Tianqingge can't use the dimension at this time. The green silk cuts directly into his brain, and then explodes.

Everything goes well!

"No, it's a puppet!" When Qingsi cuts Zhongtian Qingge, Chen Yang and Suzhen in black immediately notice.

"Miscalculation!" Chen Yang knows it in his heart.

Chen Yang and others are still hidden in the green silk.

"Go in!" Just then, the voice of tianqingge sounded.

Chen Yang's idea of shooting, but never see the sky light song.

Phantom immediately told Chen Yang: "I also miscalculated, tianqingge also knows the secret dimension, he also hid in the secret dimension."

At this time, a beam of light, thunder and lightning like shrouded green silk.

Chen Yang and others have not yet understood what is going on, and the position of Qingsi has changed.


Green silk unexpectedly went to the encirclement of the eight meteorite iron Warcraft.

As a result, green silk became their target.

The eight meteorite iron Warcraft are not polite, and immediately release hell's eye.

So the particles of yin and yang are extremely fierce.

Yin Yang anti melting furnace to kill green silk.

Everything in front of us is weird.

Chen Yang and Suzhen in black have been in a state of spiritual cultivation, and their magic power is infinite. He dominates Qingsi, but just now, Qingsi has been transposed. He can't feel the change of Qingsi at all. Let alone stop it.

At this time, yin and Yang anti melting furnace refining kill, yin and Yang particles crazy accumulation shot in green silk body.

Dense, thunderbolt! One tenth of a blink of an eye is a million particle blasts.

Chen Yang immediately runs Yin Yang mana, and runs the power of green silk to protect green silk.

"Be careful!" Suzhen in black reminds me.

Chen Yang said, "I understand."

Just now, tianqingge and other experts were killed by the yin-yang antiparticle, and the ZuLong armor was destroyed. These were all seen by Chen Yang.

He also knew that the melting pot of yin and Yang in front of him was different from the melting pot of 18 layers.

However, green silk didn't absorb Yin and Yang particles, so these anti Yin and Yang particles didn't cause serious damage to green silk.

Even so, green silk can't bear it.

Seeing this going on, green silk will be destroyed.

The immortal tools like ZuLong's armor are also destroyed in this antiparticle of yin and Yang. The power of Qingsi is not superior to ZuLong's armor.

This is not to say that fengxiaoshenhou is not the opponent of his majesty ZuLong.

The key problem is that the green silk is just a hair behind the Phoenix.

But ZuLong God armor is composed of all the scales and dragon Qi of his majesty ZuLong.

This is a fundamental difference.

Chen Yang didn't think much. He asked the phantom first and said, "can you hide in the secret dimension again?"

The phantom immediately replied, "in this antiparticle of yin and Yang, there is no way to enter the secret dimension."

"If I could enter, tianqingge would have entered." She said.

Chen Yang has no choice, so he takes green silk and uses his mana

Between the lightning, he was wearing a piece of Lei Yuan Shen Jia.

The Yin and Yang antiparticles are all accumulated and shot on Lei Yuan Shen Jia.

Lei Yuan Shen Jia wraps Chen Yang tightly. At the same time, yin and Yang mana are integrated to absorb Yin and Yang antiparticles.

Black Yi Su Zhen worried, said: "the reason why ZuLong God armor was destroyed is because it absorbed these anti particles of yin and Yang."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "at present, there is no other way, but I believe that the strength of ZuLong Shenjia is different from ours."

At this time, tianqingge has come out of the secret dimension. He and other lingzuns like long Weigong join together and watch Chen Yang and others fall into the Yin Yang antiparticle furnace from a distance.

Long Weigong turned his divine eye and watched Chen Yang absorb Yin Yang antiparticles with Lei Yuan Shenjia. He couldn't help sneering and said, "it's stupid to see our lessons and still absorb them like this. It's just like looking for death. In a short time, his armor will come to the same end as the ancestral Dragon Armor. "

Longkongtong sneered and said: "even if he saw the end of our ancestral Dragon God armor, he could only use the black god armor to resist. Or you die on the spot Bai Suzhen was obviously injured. Chen Yang is just a five fold cultivation of creation. What qualifications does he have to survive there? "

In the consciousness of all lingzun, Bai Suzhen has been seriously injured!

If Bai Suzhen had not been seriously injured, she would not have gone into hiding.

At the same time, they also infer that Chen Yang was able to bring Bai Suzhen out because of this Lei Yuan armor.

Because only such inference can explain the rationality of what happened.

Mo Yunyu sneered again and said, "if his armor is broken, I'll see what Chen Yang can do. At the moment, they are dead. In the Empire, those people all passed on Chen Yang as a miracle, saying that he had nine lives and could not be killed. Hum, today, it's all over. "Tianqingge said in a deep voice: "don't be too optimistic. Chen Yang's five fold cultivation of creation is full of strangeness. We are ready, if they can break through the Yin Yang antiparticle furnace, then we must be ready to attack! If you want to see a person in life and a corpse in death, there must be no mistake! "

"We understand!" Mo Yunyu and longkongtong answered in unison.

