Eight gold pagodas are also eclipsed!

The air around began to dissipate

He sat on the ground against the sky, but he didn't go to see Zhang Daoling at all. His eyes are always on Cen Luolan.

"Xiaolan, come and kill me as a teacher!" Against the sky a sad smile, to Cen Luolan said.

CEN Luolan walked slowly to the sky.

At this moment, Chen Yang's heart is extremely complicated.

He felt that he didn't understand, didn't understand the feelings against heaven. Why did he practice so much, but still cling to this kind of love? Shouldn't he have wives and concubines and regard his sons and daughters as pigs and dogs?

Those old demons are like this.

With a slight sigh, Zhang Daoling said to Chen Yang, "if it wasn't for his mental disorder, we would die today. Little friend, although your first dragon's claw is no worse than Qingsi's, the power of poor Dao is almost exhausted, and you are no longer an opponent. Moreover, it is still inside Qingsi, so we have no chance of winning. I've been thinking about where life comes from, but I didn't expect that you brought his magic barrier. "

"The magic barrier?" Chen Yang murmured.

Of course, he knew that the magic barrier was Cen Luolan.

"He is a big owl of a generation. It's unexpected that he should be so persistent in this kind of children's love." Chen Yang said.

Zhang Daoling said: "his obsession and perseverance is the woman in front of him. Otherwise, he will accelerate the disappearance of feelings, and finally become an emotionless existence in the universe. This is what he sticks to, that's why he does it! "

Chen Yang nodded.

He finally understood.

Those old demons have lots of wives and concubines. They have no feelings. That's not their wisdom. Their feelings are lost, and they will only accelerate their disappearance in the universe. Become the nutrient to protect the universe!

The reason why saints do not die is that they have persistence in their hearts!

Chen Yang looks at Cen Luolan and the sky.

He had to admit that he was really devoted to Cen Luolan.

So, what is right and what is wrong?

Chen Yang doesn't want to go deep into this kind of problem. For him, he didn't know the sky. But against heaven, they let the disciples find their own trouble. That's cause and effect

Cause and effect do not pay off!

The reason why LAN Tingyu and Luo Xue were indirectly killed by the sky!

The reason why Cen Luolan's parents were killed against heaven!

Today, against heaven has reaped all the evil results.

"Kill me..." Against the sky to cenluolan request.

CEN Luolan hugged the sky tightly, she was full of tears.

Then her body began to burn.

"This..." When Chen Yang saw this, he couldn't help losing face.

"It's heartburn. She started it." Seeing this, Zhang Daoling sighed again.

Of course, Chen Yang knows what is heartburn.

The fire of heart is the fire of the life of the monk and the place of the will.

Once the heart fire burns, it is difficult to reverse.

"Chen Yang, this is my choice. Please don't stop me!" CEN Luolan's voice came.

Chen Yang sighed and said, "Why are you doing this?"

"How do you know?" She said.

The heart fire is fierce. At last, it will burn all the rebellious sky and cenluolan.

Chen Yang was disappointed.

He didn't have deep feelings for Cen Luolan, but in any case, he had the pleasure of fish and water. So, there is a bit of complication.

What's more, it's always sad that Cen Luolan and rebellious heaven both died in the end.

Really is to ask the world, what is love, direct call person life and death mutually agree!

There are many treasures in the great luozong.

Chen Yang and Zhang Daoling have always been working together to find the inverse cangshui.

As for Ouyang Yu's life and death, his whereabouts are unknown.

Chen Yang no longer had any scruples, so he raided the treasure house of daluozong.

Daluozong is destined to become a second rate sect.

But Chen Yang won't do everything completely, and he won't clean up everything.

The talons of the first dragon are very easy to use. Chen Yang simply said to Zhang Daoling, "Taoist priest, now I have the green silk in my hand. I'll give you the talons of the first dragon. Let's get what we need, don't you think? "

Zhang Daoling said with a smile, "how can I take your things?"

Chen Yang said, "if not, green silk for you?"

Zhang Daoling said: "poor way..."

He is such an expert, but the treasure like the claw of the first dragon under his eyes is also rippling in his heart. He said to Chen Yang, "there is the will of the empress of God in Qingsi. You can control it easily. What's more, your cultivation is low now, and you will get twice the result with half the effort to kill the enemy with the sharpness of green silk! The dragon claw is given to you, you can't exert its great power. Originally, I shouldn't have taken your things, but today I really shouldn't be greedy! "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "niancibai is under your door. Haven't I ever given a teacher worship? Besides, it doesn't count as what I gave you. Without you, I have died many times. I don't think we should be polite since we are friends. "Zhang Daoling laughed and said, "OK, OK, OK! No matter how polite I am, I will not be beautiful. "

Later, Zhang Daoling said, "I feel more and more wonderful about the descendants of the great emperor of the universe. This time, I intended to be single. If you don't want to be buried in a foreign land for thousands of years, you will be buried in a foreign land

Chen Yang was ashamed and said, "my younger generation is a mistake."

