Now she is relaxed, even if she is surrounded by pills, it is difficult to break through.

Still need to experience!

This is also very normal, how many masters of meditation for hundreds of years, a heavy barrier between the breakthrough.

Later, Emperor Feiyan gave Chen Yang a trillion pure yuan pills.

Chen Yang and ling'er bid farewell to di Feiyan and then leave.

Before leaving, Chen Yang also goes to say goodbye to shanlingyue.

Shanlingyue is rather reluctant to give up and says that she will work hard to cultivate and help Chen Yang in the future. Chen Yang laughed and said, "good!"

At the same time, Chen Yang also asked emperor Feiyan about Dongxiang's mother and daughter. Di Feiyan said they didn't come back.

Chen Yang felt at a loss.

He left a mark on Dongxiang, but now he feels that the mark is very vague. Obviously, Dongxiang is too far away from him

He once promised to go to Dongxiang.

But later, after emperor Shengtian was not a threat, Chen Yang was relieved.

He believed that there was nothing wrong with Dongxiang's mother and daughter. Now does not appear, perhaps that is looking for her yearning for freedom.

At present, Chen Yang didn't think about it any more.

Twenty five days later, Chen Yang and ling'er returned to the earth.

It took nearly three months to get there.

In less than a month, big brother Luo Feng and they will come back. That's when Chen Yang really began to have a headache

On earth, it's June.

The weather in Tianzhou began to get hot.

However, the imperial city of Dakang is always warm in winter and cool in summer.

The residents of the imperial city of Dakang, the common people, have a high index of happy life. Any room in the imperial city has been fired to a sky high price! And it's not enough to buy with money. To get the Hukou of Dakang Imperial City, it needs to be strictly checked. You can't do it with money.

Chen Yang gives xuanzhenghao a trillion yuan pills.

After Xuan Zhenghao received the pill, he was overjoyed.

If Chunyang Dan belongs to Chinese currency, then Chunyuan Dan belongs to island currency!

But in any case, Chunyuan Dan can still play the same role as Chunyang Dan in cultivation. But it's a lot more.

The quantity of one trillion Yuan pure pills is enough for a period of time.

On the other hand, Chen Yang learned that Nianci and Zhang Daoling had come back to study Taoism, and bao'er had passed. Xuanxuan Zhenghao granted the Marquis to Qin Lin and the Marquis's house.

Qinlin is the country!

Lord Qin!

Xuanyuan Yadan also lived in Houfu.

Sheji Houfu and Chen Yang's Zhenguo Houfu are on the same street. It's convenient for Shen to meet Xuanyuan Yadan.

Moreover, Qin Lin is afraid of Xuanyuan Yadan's loneliness, so he takes Xuanyuan Yadan's father to live. When Xuanyuan Tianfeng, the father of Xuanyuan Yadan, arrived at Tianzhou, he went into the Grand View Garden like Grandma Liu.

At that time, Qin Lin pulled out the supreme sword left by the ancestors of the Xuanyuan family.

The ancestors of the Xuanyuan family were once defeated by the emperor Changsheng. This is a pity for the whole Xuanyuan family. But Qin Lin told Xuanyuan Tianfeng that now the emperor of eternal life is in the imperial city of Dakang. Moreover, Emperor Changsheng is no longer his opponent.

Xuanyuan Tianfeng is full of emotion. Seeing that his son-in-law has such ability now, he is happy and worried. He worried that one day, Qin Lin would be tired of his daughter. However, when he saw the love of his daughter and son-in-law, he put down the big stone in his heart.

Chen Yang and his second brother Qin Lin meet, and then they go to Zhang Daoling.

This time, the children practiced in other places, but neither Chen Yang nor Qin Lin met them.

Besides, they didn't even meet Zhang Daoling, but Taoist priest Luo Tong was guarding there.

It is worth mentioning that the injuries of Taoist priest Qin Lin and Luo Tong have been cured for a long time.

Taoist priest Luo Tong tells Chen Yang and Qin Lin that the patriarch is closed now, and he is closed with several children. It's better for outsiders not to disturb.

This is a blessing for the children. Chen Yang and Qin Lin naturally support and support it.

Then Chen Yang and Taoist priest Luo Tong exchanged greetings and chatted a little, then left with Qin Lin.

Later, Chen Yang also learned that Shen monong has been in Yanjing in recent months. After all, she is an important person in Yanjing, which is also her job. Although Chen Yang wants her to be on Dakang's side, it's safer here. But Chen Yang also knows that although Shen is his wife, she is not a vase decoration. She is very important to the country.

As for ling'er, ling'er didn't go to the Marquis's residence.

Chen Yang thinks ling'er can go, but ling'er insists on not going. She told Chen Yang in private: "we all know it in our hearts, but Nianci won't understand it. If I go, there will always be rumors in the mansion. After all, he is not happy, and even misunderstood you. Besides, I'm not in a hurry. He will understand all this when he grows up. "

Chen Yang was immediately moved.

