In the eternal furnace, the eternal world unfolds, and endless eternal power forms a whirlpool, which makes the sword involved. The power of the magic sword is really great. It's a cycle of life, cutting back and forth.

But the furnace of eternity keeps it from the outside world.

At a certain time, the sword light finally weakened and was refined by the eternal furnace.

Ouyang Yu, after all, is a master of a generation, and he has such an artifact as the eternal furnace in his hand. If LAN Tingyu was killed like this, it would be a strange thing!

As for the situation of breaking the pen, we should go out.

His original broken words become a dust, which can burst out infinite power of destruction. However, LAN Tingyu was so fierce that he swallowed it directly.

At present, he wrote Yin and Yang, sleepy and sixteen words in succession, and gradually decomposed them, finally dissolving LAN Tingyu's twenty-five magic swords.

But it's hard to resolve!

He abandoned the chaos and spread the power of all things with the dead blade sword.

The power of the dead blade in the dead blade sword is extremely fierce. In the power of all kinds of things, it is majestic and magnificent. In the end, Shengsheng killed 25 swords into ashes!

As for shuilinglong, shuilinglong has wisdom of Prajna. It turns into a sea of space with Ruyi beads. It's best to use up the power of 25 magic swords.

LAN Tingyu killed the four masters at the same time, which made them afraid. If it's a little short of Kung Fu, maybe it's dead on the spot.

LAN Tingyu doesn't want to fight. At the same time, he cuts out his sword and follows his figure to leave!

In fact, if he was fighting alone, shuilinglong could not catch his Wuji Jiuyan ice fire sword!

That water exquisite first reaction come over, immediately body shape a flash, stopped in front of LAN Tingyu.

She cold drinks a, way: "thief son, where walk!"

"Get out of here!" LAN Tingyu roared, and at the same time, he pointed out a Wuji Jiuyan ice fire sword!

Sword light is fierce!

Water Linglong early expected, that Ruyi change beads suddenly turned into mount Kong.

This mount of Vajra is a hundred miles round!

The inner Vajra is meteoric iron from outside the sky. It is also infused with divine power. It is extremely hard!

But when the Wuji Jiuyan ice fire sword cuts into it, it's like cutting into the tender tofu. It's like breaking through bamboo

"Broken!" Water Linglong eyes a cold, palm strength huff and puff, split out.


Mount Kumgang suddenly burst open, countless meteorite formed a sword force, and killed LAN Tingyu.

Prajna wisdom, contained in it, is ever-changing and magnificent, which can not be underestimated!

After that, shuilinglong trapped the Wuji Jiuyan ice fire sword with the sea of space.

LAN Tingyu's realm is weak, and water Linglong is too much. Therefore, he is still hard to shake water Linglong.

You know, the reason why fengshangren is invincible is that he has never met anyone higher than him.

The realm can't suppress the tolerance on the wind.

Moreover, if LAN Tingyu is only facing shuilinglong alone today, shuilinglong will definitely die.

The Wuji Jiuyan ice fire sword was trapped, and LAN Tingyu had no time to manage it. He opened his mouth and swallowed the meteorite iron sword into the armor of the God.

Prajna wisdom exists!

Even if LAN Tingyu is immortal, it's hard to digest!

The only way to digest it is to cultivate all things with Yin and Yang.

The combination of yin and Yang will directly dissolve the exquisite water skills.

"The pen of destruction, the pen of mountains and rivers!"

"Dead blade sword, dead blade ends in the world!"

"Eternal furnace, eternal light!"

The scene step, abandon chaos, Ouyang Yu cut out the strongest killing move!

Then you can see that the pen of disillusionment is full of the disillusionment breath of terror and extinction. Where the power of disillusionment goes, it is desolate and broken. This is the rule of all things, and it is irreversible.

The breath of death appears in the dead blade sword. With its great power, it kills one after another and exterminates heaven and earth!

The eternal light cut by the eternal God furnace penetrates the world!

However, LAN Tingyu once again showed the integration of yin and Yang.

Many forces were all inhaled into the sea area of yin and Yang by LAN Tingyu.

Once again, high waves sprang up in the sea area. The high waves strangled and finally formed a pair of yin and Yang dragons

Run, breed, absorb, and finally dissolve all the power!

Moreover, LAN Tingyu didn't feel exhausted at all. Yin and Yang mingled with each other and continued to grow!

The attack and killing of the people failed again.

Orchid court jade explodes roar, suddenly cast to reverse the storm of yin and Yang!


From LAN Tingyu's heaven God's armor chest, burst out nine inflamed spirit fire, cold ice spirit!

The magic fire and the cold ice fuse together and explode into a mist like existence. But, on one side, there is a bloody flame mist, on the other side, there is a frost white

In the blink of an eye, the storm was like a sandstorm, which directly enveloped Ouyang Yu in the water.The storm is raging!

The ice storm was blown by the wind of nine fire, directly broke through the people's supreme defense, broke through the limits of space and time, and hanged in their bodies.

"Eternal furnace!"

Ouyang Yu was surprised and cheered.

And immediately they went into the furnace of his eternal God.

Outside the crowd, the border appeared.