"Maybe, it's all fixed!" Zhang Daoling said with a smile.

Chen Yang was stunned, then quite sad, said: "all the struggle, can't escape the fixed number?"

"Probably," said Zhang Daoling After a pause, he said, "a hundred years is fleeting for those of us who practice Taoism. But few ordinary people live to a hundred years. They all know the ending and the destiny. But no one said, knowing it's death, they won't live. It's wonderful, isn't it? "

Chen Yang said, "that's true."

Zhang Daoling then changed the topic and said, "at the moment, we can't find any result even if we are waiting for it. Ouyang yu should not be dead, presumably this son or life should not be absolutely, when already away. So, Phoenix, we don't have to stay long. Xiaoyou, search this treasure house, and then we'll go back to earth! "

Chen Yang said, "well, the Taoist priest said yes." He thought for a moment and said, "the king of destiny chosen by the great emperor of the universe can actually go bad, but he threatens me. Is this the fault of the great emperor of the universe?"

Zhang Daoling said, "I can't explain this clearly."

Chen Yang doesn't know what to say.

The world is changeable. Who can make it clear?

Daluozong is the first sect of fengxiaoxing.

Rebellious heaven has always been the first person, so there are countless treasures in the treasure house of daluozong.

Chen Yang is searching among them. First of all, the reserve of the pill is surprising.

The pills similar to Chunyang pills are called Yuanling pills! There are as many as three trillion yuan spirit pills.

The consumption of daluozong is also very large, so it is terrible to have three trillion reserves.

Chen Yang absorbed yuanlingdan, and felt that it had almost the same effect as Chunyang Dan. But it's not as pure as Chunyang danlai.

I don't think it can be directly used as the nutrient of the boat of one yuan.

But also absolutely can replace pure Yang Dan to do consumption.

At least, people can absorb pills without pure Yang pills. In this way, xuanzhenghao can refine more pure Yang pills.

The monks of every planet have their own alchemy system, because the existence of alchemy system can give birth to a strong Taoist civilization.

Under the atmosphere of Phoenix, it breeds endless yuan spirit.

Da Luo Zong forged this huge amount of Yuan spirit elixir with Yuan spirit Qi and alchemy tools.

There are countless magic weapons in the treasure house, and there are also many top-grade Taoist tools.

There are also more than ten pieces of fairy ware.

Every artifact can be regarded as an earth shaking treasure.

Chen Yang took two of them, ten of them were of high quality, thirty of them were of medium quality, and countless treasures.

There are too many treasures in Daluo's treasure house, and Chen Yang only took one tenth of them.

Zhang Daoling didn't take anything.

But he appreciated Chen Yang's approach.

However, he asked Chen Yang, "why don't you take all those good things away?"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "if it's on earth, I'll take it. Because things are still circulating on the earth. But Phoenix has its destiny and civilization. It's always bad for me to take everything. Do not do everything, but also respect the planet. Phoenix has its own way to go. If I take all of them, wouldn't it be the same as those invaders who do no evil? We are here for revenge

Zhang Daoling nodded and said, "the best is like water, and the way is endless. Although you haven't entered our way, you have the purest heart of Tao, my little friend."

After that, the two returned to earth.

The great luozong's disciples thought the treasure house would be ransacked, but when they saw that there were so many treasures in the treasure house, they were shocked.

This is something they never thought of.

It's a long way back to earth, and Zhang Daoling is also crossing his knees to regain strength.

Chen Yang controls Liuguang Tiansuo. At the same time, he begins to recover his puppet body and study the mystery of Qingsi. As for other magic weapons, he did not move at all.

Zhang Daoling also said: "there are not many magic weapons, but the essence. All these magic tools are inferior to your green silk. If you study it thoroughly, you will be better than anything else. "

Chen Yang thinks so.

Tiger Artest also came out of the jiexumi of Zhang Daoling and lay on one side to have a rest.

It takes about a month and a half to get back to earth.

When Qingsi was completely controlled by Chen Yang, Chen Yang realized the vastness of Qingsi more and more!

There is an infinite mixture of Qi in Qingsi, which is led by eight pagodas.What's more, there is the spirit and law of the empress in the green silk.

What Chen Yang lacks is not strength, but the profound meaning of the other side and the suppression of the superior. But the spirit and law of the queen can break this point.

Wonderful use!

Chen Yang's love for Qingsi is more than that of Shilong. He felt that Qingsi seemed more suitable for him.

In the void of the universe, anti Cang water has been flying forward. He calculated fengxiaojingshi that his adoptive father had been poisoned.

He knows that Chen Yang will not let him go, so the only way now is to go as far as possible.

On this day, he suddenly came to a death star.

Above the death star, he saw a man

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