On the morning of the second day, Chen Yang, Zhang Daoling, Suzhen in black, Xuan Zhenghao and Dixuan met.

This matter has not been witnessed by too many people.

Confidentiality should be appropriately high!

Chen Yang gives the puppet to Suzhen in black, and Suzhen in black makes an idea. The idea is the crystal. She was hidden in the black crystal.

One flower, one world, one reading, one Bodhi!

In the double time of thunder robbery, a thought has a small world.

After arriving at the ninth thunder robbery, the idea of Suzhen in black is powerful to the point of boundless!

So, one of her thoughts can actually load all her other thoughts. It's a state of all things that I am!

Therefore, in essence, people can't lift themselves up.

But above the spirit, it has reached this step. She can lift herself up!

There is no clear realm in Suzhen's nine thunder robberies. And then it's all up to her.

She had already been able to turn thunder into water, break the void, and read all over the sky.

Suzhen in black lies in the puppet's brain and controls the puppet. At the same time, once the puppet is broken, if she wants to fight, she will put her real body in one of the secret ideas. That idea won't fight. She'll protect it.

The puppet itself has a strong power. Once the divine power of Suzhen in black is added, the puppet is powerful enough to fight against the seven level masters. If Suzhen in Heiyi is a little more violent, it's not a problem to turn over eight. And nine heavy, also can stand in an invincible position, even anti kill!

But when it comes to fighting eight times and nine times, Suzhen in black can't use puppets. The puppet could not bear the powerful power of Suzhen in black.

Suzhen in black quickly takes control of Chen Yang's puppet!

Chen Yang has set up many of his modes of thinking in the puppet. So the puppet's manner is very similar to Chen Yang's.

Chen Yang is very sorry for Suzhen in black, and privately says to Suzhen in Black: "it seems that I've been troubling you all these years. Now you are trapped in this puppet again... "

Black Yi Su Zhen is cold hum a, say: "you say these polite nonsense again, I really want to annoy."

Finally, she said, "between you and me, life and death are just idle. What's the trouble? No trouble? If someone wants you to die, I can live... "

"I will never frown!" Chen Yang said.

He said without hesitation, just because that book does not need hesitation.

Because Suzhen in black is his life!

And Suzhen in black has no doubt about that.

"On the contrary, if I have to die, you can live. On that day, I won't have the slightest hesitation! " So said Suzhen in black.

Chen Yang was moved to the extreme.

The melancholy in his heart was swept away.

He thought, this is also very good!

It's not necessarily the best thing to be a couple.

After Suzhen in black successfully controlled the puppet, Xuan Zhenghao also gave Chen Yangsan a great change talisman.

Xuanzhenghao controls the great change of three thousand Avenue!

This is what he realized in the boat of one yuan.

Great change is a wonderful skill.

But Xuan Zhenghao didn't do it himself, because if he wanted to really practice great change, he wanted to refine his body into steel.

The body needs to be flexible!

There are many restrictions!

It's better for people with lower accomplishments to practice, but the higher the accomplishments, the more difficult it is to practice.

Finally, Xuan Zhenghao simply gave up.

This great change is like the change of the master of creation. It's very simple to turn the low achievers into rabbits. It's very difficult to change the world inside him if you want to change those masters of creation!

After that, Xuan Zhenghao made the big change symbol according to the big change technique!

Big change is very confusing, but it doesn't change the essence of the master.

However, it's only people who are very close to each other that can find something wrong.

"Each of these three great changes is different." Xuan Zhenghao tells Chen Yang. "Each symbol can only be used once."

"Then why don't you give me a few more?" she said

Xuan Zhenghao said with a wry smile: "three pieces were made in total. The production of each piece is extremely difficult."

Suzhen in black suddenly realized.

After these things are done, Chen Yang puts away the three great changes.

Then, he runs one of the big changes!

There are extremely complex runes on the great change rune. As soon as it runs, it immediately surrounds Chen Yang, and finally all turns into golden powder and immerses it on his head, face and even body!

Soon, Chen Yang's face changed.After the transformation, Zhang Daoling's eyes became strange.

Because Chen Yang became Taoist priest Luo Tong!

Chen Yang also found this, he said with a wry smile: "is it Taoist priest Luo Tong?"

Xuan Zhenghao said with a smile, "if you have a character blueprint, it will be realistic only when you change it. Many of your enemies know Taoist priest Luo Tong, but they don't know Taoist priest Luo Tong. I think you'd better walk beside white girl, so it's very suitable for you to be Taoist Luo Tong

"And the other two?" Chen Yang asked.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "that's what I'm looking for. It's convenient for you to hide after you escape!"

