Chen Yang immediately hugged his fist and said, "thank you so much, brother Qin."

Although Qin Dong was miserable in Chen Yang's hands, Chen Yang still respected Qin Dong! How can a five fold master of creation not respect him?

After Qin Dong left, Chen Yang and ling'er drank tea together. Ling'er said, "this is a good place. If one day the earth doesn't exist, we can move here."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "we can move, but human beings on earth can't. So I can't give up the earth until I have to. "

People have feelings.

Chen Yang has deep feelings for the earth.

There were all the plants and trees he cherished.

The blood flowing in his body belongs to the earth.

Ling'er nodded and said, "I know. I'm just saying this. I just want to say that at least we have a last resort!"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "I know what you mean."

Two people chatting, a moment later, the footsteps over there, Chen Yang immediately recognized the emperor is not smoke.

Emperor Feiyan came with Qin Dong.

At this time, Emperor Fei Yan, a light blue dress, light elegant, eyes stable and God, quite superior temperament.

She is really beautiful, beautiful and noble, noble with a trace of coldness.

More importantly, her cultivation has reached the sixth level of creation!

Chen Yang and ling'er stand up together.

He gave a smile to Emperor Feiyan and said, "I haven't seen you for a year. Your accomplishments have improved by leaps and bounds."

Di Feiyan's eyes first glance at Chen Yang, but he is still attracted by ling'er.

She also a smile, and then said: "you are the same ah! "Who's next to you?"

Chen Yang immediately introduced him and said, "my wife, situ ling'er!"

Di Feiyan is the first to think of mengqingchen. She knows that mengqingchen is also Chen Yang's woman.

These things, Emperor non smoke naturally don't want to think more, she then toward work properly son tiny nod, say: "work properly son younger sister, Hello, very happy to see you."

Ling'er also nodded and said, "Hello, sister Fei Yanjie. I'm glad to meet you, too."

Di Feiyan then said, "let's sit down and talk."

She said to Qin Dong, "Mr. Qin, you don't have to worry about it here. Go and do your own work."

Qin Dong knew that they had something private to say, so he said, "yes, Lord of the temple!"

Then Qin Dong retreated.

When he retreated, his maidservants also retreated. So there were only three of them left in Jinggong.

Chen Yang came to the point and said, "non tobacco, after so many things, I'm really worried. I don't know whether we are really friends. After all, I have a lot to do with your brother's death, and I forced your father to go away. "

Di Feiyan was slightly stunned, and then her face looked a little complicated. After a while, she said with a wry smile, "why do you want to say that? It's too crude. My father has done so many evil things to you. This is what I should be sorry for. Later, you saved me

Chen Yang said: "it's hard to forget the family. I understand that."

Di Feiyan said: "we are absolutely friends, unless you don't treat me as friends."

Chen Yang was slightly relieved and said, "thank you very much."

Emperor Feiyan felt strange and said, "thank you?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I'll be frank. I'm here to take pills. I hope you can help me, because our earth will have a strong enemy in more than ten years. I not only need your elixir, but also need your help in the future. "

Di Feiyan said: "there is no problem with these. How many pills do you want? "

Chen Yang said, "as much as you can, as much as I want. Besides, I also hope that you can send someone to deliver the pills to me when you have them. After this catastrophe, I don't need it. At that time, I will try to pay you back for your kindness. "

Di Feiyan said: "there is no problem. I'll settle it later. As you know, although we can produce a lot of pills every day, the consumption is really great. "

Chen Yang said, "I understand!"

Emperor Fei Yan said: "well, you must be tired from a long distance. Why don't you go down to have a rest with sister ling'er first, and I'll prepare a dinner party for you! "

Chen Yang responded.

Di Feiyan then wants to ask Meng Qingchen, but seeing that ling'er is also there, he still suppresses his curiosity.

Chen Yang and ling'er stay in the Huaqing Palace where Chen Yang lived before.

Huaqing Palace is the same as before, even the beautiful servants have not changed.

There is a hot spring in it. It's very comfortable to soak in.

Chen Yang was still thinking about shanglianxiner and shanlingyue. He said to linger, "linger, I know you don't like meeting strangers. The hot spring here is good. You soak first. I'll meet some old friends."Ling'er answered.

She really doesn't like socializing very much.

Chen Yang left Huaqing Palace.

Shanlingyue monk lianxiner and they live in Shangshu palace, which is beside a cliff.

Shanglian xiner and others are taught by the good spirit month.

It was evening, and the sun was setting. The scenery in front of Shangshu palace was very beautiful.

Chen Yang comes to the courtyard in front of Shangshu palace, where Shanglian xiner and the other three children of Shanglian family are meditating.

They had no accomplishments, but Chen Yang had tempered their bodies for them, and they had endless pills, so they made rapid progress.