The fire in the eternal furnace is burning, intending to burn the storm of yin and Yang.

However, the wind of yin and Yang under the control of LAN Tingyu, the cycle of yin and Yang, endless, one after another, but the more fierce!

Shuilinglong has wisdom of Prajna, but at the moment, all her moves are limited by the storm of yin and Yang!

Between the ups and downs of yin and Yang, the storm is very heavy. Moreover, the space and time inside are in disorder. Once you enter it, you will be lost. Lost in this storm, that is waiting for death!

So at this time, people did not dare to act rashly.

With the pen of disillusionment, Jingbu constantly kills the storm of yin and Yang, but it's like a bullock into the sea, and it doesn't work.

The continuous attack and killing of the abandoned sword also failed.

Shuilinglong turns into mount Kumgang, hell storm, wisdom of Prajna and so on. All of them are destroyed by Yin Yang storm!

LAN Tingyu is with his and Luo Xue's strength, these four great masters are trapped!

"Is his power endless?" Ouyang Yu was shocked.

LAN Tingyu was not afraid of him at all. Today, however, his cultivation has already taken part in nature. With so many companions, he was forced to this step by LAN Tingyu.

How can Ouyang Yu not be surprised and afraid?

At this time, LAN Tingyu is consuming huge energy every minute.

However, Luoxue is an energy field, and her power is really inexhaustible for LAN Tingyu.

So at this time, LAN Tingyu didn't have any difficulty to catch up.

He didn't want to fight, but these people didn't give him the chance to leave.

"Simply, I will kill you today!" At this moment, LAN Tingyu's killing heart rose.

"How could the armor of heaven be so powerful?" Jingbu said with a gloomy face.

Shuilinglong said in a deep voice: "it's not all due to the armor of the gods. In the wind of yin and Yang, the spirit of cold ice is the purest and most violent, which seems to be endless. In the armor of the gods, the person responsible for the power of the Yin is not simple! "


Just when LAN Tingyu got the upper hand, suddenly, there was a change in the armor of the gods

I don't know when a seed appeared in the sea of extreme Yin. The seed was originally the same as the sea of extreme Yin. It was Yin Sha sea water, but when LAN Tingyu steadily attacked, the sea water turned into a seed, and the seed suddenly changed into a person.

This man is the God who disobeys cangshui!

That counter Cang water a palm blast to kill to Luo Xue.

The change is sudden and unexpected.

LAN Tingyu's reaction is already a step late.

The palm power of the reverse Cang water blows to kill Luo Xue. Luoxue is in the center of the sea of Yin. At once, countless cold ice appear around her, and the ice crystals and protoliths in her body also show up

But how terrible is the palm power of the reverse Cang water!

Immediately, everything in front of us was cracked! Thousands of miles of ice suddenly cracked

Luo Xue snorted and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Orchid court jade see, eye canthus to crack.

But even at this time, he didn't mess with himself.

The external counter chaos Yin Yang storm shrinks instantly!

Luoxue tried her best to run the residual force, and the storm of yin and Yang directly caught the reverse cangshui.

She felt the danger, changed her body shape, broke through the storm of yin and Yang, and then left the armor of God.

LAN Tingyu is in internal and external troubles. He also intends to let the water go.

Then LAN Tingyu flew out quickly

His body flashed, but the reverse water appeared directly in the sky.

"In the center of Nirvana, heaven and earth are silent!" The reverse Cang water burst to drink.

Then, the reverse Cang water spewed out a thick white fog.

The white fog will cover all the surrounding thousands of miles, which contains the wisdom of Nirvana, the supreme space and the mystery of time.

Even if LAN Tingyu wanted to go, she couldn't.

"Tingyu I It's almost over. " Luoxue spat out blood again.

"No!" LAN Tingyu got into the armor of God and hugged Luoxue. When his magic power penetrated into Luoxue's body, he found that the meridians in Luoxue's body were in disorder, the power of ice crystal was in disorder, and Luoxue's body fell into a violent state.

And at this time, the surrounding anti Cang water also launched an attack!

All the people join forces to attack and kill again, countless forces, lightning kill!

This time also joined the inverse Cang water this peerless master. But now, LAN Tingyu's side, Luoxue is seriously injured.At this moment, LAN Tingyu fell into a boundless crisis.

Luoxue struggled to run, and lantingyu ran Yin Yang sea area again.

Many forces attack and kill, and the sea area of yin and Yang explodes madly

LAN Tingyu can no longer digest and absorb many forces

As if between, has come to the end of the road.

"I thought we could get to lingzun catastrophe, but I didn't expect that today is the end!" LAN Tingyu said in secret.

"Both yin and Yang practice till death, heaven and earth die, you and I will not die!" LAN Tingyu roared.

He and Luo Xue kiss together, and the power runs in their bodies.

The sea gradually calmed down.

After that, the armor disappeared.

Inverse Cang water and others see is about to kill LAN Tingyu, but did not expect to appear in front of such a encounter, they immediately froze.

"Fengxiaojingshi, calculate the past and future, find out their position!" Inverse Cang water immediately sacrificed the Phoenix crystal, the Phoenix crystal, the blue light kept flashing, like a computer in high-speed computing in general.

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