Chen Yang was slightly relieved.

"Next, Chen Yang, you can show your flaws. At least you can't stay with me all the time. You can go outside the earth and give the enemy a chance to attack! " Xuan Zhenghao said.

Chen Yang is very happy.

He can go out at ease and be with Suzhen in black.

It's really a happy thing.

Deep in the universe, within the boundary of Phoenix, Chen Tianya asked the God Emperor, "chief, how did you die? Is it really with wisdom? Wisdom is the most mysterious thing, but when people fall off the cliff and are in the air, it is difficult for wisdom to work. It's mysterious, and I'm curious! "

Shen Di didn't hide Chen Tianya, he said: "I always know the power of Phoenix, but the Phoenix world knows it recently. The power after the unification of all dharmas is similar to the power of Phoenix. I didn't use my wisdom until I was in the air, but I came prepared. The power of the Phoenix devoured all I had, but it did not devour my will. The only thing I keep is my will! Xuanzhenghao can also do this. Will is mysterious, ethereal, but it exists. Strong will to a certain extent, I became the master of the power of the Phoenix. Of course, this only refers to the power of the Phoenix given by master. "

"In other words, the power of the Phoenix devours your body and power. But you put your will above the power of the Phoenix. " Chen Tianya said.

The emperor said, "because the power of the Phoenix is pure and has no will. If master contains his own will in the power of the Phoenix, I will die. "

Chen Tianya said: "if the queen of God just put his will in it, aren't you dead, chief?"

God said: "yes, but life needs a bet!"

Chen Tianya said: "Congratulations, you won the bet."

The God said, "anyway, you and I have got what we want. In the future, with such strength, we will certainly be able to grow to a certain height. For the moment, you'd better concentrate on cultivation! "

Chen Tianya nodded.

Another place in the universe, or a planet!

This is outside the solar system, inside the Milky way.

This belongs to the strong Galaxy!

At the edge of the galaxy, the planet is alive.

The planet is also covered with ice and snow.

There is little sunshine and the climate is cold.

But all the creatures on this planet are very adapted to this extreme cold.

This planet is called ufei!

The civilization level of wufei star is very low, and the food, clothing, housing and transportation of human beings are very simple. Cold also limits the development of civilization.

On a snowy mountain, there is a luxury palace!

There are 360 female envoys in the palace.

These female envoys all have self-cultivation, but the highest self-cultivation is just heaven.

The limited resources of this planet greatly limited the cultivation of these female envoys.

The female envoys occasionally walk in the world and are honored as immortal envoys, leaving behind many myths and legends.

This snow mountain palace is Tianxing palace!

Tianxing Palace on wufei star is an eternal myth!

Out of reach!

In fact, the altitude here is very high, and there are array barriers. Ordinary people can never get there, even birds can't get in.

This is a very quiet place.

At this time, in the palace that day, the beautiful princess Wu was practicing in the back mountain.

after that, the mountain was exposed to snow. The princess sat on her knees and absorbed the essence of heaven and earth.

Wu Fei was tall and beautiful. Her black hair seemed to fall to the ground.

She was wearing a purple dress, beautiful with unspeakable tranquility and warmth.

Her figure proportion is very good, although the waist is very thin, but the front is protruding and the back is warped, so she has abundant capital.

Wu Fei's lips are very warped. Although she doesn't use powder, she has cherry like color. It looks very attractive. When she closes her eyes, she looks like a Sleeping Princess. When the prince kisses her, she will wake up!

When Princess Wu opened her eyes, the tranquility in her eyes was like autumn water.

Those dark eyes are like black pearls in the dark.

Wu Fei's cultivation has reached the five peaks of creation!At this time, it was noon.

There is no sunlight all the year round and it is in the night and day.

But there is another gem in the sky to provide light and keep the conversion of day and night.

At this time, the door of void opened suddenly in front of Wu Fei.

Wu Fei immediately opened her eyes, surprised and pleased, and said, "master, are you back?"

Soon a woman came into the door of the void.

Also a beautiful woman to the extreme.

In this cultivation, even a sow can evolve into a peerless beauty.

It's Wu Fei's master, Tianfei!

Tianfei has long silver hair, her face is beautiful, but her eyes are blood red.

She was wearing a silver dress, like a fairy coming from the clouds.

But there was a layer of grace in her.

Princess Wu got up to pay homage.

Tianfei's face was dignified. She waved her hand and said, "don't be so polite."

Wu Fei said, "master, you should inform me in advance, or we can hold a banquet for you."

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