Chen Yang used to be optimistic about looking for the star stone, but now he's not calm after hearing Xuan Zhenghao say so.

Xuanzhenghao also comforted Chen Yang, he said: "I have helped you find five now, after that, I will always look for them in the boat of one yuan. Some of the star stones are not in the Milky way. They are too far away to get. In addition, maybe some star stones have been collected, so I can't find them in the boat of one yuan. However, I'm dissecting the star stone. I can find out who has many star stones and where they are at a certain time. "

When Chen Yang heard the speech, he was immediately amazed. He said, "it's incredible."

Xuan Zheng Hao a smile, he said: "this is nothing." After a pause, he said, "this time I see your second brother Qin Lin's time flowing, it's very unusual. Time crystal, has been integrated into his body, right

Chen Yang said: "emperor, your eyes are as bright as a torch. Yes, time crystal has been integrated with second brother."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "this is really amazing. In my understanding, time crystal is impossible to integrate with people. It's unlikely that the eternal spar will be integrated with you, but It's all done. If it is really the world's largest, there are all kinds of strange things! Let your second brother make time to come as soon as possible. On the other hand, I see if I can help you build a time tunnel with the help of his time

"Time tunnel?" Chen Yang doubts.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "well, it's not what you think. Time can't be changed randomly. I want to make a time model to let you stay in it for ten or eight years, but it may only be two or three days or a month outside. It takes a lot of time. It's impossible to accomplish it. Since Qin Lin has this ability, he should make good use of it. "

As soon as Chen Yang's eyes brightened, he said, "what I lack most is time. If I can do it, it's still very good."

"Don't hold too much hope, it's still in my imagination," he said. I don't know if it can be done. The most reliable way is to use the boat of one yuan to burn the pure Yang pill. At present, my pure Yang pill is less than 10 billion yuan. To start the time reversal of the boat of one yuan, two trillion is the start. "

After a pause, he said, "the pure yuan pill you gave is almost used. The reason why I have 10 billion pills is that I have been consuming pure yuan pills recently. So, you have to find some pure yuan Dan for me. This huge empire looks beautiful, but the daily consumption is unimaginable! Just because of the many gods and masters in the boat of one yuan, the operation of the great array, and the consumption of pills all over the country are astronomical every day. Moreover, we also need a lot of pills for Zhan lingzun! You know what? I'm worried about pills every day now. People who are worried can't sleep. Who knows the pain in my heart, the emperor

Chen Yang can imagine Xuan Zhenghao's distress.

Chen Yang, for example, consumed countless pills every time he fought alone. Not to mention the Empire.

Chen Yang said, "OK, I'll go to the Dragon Star as soon as possible and draw some pure yuan pills."

"The sooner, the better. I really can't bear to use this pure Yang pill."

Xuan Zhenghao said.

Chen Yang nodded.

After leaving xuanzhenghao, Chen Yang returns to the residence of the Marquis of Zhenguo.

He accompanied Nianci and Mo Yu to play, and also taught them some simple skills and so on.

At night, I was happy in bed with Shen monong.

Like Chen Yang who goes out every day, he lives outside. When I came back, I felt very happy.

In particular, he can switch between ling'er and Shen Moneng. Sometimes, ling'er can change into a gentle ling'er

Chen Yang doesn't know how they feel, but for a man, this feeling must be wonderful.

After a few days back, Chen Yang never had time to understand the wordless Tianbei and Shilong totem.

Of course, Chen Yang has his own plans.

He knew he was going to baron.

In addition, he also talked with Qin Lin. Qin Lin has been with his wife and children for a few days. Now he directly takes Xuanyuan Yadan and Qin bao'er to Tianzhou.

Shen monong went back to the world alone.

Now that LAN Tingyu is in the world, and Shen monong is in Yanjing, there is no problem with the safety factor.

After all, Shen Molong has a lot of important things to deal with. She is indispensable in national security.

Magic Scripture has been following Shen monong.

This magic code, the safest way is to put it in xuanzhenghao.

However, Chen Yang and Luo Feng are not sure to let them go. Because the magic code itself is xuanzhenghao's, and then put in the past, always feel uncomfortable.

Magic Scripture should be safe in Yanjing.

After Chen Yang goes to meet ling'er, he plans to go to the Dragon Star with ling'er. Let ling'er control the black hole spar and go to baron. Chen Yang will take the opportunity to digest the Yuan Yin of ling'er, as well as the dragon totem and the wordless stele.At the same time, Chen Yang also knows that ling'er wants to be alone with him, so it will take at least 50 days to get there. These 50 days are very precious!

Ling'er heard that she was going far away with Chen Yang, just the two of them. After hearing this, she was jubilant, just like a little girl with sugar.

