While going to the downtown area of Hong Kong, on the extended Bentley car, people surrounded Chen Yang.

Zhou Tianhao was puzzled, he said: "master, on the road of cultivation, there are many fates. What should I do?"

The rest also looked at Chen Yang.

Zhou Wenna looked down on Chen Yang before, but now her eyes are full of little stars. Song Lingshan is not to mention.

Chen Yang took a look at Zhou Tianhao, and then said: "the fate is changeable, not to mention the ordinary people's fate is changeable, that is me. Those masters and saints above me are all in the hands of fate, at the mercy of the fate of heaven! I can't explain your fate, because I can't protect myself. But at present, the collapse of the Ouyang family is due to their bad deeds. So, my advice to you is eight words, but do good, don't ask about the future! "

When they heard the words, they all went to savor the eight words Chen Yang said.

But do good, don't ask about the future!

The night in Hong Kong is full of prosperity and beauty. Neon flashing, light sea interweaving

Chen Yang has been accompanying them on the street, and will experience some special food. When eating delicious food, he couldn't help thinking of his son Nianci, thinking that little greedy would like to eat.

Chen Yang has no special feelings about Hong Kong.

In fact, Chen Yang feels cordial to the whole world.

He thinks that the world is his real hometown!

Beyond the planet, the earth is home.

Within the earth, the world is home!

He also knows that one day, his hometown will not be able to accommodate him.

After the tour, Chen Yang asked song Lingshan to stay in Hong Kong for a few more days. As for the issue of the pass, in Chen Yang's eyes and Zhou Wenna's eyes, that's nothing.

Zhou Wenna also strongly invited song Lingshan to stay.

Along the way, Zhou Wenna treated song Lingshan with a little flattery.

Song Lingshan couldn't refuse her kindness, so she stayed at last.

Chen Yang also tells song Lingshan that she has to go her own way. He will do something else when he leaves now. We meet again, but we don't know the year and the month.

Song Lingshan can't help feeling sad and reluctant to give up when she hears the speech. Finally, she hugs Chen Yang. After that, Chen Yang turns and leaves.

As for Chen Yang's promise to give song Lingshan a house, Chen Yang doesn't have to worry about it. Shen Molong will arrange for someone to get things done.

Chen Yang went straight back to Shen's bedroom.

It was already one o'clock in the morning.

Shen is in bed. Instead of falling asleep, she is reading a novel.

Chen Yang took off all his clothes and went to the bathroom. He asked, "what book do you read?"

Shen said, "love stories. The cold president fell in love with me

When Chen Yang was about to enter the bathroom, he couldn't help laughing and said, "no, you still love this kind of novel? Isn't that what unmarried girls like to watch? "

Shen Molong rolled his eyes and said, "it's not stipulated that married women like me are not allowed to watch it."

Chen Yang said, "OK!"

He then went into the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a shower, he looked for a towel to dry the water stains on his body. After that, he went straight to the bed without wearing anything and retracted into the air-conditioned quilt.

He grabbed the book in Shen's hand and said, "let me have a look."

Shen Molong naturally has no problem.

Chen Yang turned a few eyes, but he was not interested.

"This kind of novel, I don't have to read much to guess the plot. Maybe the rich, handsome and talented man fell in love with Cinderella. But also have infatuation, handsome man two a infatuation, man three is also very good. In a word, they all like Cinderella, but at last there was a misunderstanding. Cinderella got pregnant and went away. She came back with a son a few years later. The son looks very similar to the president. At a glance, she can see that he is her own son. After that, the president pursued hard and finally got Cinderella, didn't he? " Chen Yang laughs.

Shen Molong rolled his eyes and said, "if you say that, it's meaningless. No matter in the book or in life, it's not all like that. It's the process that matters! "

Chen Yang sighed and then told Shen about his trip to Hong Kong.

After hearing this, Shen monong is also indignant about Bai Wei's experience.

At the same time, she said, "you have destroyed the Holy See of Shenyue, and you have done another thing for Tiandao."

Chen Yang said: "in a word, the way of heaven pays me a lot. It should be my honeymoon with Tiandao, so I can enjoy a lot of privileges and convenience. But in the future, it's hard to say what will happen to me when it's over. "

"To be honest, I'm worried," Shen said

Chen Yang said: "last time my elder brother wanted blood and tears, my spirit disappeared. At that moment, I thought I was dead. That kind of feeling, very wonderful, also very sorry, also very worried, also very unwilling, also very afraid"What will happen after death? I believe that no one can say this accurately. Because the dead can not speak, according to our knowledge to understand, died, dissipated, spiritual consciousness dissipated, no afterlife. So, it's not pleasant. " Chen Yang continued.

Shen Molong holds Chen Yang tightly.

