Chen Yang is an eloquent and observant man.

In fact, he also knew that it might not be accurate to say things with yanrilun. It's just like you oppressed the ancestor of Mirs. Can we say that our character is not good? Not necessarily. They are all cruel struggles. A cruel struggle is tender.

I have captured all the men, women and children of the shadow clan.

Chen Yang said this because he knew that Longnv was not a calculating and insightful person.

A person has been sleeping for nearly ten thousand years, and he has been practicing cultivation, so he may not be able to turn around so quickly.

Dragon girl stares at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also stares at the Dragon Girl. He is obviously very nervous, but he still pretends not to care.

In this psychological game, Chen Yang knows better that his bottom card is not because he said that tolerance on the wind is not good. His card is the future of ah Qing!

After a while, the Dragon girl said, "I can't make the decision on this matter. If you have the ability, persuade ah Qing. "

After she finished, she sacrificed a dragon ball.

The dragon ball is suddenly enlarged, and ah Qing's soul is safe in the dragon ball.

Ah Qing also saw Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin.

"Ah Qing?" Chen Yang immediately called out, he said: "from beginning to end, I have no malice to you. If we're going to kill you, you've been dead at least twice. As long as we kill you and absorb all the pieces of your soul. Your mother may not be able to find us! I hope our kindness to you will not be a retribution. Just as in those years, Xuanxin could have killed fengshangren for a long time, but he let it go again and again. In the end, he almost died in his hands. "

Chen Yang did not give ah Qing a chance to speak, he continued: "you are very brave, Yan RI Lun forces you, forces you, you would rather die than follow. Xuanxin was forced to be a concubine by her father Feng taixuan. If she is as strong as you, maybe she has been dead for hundreds of years. Because she's not as lucky as you are. However, the pain of her following fengtaixuan is no less than that of you following yanrilun. You say, is it wrong for her to resist? Later, the wind forbearance to kill her, she resisted, wrong? That day, I came to help her. When we went to see the tolerance on the wind, you were also there. You also saw how she begged the tolerance on the wind. Besides, fengshangren also arrested her son Do you think there is any other way for us to go besides resisting? "

After a pause, Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "well, I've finished all I have to say. Today, I'm sure that I'll live and die together with Xuanxin. If you want to kill us, we will not fight and have nothing to say. "

Bing Xuanxin feels Chen Yang's efforts to save her. Finally, I want to live and die with her

For a moment, Bing Xuanxin suddenly feels that in her life, although she is not good at meeting people, it's worthwhile for her to get Chen Yang's true feelings in the end.

In Bingxuan's heart, the warm current is surging. She doesn't wait for Longnv to talk to ah Qing. She goes directly to Chen Yang, faces Longnv and ah Qing and says, "no, all the causes are from me. If you want to investigate, you can kill me alone. All the enmity, if you want to end, should end from me. Chen Yang is innocent If you want to kill me, you can kill me. "

"What nonsense!" Chen Yang gave a cold hum.

He took Bing Xuanxin's hand, and then pulled her behind.

Later, Chen Yang faced the Dragon Girl and ah Qing.

The Dragon girl is indifferent.

Ah Qing's eyes are complicated.

"Mother..." After a while, ah Qing spoke. She called out

Longnu's eyes finally fluctuated. With a trace of warmth, she looked at ah Qing and said, "hmm? Do as your mother says

Ah Qing lowered his eyes and said, "I thought I would be very sad. But now I suddenly found that after my husband left, I had a slight sense of relief. Maybe I don't like him that much. I don't agree with many of his later practices. However, I'm afraid that I dare not refuse him. "

The Dragon Girl's delicate body was shocked again.

Her eyes are also complex, this moment, she recalled her husband.

Her husband's crazy appearance can never be erased in her heart.

The Dragon girl took a deep breath and said, "so, what do you mean?"

Ah Qing said, "let them go."

Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin are overjoyed when they hear the words. At this moment, they know that the alarm on themselves has finally been lifted.

In fact, Longnu doesn't want to kill bingxuanxin. She is relieved to see ah Qing say so.

Then she said, "OK, I'll put you away first."

Ah Qing was slightly puzzled.

The Dragon girl no longer said much and caught the dragon ball in her hand. The dragon ball directly contracted into particles, and finally entered the Dragon Girl's body.

Chen Yang immediately said to the Dragon Girl, "can we go?"

Long Nu looked at Chen Yang and said, "Yan RI Lun has been killed by me. He died miserably."Chen Yang was slightly stunned, then said: "Congratulations, master!"

