Chen Yang was very angry. He stood on the spot and said, "show me the picture of Bai Wei."

They are stunned, but they don't understand why Chen Yang suddenly wants to see Bai Wei's photos.

But Zhou Wenna quickly found the picture of Bai Wei from her mobile phone.

In the photo, Bai Wei looks only in her twenties, young and beautiful, wearing a white suspender, with a sweet smile and sunshine. Such a girl, can let the boy is willing to pay for the crazy life, no regrets!

Chen Yang nodded and then said, "I'll find her. The first thing at the moment is to let her out of the misery."

After he finished, he began to close his eyes!

People don't understand. How can this elder stand on the spot with his eyes closed when he finished looking for someone?

Zhou Tianhao couldn't understand what Chen Yang was doing.

Chen Yang's thoughts were shot out quickly. In an instant, all of Hong Kong was enveloped by his thoughts.

He soon found Ouyang's family, Ouyang Jun and Bai Wei.

He saw Bai Wei in the swimming pool of a villa. She was only wearing a three-point swimsuit, and the scene was very beautiful.

And that Ouyang Jun is lying on the comfortable beach chair, Bai Wei is riding on him, kneading his shoulder for him.

Chen Yang saw Bai Wei's face drooping, but in her eyes, she was as gray as death, as a walking corpse.

"Be more energetic. Haven't you eaten yet?" Ouyang Jun snorted coldly.

Ouyang Jun looks twenty-seven or eight years old. He has a good figure and white skin.

Now he closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

Bai Wei was surprised and immediately increased her strength.

Suddenly, Ouyang Jun said, "by the way, you're going to sleep with someone tonight. This man is a knight of the Y country. We have some business with him in London. You accompany him satisfied, I will give you benefits

"No, no!" Bai Wei was as demented as before, and her whole body seemed to have been electrocuted.

"No? Are you itching again? Do you want me to find those young people to accompany you? " Ouyang Jun snorted coldly and said, "Bai Wei, don't be shameless. The Zhou family is bullshit in front of me. I'm going to crush you and your family like an ant. Your sister is only twelve years old. I haven't ruined her yet. Believe it or not, if you don't, I'll do the same to your sister? Do you think someone can do anything for me? "

Bai Wei felt desperate.

There were tears in her eyes.

"I promise you, I promise you anything, as long as you don't harm my family and my sister." Bai Wei said.

Chen Yang sighed, and then he opened the door of the void.

"Bai Wei!" Cried Chen Yang.

Bai Wei and Ouyang Jun are shocked.

They looked up and saw a void door in the air.

However, nothing was seen inside the door.

"Who? Do you want to die by pretending to be a ghost? " Ouyang Jun immediately lifted Bai Wei to the ground. He jumped up and glared at the door of the void.

Bai Wei is in suspense. She doesn't understand what it means.

At this time, the strange man's voice came again: "Bai Wei, you don't have to worry any more. I hope that you can believe that there is a way of heaven in this world. I'm here to save you. I will protect your family

As soon as the words fell, Bai Wei saw a golden fingerprint sticking out of the door of the void, which was as big as a round table.

The golden handprint came to Bai Wei, and the man's voice came again: "come on, follow me!"

Bai Wei hesitated. Her whole body trembled: "are you

Chen Yang said, "I am your patron saint!"

Bai Wei was slightly stunned. Then she said, "can you really protect my family?"

"Don't worry!" Chen Yang said.

Bai Wei gritted her teeth and then went to the golden fingerprints.

"Bai Wei, you dare to go up, you want to die, right? With my grandfather, this kind of trick is nothing. Come down at once Ouyang Jun roared.

"Ouyang Jun!" Chen Yang gave a cold cry, and then said, "go and tell your grandfather that I will visit him tonight. By the way, it's better to call the holy see behind him. Tonight, all those who participated in insulting Bai Wei's evil deeds will have to pay the price! "

Then Chen Yang grabs Bai Wei and takes her out of the void.

Chen Yang is looking at the villa at the top of the mountain. They only saw Chen Yang talking, as if he was talking to the air, and then his hand went into the wonderful space.

Then, the door of the void opens!

The next second, Bai Wei appeared in front of the crowd.

At that moment, Chen Yang has found a dress to put on Bai Wei.

Bai Wei has been in a very confused state. What happened in front of her is really too mysterious for a mortal's cognition.Chen Yang stops, and all the empty doors disappear.

It's like nothing happened at the scene, just one more Bai Wei.

Bai Wei looks around. She sees Zhou Wenna and Zhou Tianhao. She knows all these people very well.

This villa is familiar to her.

Zhou Wenna immediately came forward and hugged Bai Wei: "Wei Wei, you suffered."

Bai Wei burst into tears in Zhou Wenna's arms.

Zhou Tianhao and others were shocked!

It's easy to take such empty photos!

"Master, it's really amazing!" Zhou Tianhao couldn't help praising.