Chen Yang stopped talking.

The next day, Chen Yang returned to Tianzhou.

The grand world has xuanzhenghao's arrangement now, so it's still safe.

More importantly, Xuan Zhenghao tells Chen Yang that he has found out the whereabouts of fengxiaoxing.

Chen Yang is eager to solve the problem of Phoenix, avenge LAN Tingyu and get rid of Ouyang Yu. So he's excited!

Zhang Daoling said that he would take action, but naturally he would not break his promise.

He asked Chen Yang to make preparations and then set out.

Before Chen Yang left, he went to see ling'er first.

In the manor of the boat of one yuan, ling'er is basking in the sun in the sea of flowers, which is very comfortable.

There are different ways of life.

Such as ling'er, a person is quiet, some people will feel very tortured, such as in hell.

Because some people like to be lively.

But if you put her in a noisy place, she will feel like hell.

If Chen Yang didn't step into the path of cultivation, in fact, he is also a lively person.

When ling'er sees Chen Yang, she smiles.

Chen Yang flashed to ling'er. Ling'er pours into Chen Yang's arms!

Then they kiss.

For so many years, they have been in love.

Chen Yang can't help but roll into the sea of flowers with ling'er.

Chen Linghuan refused. She has become a mother and is very concerned about her baby. And said with a red face: "if you want to, you can go to find sister Mo Nong!"

Chen Yang suddenly stayed for a while, and then calmed down.

He and ling'er lie side by side in the sea of flowers, looking at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky.

It's really quiet here. There will never be any outsiders to disturb us.

Ling'er tells Chen Yang that she feels very good now, especially with her baby. And let Chen Yang do his own business with ease.

Chen Yang is about to go to Phoenix now.

Ling'er is worried. Chen Yang comforted: "with Taoist priest Zhang, don't worry."

Ling'er thought about it, so he said, "I'll wait for you to come back!"

After a moment of warmth, Chen Yang left.

Later, Chen Yang and Zhang Daoling embarked on the journey.

This time, it was Zhang Daoling who flew with Chen Yang.

Zhang Daoling's magic weapon is a shuttle, named Liuguang Tiansuo!

Liuguang Tiansuo is like a boat. There is a tooth shuttle in the middle!

Chen Yang and Zhang Daoling were inside when Tiansuo was flying. There's a lot of space inside, and the internal array is tight, just like a large array.

There are more star stones in the middle, as well as Leichi as fuel for each other!

Zhang Daoling's white tiger is also on the side. This white tiger is called Artest!

Chen Yang knows that Artest the white tiger's cultivation is also very important, at least the creation of the five fold environment.

Maybe he is not the rival of Artest.

Tiansuo flies through the void of the universe, while Zhang Daoling drinks with Chen Yang.

In the secular world, Chen Yang is full of predecessors, masters and masters. But at this time with Zhang Daoling, it seems to be pulled back to reality. In front of Zhang Daoling, he still has to be a junior!

Zhang Daoling's wine is good.

They drink and talk.

Chen Yang knew that Zhang Daoling was an expert in the world, so he should ask for more advice.

He first asked, "Taoist priest, what is the extent of your cultivation? I can't see through all the time, so I'm very curious. Is it convenient for you to disclose? "

Zhang Daoling was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile: "asking about the accomplishments of monks is just like asking about the wealth of secular people, but they are all taboos."

Chen Yang smiles awkwardly.

Zhang Daoling then said: "it's OK to tell you that the creation of the poor way is nine fold, which is a mixed cave!"

Chen Yang was surprised and said, "is it really Jiuchong mixed cave?"

Zhang Daoling said, "do you still doubt that I can lie?"

Chen Yang said, "I dare not!"

Zhang Daoling then said: "I have stayed in Jiuchong mixed cave for nearly a thousand years, and there has been no progress in the past thousand years. Now it's just the middle of the muddle! "

Chen Yang said with a bitter smile, "I don't know if I am lucky enough to reach the height of my predecessors in my life."

Zhang Daoling said with a smile, "you should have a great chance, because you are different from me. You are the son of fate."Chen Yang laughed bitterly again and said, "Taoist priest is making fun of the younger generation."

Zhang Daoling waved his hand and said, "it's not a joke. There are infinite possibilities in you. "

Chen Yang said, "what are you doing in the universe these years? As far as I know, the higher the cultivation, the more indifferent the feelings will be, and the consciousness will soon merge into the universe, isn't it? "

"It's true, so when we feel our emotions start to fade, we have to find a way," Zhang said

Chen Yang immediately thinks of the original emperor Shengtian. The reason why emperor Shengtian wants to marry Meng Qingchen is to get back his feelings.

"How can we do it?" Chen Yang asked.

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