That sound blade storm will cover Chen Tianya's whole body up and down, sharp voice directly into Chen Tianya's brain domain, as well as the whole body up and down everywhere!

Chen Tianya suddenly bathes in fire all over his body, and will burn the storm of sound blade!

However, this time, the sound blade storm is not affected at all.

Can fire kill sound? Obviously not.

Chen Tianya immediately realized that all kinds of forces can't work, so close this kind of voice!

He quickly cast the original fire shield!


The big fire cover covers Chen Tianya!

It's airtight. The fire hood is three meters thick and engraved with countless fire runes.

Crackle, crackle!

At this time, the sound blade storm directly killed the original fire hood

Chen Tianya immediately runs all his mana.

"Don't think too much of yourself!" The woman gave a cold hum.

In a flash, the original fire hood was killed by the sound blade storm, there were countless cracks directly, and then all of them were broken!

The sound blade storm makes a sharp sound again!

At this moment, heaven and earth shake!

The God Emperor just watched, and he already felt that this evil sound shocked into his brain, making him unable to concentrate and painful.

Chen Tianya suddenly shook his head, but he couldn't shake off this kind of magic sound.

He wanted to change. Suddenly, all the changes in his body were useless.

Demonic voice has penetrated into all parts of his body and suppressed all his rules and power.

Moreover, the magic sound began to decompose his body

Chen Tianya's spirit trembled, and he suffered to the extreme. This disintegration is different from before. He feels that the laws, rules and mana in his body are beginning to collapse.

The whole person seems to be turning into liquid again.

It's just this time, he can't take the sound anymore.

If it goes on like this, Chen Tianya will have to die.

Although he had an immortal body, it seemed like a joke in front of the woman.

But even so, Chen Tianya always clenched his teeth, but he never hummed, and he didn't intend to beg for mercy.

If you die, you will die!

Fortunately, at the last moment, the woman took back the magic sound.

Chen Tianya and Shendi were relieved. They gasped and looked at each other.

In their eyes, however, they were both frightened and blessed for the rest of their lives.

Almost, I'm really dead!

"It was just a little lesson!" Woman light said: "Chen Tianya, you know, in front of this seat, you are nothing but mole ants."

Chen Tianya took a deep breath, this is a person under the eaves, he also had to bow!

God Emperor is to embrace boxing, way: "the elder generation supernatural power, in the lower class is to see."

The woman gave a cold hum.

After a while, she said, "no matter what, you have withstood the original fire, and you have withstood the test of this seat. You want to go to the Phoenix world. This seat can really help you. But I have one more thing for you to do. "

Shen Di and Chen Tianya were overjoyed when they heard the speech. Shen Di said: "master, please tell me that as long as I can do it, I will try my best to do it!"

"Good!" said the woman

As soon as her words came to an end

Later, the shadow of Shen Di and Chen Tianya flashed in front of them.

Then they saw the woman.

The woman is really a snow-white shirt, her long hair and waist, face cool, eyes like ice water, pure and indifferent.

She doesn't seem to be emotional!

"Remember, my name is Fang Xue!" Said the woman.

"Fang Xue?" Chen Tianya murmurs: "this name, pour some is like the name on our earth."

Fang Xue ignored Chen Tianya and said, "the Phoenix world is too far away from here. Even I can't find Phoenix. It's not a matter of how many years, how much distance. "

God Emperor and Chen Tianya hear speech, immediately heart sink.

Fang Xue continued: "the only way to go to the Phoenix world is in this seat. The so-called Phoenix wormhole is also on this seat. But it's a pity that anyone can pass through the Phoenix wormhole in this seat, but this seat can't

It's easy to understand!

Hercules can hold many people, but he can't hold himself.

Then, Fang Xue said, "you take this Phoenix zither to the Phoenix world. When you see my master, give it to her."

After she finished, she took out a piano!

It's a Guqin with Phoenix runes on it.

This piano doesn't look special, and you can't feel the other mystery.

The emperor respectfully receives the piano.Fang Xue said: "the mystery of this Qin can only be displayed by people who have the power of Phoenix. Even in your hands, it's a waste treasure! If you want to come back, you must go through this Phoenix wormhole. So if you can't do it well, you'll be dead when you come back. "

God Emperor said: "don't worry, I dare not neglect you!"

Fang Xue said, "good!"

After that, Fang Xue said, "let's start!"

When she had finished, she closed her eyes.

After that, she opened her mouth.

God Emperor and Chen Tianya understand, two people immediately flash, drill into Fang Xue's mouth.

They are tiny in shape, but they don't see Fang Xue's viscera when they go in.

They came to a wormhole!

The opening of the wormhole is not big, but after entering, there is a vast world!

Inside the wormhole, the particles are all red. In the red vortex, there is the outline of Phoenix

There is a sharp sound in the Phoenix wormhole, which seems to pierce into the depths of the universe.

Then, it's wormhole jumping!


Shendi and Chen Tianya jump in the wormhole, and the huge tearing force shuttles through the past moment, just like a white horse passing by!

Around is the storm, is the giant pull, is the universe!

A sudden jump, like never moving.

But soon, the jump was done.

The two saw the exit of the wormhole in front of them, and they immediately flew out.

Between the flashes, they got out of the wormhole.

They looked back and saw that the wormhole behind was like a gate.

Then the wormhole and the door disappeared.

Around Shendi and Chen Tianya, there is another scene.

This place is very strange.

It's not like the Phoenix world!

It's like a beautiful place on earth, like the starry sky on the prairie.

Their feet are boundless and bottomless.

They have beautiful starry sky on their heads, but they can't see the end.

The starry sky is clear, and many times something like a meteor flies by.

Sometimes, you can see the phoenix flying past

"Is this the Phoenix world we are going to work so hard to come to?" Chen Tianya can't help asking.

At this time, the strength in his body is still unstable. He urgently needs to find a place to settle down.

All the six star stones were absorbed by him, which was not a funny thing.

The emperor said in a deep voice, "maybe it is!"

Chen Tianya said: "first regardless of the other, we find a place to settle down, I have to recuperate the body."

The emperor nodded and said, "good!"

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