Mr. Huo said: "unexpectedly, it can be like this..."

Chen Yang didn't care much, and said lightly, "it's just a humble path!"

After a pause, he said, "Nana, take Miss Bai Wei to have a rest. When she calms down, she will talk again."

Zhou Wenna nods and takes Bai Wei down.

Bai Wei can't help looking up. She has realized that Chen Yang is the magical person. She worried and said, "my family?"

Chen Yang said, "don't worry, I'm here. I've locked in your family. If anyone dares to go to their trouble, I'll do it! "

Bai Wei has seen the wonder of Chen Yang, and now she is ready to let go.

After Bai Wei left, Chen Yang sat down again.

He said to Zhou Tianhao, "your grandson Zhou Wenxiong has become a vegetable?"

Zhou Tianhao brightened his eyes and said, "can you cure me, master?"

Chen Yang said: "it depends on the situation. If you have brain death, it will be very difficult. No matter how powerful it is, it can't save the dead. What hospital is he in? I'll bring him here and have a check first! "

Zhou Tianhao immediately asked Zhou Yunwei, "in that hospital?"

"Concord!" Zhou Yunwei said.

Chen Yang said, "OK!"

Now, he reached out again!

The next second later, he grabbed and opened the door of the void.

Then, he grabbed a hospital bed from the door of void.

Zhou Wenxiong was still lying on the bed.

It's not surprising that people have immunity to this magic.

Chen Yang is about three meters away from Zhou Wenxiong.

On the bed, Zhou Wenxiong's eyes were closed.

Chen Yang said to Zhou Yunwei, "you say hello to the hospital. I just caught someone and scared the nurse."

Zhou Yunwei said: "yes, sir, I'll arrange it now!"

Chen Yang then began to shoot Zhou Wenxiong with his mind.

He soon found out that Zhou Wenxiong's brain was seriously damaged, but not to the point of brain death.

Without saying a word, Chen Yang takes out Ning Xuedan.

With a flick of his fingers, the snow elixir turned into mist, and then entered Zhou Wenxiong's brain.

At the same time, Chen Yang used his magic power to suck all the blood from Zhou Wenxiong's brain.

A moment later, on the bed, Zhou Wenxiong was shocked and sat up with him.

"I'll fight with you!" Zhou Wenxiong's eyes are red. He pulls off the needle and roars.

"Son Before Zhou Yunwei could get through the phone, he saw that Zhou Wenxiong had woken up. He ran over with great joy.

"Ah Xiong, calm down!" Zhou Tianhao also immediately cheered. He burst into tears with joy.

Zhou Wenxiong finally discovered the changes in front of him. He was a little confused and didn't understand what was going on?

"Come and kneel down to your benefactor Zhou Tianhao then said.

Zhou Wenxiong stayed for a while. He looked at Chen Yang.

"Benefactor?" Zhou Wenxiong was puzzled.

Chen Yang said faintly: "Bai Wei has been rescued by me. She has suffered a lot of grievances and humiliations. Go and see her first. When you've all calmed down, come back and discuss revenge with me. "

"Wei Wei..." Zhou Wenxiong was shocked.

He then went crazy and said, "where's Wei Wei?"

That wing, Zhou Wenna appeared on the second floor, she said: "Weiwei is taking a bath, you wait back!"

Zhou Wenxiong immediately ran to the second floor, his body has nothing serious.

Chen Yang is light said: "well, now basically no big problem.". Come back to me when you are all OK and your mood is calmed down. I'm going back to my room to have a rest. "

Zhou Tianhao asked Zhou Yunwei to arrange it.

Zhou Yunwei arranged a luxurious guest bedroom for Chen Yang.

Song Lingshan also accompanied Chen Yang.

The rest of the people did not dare to come in and disturb.

Chen Yang is sitting on the sofa. After thinking about it, he suddenly says to song Lingshan, "Bai Wei's experience is really pitiful."

Song Lingshan is also a girl. She can't help but blush and say, "there are too many bad people in this world. They Why is it so bad? "Chen Yang sighed slightly, then said: "human nature is the most complex. The greater the power and strength of human beings, the greater the temptation they are in. Ouyang Jun is such a brute, because he has enough power, so what he does is worse than brute. "

"But like you, you are more powerful and powerful, but you are not." Song Lingshan said.

Chen Yang said: "if there are bad people, there will be good people. There are women, there are men. If there is day, there will be night. " After a pause, he said, "I'm worried about Bai Wei now. Do you think Zhou Wenxiong will dislike Bai Wei? I think that even if he can tolerate now, he will still have a thorn in his heart in the future. "

Song Lingshan said, "Chen Yang, can you help Miss Bai Wei? You are so powerful, there must be a way

But Chen Yang said, "it's easy for me to do something. I can brainwash Zhou Wenxiong directly with magic, but is this what Bai Wei wants? "

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