"My Lord, how did you do that just now?" Suddenly, long Weigong thought of something. He asked the sky to sing.

When long Weigong asks, namo Yunyu and long Kongtong also think of tianqingge's sudden attack on Chen Yang. He is not only unhurt, but also plunges Chen Yang into the Yin Yang antiparticle furnace of meteorite iron Warcraft.

Everyone looked at tianqingge.

Tianqingge was silent for a moment, then quite helpless, said: "this is my secret, originally I intended to be silent forever, not to show it in front of anyone. I think you can understand that each of us has his own unique way to protect his life! "

Experts like long Weigong naturally understand.

With a smile, long Weigong said, "just now I pinched a cold sweat for Qingge. I really thought you would fall. At the moment, it's pure curiosity. Please rest assured that we will keep a secret for you. "

Tianqingge said with a smile, "you are curious. Naturally, I will tell you. I use this... "

Then he took out a magic weapon.

The magic weapon of tianqingge has always been the blood shadow lamp.

But in order to deal with Tianfei, the blood shadow lamp has been destroyed.

But now, tianqingge has another magic weapon.

The magic weapon is a bronze mirror.

Ordinary bronze mirror!

"The mirror?" Long Weigong said.

Tianqingge said: "this mirror is a magic mirror. According to legend, this mirror is made of the ten thousand year magic soul jade in Guixu fairyland. Moreover, in the mirror, there is the spirit left by the sage Dahuang. Old man Dahuang made this magic mirror, in which there is a magic array and a puppet! And the separation of the gods

"So precious?" Long Weigong and other experts were shocked.

Tianqingge said, "I've had adventures and met the cave of the old man in the wilderness. Although I have never met the old man Dahuang, I have shed blood on his inheritance book. Now, the old man Dahuang is also my master. "

"I see!" The experts suddenly realized.

Tianqingge continued: "previously, we were cheated by Chen Yang. Later, I guessed that when we escaped, he would attack. I'll let you go first. In this way, I'm attacked back and forth, and he has a 99% chance to attack me. Therefore, I have done the magic mirror traction in the meteorite iron Warcraft center. As soon as he attacks, I will start the method of transposition and put them in the center. These meteorite iron Warcraft are specially for guarding students. If anyone wants to go out, they will attack someone. "

After hearing this, the experts were convinced.

At this moment, in the field, Chen Yang uses Lei Yuan's armor to resist the anti particles of yin and Yang. Those anti particles of yin and Yang enter into Lei Yuan Shen Jia. Soon, they reverse Yin and Yang

That's how it fell and exploded.

Anti Yin Yang particles are like countless sharp cold knives, cutting the fused Yin Yang particles and reversing the fused Yin Yang particles, just like reversing the meridians and blood flow of the human body.

Chen Yang can't help shivering.

Suzhen in black feels that her and Chen Yang's power of yin and Yang begin to reverse and change, that is, her power turns into Yang!

Chen Yang's power turns into Yin!

Once the transformation is completed, their own genes will reverse

This is extremely dangerous.

"We're going to separate," Suzhen said in a deep voice

"No..." Chen Yang said coldly, "go on!"

He was determined.

Suzhen in black thinks it's wrong, but now Chen Yang insists that she doesn't care.

Anyway, it's not too bad to die together.

Chen Yang and Suzhen launch mana, and the reverse Yin and Yang particles seem to attack the city and plunder the land.

However, Chen Yang sticks to it, and the power of yin and Yang is strong and fierce.

A moment later, the white lotus flowers began to bloom in Nalei Yuanshen armor

In Lei Yuan Shen Jia, it is like a lotus pool. Countless lotus flowers bloom, wither and bloom again.

So, so

After that, all the anti particles of yin and Yang began to soften.

The anti particles of yin and Yang also became nutrients, which were finally absorbed by Chen Yang.

The lotus began to turn into nothingness.

Chen Yang has stabilized his figure.

Outside, Tian Qingge and others see that Chen Yang has successfully defused the anti particles of yin and Yang.

They were shocked.

Longkongtong was unbelievable and said, "how is this possible? Why did ZuLong's divine armour do something that ZuLong's divine armour couldn't do? "Long Weigong's eyes are complex, and his heart is full of mixed feelings.

When ZuLong's armor was destroyed, he felt that it was not his magic weapon, but the external force was too strong.

At present, Chen Yang's Lei Yuan Shen Jia seems to be satirizing his ancestral dragon Shen Jia.

"Attention, everyone. He's coming out. Later, I'll make a fake attack with the magic mirror first! " Tianqingge arranges troops.

All the experts take orders!

Chen Yang stabilizes those yin-yang antiparticle furnaces with Lei Yuan Shen Jia. After that, he begins to approach those meteorite iron Warcraft and is ready to kill them.

"Now we are very bad. They have four masters. They will attack and kill together later," she said. We are under attack from both sides... "

Chen Yang said: "there is still a very difficult matter."

"You mean the puppet of tianqingge?" she said

Chen Yang said: "it's not as simple as a puppet. His thing reminds me of a magic weapon I used before."

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