I feel that although ling'er usually talks less, he is so careful in dealing with his problems.Xuan Zhenghao is here to help Chen Yang solve the problem, said: "ling'er likes less people, I think, let her like Luo Tong Taoist priest, Zhang Daozu, build their own house in the boat of one yuan, that is the best. Every time you come to see Chen Yang, it's extremely convenient. "

After hearing this, Chen Yang and ling'er immediately feel that the idea is very good.

So, with the help of Xuan Zhenghao, Chen Yang, ling'er and Qin Lin built the residence together.

Ling'er is very excited this time, because this is her real home, which only belongs to her and Chen Yang.

The first is to make the foundation. Chen Yang goes to the wild land to carry the land and fix it with array.

Finally, the foundation was laid, so a foundation with a radius of 10 kilometers appeared.

Qin Lin saw the foundation and make complaints about Chen Yang. You are going to build a palace.

Chen Yang laughed.

In fact, the construction is also very simple. Chen Yang sprinkled many kinds of flowers to irrigate them with elixir and mana. So soon, a sea of flowers was formed.

There is also a lake in the sea of flowers. The lake occupies two square kilometers!

The house doesn't have to be big, just a small flat.

Inside 180 square meters, one master bedroom and two auxiliary bedrooms. Decoration style, all are modern.

As for electricity, there is no need to worry about it at all.

There is a thunder pool in the boat of one yuan to supply all kinds of electric energy.

It only took three days for Chen Yang, Xuan Zhenghao, Qin Lin and ling'er to create a paradise.

Xuan Zhenghao brings in all the sunshine, moonlight and so on. The day and night here are normal. Sunlight is the sunlight from the outside world, which is introduced directly.

After three days of success, the lake, the villa, the garden and the garden!

Xuan Zhenghao also arranges the palace maids to serve ling'er, but ling'er refuses. She doesn't like to be disturbed by outsiders.

Xuan Zhenghao naturally respects ling'er.

As for cleaning god horse, that is not a problem, ling'er hand wave, you can clean the house.

Chen Yang held a banquet in his room and invited Xuan Zhenghao, empress Yongle, Xuanyuan Yadan, Qin Lin and Taoist priest Luo Tong to have a meal together.

The food is very rich. It's all from the immortal family.

Chen Yang still has this ability.

On the side of empress Yongle, even Prince Xuan didn't bring it. Because Xuan Zhenghao thinks very carefully, he knows Chen Yang and ling'er's worries. If the prince comes, he will also see the relationship between ling'er and Chen Yang. Xuanzhiyu and Nianci have a good relationship. When the time comes, it's troublesome.

In the middle of the banquet, everyone also gave the gift of moving to a new house.

Among them, the gift prepared by Empress Yongle made ling'er most happy, but it was two white Ling rabbits.

Empress Yongle told ling'er that the rabbit's mother was a mortal rabbit. But later xuanzhiyu liked it, so she fed it with elixir and elixir. Gradually, the rabbit began to produce wisdom Then they gave birth to the two rabbits. These two rabbits are even more extraordinary. They grew up on elixir and elixir. However, the pills fed are much lower than pure Yang pills. Otherwise, the rabbit just can't bear it.

Ling'er can't put down the two rabbits, and takes the name, Huanhuan and LeLe.

Both rabbits are only three months old, but they can understand people's words. Their excretion has been controlled and they will go to the toilet by themselves. There is no peculiar smell on the body, and the hair is beautiful and does not fall off.

After the banquet, Xuan Zhenghao has a secret talk with Chen Yang and Qin Lin.

Inside the main body of the boat of one yuan, there are crystal walls all around.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "in recent months, Qin Lin and I have not been idle. We have been studying time." He said to Chen Yang first.

All three of them are sitting in meditation.

Qin Lin nodded, too.

Xuan Zhenghao continued: "the time of Qin Lin's practice has been greatly changed, which is mysterious enough. I have learned that Qin Lin's adoptive father time old man has the ability to delay the change of time. I think that since the old man of time is called time, he really has a deep knowledge of time. However, after my in-depth understanding, I also found that there are very big limitations in the delay of time. It can even be said to be an illusion of time. For example, he let us have a year outside and a hundred years in the cave. In fact, it is an illusion of time. But the illusion he created is real enough! "

Chen Yang listens to Xuan Zhenghao seriously.

Qin Lin said: "the more you know about time, the more you know about the vastness and horror of time. It's not that my adoptive father can't postpone the time, but that he can't achieve one year outside and one hundred years in the cave. If we say that time is a gear, we are a small one, and time is a big one. If the pinion wants to slow down, how can the big gear allow it? Delaying time is equivalent to changing the pinion so that the big gear can operate normally and the speed of the pinion will slow down. It's a day on the outside, a month or a year on the inside. If you understand the essence of this thing, you will know how difficult it is to delay time! "

With a bitter smile, Chen Yang said, "I know and understand time, but compared with you, it's still far behind. Just tell me the result. I don't think you have worked out a reason. However, you won't talk about it with me so seriously. "Xuan Zhenghao laughs and says, "Chen Yang, you are really a person!"

He then said, "with the blessing of the boat of one yuan and the power of Qin Lin's time, one day is equal to ten years. But there's only one chance. Besides, you're the only one in it. After this operation, the time in Qin Lin's body will be chaotic, and it will take ten years to recover. "

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