Zang Jiu had seen the power of the limitless chopping of yin and Yang. He was afraid and could not help saying: "the power of the limitless chopping is the fusion of yin and Yang, and it goes on and on. It's hard to deal with! "

Huantianyu sacrificed the python dragon mask!

All of a sudden, a big golden clock appeared and enveloped the three of them.

There are pythons swimming outside the golden bell.

Countless Yin and Yang limitless chop immediately cut in the python dragon cover above.

Crackle, crackle


Huan Tianyu immediately felt uncomfortable. His whole body mana urged him to merge closely with the python dragon mask!


The next second, the python hood starts to crack.


The python hood is broken.

The world spewed out a mouthful of blood. He is conceited of his ability and has few rivals. But in this moment, he felt the real terror!

Then, the Yin and Yang limitless chopping over the sky.

Tibet nine instant sacrifice out of the eternal night throne, the throne, endless darkness shrouded.

Around them, the darkness turned into mist!

In the fog is the mystery of eternal night, and there is the mystery of space.

The limitless Yin and Yang fell into the dark space!


The limitless cutting of yin and Yang brings out dazzling golden light, which actually directly illuminates the whole space!

The mystery of eternal night is broken by force.

Zang Jiu can no longer resist the cutting of yin and Yang.

Chen Yang has been trying to find a way, but at this time, he has no time.

Zangjiu's throne of eternal night was broken, so he immediately took it.

Originally, Chen Yang's idea was to let Mingyou and bingxuanxin control fengshangren, and they went directly to deal with ah Qing. But the plan changed, and they now face the worst results in the armor of the gods.

That is to be beaten by Feng Shangren and ah Qing.

I took the initiative to enter and was caught in a jar.

This place seems to be the domain of each other!

Such as cangjiu and huantianyu, they are also vulnerable to this kind of limitless cutting of yin and Yang.

What's more terrible is that this kind of endless cutting of yin and Yang is a cycle, endless!

At that moment, Chen Yang finally made a move.

At that moment, Chen Yang's black hole crystal covered everyone!

The Obsidian power and soul power of the cold demon God armor are shrouded in a solid black cold armor!

Yin and Yang cutting in the above, suddenly collided with countless brilliant sparks.

Chen Yang also immediately felt the ferocious passage of mana, and the force of the limitless cutting of yin and Yang outside was fierce, and it was more and more ferocious.

"Yin and Yang mingle. It's really terrible!" Chen Yang said in secret.

He can't think of a solution, and knows that even if his black hole crystal is upgraded, it's hard to resist.

It's just a moment at most!

Then, Chen Yang worked out the great phagocytosis.

The crystal of the black hole turns into an infinite black hole vortex.

Therefore, all the Yin and Yang limitless chop into the whirlpool.

Chen Yang madly urged the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu, and the great fatalism began to work. No matter how fierce and endless the yin-yang Wuji chop is, Chen Yang changes the shape of the yin-yang Wuji chop with great fatalism, and finally absorbs it.

Feng Shangren has always been afraid of Chen Yang. He thinks Chen Yang's power is very strange.

And now, the nightmare is back.

It's invincible and invincible to bear to cut Yin and Yang on the wind. But just then, he felt all the power out of control. His powerful and boundless cutting of yin and Yang unexpectedly Swallowed by the other side.

"Damn it There was a curse in the wind.

Ah Qing is also disgraced, said: "husband, how to do, his power is so strange!"

"Don't panic, his power is really strange. But his power seems to be limited. We run out of his energy and he's not far from death. Now, just let him absorb. After that, he absorbed too much, his body couldn't bear it, and he had to chop us. All we have to do is follow up all his moves. "

I have to say that the words of tolerance on the wind are to the point. He really knows enough about Chen Yang, the old enemy.

Chen Yang absorbed a lot of yin and Yang limitless chopping, and the wind on this side immediately urged more yin and Yang limitless chopping to kill in the past. As a result, Chen Yang has to constantly absorb.

The change of the power of the limitless cutting of yin and Yang is extremely complicated. Even the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu can't absorb it.

Chen Yang always feels that the real power of xuanhuang Shengu seed has not been stimulated by him.

Otherwise, the power of xuanhuang Shengu seed is very good. The collapse of the immortal world is far from being able to let the master.

Although the tolerance on the wind is fierce, it is still far behind the real fairyland power.Chen Yang has no choice but to urge the great fatalism. The great fatalism forces to refine the limitless cutting of yin and Yang!

One hundred thousand years of destiny has passed!

200000 years, 300000 years!

Half a million years!

Chen Yang spent 500000 years of his life. He constantly absorbed and digested the limitless Yin and Yang, and borrowed the great fatalism to store this terrible power.

