After a pause, Chen Yang said, "we can talk about the terms now. You still have chips in your hand. I advise you not to talk about it when you lose all your chips. "

Long Weigong took a deep breath. There was a great chill in his eyes. He let go of tianqingge, stood up and said: "good crazy boy, good, today let me understand your ability."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, then sneered and said, "good!"

He is now, of course, fearless.

The sky light song and the magic mirror are the most frightening things for him. At the moment, the phantom and Tang Ling beat the sky light song seriously. He has nothing to fear.

The reason why Chen Yang is willing to talk about peace now is to achieve his goal and to spend less money.

He also knows that once long Weigong and Mo Yunyu disturb this fairyland, the consequences will be unimaginable.

But no matter how long Weigong wants to fight, Chen Yang naturally wants to accompany him to the end!

In this Guixu, lingzun took this as the battlefield, which was prepared to occupy the best time, place and people.

But they did not expect to fall into the fairyland.

It's a nightmare for these masters in the Guixu dreamland.

Long Weigong is angry at Guan.

Tianqingge was in a hurry. With Mo Yunyu's help, he quickly called out: "old emperor, step back quickly."

Long Weigong was stunned.

Although he is proud, he has already respected tianqingge in his relationship with tianqingge.

Now that tianqingge is injured, he naturally wants to take care of his feelings.

He repressed his anger again, and then returned to tianqingge.

Seeing this, Chen Yang was slightly relieved.

In fact, sometimes he talks cheaply. If he didn't want to achieve his goal at the moment, he would certainly satirize long Weigong.

The explosive bag of long Weigong will surely explode at once.

But obviously, it's not necessary.

Tianqingge stares at Chen Yang and says, "I know what you want."

Chen Yang said, "really? What do you want? "

Tianqingge said, "you want Ouyang Yu, Ni cangshui, Tang Ling's wife, daughter and Wu Fei. In addition, there are three new ones that we have concocted

"How do I know how many of you concocted Chen Yang said immediately.

Tianqingge said, "you don't know, but Princess Wu knows. When exchanging, you can ask clearly! "

Chen Yang said with a smile, "OK, you're right. I really want you to talk about these people. So, now you and Mo Yunyu stay, and long Weigong goes back to report. If your majesty is willing to exchange, please send someone to earth. If you don't want to, that's all

Long Weigong immediately said, "why didn't you send someone to Tianzhou to exchange? If we change people and you intercept them halfway, what shall we do? "

Chen Yang said: "in the same way, we went to Tianzhou. You sent people to intercept us. What should we do?

Tianqingge said: "therefore, the exchange place should be in a place that everyone thinks is fair. I think the distance between the sky and the earth is in the middle

"That's fine!" Chen Yang said very simply. After he said that, he said, "I advise you not to play tricks, because I don't think you can play tricks on our emperor!"

Tianqingge nodded and said, "don't worry!"

The negotiation went very smoothly!

Chen Yang didn't expect the success.

In Chen Yang's brain, Su Zhen in black asked, "why don't you let Mo Yunyu go back to report?"

Chen Yang replied to Suzhen in black and said, "long Weigong still has a lot to fight for. If we force him too hard, it's hard to avoid that they will be caught dead. Mo Yunyu is also of great value. He is one step away from creation jiuzhong. Moreover, he is younger. The value of these two people can be exchanged for what we want. "

When Suzhen in black heard the words, she suddenly realized.

For these things of negotiation and exchange, she is not good at. She was too lazy to think much.

The present result, for each other, is the best.

Mo Yunyu volunteered to stay, and Chen Yang was not polite. He directly split Mo Yunyu's palm, and then shocked all Mo Yunyu's viscera and brain.

This kind of injury, not three years and five years, it is absolutely not good. Unless it's an adventure!

As for tianqingge, Chen Yang checked his body and found that his injury was also very serious, so he didn't start again.

Tianqingge made a gentleman's agreement and said, "we can't continue to attack each other's hostages. How about that?"

Chen Yang said, "of course!"

After that, tianqingge told longweigong. He handed the magic mirror to long Weigong.

When Chen Yang saw this, he couldn't help the pain.

He wanted to take tianqingge away and take the magic mirror as his own. I knew tianqingge had expected this in advance.At present, Chen Yang naturally does not say much.

However, for the star stone, Chen Yang is determined to get it. He said: "all the star stones must be handed in. If you can't do that, we can't discuss it. "

Tianqingge was silent for a moment, and finally nodded.

Later, he handed over all the 18 star stones. Chen Yang takes it with ecstasy

Next, Tang Ling imprisons Tian Qingge and Mo Yunyu in the boundless immortal mansion.

Then, Chen Yang asked the phantom to find more treasures.

In the fairyland of Guixu, most of the treasures that didn't appear to be formed were all kinds of strange jade. Chen Yang knew that these were all good things, so he collected a lot of them.

When the collection is almost finished, Chen Yang is ready to leave.

