At Ouyang Jun's side, Ouyang's uncles and uncles are all here. And Ouyang Jun's parents are here.

Ouyang Jun's father is Ouyang Xing, and his mother is Zhao caiyue.

These two people also sit beside Ouyang Jun.

Chen Yang glanced over and found no master. Ouyang Fu is the most powerful player in the game. The cultivation of Taixu quadruple heaven is really the existence of ants.

Now the scene is really a rain of swords.

Chen Yang looked at Ouyang Fu at the top. He spoke first and said, "I'm here today for Bai Wei and Zhou Wenxiong."

Ouyang Fu also looks at Chen Yang. He is always looking at Chen Yang.

Ouyang Fu is not arrogant. He heard Ouyang Jun say that Bai Wei was captured by nihility. Ouyang Fu also knew that he met a real master.

But fortunately, he has a card!

He has urgently contacted the Holy See of Shenyue behind him, and the Holy See has sent a magic weapon. This magic weapon is Ouyang Fu's leading crutch at the moment!

This dragon's crutch is a magic weapon of the ancestors behind the Holy See of Shenyue. Once it is used, it will be very powerful.

Moreover, the Holy See of Shenyue will pay close attention to this place at any time. If necessary, the ancestor may do it.

So now, no matter what, Ouyang Fu's confidence is very strong. He just can't see through Chen Yang's accomplishments.

But at this time, Chen Yang changed the Qi in his body!

Soon, he gave Ouyang Fu an illusion!

That is, his cultivation is also Taixu quadruple heaven.

Chen Yang wants to see how arrogant these people are.

Ouyang Fu suddenly saw through Chen Yang's accomplishments, and he immediately relaxed.

"Coming out?" Ouyang said with a cold smile: "it's not easy for you to have such accomplishments when you are young. But are you sure you have the ability to stand up for others? "

Chen Yang gave a cold smile, and then said: "maybe I'm not competent enough, but I also want to ask you, do you still have right and wrong in your eyes? I only heard one side of the story from the Zhou family. But I happened to see your grandson Ouyang Jun bullying Bai Wei. It's wrong to bully a girl like this without saying right or wrong. I also want to ask today, is Ouyang Junxian and a few childe brother bullied Bai Wei, right? "

"Yes Ouyang Fu said.

Everyone in the audience watched Chen Yang and Ouyang Fu talking.

Chen Yang said again: "after that, Zhou Wenxiong took revenge on you, and you turned Zhou Wenxiong into a vegetable. Old man Zhou Tianhao came to you, and you beat him seriously. After that, Ouyang Jun made even more efforts and took Bai Wei away. All these things are true, aren't they? "

"Yes Ouyang Fu said. He paused and said, "so, are you going to come out?"

"Yes, I'll make up my mind." Chen Yang said, "so, Mr. Ouyang, you think you can do whatever you want as long as you are strong enough, don't you?"

Ouyang replied, "what do you want to say?"

Chen Yang sneered and said: "what I want to say is very clear. I always don't like to rely on the strong and bully the weak. I like to explain the truth thoroughly."

Ouyang Fu said faintly: "ah Jun is my grandson. He made a mistake, which is not what I want to see. But, he made a mistake, others want him to die, I this when grandfather, can't ignore. If you have children in the future and your children make a big mistake, will you watch your children be killed? "

"First of all, I already have children," Chen said. Not teaching the children is the fault of his father. If my son does something like Ouyang Jun, I will personally break his leg and try my best to make up for it. If he doesn't really repent, I'll kill him. Don't be such a villain

"That's my attitude," he said, pausing

Ouyang Fu gave a faint smile.

Chen Yang said: "also, if you want to do it before you say it, it's OK. After that, Ouyang Jun intensified, and you didn't stop him. What's the point? "

Ouyang Fu said: "originally, I didn't have to answer you. But I respect you for your youth and accomplishments. So, I can answer your question. After that, I was also seriously injured and I have been recuperating. So, I don't care about these things. "

Chen Yang said, "well, it's all your reason! You, guilty, I'll talk to you later! "

He turned to Ouyang Jun's parents. He said to Ouyang Xing and Zhao caiyue, "I have read your information. You are Ouyang Jun's parents. What can you say about your son's doing such a thing? "

Before Ouyang Xing spoke, Zhao caiyue said with a sneer, "this fox is born with something wrong. She seduced my son. My son looks up to her. It's her blessing. "

"Wonderful Chen Yang caresses the palm.

Bai Wei's forehead was blue with anger. Zhou Wenxiong was also furious, but Zhou Tianhao stopped them.Chen Yang then said to Ouyang Xing, "what about you? What do you think? "

Ouyang Xing said in a deep voice, "this is the end of the matter. What else can I see. If you want to get ahead, show your skills. "

"Yes!" Chen Yang said: "direct enough!"

After he finished, he said to Bai Wei, "you said before that you wanted to avenge yourself, didn't you?"

