Hong Kong today's weather is very good, sunny!

It's two o'clock in the afternoon.

Chen Yang is still wearing a white T-shirt, jeans and sports shoes.

He originally wanted to wear a herringbone to drag over, but Shen monong stopped him.

Chen Yang is not a Gao Daquan person. Sometimes he is cautious and sometimes he deliberately criticizes others. He has a bad taste in his heart.

But on the whole, Chen Yang is not a bad person.

The heart of good or bad is also very clear.

Therefore, before Li Wenhua, although his mouth was a bit dirty. But Chen Yang didn't really care about anything with Li Wenhua.

Song Lingshan is a city beauty.

Director Shan can go forward. He warmly introduces Chen Yang and song Lingshan to Zhou Wenna.

"Why are you?" First of all, Li Wenhua was a little uneasy and said displeased.

This time, their family used Tianda's relationship, and finally got on the line with the top management of Yanjing.

Yanjing senior management is willing to help, and Li Wenhua is very happy.

They think their family is saved.

They come here full of great hope and excitement. As a result, they see that the helper is Chen Yang.

At the moment, Li Wenhua's face drooped.

"It's not nonsense!" Li Wenhua could not help muttering.

Zhou Wenna said to director Shan in a deep voice: "director, are you sure they are here to help? Or did the big guy not show up in the back? It doesn't matter. We can wait. "

Mr. Huo is also suspicious on one side.

The accompanying Hong Kong officials were confused.

Director Shan said in a deep voice: "Miss Zhou, Mr. Huo, and Mr. Lu, Mr. Chen Yang are the lovers of Shen Bureau. You must have heard of the prestige of Shen Bureau. This time, Shen Bureau has something to do, so he asked Mr. Chen Yang to come. Before coming here, Shen Bureau has solemnly explained that if someone disrespects her husband, it is equivalent to disrespect her! "

"Mr. Shen is actually him?" Zhou Wenna felt incredible, incredible.

If we say that this is a biological chain!

Song Lingshan worships strong women like Zhou Wenna.

But in Zhou Wenna's heart, she worships such a strong woman as Shen Moneng.

At that time, Zhou Wenna was lucky to meet Shen monong once. She was fascinated by Shen monong's style.

Director Shan said: "everyone is very busy. We don't have the leisure to make fun of you. I don't know what Mr. Chen Yang is capable of, but I believe in Shen's arrangement! "

Chen Yang was a little impatient at the back and said, "why, don't you welcome me? If you don't welcome me, I'll leave. "

"Mr. Chen Yang!" Zhou Wenna was surprised. She reached out to Chen Yang and said, "thank you for coming."

Lu also shook hands with Chen Yang.

Although Li Wenhua was reluctant, he also extended his hand.

Chen Yang and Mr. Huo also shake hands.

Mr. Huo couldn't understand. He said, "Mr. Chen Yang, I understand why you were so arrogant before. Your wife, Shen Ju, is a contemporary heroine. I have the honor to meet her. Her accomplishments are very high. In front of me, I have to look up to the mountains! When you come, we should respect you even for the face of the Shen Bureau. It's just that we have really encountered a big trouble this time. It's not such a big trouble, and we dare not disturb the Shen Bureau. Our enemies here don't know Shenju, and they won't give Shenju face. You come here, we don't worry about anything else. But I'm worried about your safety. In this way, we can't explain it to Shen Ju. "

Chen Yang touched his nose. Then he said with a smile, "thank you very much for worrying about my safety. However, since my mother-in-law is valued by you, it shows that she is not stupid. Since she sent me, she should be sure. Unless she's trying to murder her husband... "

Zhou Wenna gave a dry cough and said, "I can't do it well. Shen bureau wants to change her husband."

Chen Yang rolled his eyes in silence.

He took a look at Zhou Wenna and said, "do you think I'm a soft eater?"

"No!" Zhou Wenna said. But in her heart, she murmured, "just understand for yourself!"

Chen Yang didn't bother to pay attention to Zhou Wenna. He just patted Mr. Huo on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Huo, I know you are very confident. You are confident that you will not see the wrong person, but, everyone has the wrong time, you should not be too confident. OK, I'm a little hungry. Let's go. You can take me to eat some delicious food first. When I'm satisfied, you're talking about the situation here! "

"Let's go!" Zhou Wenna and others are also helpless. At this time, they can only hold the attitude of "as it comes, as it comes".

The party left the airport.

Outside the airport is an extended Bentley.

After getting on the bus, Zhou Wenna poured wine for Chen Yang in person, and song Lingshan also enjoyed the treatment.Chen Yang took care of himself and tasted red wine. Then he asked, "I heard there are many delicious food here. What are we going to eat now?"

Li Wenhua rolled his eyes beside him.

Mr. Huo also had a bitter smile.

Zhou Wenna said: "Mr. Chen Yang, you don't have to worry about the food. We have already made arrangements to eat in our villa on the mountain. Do you have a good look? "

Chen Yang said, "that's OK."

Zhou Wenna said: "but we originally arranged to eat at home, but now, there are some things I have to tell you clearly."

Zhou Wenna is wearing a small black suit. Her figure is very good. At this time, she has a faint fragrance.

She is a very capable person.

Chen Yang said, "go ahead."

Zhou Wenna said, "you may not know that we invite you this time. But for now, I have to be clear. My grandfather has a serious injury, but he was injured by a master. The enemy is still eyeing us. If you just come to play, we can arrange someone to take you here. Once you are involved, we can't protect ourselves now. I'm afraid I can't protect you. "

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said, "people say that your chest is too big to have a brain! I want to play. Do I need you to arrange it? Do I have no pass or money? Use your head. If you ask for our favor, we will not agree. Now that I have agreed, I will not be perfunctory. "

Zhou Wenna was immediately said by Chen Yang that her face was red and her neck was thick. Li Wenhua was upset and said, "Hey, how do you talk?"

Chen Yang said, "I don't care about you!"

After a pause, he said, "let me have enough to eat first. Let's talk about the rest. Now I'm a little sleepy, sleep! "

Then he closed his eyes.

Zhou Wenna wanted to say something. Mr. Huo motioned Zhou Wenna to stop.

Zhou Wenna is helpless.

Then, her eyes came to song Lingshan. She said with an apologetic smile, "Miss Song, I'm sorry. When you saw me yesterday, I was very worried, so I didn't pay much attention to you. I hope you don't mind

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