Chen Yang laughed and said, "I really want to thank your younger martial brothers for going against cangshui. If they didn't help me hit the barrier, how could I reach the quintessence of creation and have the power of all things! Right now, my strength is increasing and my life expectancy is increasing. The dosage of this poison has to be increased. Would you like to try my dragon claw

He is really able to give the underwater medicine to inverse Cang now. But he said it on purpose

This is deliberately against cangshui!

If you don't believe it, I'll give you the medicine.

If you believe it, you will not be afraid to restrain me with the power of nirvana.

At this time, the black faced Army division and abandon chaos also came to the side of the inverse Cang water.

"Even if you break through, do you think you can walk today? Now elder martial sister Cen can't help. "

Chen Yang laughs, grabs the scene step in his hand, and then grabs Da Mo out of Cen Luolan.

"Are you going to save these two people?" Chen Yang asked.

"Elder martial brother, help us!" When Jingbu and Damo saw this, they immediately cried out.

They are not afraid of death there! This is not the time to pretend to be a hero. It's not certain that once they are equipped, they will be directly satisfied by the reverse Cang water.

When he looked at Jingbu and Damo, his face was very gloomy.

"Good!" Inverse Cang water said: "let them go, I let you go!"

When Da Mo and Jingbu heard the words, they were delighted and relieved.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "how can you let me go? I'll let them go. Will you come after me? To be honest, I'm not afraid of you chasing me now. It's just that there's no business like that. "

"What do you want?" I asked.

Chen Yang said, "hand in the green silk!"

"What?" He then said, "are you crazy! Qingsi is what my adoptive father told me. It must be kept strictly. I can't give it to you even if I want to put my head on my neck. "

Chen Yang's heart sank.

Against cangshui's words, Chen Yang fell into thinking.

Chen Yang also felt a rebellious attitude towards cangshui.

It seems that it is impossible to exchange the two for green silk.

"Let's take the Phoenix crystal stone." Chen Yang immediately changed his strategy and said.

"No way!" Against cangshui said.

"Paralyzed!" Chen Yang was also angry and said, "Qingsi, I've put up with it. But if you don't give them fengxiaojingshi, I will kill them immediately. There is no room for negotiation! Together you are not willing to give! You two younger martial brothers are so worthless! "

Inverse Cang water sinking voice said: "Phoenix crystal is my adoptive father important things, you want, is I can't give."

"You don't give it? I'm sorry. " Chen Yang said coldly.

"Elder martial brother!" Da Mo and Jingbu can't help but cry again.

"Two younger martial brothers, you know the importance of fengxiaojingshi. I'm sorry, but I can't give it to him," she said

Chen Yang said, "well, I accept your apologies and regrets. Well, I'm sorry, too! "

All of a sudden, he used his strength to crush Jingbu.

At the same time, the soul fragments of Jingbu float away, and Chen Yang wants to absorb them, but he finally gives up. These soul fragments are great things!

After absorbing, it will be of infinite use!

It's just that Chen Yang also remembers what Suzhen in black told him a long time ago. Absorbing other people's strength and soul will backfire sooner or later.

Therefore, gentlemen love money and get it right!

When Da Mo saw this, he was shocked and wanted to die.

He didn't expect Chen Yang to be so cruel. He said he would kill him.

Chen Yang then asked the rebellious cangshui, "I'm not patient. Have I not given it yet? If you don't give it to me, you'll kill it again. Then I'll see if you can catch me? "

"Elder martial brother, elder martial brother, do you really have no pity for us?" Da Mo cried. "I beg you to help me. In the future, I can be an ox or a horse, a pig or a dog."

"The Phoenix crystal is gone. You can take it back. If you die, you can't live any more. " Chen Yang said with a smile.

His smile is calm, but his smile is as creepy as death's.

No one will doubt that this guy will kill Da Mo next second.

"My Lord, I really can't sacrifice any more." The black faced army commander could not help saying, "we can take the Phoenix crystal again in the future."

He took a breath and said, "this man has killed many of my younger martial brothers and sisters. If fengxiaojingshi dies again, I am ashamed of my adoptive father and Da luozong. So today, I must kill this man! "

"Have a good time!" Chen Yang laughed, and then he said, "Da Mo, you are so pitiful. Originally I didn't want to kill you. But I remember, before you talk wild, I said, I will kill you

"No, no!" Da Mo trembled and begged, "as long as you don't kill me, I will be your slave from now on. I will do whatever you want me to do? I don't care about big luozong, big cangshui. You don't want to kill me, I beg you, I just want to live. I offended you before. It's my fault. I'll admit it to you. I'll kowtow to you, OK"It's so tempting Chen Yang sighed and then said, "well, I won't torture you."


Then, he had a lot of energy in his hand!

Da Mo's head is broken and his body is broken.

This instant, that abandon disordered eyes canthus to crack.

"Chen Yang, you are so cruel!" she said

Chen Yang smiles a little and says, "it's like this. Now, I've killed all the people, so come out with your real skills. "

He didn't have a grudge against Da Mo, mainly because this guy didn't kill and it was hard to arrange.

If you want to control a six fold master of creation, unless you live in his head all the time. Otherwise, it will be a terrible thing for such a master to bite back in the future.

He humiliated Damo in this way. Damo must have a grudge.

Before, on the Guangyao star, he had much more fatalistic power, and he just managed to control the grandmaster Dapeng. But also worry about his backwater at any time!

So at the moment, Chen Yang is too lazy to think much and kills Da Mo first.

Anyway, these people are not good birds. LAN Tingyu and Luo Xue need blood to repay their blood debts.

"Chen Yang, if I don't let you die here today, I will go against cangshui and write the name in reverse!" He was furious against cangshui.

Chen Yang sneered and said, "OK, then you wait to call shuicangni!"

"You go and find a helper. At any cost, persuade the experts who still have fighting power to come over!" After that, he ordered the black faced army and abandoned the rebellion.

They nodded and left immediately.

Chen Yang didn't stop him. He couldn't stop him anyway.

At the same time, Chen Yang is about to leave

Inverse Cang water immediately sacrificed the Phoenix crystal, and released its own domain Dongtian.

Seven colors of light enveloped Chen Yang.

Chen Yang feels that there are seven colors of light in all directions. The seven colors of light contain the seven colors of the world, which is difficult to break through.

Chen Yang takes a deep breath. He is not afraid of going against cangshui at the moment, but he also knows that it is still difficult to overcome it here.

What's more, I don't know what kind of master the abandoning chaos and black faced military division will find.

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