Chen Yang then said to Luo Feng, "I once saw Bai Suzhen shed blood and tears. Now, after more than 800 years, she has never walked out of that shadow one day. This kind of damage is huge, brother, you teach me, what should I do? How can the world be satisfied with the Dharma of double perfection, not to the Tathagata, not to the Qing? "

Luo Feng said: "Bai Suzhen is in pain because she can't save her sister. But ling'er won't really lose you. Therefore, the pain of ling'er can be compensated. Many things, though seemingly the same, will not be the same result. I can only comfort you so much. Do you want me to teach you how to do it? I'm not qualified for that! "

Chen Yang said, "I'm very curious. If I don't agree, brother, how do you do your best?"

Luo Feng was silent for a moment and said, "I know, although I have some means now. But third brother, you are never bad. Besides, Zhang Daoling and Xuan Zhenghao are on your side. You are the king of destiny in the world. They're not on my side if they're wrong. But I'm not afraid. Because if I can't save them, then death is my destination

Chen Yang is speechless.

Luo Feng said: "you choose. If you choose, I can take the next step. You can guess what I'm going to do. I know that my third brother has always been very clever. What can I hide from you? "

Chen Yang looks at Luo Feng.

He was shocked by elder brother's saying that death is my destination.

He knew that if he didn't agree today, he would pay for his life!

Elder brother is right in saying that Bai Suzhen is suffering because she can't revive her sister. Ling'er and Bai Suzhen may not have the same ending.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "brother, I have only one request. Don't let me really die in ling'er's hands. I can die, but I can't die like this. Ling'er can suffer temporarily, but I can't accept that she will live in pain forever. I know that once I promise you, I don't have the initiative. But as a brother, I beseech you

Luo Feng nodded and said, "I know."

Chen Yang closed his eyes and said, "come on!"

Luo Feng looks at Chen Yang. The next moment, he smashes Chen Yang's head.

Chen Yang's body suddenly turned into countless pieces. Luo Feng suddenly opens his mouth and swallows all the fragments of Chen Yang.

Before that, Chen Yang had a puppet body.

After fighting against those people, Chen Yang's puppet body was destroyed. He reintegrated the fragment into his body.

Then he refined the puppet body again. However, this puppet body has not been formally refined!

Because it really takes some time for the puppet body to become a master of quadruple creation.

Chen Yang always controls the body of the puppet with the claw of the first dragon. He will never give the puppet a chance to turn over.

Chen Yang has made all the preparations.

Now, his puppet body falls into a deep sleep in the talons of the first dragon.

And the talons of the dragon are in the black hole crystal. All his possessions are in the black hole crystal!

Luo Feng devours Chen Yang's body fragments, but the black hole crystal is collected by him.

Then Luo Feng sat cross legged.

Cheng Jianhua also came out of jiexumi. He said to Luo Feng, "for the time being, things are going well."

Luo Feng's eyes are red. He stares at Cheng Jianhua. Suddenly, a wisp of killing intention flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, Cheng Jianhua was shocked and said in a trembling voice, "brother Feng?"

Luo Feng forced to suppress the killing intention, and then said: "you go, before I asked you to come back, don't appear in front of me, I'm afraid I can't help killing you!"

Cheng Jianhua was stunned.

After a long time, he turned and left in silence.

After Cheng Jianhua left, the mother insect emperor also spoke: "what's the point of venting anger on him? He didn't come up with the idea by himself, and I mean it

Luo Feng took a deep breath, and then said, "I'm standing in the swamp. You and he are the people who pull me to continue to sink into the swamp. Sadly, even if I knew that, I couldn't push you away. You are really good and never tell me that there is no hope. "

But now, the hope is in sight. Your friends, brothers, will only advise you. There is no hope. Because they stand on the shore and can't feel your pain! But I can feel that everything is because of our persistence! "

Luo Feng said: "you once said that my third brother will not sacrifice."

"I admit that I misunderstood him," she said

Luo Feng sneered and said, "with your dark heart, you can never see through his light, wind and moon."

The queen said, "yes, you can say whatever you want. Luo Feng, we are helping you. You don't want to be cheap and be good. You are willing to do all this. We don't have the ability to force you. However, I can understand your remorse and guilt. If you complain about us like this, maybe you can feel better in your heart! ""Shut up Luo Feng became angry in an instant.

The mother insect emperor turned her lips, but said nothing more.

But immediately, Luo Feng said, "are you sure your plan is feasible? Will not endanger his life? "

"Of course," said the queen

Luo Feng said, "if something happens to my third brother, you know what I will do to you."

The mother insect emperor was silent for a moment, and then said, "Luo Feng, I'm not your enemy!"

Luo Feng said: "if something really happens to my third brother, I promise that I will use all my energy to make you unable to survive or die. Everyone has a bottom line, especially my Luo Feng's bottom line. I advise you not to try! "

The queen said, "OK, let's go."

Luo Feng, concentrate!

Then, Chen Yang's body fragments began to fuse in the blood particle hole!

Finally, gradually formed the body of Chen Yang!

At this time, Chen Yang's flesh and blood recovered. But it has just recovered, so mana and memory are still in a state of recovery.

Every time the explosion, and then fusion is such a process!

This process is very secret, and it is difficult for outsiders to find out.

But the queen knows the secret, because she gets the energy from the eternal crystal. She has studied the eternal spar for a long time!

At present, the mother insect emperor suddenly appears.

In the blood particles, she is like an insect, instantly into Chen Yang's eyebrows.

Chen Yang is in the process of recovery. He suddenly feels a lot of pain in his head, and then he loses consciousness!

The blood particles mixed hole is very terrible, which suppresses Chen Yang.

All the rules are limited by the blood particle hole.

"Come on, do a big pull!" The queen of the mother insect yelled.

Luo Feng cast the spell immediately!

Then, the queen and the blood particles mix together, like an ultimate whirlpool!

Luo Feng's large traction was integrated into it.

Invisibly, there seems to be a mysterious force pulling everything.

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