "well, I understand." After a pause, he said, "but you are hiding in my brain. Once he wants to invade my brain, can you really keep me? And he hasn't found out yet? "Chen Yang said, "if I don't have this confidence, am I coming to die with you?"

Zang Jiu was stunned, and then he said with a smile, "that's true!"

Chen Yang then said, "I still know something about Feng Shangren. Didn't you think I was the same as Feng Shangren before? Now I can tell you that he and I are different after all. "

Zangjiu said, "is that right?"

Chen Yang said: "fengshangren will kill innocent people indiscriminately, but I won't! This is the essential difference between me and him. If I guess correctly, he sees you hiding in this hall and can't find a chance to start. Next, he will threaten you with the lives of your people. He will ask for a fair fight with you. If you don't go out, he will kill your people. "

Zang Jiu's body trembled.

He didn't expect this.

A cold sweat came out of his back. He was the supreme of the dark gods, the God of the dark gods.

If fengshangren does, can he not fight?

At this time, he could not help but feel glad that Chen Yang had come.

Otherwise, he felt like he was in a dead end.

It's light at last.

The location of the dark Protoss is dark, but in order to distinguish between day and night, magic weapons are used to illuminate the four sides.

Moonlight between heaven and earth!

However, at this time, there was a sudden howl everywhere

The dark god people scattered around are being captured by the wind and lightning

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people were all seized by fengshangren.

In his big hand print, those clansmen are like ants.

At the same time, the shouts of tolerance on the wind spread all over the place, even more directly to the main hall.

"Zang Jiu is the most important. I've heard a lot about you. I come here today to compete with you. Now, I've captured 300 dark Protoss at random. This is just the beginning. I hope you can come out to fight like a man, otherwise I will slaughter all your people one by one! "

After his words, all the experts in the hall were shocked!

"Let's go round and kill him!" There are suggestions from experts.

"But I can't!" Immediately someone said: "we have killed once before. He is not only OK, but also injured the Lord of the Dragon hall. Now we're afraid he'll leave before we get there. "

Many experts are worried.

They all looked at the top of the hall of the supreme nine.

After receiving guests, Zang Jiu came out.

All the experts inquired, and Zang Jiuzhi said, "it's the little devil who has been killed by me!"

The experts didn't believe it, but the supreme said so, and they had nothing to do.

Zang Jiu took a deep breath and said, "it's impossible to kill him. Since he wants to fight with me, I will fight you! "

All the experts were disgraced.

A Yue, the master of the dark moon hall, said: "but supreme, this man has a strange origin, and his cultivation is extremely high..."

Zang jiuchen said in a deep voice: "no harm!"

Then he said, "you are in this temple. Don't act rashly."

"We..." The experts are more worried.

They don't know how to deal with it.

They intuitively feel that supreme is not the opponent of that person!

Zang Jiu didn't pay attention to the crowd. His body was shining and he soon came to the sea.

The sea rises, the moon rises, the ends of the earth are at this time!

Over the sea, moonlight poured on the wind. He was like the white God of war.

The supreme Tibetan nine is a black robe, wearing a crown, like the king of the night.

The two stood opposite.

The sharp light flashed in Zang Jiu's eyes and said, "who are you, and what are your worries and resentments with me

Feng Shangren gazed at Zang Jiu. He then said with a smile, "I'm really surprised. I didn't expect you to dare to fight. I thought I would kill more people before you would come out. "

"Who are you? What's the purpose? " Zang Jiu seems a little excited.

He laughed and said, "if you want to know who I am, you should defeat me first."

Zang Jiu looked at the people in his hands and immediately said, "let my people go!"

"What's wrong with that?" he said

When he finished, he waved.

All of a sudden, the clansmen fell down and screamed all over the place

With a wave of his hand, Zang Jiu held all the people together and sent them back to the island.

Feng Shangren then cried out, "listen, everyone. Today I have a fair fight with Zang Jiu. If someone wants to take advantage of the decisive battle between me and him to encircle, kill and sneak attack, I will leave the battlefield immediately. After that, I will not come out again. I will slaughter all your people and hunt you one by one. I don't believe you will be together forever and never separate! "In the main hall, the experts were still discussing how to fight against the wind.

When they heard this, they were all dumbfounded and did not know what to say.

Hiding nine cold looking at the wind to endure.

The wind forbeared to stretch out his hand and said in a very gentlemanly way: "supreme, please!"

Zang Jiu gazed at Feng Shangren and said, "you're not coming to fight me. You're not a Taoist fool! If you want a showdown with me, you'll come out fair and square. "

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