How things change!

Suzhen in black didn't expect that things would come to this.

Tang Ling didn't think of it.

Xuan Zhenghao did not think of this.

There are always differences between the original plan and the actual plan.

Suzhen in black originally wanted to go back to the ruins in peace. She knew that the guy in Tang Ling's brain was so anxious. Black dress Su Zhen even if is honest reply, only afraid also can let the other party rise suspicion.

Su Zhen in black knows Chen Yang's bad temper. I can stand being questioned like this.

The more honest she was, the more suspicious she was.

At least now, the other party can't be sure whether Chen Yang is real or not.

Suzhen in black didn't talk to Tang Ling any more. She began to think about what to do next. Is it a real turn?

It's a real turndown. Everything's going to go wrong.

Suzhen in black is not sure how many masters the other side has hidden. There are too many variables when she does it. And easy to let xuanzhenghao all plans fall short!

Do you want to wait until you go back to the market?

For Guixu, Suzhen in black had a lot of knowledge in xuanzhenghao. After entering Guixu, it will help her.

Although the other party certainly knows Guixu, the uncertainty in Guixu is greater.

Black dress Su Zhen last bite teeth, decided to wait and see its change.

She and Tang Ling tore the skin, simply no longer speak, simply find a room to rest.

Tianzhou, in the boat of one yuan.

It's been a day since Suzhen and Tang Ling left. The distance of this day is immeasurable. There are too many things that can happen.

Xuan Zhenghao released Chen Yang, and Qingsi also gave it back to Chen Yang.

Zhang Daoling and Tianfei also came.

Taoist priest Luo Tong, Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu are also here.

On the one yuan bridge, Xuan Zhenghao attached great importance to it.

Chen Yang is not childish either, and now he knows that he must be highly cooperative.

Xuan Zhenghao faced the crowd with a serious face. He said: "white girl has gone, she is now completely exposed to danger. As for the consequences, I'm not sure. " After a pause, he said, "Chen Yang, you don't have to be angry. I do things in a proper way. Except for Miss Bai, I dare not let anyone else go. It's Taoist Zhang and Tianfei who are in danger of falling. But only the monologue girl can't, because she has a dark element. Once in the dark, it's hard for the enemy to kill her. "

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "emperor, you don't have to say more. I know your pains. Now it's useless to say that. We need to go as soon as possible. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "don't rush, once the distance is too close, it's easy for the other party to notice. All we need is their wait. It's a hunt, it's about patience. They may be suspicious of the white girl, but if you put Chen Yang in front of them, they will have a try no matter whether it's true or not. "

"This time According to the truth, Chen Yang, Qin Lin, Taoist priest, it's not important for you to go there. You are not very good at fighting at this level. But after I think about it, you'd better go. Maybe it will have an unexpected effect. "

Xuan Zhenghao finally said: "phantom, I will continue to send it to Chen yanghao. Your green silk can communicate with her well, and it can have a wonderful effect! "

Chen Yang nodded.

"So let's go." Xuanzhenghao finally said.

Xuan Zhenghao didn't explain anything more.

Because of the war, everything is changing rapidly outside. He can't say more.

Everyone was ready to leave at once.

"Wait!" Xuanzhenghao finally thought of something.

Everyone looks at Xiang Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao's face was solemn and said, "you are not allowed to enter Guixu. You can only wait outside Guixu. No matter what you hear or see, don't go into Guihui. This is the key to victory. Once you enter Guixu, you will lose the battle. It's the only way to survive if you don't go back to the market, OK? This battle is the key to the survival of the earth in the future. Especially Chen Yang you, you let me worry most

He then said to Tianfei and Zhang Daoling, "if Chen Yang finally wants to enter Guixu, you can't stop him, then let him in. But all of you don't go in. This bottom line must be held

Zhang Daoling nodded and said, "well, emperor, I understand what you mean."

After that, Zhang Daoling launched Liuguang Tiansuo, and everyone entered Liuguang Tiansuo. They quickly went to the great world, and then entered the void from the great world.

It's needless to say that all along the way, the wind is flying fast and the road is running fast.

In the flowing light, Chen Yang's eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

He was really worried about Suzhen in black.

It seems that all the pressure and all the danger are put on Suzhen in black. He really hoped that he was by Suzhen's side at the moment. When the danger came, he could help to share it.Inside Tisuo, everyone gathered together.

We all sit cross legged.

Qin Lin came to Chen Yang, comforted him and said, "third brother, don't worry too much. We should believe in the emperor's arrangement, and we should also believe in white girl's ability. She's going to be fine. "

Fu Qingzhu also said, "yes, Chen Yang."

