Shen Mo Nong said with a smile: "I can't imagine that after so many years, you are still the same as before! These people can make you angry, but it's a surprise to me. "

Chen Yang said, "what is this saying? Are we really going to be superior if we get some skills? If you don't get angry when you see this kind of thing, am I still me? I will always be angry. "

Shen Mo Nong said with a smile, "I used to think you were a bit childish. But now I feel it! "

Chen Yang is slightly a Zheng, say: "how to feel now?"

Shen Molong said: "it's very valuable!"

When Chen Yang heard the speech, he laughed.

Shen said: "but sometimes, I think, are we qualified to judge others? You see, you killed them when you were upset today. Do they deserve to die? Everyone is a separate being. "

Chen Yang said: "I didn't think so much, and I didn't think whether I was qualified or not. All I know is that it's so damn hateful that I have to cut them off. If Nianci is such a thing in the future, I will disable him at home first. If my son doesn't succeed, I will try my best to teach him first, so that he won't be taught by someone like me, and there's no chance of recovery. "

Shen Mo Nong said angrily, "there is someone who says his son like you do."

Chen Yang laughs and says, "I'll tell Nianci that I can fool around and make mistakes in the future, but if I do that kind of jerk, I won't be lenient."

"Don't worry, our children won't be like that," Shen said

After chatting for a while, Shen Morong began to solve the problems left by Chen Yang.

She just made a few phone calls and settled the matter.

After that, Shen Molong and Chen Yang come downstairs to see song Lingshan.

Song Lingshan was stunned when she saw Shen Molong. She thought that Chen Yang's wife must be very beautiful, but she didn't expect that Chen Yang's wife was more than beautiful.

In Song Lingshan's eyes, the woman in front of her is tall, elegant, beautiful, and has a noble, not angry and powerful air.

It's like the top man!

This is Shen's long-term experience as the leader of the National Security Bureau.

Chen Yangxiu is high, so he can't feel it.

But in front of song Lingshan, she felt so clear.

Song Lingshan did not dare to look directly into Shen's eyes. Forgive her for having a little fantasy about Chen Yang before, but now she is totally disillusioned.

Shen Molong is very polite to song Lingshan, smiles a little, and then sits opposite to song Lingshan.

After that, Shen monong said that he would let song Lingshan live here first tonight.

As for the things Chen Yang provoked, she said she didn't need to worry at all. She had already dealt with them.

Song Lingshan also felt at ease and immediately lived in the garden villa.

Chen Yang and Shen monong then went back to their room to have a rest.

In the bedroom, Chen Yang takes a bath and sees Shen Mo Nong on the bed checking some things with his notebook.

Chen Yang came to the bed, and then took Shen monong in his arms. He looked at the notebook and said with a smile, "what secrets are you looking at? Is it convenient for me to see? "

Shen Mo Nong said with a smile, "you can look at it."

Chen Yang said, "don't you violate discipline?"

Shen said, "it doesn't matter. It's all about Foreign Affairs recently, which may need our vigilance. "

Chen Yang said: "this kind of thing should be very confidential. You put it on the notebook, not afraid to be hacked away? Shouldn't it be the kind of spy movies that burn after reading? "

Shen Mo Nong said with a smile: "my notebook is highly confidential. It connects with our unique intranet and system. Even if the hacker is aware of our network, as long as he dares to try to infect it, he will be found by us immediately. This is no joke And it locked my retina. When people look at this notebook, they can't see anything at all. You can rest assured of the confidentiality. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

He thought of something and said, "by the way, have you noticed a person?"

Shen said: "who?" Chen Yang said: "Xiao Bingqing, my earliest enemy. Didn't you become a lunatic? She was a natural spirit before. But later, Lao Xuan didn't mention it. I wonder if she has lost her spirit body

Shen Molong said: "we always pay attention to Xiao Bingqing because she has good accomplishments and is in a state of madness. She has been dead for several years... "

"Ah? How did you die? " Chen Yang asked.

Shen Molong said: "suicidal!"

Chen Yang said, "can a madman commit suicide?"

"It's not unusual for a madman to do anything," Shen said

Chen Yang said, "that's true."

Shen Mo Nong said with a smile: "the matter of spirit body has passed."Chen Yang said, "as you know, ling'er is pregnant. This time, I'm really scared. Next time, no matter who it is, it's absolutely not negotiable to ask me about blood and tears. Fortunately, this time there is a remedy. If it is I don't think ling'er and I will have a better time. "

Shen Mo Nong also felt a lingering fear. She nestled in Chen Yang's arms and said, "if it's really hard for you, how can I be better?"

Chen Yang kisses Shen Molong and says, "yes! How lucky

Then Shen Molong kisses Chen Yang back.

Although they have been married for so many years, their relationship is always strong and never tired.

Also because, two people have never been trapped in the life of chaimi, youyanmaosuao tea!

Then, their clothes faded, and there was another fierce battle.

Chen Yang has never done anything. If Shen monong has another child, he will not be happy.

The next morning, Chen Yang and Shen monong were still asleep.

At this time, Shen's phone rang.

The phone is still on the dresser. Shen monong doesn't wear any clothes, so he asks Chen Yang to help him get it.

Chen Yang didn't even open his eyes. As soon as he grasped it, void grabbed the mobile phone.

Shen monong was slightly stunned.

In fact, she has lived in the secular world for the longest time, so she often tries not to use magic.

It's her habit!

But Chen Yang is different. Chen Yang lives longer in the world of immortals and demons.

He is now in this secular world, and he is not afraid to be known that he has magic.

This is because Chen Yang's thoughts have changed recently. Understand the relationship between himself and the way of heaven, and know that he will be able to be natural and unrestrained for several years. When the fate of the king is gone, the identity will not be robbed. Don't say to use magic in the secular world. At that time, you will be just like master Ling. You can't even think of entering the world.

Maybe the whole earth can't stay.

Those saints, as well as the fairyland immortals, are all lessons from the past!

If it really comes to that day, Chen Yang feels that he doesn't want to go to fairyland. When the time comes, I'll take my wife and children and find a good planet to stay

That seems to be good!

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