The killing of the masters all hit Chen Yang, the puppet.

Chen Yang follows him to stir up the crystal of the black hole, and countless pieces of soul scatter out

At that moment, Chen Yang had absorbed the puppet's eternal fragments into the black hole crystal.

black hole as like as two peas are all soul fragments.

At this time, Chen Yang got a chance to breathe and use terror thunder power and mana

The black hole crystal turned into a milligram of light. In a blink of an eye, it had already been surrounded by many experts.

It all happened so fast.

Even tianqingge didn't know what was going on.

The exertion of great fatalism is not known by God or by ghost.

Tianqingge didn't see the situation clearly.

He couldn't think much. He swept all the soul fragments into the magic mirror with the magic light of the magic mirror.

The seven meteorite iron Warcraft will attack and kill tianqingge and other experts.

The sky light song doesn't want to entangle with these meteorite iron Warcraft, sink a voice way: "retreat!"

They were flashing and retreating quickly.

The seven meteorite iron Warcraft are no longer entangled, to protect the door.

The dreamland around you is restored.

Tianqingge and other experts are standing in one place.

Longkongtong asked, "is Chen Yang dead?"

Mo Yunyu said, "you should be dead. There's no reason why he won't die just now because we've been killing so precisely. "

Long Weigong looks at the sky and sings softly.

Tianqingge's face was gloomy. He said, "I'm not dead!"

"How could it be?" Longkongtong and moyunyu can't believe it.

Tianqingge said: "those fragments are fake, none of them are Chen Yang's fragments."

Long Weigong's face was ugly.

Long Kongtong could not help but be angry and said: "this dog has nine lives. Can't he die like this? What about him now? "

"Here it is." At this time, Chen Yang's voice suddenly came.

Behind longkongtong, Chen Yang appears directly.

The green silk turned into a fine needle and shot at the back door of longkongtong.

Tianqingge and others can't help losing color.

It all happened so fast.

Chen Yang comes from the secret dimension.

Green silk contains all the power of him and Suzhen in black.

It's more than that. Tang Ling also uses the stealing needle.

Longkongtong, the master of creation, is the brother of longqianjue

He didn't even have time to hum, and then he died so miserably.

That green silk and steal day needle at the same time into his brain domain, then, longkongtong whole body explosion, become countless pieces.

This scene happened too quickly!

The green silk in the air a little spin, will return to the hands of Chen Yang.

Tianqingge and other experts are terrified, but at this moment, tianqingge is also very quick, actually directly holding the magic mirror, the golden light sweeps, will take green silk into the inner space of the magic mirror.

With a sneer, Chen Yang uses his mana, and the green silk suddenly soars, directly exploding the shackles of the magic mirror.

Later, Qingsi returned to Chen Yang.

Previously, Chen Yang was trapped in the magic mirror because time was too tight. Moreover, his people are also in the light of the magic mirror.

At the moment, others are not restricted. How can green silk be restricted!

Although the magic mirror is powerful, it is more powerful to create illusions than to kill enemies.

Even if Chen Yang's creation of the five realms, as long as you give him a little time, he is in the light of the magic mirror, and can break its shackles minute by minute.

Chen Yang looks at Tian Qingge, Mo Yunyu and long Weigong with a smile.

He said with a smile, "you are trying your best to catch me. Now, I'm here. "

"Chen Yang, you are worthy of being chosen by the emperor of the universe!" Tianqingge also looks at Chen Yang. Although he is angry and angry in his heart, he has a smile on his face. He continues: "you can break the 18 layer furnace, you can solve the Yin Yang antiparticle furnace. You can see through this dreamland, and you can enter the secret dimension. "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "it's just a surprise. The secret dimension is like a room. You can also go in. I just made a sneak attack while you were unprepared. "

Tianqingge's face sank.

He really can enter the secret dimension through the magic mirror, and also can spy on the secret dimension.

But just now, although he knew that Chen Yang was unlikely to die like this.

But he could not help but hope.

So his first reaction was to avoid the meteorite Warcraft and look at the soul pieces.

Therefore, he neglected the secret dimension!

Chen Yang attacked tianqingge for the first time. Tianqingge didn't explore the secret dimension because he escaped from the antiparticle of yin and Yang. Before he had time to spy, Chen Yang had sneaked on him. But he also made all the preparations!Chen Yang escaped from the antiparticle furnace of yin and Yang, and he sensed the crisis.

It's just that there are too many crises.

Moreover, he can't sense the secret dimension.

As soon as the phantom came out, the magic mirror had covered them.

At the same time, tianqingge also attacked and killed from the secret dimension.

As for now, Chen Yang has attacked longkongtong secretly.

Longkongtong is such a master, of course, can sense the crisis.


Suddenly attack and kill in the secret dimension, everything happens too fast!

Let alone sneak attack from the back of longkongtong, it is the aboveboard killing of longkongtong. Longkongtong may not be able to avoid the sword of Chen Yang and Suzhen in black.

Green silk is the object of the queen of Phoenix!

It's a magic sword!

Chen Yang's skill and black clothes Suzhen's skill, this is not one plus one equals two, but the integration of yin and Yang, breeds all things!