With a smile, Zhang Daoling said, "Chen Yang, little friend, everything has its own destiny. You don't have to worry too much about it. It's all about Miss Bai. Although she hasn't seen it formally, she can imagine it. The place of returning to the ruins is a nightmare for all monks, but it is probably a blessed place for white girl! "

Chen Yang raised his head and said, "but I'm still worried. If they don't go to Guihui, they will attack Su Su."

Tianfei said: "white girl is proficient in dark elements. In the void of the universe, it's not difficult for her to escape."

Zhang Daoling said: "the emperor's arrangement is very reasonable."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I understand, I understand!"

He doesn't have much to say.

At this time, he thought of something and said, "by the way, ladies and gentlemen, I want to communicate with phantom now. She doesn't like to see people very much."

Zhang Daoling nodded and said, "we understand. There are rooms over there. Go ahead."

Chen Yang goes to another room and uses his magic power to seal the surroundings.

At this time, in the hall.

Zhang Daoling suddenly took out Qingfeng sword. He said to Taoist priest Luo Tong: "Luo Tong..."

Luo Tong immediately respectfully came forward, saluted and said: "the disciple is here!"

Zhang Daoling said, "that Dao Ling sword is not good enough. Give it back to me. I'll polish it again by myself. This Qingfeng sword has been in operation for many years. There are many mysteries in it. Take it and use it! "

Roton stayed for a while, then was overjoyed.

But he felt uneasy again and said, "grandmaster, how can I accept such a valuable thing?"

Zhang Daoling laughed and said, "silly boy, this is because of the enemy's ability to save your life. Take it quickly

When Luo Tong heard the words, he no longer pinched and accepted them.

Chen Yang is in the room. The room is simple, ordinary and dark.

There is no other decoration.

Chen Yang then shouts: "phantom?"

There was no response.

Chen Yang couldn't help feeling depressed and said, "what's the situation? You didn't come in? Or did you forget about Liuguang Tiansuo? "

"I'm in front of you." The voice of the phantom.

Chen Yang stayed for a while.

The sound did come from before my eyes.

But Chen Yang didn't see anything in front of him.

Chen Yang can't help but use the big eye technique, and the golden pupil of Lihuo shows it, but he still can't see anything.

The voice of the phantom is soft and beautiful. But with a trace of indifference.

She said, "don't waste your time. You can't see me."

Chen Yang said, "I really want to see what you look like."

The phantom was silent for a moment, and then said, "do you want to soak me?"

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment. Then he looked strange and said, "who did you learn from, and how could you say such witty things? I'm curious. If you can't see me all the time, you'll be curious to see what I look like. "

The phantom said: "I find that you like a lot of people, such as situ ling'er, Shen Mo Nong and Bai Su Zhen. Didn't you like bingxuanxin before? When you come back, it's rare for you to mention it. You really have no conscience

Chen Yang suddenly blushed and said, "am I going to talk to ling'er? Do I miss Bing Xuanxin very much?"

The phantom was stunned, and then said, "that's true!"

Chen Yang said, "OK, can you show your real body and let me see what you look like?"

The phantom simply replied, "no!"

Chen Yang felt depressed and said, "well, I thought we had friendship."

The phantom is a little stuffy and says, "it's not that I won't let you see it, but that I can't help it."

"There's nothing you can do?" Chen Yang was surprised.

The phantom said, "my body has assimilated with particles, with dimensions. If I want to pick up a stool, I need to gather willpower and mana to do it. I'm about to have no body. Every day I fight against this assimilation of all matter from the universe. I am different from the world you see. The world you and I perceive is also different. If it wasn't for the emperor's help and my mana, I would have been assimilated into a particle. "

Chen Yang was shocked.

He learned something about the phantom from Xuan Zhenghao, but he didn't expect that her condition was so serious.

Chen Yang couldn't help asking, "are you in pain?"

The phantom is silent.After a while, he said, "I'm used to it."

After she finished, she said, "but if I can, I really hope I can enjoy the normal world and the fragrance of flowers and birds. Or eat a delicious meal! I ate it when I was a child, but later, I never enjoyed it any more. "

"What can I do for you?" Chen Yang asked.

Phantom a smile, her laughter like silver bell general. She said: "you are really a sentimental seed. No, even the emperor has no better way, let alone you."

Chen Yang said: "there must be a way. Don't worry. It's up to me. I will think of a way for you to return to normal and live a normal life. "

The phantom said, "don't promise easily."

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