At the same time, Chen Yang absorbs Bingpo pill to supplement his life!

He wants to save, save the strongest blow, he wants a sword to cut a hole in the armor of God!

A million years of life is quickly exhausted.

But Bing Po Dan has been adding!

He absorbed 100 billion ice potions, and his life expectancy increased by another million years.

Chen Yang is still absorbing, and another 500000 years of destiny has passed.

It took a long time.

Cangjiu and huantianyu see the endless cutting of yin and Yang, but they are finally absorbed and digested by Chen Yang.

They deeply understand the power of yin and Yang Wuji. When they see that Chen Yang is so powerful, they are also stunned.

Zang Jiu remembers Chen Yang's saying that he can beat himself.

At that time, Zang Jiu thought Chen Yang was too crazy. Now it seems that he was not simply crazy!

At this time, Chen Yang's strength has been very terrible.

He was surrounded by endless shadows, countless sword lights, dense, blocking the sky.

His body, the smell of destruction, extinction, fear!

That's the power to make everything disappear!

This kind of strength makes the wind unbearable.

He was afraid, too.

He began to doubt his judgment.

He thought Chen Yang would not last long, but now, Chen Yang is just like a little strong.

Ah Qing worried: "husband, if you let him absorb it like this, he may really destroy the armor of God!"

He gritted his teeth on the wind and said, "hold on for a moment, he's at the end of his rope. We have reached the most critical time, so we must not fall short again at the moment! "

Chen Yang is also waiting.

He is fighting patience with the wind.

His strength has been accumulated to an unimaginable level. As soon as he stops attacking and killing, he will attack on a large scale, and then fight his way out.

Feng Shangren is also aware of this, and he wants to make Chen yangbang!

After all, Chen Yang can't compete with Feng Shangren because he can't spend less than 200000 years of his life. If it's too low, there's no turning room for it!

So, with only 200000 years left in his life, Chen Yang gave a roar and cut it out with one sword!


A sword to the East!

All the sword shadows suddenly condensed and turned into a bright sword light!

Sword light seems ordinary, but all the rules around it begin to collapse.


Sword light cut into the outer Yin and Yang limitless cut!


Contact with the Yin and Yang limitless chop instant into fly ash.

Then, the sword light entered the lingering Yin and Yang sea.

And it's directly toward the eyebrows of the wind.

Wind bear suddenly feel, no matter how much ability, strength, can't resist this sword.

There was fear in his eyes.

"Ah Qing!" He gave a shout.

Ah Qing immediately took hold of the hand on the wind.

"You have me, I have you, yin and Yang blend, nurture all things!"

Two people's mana instantly intertwined!

Flesh cultivation is always inferior. The real double cultivation is the combination of each other's mind and mana.

At that moment, yin and yang can produce the most magical fruit!

At that moment, in the wind, forbearance and ah Qing's body bloomed colorful and gorgeous light. This light instantly formed an aperture!

Seven aperture!

The seven fold aperture, in which color, represents different dimensions of the universe.

Dimension of time, dimension of space, dimension beyond time, dimension of space, dimension of black hole, dimension of wormhole, dimension of life!

Chen Yang felt that he had entered the sea of time with a strong sword!

Although the ocean of time can't compare with the ocean of time crystal, it's powerful enough.

Finally, the sword light broke through the ocean of time, and penetrated into the space, boundless, endless!

That sword light is ferocious, and instantly kills the space!

Then we enter into the more powerful ocean of time. Time and time go back and forth.

Sword light is still ferocious, finally break the heavy time!

In fact, Chen Yang's understanding can not be broken. But the sword light has the power of destiny and the power of overwhelming the world, so its ferocity is beyond Chen Yang's estimation.Sword light kill, until the last dimension of life!

All of a sudden, sword light collapses!

Chen Yang also felt that Jianguang had consumed all his strength.

"Ha ha ha ha..." On the wind, he escaped from death and began to laugh.

"Chen Yang, you are about to run out of power. Now, what else do you use to stop this temple? We have done so much to kill you. Now, you must die! "

The wind roared.

Then, he condensed the seven aperture, and finally formed a colorful sword light!

"The sword of life, reverse Yin and Yang, let the life in front of you turn into ashes!"

The colorful sword immediately killed Chen Yang.

Chen Yang felt desperate and did so much that he didn't even hurt his family's skin.

In this place, it's impossible to find a way out of nothing with great fatalism.

However, Chen Yang still didn't want to wait to die, so he once again launched the black hole vortex, xuanhuang divine Valley seed, the power of great phagocytosis.


The sword of life shot into the black hole vortex.

Chen Yang felt that all kinds of magical powers withered in an instant, just like the arrival of a virulent plague and the extinction of all things!

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