What she wants is not much, just to be alone with Chen Yang!

Chen Yang feels more sorry for ling'er.

He gave Suzhen ten years. How much time did he give ling'er?

It's too little.

Gentle ling'er has been with him for more than ten years.

I have spent a lot of time with Shen Moneng and Qiao Ning.

Only ling'er!

On the same day, Chen Yang and ling'er set out.

Before departure, Chen Yang counted the magic weapons and pills on his body.

There are 10 billion yuan pure pills, 5 trillion Yuan pure Yang pills and 100 billion yuan snow pills on your body!

There are five pieces of middle quality products and one piece of lower quality products!

These are good things.

However, for Chen Yang's level, it is no longer useful.

After that, it should be left to the children.

This time he got a lot of armor on Guangyao star. He gave Shen monong one of these armor.

Shen Mo Nong's cultivation has reached the virtual immortal. She can wear war armor and play some of the power of war armor. With battle armor, he is a master in heaven, and it's hard to kill Shen Moneng.

In addition, Chen Yang gave two of the rest to Prince xuanzhiyu and empress Yongle.

Xuan Zhenghao will still write down the favor.

Chen Yang gave Qin Lin another armor for the rest. Chen Yang keeps the rest by himself.

Give it to Qin Lin, let Qin Lin give it to bao'er later. Xuanyuan Yadan has no accomplishments and can't be used.

In fact, a few children can't wear armour now.

Of course, Xiao AI will have it. Chen Yang wants to give it to Xiao AI after he comes back. He never saw AI.

These armor, spirit son also can't use.

For ling'er, it's too weak. It doesn't work.

With a whistling sound, the black hole crystal shuttles away and instantly breaks through the atmosphere. Into the void of the universe

Just into space, Chen Yang to control the flight of the black hole crystal. And create a transparent window. Cold ling'er specially let gentle ling'er come out to watch the strange scene.

Chen Yang told Ruan ling'er a lot about the wonders of the universe, but this is the first time to take Ruan ling'er on a real journey to the universe.

For the first three days, Chen Yang has been manipulating the black hole spar.

Wormhole shuttle, see all kinds of undercurrent storms and so on This is what Chen Yang saw with a gentle spirit.

Moreover, in the evening, Chen Yang will gather a void spirit to control the black hole crystal and maintain a basic travel speed. He is gentle and gentle

Three days later, gentle ling'er returned to the dream.

The cold spirit appeared.

Next, the black hole crystal is controlled by ling'er, and the speed is faster!

After chatting with ling'er for a long time, Chen Yang began to meditate.

He went to another level of space and sat cross legged.

First of all, he thoroughly integrated the Yuan Yin of ling'er into his body.

This pure Yuan Yin also contains the Qi of creation.

Chen Yang felt that his body was comfortable to the extreme, and his whole body's mana was rolling and surging, which made him more powerful.

His body is purer, his mana is purer, and his understanding of truth and mystery is deeper.

Chen Yang feels that his foundation is deeper.

There is great wisdom in every aspect of creation.

How many talented masters, in those lonely years, year after year, hundred years, hundreds of years, thousands of years, can't get from creation to duality. Every promotion is extremely difficult.

Many experts are trapped in shackles all their lives.

Chen Yang can also feel that his group of people are lucky, so they can have so many opportunities to get to this point. Moreover, Chen Yang feels that every step of his promotion is solid.

It's not a castle in the air!

Yuanyin is very effective.

Chen Yang felt that he had touched the wall of the four forces of divine change.

The wall is very hard at the Lingtai. It takes a lot of effort and nature to open it.

To hit this level of barrier, it also needs Dan medicine to support.

If it fails, it will be backfired.

And once it's gone, it's infinitely useful.

Chen Yang felt that he could make an impact now, but he still held back.

We should not rush this matter.

At present, in fact, the best way is to practice meat and spirit with ling'er, so as to gain more knowledge and vitality.Or you can ask ling'er to help you rush away in double cultivation!

that will be much safer.

But Chen Yang is bound to be unable to do so. He is not afraid that ling'er knows about himself and Suzhen in black. Although it does some harm to ling'er, Su Zhen in black is the one she can't give up.

In this matter, the most important thing is that Suzhen doesn't want ling'er to know.

If he let ling'er know, it would make Su Zhen in black very embarrassed. Chen Yang knows this in his heart.

After taking a deep breath, Chen Yang finishes his work and goes to see ling'er.

This is three days.

It's easy to live in the mountains. The world has been prosperous for thousands of years. For practitioners, once settled, immersed in the Tao and the universe, they can't feel the passage of time.

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