After that, Chen Yang went to Chuang Shengmen.

Long Weigong killed the meteorite iron Warcraft outside, and cooperated with each other. After a short time, the gate of life appeared.

Chen Yang and long Weigong quickly broke out of the life together.

After coming out of the fairyland, he left the fairyland.

The clouds cover Guixu planet in all directions. After Chen Yang breaks through the clouds, he goes to the void of the universe.

At this time, Zhang Daoling, Tianfei, and Qin Lin quickly came across the void.

"Third brother..." Qin Lin was overjoyed to see Chen Yang intact.

Suzhen in black came out of Chen Yang's brain and stood in front of the crowd.

Tang Ling came out with him.

Long Weigong left directly. Zhang Daoling and others were surprised and wanted to stop them.

Chen Yang said: "Taoist priest, master Tianfei, don't chase me."

Zhang Daoling and Tianfei don't know why, but since Chen Yang said so, they have to stay.

"What's the situation?" Zhang Daoling asked.

Chen Yang said, "let's go back to the earth first and talk about it in detail on the way."

Zhang Daoling nodded.

Later, Zhang Daoling sacrificed Liuguang Tiansuo.

The crowd entered Liuguang Tiansuo, and then quickly returned.

In Liuguang Tiansuo, Chen Yang told Zhang Daoling and others about the situation in detail.

Tianqingge and Mo Yunyu also appeared in front of the crowd.

Mo Yunyu is dejected, while tianqingge has a light complexion.

"I heard brother Tang say that tianqingge, you are the commander of Tianzhou in the whole empire." In Tiansuo's room, Chen Yang asked with a smile after all the people sat around.

Tianqingge glanced at the crowd, then looked at Chen Yang and said, "that's right, so for the sake of Tianzhou, our emperor will certainly agree to your exchange terms!"

Tianfei sneered and said, "tianqingge, do you think you will have today?"

The sky light song lightly says: "really didn't think of."

The imperial concubine suddenly stretched out her hand and slapped her in the air.

The sky light song does not dodge does not flash, on the face appears a handprint. He just said lightly: "Chen Yang, we have an agreement."

Chen Yang said: "Tianfei elder, I have a gentleman's agreement with tianqingge that we should not insult and hurt the hostage twice."

"We don't know what they did to the hostages," she said

"We can't take care of others, but we have to take care of ourselves," Chen said

Tianfei has always been grateful to Chen Yang. Now seeing Chen Yang say so, she said, "well, whatever you say."

Zhang Daoling laughed and said: "this trip is really wonderful, but it's a pity that we didn't see anything."

Qin Lin said with a wry smile: "we came all the way, but we didn't do anything. It's boring, boring!"

Chen Yang said: "second brother, don't say that. Although you didn't do anything, you played a great role. Just like in the vast world, the sharp weapon of the country is never used. But is it useless? It's because you're out there that they're afraid of the rat and compromise at last! "

Tianqingge said with a smile, "well, I'm so happy to have a great victory. Congratulations!"

The crowd was stunned.

Zhang Daoling said with a smile: "it's really gratifying. I just don't know what the military strategist's mood is now?"

Tianqingge said: "mixed feelings! I've been cautious all my life. It's just that I didn't expect to be a prisoner. "

Zhang Daoling said: "in fact, this is just the beginning. I advise you to stay away from the earth. Otherwise, your fate will be more miserable. "

Tianqingge took a look at Zhang Daoling. He said, "we have the information about you from the Taoist priest earlier, and the Taoist priest is a strange man."

"It's easy to say," said Zhang Daoling

Tianqingge then said, "it's just attacking the earth. It's not what I thought. It's not what your majesty wants, but we have to. Anyway, we are a poor group. Tens of millions of years ago, our ancestors lived peacefully on the earth, keeping aloof from the world. But just because the universe wants the earth, we are driven away and forced to wander. “He said this, pausing, sighing and saying, "now we have an energy crisis. We have to go back to earth... "

Zhang Daoling said: "in the past, we were not able to control things. But when we humans have memories, the earth is our home. For us, we have to protect our home. "

Tianqingge said, "this is bandit logic."

Zhang Daoling sighed and said, "well, it seems that it can only be war."

Chen Yang said on one side: "we have so many human beings on earth that we can't do the whole migration. But you are different. Even if imperial Tianzhou has an energy crisis, you can try to find a planet suitable for your survival. "

Tianqingge laughed and said, "well said. However, things are not as simple as you think. We're used to some kind of energy proton, and we're used to the imperial sky boat. Our people are used to the imperial sky boat environment. Now, we can find a way to live on earth. We can't find other planets. The earth's oxygen will be the poison of some aliens. Similarly, our people can't live without energy protons. So we had to fight. Of course, your earth is so big that it can hold less than 20 million spiritual statues, and you can't, can you? "

Zhang Daoling said, "as long as you are willing to give up the imperial Tianzhou, we can accept it."

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