Chen Yang saw at a glance that among these children, Shang Lian Xin'er had reached the eternal state!

The rest of the children also reached the magic nine!

Shang Lian Xin'er is the triple look of longevity!

In such an environment, the cultivation level is really fast.

You know, when Chen Yang met the holy master of Thailand, he was fierce. In fact, he was just five times of eternal life.

Of course, although these children are in a good state, their actual combat ability must be very poor. When you meet people like the holy master, you can abuse them with one hand!

Chen Yang's arrival is not felt by their cultivation.

Chen Yang comes to Shang lianxin'er.

This girl is Xiuwu's sister.

At the beginning, Chen Yang was so talkative that Xiuwu was killed. He angrily killed Chifeng, a disciple of Mr. Mo Da, and went to Shanglian family to bring these children back. It was a kind of compensation for cultivating martial arts.

At the moment, he is also pleased to see these children growing up.

But even so, what's the use for the dead Xiuwu?

A man is dead when he dies.

It becomes the dust of the universe, and there will be no more thoughts. All the things that happened before the death, glory and shame, have no meaning to the dead. It's all for the living.

Before Chen Yang opened his mouth, suddenly, a pleasant voice of surprise came

It's from the front of the palace of the book of history. Then the fragrant wind blows on my face.

The good spirit month quickly came to Chen Yang. She was so happy that her eyes lit up and cried: "martial uncle!"

Chen Yang smiles and looks at Shan Lingyue.

At the same time, Shang Lian Xin'er and the other teenagers opened their eyes and got up happily, shouting: "master!"

Chen Yang looked at the good spirit month in front of her, her cultivation has reached the point of fairyland in the cave!

Chen Yang remembers that when she first saw shanlingyue, she was just Taixu bazhongtian!

It's incredible how fast this cultivation is progressing.

Chen Yang first said with a smile to Shang lianxin'er's children, "you all practice very seriously, and your realm is also raised very quickly. It's very good. However, we should not be complacent. We should be down-to-earth and step by step. "

Shang lianxin'er and others got Chen Yang's affirmation and instruction, and each one was happy to bloom.

Chen Yang then said, "OK, keep practicing. I'll talk to your master for a while."

Shang lianxin'er and others should be happy to return to their respective positions.

Shanlingyue's joy was beyond expression. She took Chen Yang's arm and suddenly her eyes were red again. She said, "uncle, I thought I would never see you again."

Chen Yang's arm was held by this girl, and suddenly he was a little bit unnatural. But the other side was intimate. Naturally, he couldn't push it away, so he laughed and said, "your cultivation is progressing very fast. It's really good. In this way, your father's purpose of sending you has been achieved. "

Good spirit month said: "this all thanks to you, if not for you, maybe I don't know can live."

Chen Yang said: "this is what nonsense."

While talking, they went to the palace.

Shanlingyue lets Chen Yang go and makes tea for him.

Chen Yang was slightly relieved, and then sat down.

He glanced inside the palace, where the facilities were elegant and simple, making people very comfortable.

When shanlingyue came to make tea, Chen Yang said, "sit down and talk with me for a while."

Good spirit month nods.

She sat down with her.

Chen Yang said, "how can your accomplishments advance so quickly? Is there any chance? "

Shanlingyue said, "the Lord of the temple has been taking care of me. Before that, he asked me to stay in the ancient furnace for half a year and often gave me directions. I've been practicing like this since I was confused. "

Chen Yang laughs.

At the same time, I feel that my heart is really a dog.

At the beginning, blue and purple clothes cultivation so long to reach the cave Wonderland!

It's hard to get to the fairyland.

In front of the little girl, muddle headed to the cave Wonderland, is really more than people, angry ah!

Of course, Chen Yang also understands that they have different starting points.

When blue and purple clothes were on the earth, the resources were scarce. At that time, the pure Yang of the fairyland had not been leaked. It was very difficult and doomed to get some pills. They always had to hide in the void.As for myself, not to mention the difficulties in the early stage.

And this good spirit month little girl, that's different. I grew up in the world of Taoism!

But also get their own such, as well as dream light dust and Emperor non smoke such supreme guidance, and there are endless pills to absorb.

At the same time, Chen Yang also knew that the cultivation of Dragon Star brought a lot of water.

Although shanlingyue is a fairyland in the cave, it is estimated that he can't beat the experienced Taixu shichongtian master on earth!

However, good spirit month can be tempered slowly!

On the Dragon Star, the advanced cultivation is much faster. But the strength is also discounted!

After the earth disaster, the strength of Chen Yang, LAN Ziyi and other people is also rising

Shanlingyue didn't think of her master mengqingchen at all. She then asked, "uncle, how long can you stay here this time?"

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