The Dragon girl said, "as I said, I owe you a favor. Kill ice Xuan heart originally is a Qing's meaning, her meaning, I can only comply with. After all, I owe the kids too much. But now that she's done with it, that's good. Anyway, I don't have a good feeling for that one. "

It's really hard for her to like the wind. It's because her daughter is responsible for this.

Chen Yang said, "you..."

"This is for you," said the Dragon Girl

She is a pop-up thing

Chen Yang took it, and it was Wordless sky monument!

It's a good thing.

Chen Yang is very happy.

The Dragon girl said, "in addition, I'll give you another thing." Then she ejected another object.

It's still sealed.

Chen Yang took it.

It's like a pill

Chen Yang didn't know what was inside for the time being, so he asked, "what is it?"

Dragon girl said: "this is the dragon totem! It used to be my magic weapon. Now, it's for you. "

Chen Yang was surprised, but he couldn't help but feel happy. But he still said, "what's the point? Why do you give me your own magic weapon? It's enough to have this wordless stele. "

Dragon girl said: "the dragon totem is a magic weapon that I have used all my life. It is very powerful. However, I'm not very dependent on the power of this Dragon Totem now. At my level, you should also be able to see that I am using power, and you, at best, use brute force. No matter how strong the power is, I can swallow it with purple thunder! I'm not willing to give you this dragon totem. It's for you, of course, with some conditions. "

Chen Yang has already guessed the Dragon Girl's idea. "You said that as long as the younger generation can do it, they will do their best!"

The Dragon girl said, "my daughter? After all, the way she is now is not a long-term solution. You said before that you had a friend who became a ghost. Later, his cultivation was not weaker than mine? Is this true, or are you lying to me? I hope you'll be honest with me at the moment and don't hide anything. "

Chen Yang said, "it's true. I can tell you all the ways."

"What method?" Dragon Girl asked immediately.

Chen Yang said: "at the beginning, she was forced by her enemies, and a wisp of ghost was saved by me. It happens that I have a lot of pure Yin pills That kind of pill is very common, but it is the most favorite thing in the soul. I absorbed the endless pure Yin pills to her. Her talent was very high, and she soon got to the point of perfection. Finally, he became a ghost immortal. When he became a ghost immortal, he would be killed by thunder! "

The Dragon girl said in a deep voice: "I don't need to say more about the horror of thunder robbery. It's OK for us to go in now, but a soul quenched in thunder and lightning will undoubtedly seek death. "

Chen Yang said: "in fact, the method is very simple, that is the integration of yin and Yang. Before, the reason why ah Qing and Feng Shangren gave us such a headache was that they combined Yin and Yang with the help of the armor of God. At that time, my friend Yin Yang Shuangxiu and I helped her through a heavy thunderstorm. After several heavy, also is I help spend

"Double cultivation of yin and Yang?" The Dragon girl felt puzzled and said, "ah Qing, I'm afraid I can't accept you."

Chen Yang dry cough, said: "I don't mean that, when the time comes, you can find another suitable person."

The Dragon girl said, "my daughter's nature is pure and pure. She is not very receptive to other people. It's up to you. I can trust you, and you have experience. "

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "I can't, I can't either. I promised her that I would never be like this again. "

"Who did you promise?" The Dragon girl was displeased and said, "believe it or not, I killed the man you promised."

Chen Yang said with a bitter smile, "the man I'm talking about is the friend who practices thunder robbery."

In fact, he wanted to say that Suzhen in black was his wife, but he didn't dare. Because Suzhen in black is not allowed and does not like it. How can he spread it like this.

Chen Yang then said: "although you can kill me easily, I tell you the truth, you can't kill her."

"I don't care about the mess, my daughter. You must help," she said

In fact, Chen Yang said, "it's better to solve the problem than my friend. My friend has no body. But ah Qing's body is still there. When ah Qing's cultivation reaches a certain level, we can try to make her fit with her body. Isn't that good? So it's not necessary to do this, don't you think? "

Dragon girl said: "what you said also has some truth!"

Chen Yang said, "it's true."

Dragon Girl then said: "I want to entrust ah Qing to you, you see, OK?"

"Ah?" Chen Yang was surprised and said, "why? Wouldn't it be more reassuring for you to take care of yourself? "

The Dragon girl said, "you don't know something. I've been sleeping and I can avoid my enemies. Now that I'm awake, I'm afraid my enemies will come to me. So... ""Enemy?" Chen Yang said: "little Phoenix snow?"

The next turn of the Dragon girl surprised, said: "you know this?"

Chen Yang said, "I have been to the ancient cave, so I know something about you and the old man. After all, I have great fatalism. I can do many impossible things! "

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