Bai Wei nodded.

"Well, I'll give you strength. You can kill whoever you want." Chen Yang said.

"Young man, what you said is really arrogant!" Ouyang Fu said coldly.

Ouyang Jun opened his mouth and said, "grandfather, what else can we talk about with them and kill them all. No, this Bai Wei can't be killed. She wants to stay here. This smelly woman dares to resist me. I want her to live or die! "

"Come on Then Ouyang Fu suddenly shot at Chen Yang.

The dragon's crutch in his hand urged him, and the crutch immediately burst into golden light. The sound of the Dragon sounds, and a dragon is released from the dragon's crutch!

Dragon around the scene, suddenly opened his mouth, and bit at Chen Yang's head.

Chen Yang gave a sneer and waved his hand. The Dragon banged like it hit a pillar and fainted. Then the Dragon returned to the dragon's crutch.

"You..." Ouyang Fu was shocked.

He was speechless at this moment.

"Shoot, kill, kill them!" Zhao caiyue roared.

Those bodyguards immediately wanted to shoot, Zhou Wenna and others were shocked.

Zhou Tianhao will use his magic power

Just then, Chen Yang gave a soft drink and said, "sleep!"

Very accurate!

The 30 bodyguards in black were all paralyzed and lying on the ground.

Chen Yang doesn't pay attention to all this. He suddenly gives his hand, and the air of creation appears in his hand. The power of creation immediately enveloped Bai Wei.

At the same time, Chen Yang draws out a little dragon power from the talons of the first dragon and injects it into the Qi of creation.

As a result, they watched Bai Wei's body begin to twist and change. Then, with a bang, Bai Wei's whole body suddenly changed into a dragon!

It's a pure white dragon. It's covered with scales.

The white dragon has red eyes, sharp claws and wings.

When she stood up, she knocked a hole in the roof of the villa

Then the white dragon looks at Ouyang Fu.

Ouyang Fu looks dignified. He seems to mean something at this moment.

"You are not Taixu quadruple, you are the legendary master of the road, the Creator!" Ouyang Fu's expression showed the color of despair and terror.

At the same time, he waves the dragon's head and crutch to gather all his mana

Dragon head crutches burst out golden sword!

Jianguang kills the white dragon fiercely

The white dragon suddenly opened its mouth and spewed out dragon flame!


The Dragon flame submerged the golden sword and Ouyang fu

In the blink of an eye, the powerful dragon flame burned Ouyang Fu to ashes.

Including the dragon's crutch, it also became ashes.

At this moment, Ouyang Jun and others are already as pale as earth.

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "go away!"

Those bodyguards who collapsed on the ground all got up and quickly rolled out.

Under the burning of the Dragon flame, the villa collapsed in the rear, and the whole villa seemed to be crumbling.

Ouyang Jun and others want to escape, including Zhao caiyue, Ouyang Xing and those uncles.

But the white dragon's wings shake, Bang

Countless people were photographed flying out. Among them, Zhao caiyue was flying in the air, and Bai Long opened his mouth and bit him

Suddenly, half of Zhao caiyue's body was eaten by the white dragon, and the other half fell to the ground.

White dragon a dragon flame spurted out, those uncles are mostly burned to ashes.

Ouyang Xing was also burned to death.

Ouyang Jun is in a hurry to escape. Bai Long presses him to the ground with one claw

Then, the white dragon spewed the dragon's flame

Ouyang Jun's head was instantly burned to ashes

The whole villa began to collapse

Chen Yang and others quickly left the villa. The moment the villa collapsed, the white dragon also fluttered out

At this moment, however, the void suddenly changed.

The door of the void opened, and a huge hand came out of it and directly grabbed the white dragon's throat

No matter how powerful the white dragon was, he couldn't get rid of the huge hand for a moment.

The scene changes too fast!

The giant hand catches the white dragon and wants to bring it into the gate of void

Chen Yang looks in the eye, but does not act.

The next second, the white dragon is pulled in, and then the door of the void disappears."What's going on? Master, help Wei Wei quickly Zhou Wenxiong was in a hurry.

Zhou Tianhao's face changed greatly and said, "it must be the ancestor of the Holy See of Shenyue. It's said that the ancestor's cultivation is a contribution to nature!"

"Hum!" Chen Yang cold hum, way: "bullshit!"

"Go Chen Yang immediately opened a door to the void. As soon as his body flashed, he entered it.

The rest of the people immediately followed.

After they entered the void, the scene had changed.

Hong Kong is still hot. When we enter the void, we come to a land covered with ice and snow.

In the ice and snow, there is a huge cave ahead!

Chen Yang waved his hand again, and a huge void door appeared in front of him.

Through the void door, people can see the scene inside the cave.

Inside the cave is the old nest of the Holy See of the moon.

In the innermost part of the old nest, there is an ice palace, which is full of Millennium ice.

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