After killing longkongtong, Chen Yang faced the three big men calmly.

Tianqingge was silent for a moment. He gazed at Chen Yang and then said with a smile, "now you come out calmly. It seems that you have become a man."

Chen Yang said: "in fact, we don't have to talk nonsense. Let's go

Tianqingge took a deep breath. He said in a deep voice: "Mr. emperor, Mo Yunyu, this man is not alone. Previous inference error, that Bai Suzhen was not injured, but with his Yin and Yang fusion. It's a force of the beginning of the universe. No one can underestimate it But also pay attention to Tang Ling's sneak attack. Here, dimensions cannot be perceived. You must be more careful. "

"We understand!" There is a chill in long Weigong's eyes.

Longkongtong is a descendant of their dragon family. How can he not be angry and painless?

Tianlong scissors appear in Tianqing singers. The scissors are like a large golden scissors with carved dragon runes on them.

Mo Yunyu sacrificed his feather!

That's Yunyu Tiansuo!

Longweigong sacrificed jiujueling!

Three experts surrounded Chen Yang, and then the war triggered.

There's no bullshit. Go straight to war.

At this moment, Chen Yang moves. He takes the lead and roars

Green silk turns into green sword!

Sword in hand!

The thunder on the sword flickered and the cold light burst.

Chen Yang's sword is a combination of man and sword.

Like a flash of lightning, breaking the chaos in front of us!

This sword is to kill Mo Yunyu!

meanwhile, phantom and Tang Ling are ready to go.

The phantom is hidden in the secret dimension.

Tang Ling is in the green silk.

Although tianqingge can explore the secret dimension, it has been paying attention to the situation of the secret dimension.

But the phantom is standing in front of tianqingge, tianqingge is hard to see.

Therefore, in the secret dimension, tianqingge still can't see her.

But if Tang Ling goes in, it will be different.

Chen Yang is very fast.

He's like a close combat expert.

The sword's edge is cold and majestic.

Mo Yunyu gives a big drink, and at the same time steps back, and then spreads out Yunyu's hole.

The feather turned into countless blades in the hole.

In front of Mo Yunyu's chest, huge cloud feather mixed holes are formed!

Chen Yang's body was once more vertical, and with his sword, he killed him in the Yunyu cave.

This way of playing makes Mo Yunyu shocked. Mo Yunyu has a self-knowledge in his heart. Even the 18 layer furnace can't kill Chen Yang. Can your own hole kill him?

Obviously not!

But Chen Yang's sword is too sharp. He can't avoid it.

Only with the strongest mixed hole to deal with!

If Chen Yang didn't have the help of Suzhen in black, even if he was an eternal body, he would be crushed in an instant.

How fierce and extinct it is!

Moreover, the profound meaning of it can make the masters who are less than eight times in the realm of creation lost.

It's like the universe is vast.

But Chen Yang was not afraid of all this because he had Suzhen in black.

Chen Yang likes this feeling and feels full of strength.

He also knew that all this was given to him by Suzhen in black.

Mo Yunyu was afraid. At that critical moment, tianqingge took action.

Magic mirror out!

A flash in the mirror!

Chen Yang was about to enter the cloud and feather hole, suddenly, the mysterious transposition appeared!

He only felt that there was no change in his body, but he stood in the position of tianqingge for no reason. And tianqingge stands in front of Yunyu hundong

This transposition is like an energy converter!

As long as tianqingge's cultivation is not far behind his opponent's strength, he can change his position instantly.Long Weigong was about to launch an attack, but it was a flower in front of him. He immediately stopped the attack so as not to hurt his own people.

Chen Yang's position changed, but his sword power was out. The light of the sword flashed, and his body was vertical. With one sword, he killed Xiang tianqingge's eyebrows.

Tianqingge holds a magic mirror and a dragon scissors!

In the face of Chen Yang's attack, tianqingge carries Tianlong scissors with magic power.

With the golden light of the magic mirror, he enveloped himself.

The power of Chen Yang's sword came, but it was reduced by twice when it entered the mirror light!

A positive photo will double the attack power!

If you shine on the opposite side, you will double the attack power!

But even so, Chen Yang's sword is enough to make tianqingge drink a pot.

Tianlong scissors in the sky light singers tactfully Ruyi, only a flash, and Chen Yang's green sword lightning kill together.

Tianqingge has its own pride and will never blindly dodge.

Although he is a military strategist, he is also a god of war and can fight the enemy.

The sharp sword collides with the Dragon scissors, two huge forces strangle, sparks splash.

Chen Yang's sword in his hand turns and his figure flashes. The thunder stabs tianqingge's armpit.

He is the first man in melee. He holds the sword in his hand. The sword and people seem to be one.

This moment of change, let the day light song is slightly a Zheng.

But he's also a conceited man, with the Dragon scissors in his hand

Chen Yang just stabbed Tianlong scissors.

Leili burst out

Thunder, mountain and river blasting

Tianqingge's body turns, but he unloads Chen Yang's sword power directly. Then, the Tianlong scissors cut back to Chen Yang's neck

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