Qin Lin and Taoist priest Luo Tong were overjoyed, and now they thank Zhang Daoling again. But Zhang Daoling waved his hand and said with a smile, "it's not worth mentioning!"

Then Taoist priest Luo Tong stayed in the Taoist temple.

Qin Lin's injury is no longer serious, just need to rest for three days. He can't stay here. He can't wait to get his wife and children to heat the Kang. Qin Lin and Chen Yang bid farewell to Zhang Daoling and said they would take their children to play for a few days.

Zhang Daoyun is natural.

Then Chen Yang and Qin Lin went out of the Taoist temple and took bao'er, Nianci and Mo Yu with them.

Later, Chen Yang and Qin Lin enter the Palace first and meet Xuan Zhenghao.

Under the care of xuanzhenghao, Dakang Jiangshan is solid and powerful. At that time, the Dakang Dynasty was only a subsidiary of yuntianzong, but now it has surpassed yuntianzong.

Xuan Zhenghao seldom took charge of many important affairs in the court. He has built a strong administrative team.

Most of the time, Xuan Zhenghao is in the boat of one yuan to practice, comprehend, and collect the treasures of the universe, as well as some experts.

For example, the phantom was captured by xuanzhenghao.

In the palace, Chen Yang asked Chen Nianci to play in the garden first. Prince xuanzhiyu heard that Chen Nianci was coming, so he quickly came and took them to play. Now xuanzhiyu is 13 years old.

In the upper study, Chen Yang and Qin Lin meet Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao was dressed in a bright yellow robe and wore a golden crown of hair. It looked like he was in all directions.

He has a very kind face.

Nevertheless, Chen Yang and Qin Lin saluted respectfully.

Xuan Zhenghao even said that he would be free, and then he took his seat.

Xuan Zhenghao first smile, said: "you come, already know the children's things, right? I wanted to teach in person, but Taoist Zhang liked it very much, so I thought, it's a good thing for the children, so I didn't stop it. But even so, when it's OK, I will let them and my son come to class together to learn the knowledge in the boat of one yuan. "

Chen Yang and Qin Lin said together: "thank you, Emperor!"

Xuan Zhenghao said with a smile: "thank you very much. How was your trip? "

Qin Lin was not good at words, so he didn't speak much.

Chen Yang said: "there are many twists and turns in the itinerary, but on the whole it is smooth." At present, he briefly talked about Xia Po Luo Xing and Guang Yao Xing, as well as the first day God. Including big brother now has the first day of God blood, he also said it.

Xuan Zhenghao said with a smile: "the location of Guangyao star is very hidden. Under the sun, almost no one can find it. However, I found this planet early in the boat of one yuan, but I didn't expect that the level of Taoism in that planet was so high. "

Chen Yang didn't go into details about the Dragon Girl and the war of purification. He is still anxious to see Shen monong. This time back, there are too many things.

There are so many things, but they are not clear.

Xuan Zhenghao is also witty. After chatting for a while, he said, "if you go out for half a year, don't spend it with me. You go home first, and we'll talk about it later. I do have a lot to ask you

Chen Yang and Qin Lin are ready to leave now. Chen Yang thought of one thing and said, "phantom?"

Xuanzhenghao smiles and says: "the phantom has returned to the boat of one yuan."

"This..." Chen Yang had no feeling at all. He couldn't help saying, "are you sure?"

"Sure," he said

Qin Lin is confused, what phantom? But he didn't ask.

Chen Yang said with a bitter smile: "at first, I thought for a long time that the phantom did not exist. Until she helped me out several times! I'm really curious why the phantom can have such ability, that is, I can't feel her at all when I'm by my side. "

Xuan Zhenghao said, "do you want to know?"

"Of course," Chen Yang said

Xuan Zhenghao said: "this is my secret, originally can't tell outsiders. But you are not outsiders, so it's OK to talk about it. "

After a pause, he said: "some people are born with six fingers, some are born with conjoined body, some are born with dementia, and some are born with extraordinary talent. For example, I was born with a very abnormal mental power, three days and three nights without sleep. The phantom is born sensitive to dimensional perception. At the age of twelve, she began to lose control of her body. Sometimes, she will shuttle to other dimensions for no reason. She will often fall into the vortex of other dimensions, and she will be invisible. This invisibility is particle assimilation She can't control it herself. It made her miserable! Until one day, she met a master who just wanted to train her to be a killer. When I met her, she had already killed her master, and her cultivation had already reached the fairyland of the cave! However, at that time, her situation was very bad. She felt that she was pulled by the vortex of dimensions and was going to fall into an eternal bottom dimension. She would never be able to live beyond it. "

"It was also at this time that I found her and rescued her. It took me two years to repair her body with a boat of one yuan. And help her to get along with those dimensional whirlpools. Her talent is very high, and she can learn more about the mysteries of the universeWhen Chen Yang and Qin Lin heard the speech, they suddenly realized.

Chen Yang thought about it and said, "emperor, have you ever thought about the difference between you and his master?"

His question is very obscure, but the meaning is very obvious. Because Xuan Zhenghao also regarded her as an assassin! So, will the phantom kill him in the future?

Although Chen Yang also likes phantom, Chen Yang still wants to know what xuanzhenghao's self-confidence comes from.

Xuan Zhenghao was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile: "that's a good question, but I'm not worried. She can leave me, can not do, but if you betray me, she will pay the price! She can't afford it

This is the confidence and edge of xuanzhenghao!

People can't be without edge!

Chen Yang also understands that if he wants to fight Xuan Zhenghao, his fate will be miserable.

Xuan Zhenghao unknowingly, has let Chen Yang immediately want to get away, is impossible.

However, Chen Yang also needs Xuan Zhenghao now.

So, for the time being, he doesn't think much about it.

After that, Chen Yang and Qin Lin left first.

Shen Molong, Xuanyuan and Yadan are all in Chen Yang's residence.

Nie Meiniang is in charge of the Marquis's residence.

Chen Yang also knows that ling'er is still in the boat of one yuan. He doesn't plan to see ling'er at the moment. He has a thorn in his heart about ling'er. That's blood and tears He also needs to ask Xuan Zhenghao for advice.

So for now, see Shen Molong first.

Chen Yang and Qin Lin took the children back to the house of the Marquis of Zhenguo.

At this time, the weather in Dakang is warm.

In March, the sun is warm.

It was in the afternoon, and the old locust tree in front of the Houfu was luxuriant. This kind of old locust tree is evergreen all the year round!

The guards of the Marquis's house have already known Chen Yang, so when they see Chen Yang coming back, they salute immediately and shout to see the Marquis!

Qin Linton was envious at that time.

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