The functions of jade are different, and not all of them are hard materials.

Tianfei saw the clue. She laughed at the crowd and said, "from these jades, we can know some history of Guixu."

When people heard the words, they immediately became interested.

Everyone looked at the princess.

Tianfei rubbed a jade in her hand, and she said: "I once had a hand with the Warcraft from Guixu, and my accomplishments were very high. Now it seems that those Warcraft and divine beasts are not tempered by 18 layers of furnace. "

"I think it's the creatures in the fairyland of Guixu who have absorbed these jades and gradually grown up," she said. I heard the phantom say that the world in the dreamland is different. I think there are all kinds of dangerous experiences, and jade is the best thing. So later, some Warcraft, divine beast and other creatures broke the seal and came out

Tianfei said, "that's right!"

What is the significance of Guixu? Is that the jade? " What does Chen Yang think of? He can't help saying.

With a smile, Zhang Daoling said, "that's a good question. In fact, what is the significance of our existence? What is the meaning of the earth's existence? I'm afraid it's hard for anyone to answer. We can only say that existence is existence. There is no reason

The imperial concubine agreed and said, "it's true."

Later, Zhang Daoling said, "these jades are good things. Since you are so generous, Chen Yang, you are welcome. You have to choose some."

Chen yangmang said: "Taoist priest, this trip is also a great credit, you naturally need not be polite."

He always respected Zhang Daoling, and Zhang Daoling was his son's Apprentice. Therefore, these are needless to say.

Zhang Daoling selected three jades.

He is not greedy.

Tianfei picked four.

Qin Lin didn't know, so he took ten.

Fu Qingzhu, Taoist priest Luo Tong and Tang Ling all chose some. It's about five or six.

Suzhen in black chose one.

The function of jade is not clear.

But as everyone knows, it's a good thing.

Chen Yang didn't let Suzhen in black take more. Anyway, he would keep more for himself. At that time, Suzhen in black will take it all. He has no problem.

After the jade is divided, Chen Yang says to Suzhen in black, "about the phantom, you can help her."

Suzhen nodded and said, "that's right."

The phantom opened her mouth and passed on her idea to Suzhen in black, saying, "sister Bai, what should I do?"

Black dress Su Zhen is tiny a smile, also with the idea reply say: "here is noisy, you and I all go to Chen Yang's black hole crystal inside."

"Yes, sister Bai!" Phantom has great respect for Suzhen in black.

After that, Suzhen in black hugged the crowd and said, "please talk slowly. I need to understand something, so I won't bother you."

Everyone understood.

Chen Yang then took out the black hole crystal, black clothing Su Zhen and phantom together into the black hole crystal.

The rest of them didn't see the phantom.

It's a long way to go back, and everyone has their own cultivation.

Chen Yang also needs to refine the eternal fragment again to create a puppet.

Inside the black hole crystal, Chen Yang has a clear insight into everything, and can chat with Suzhen in Heiyi with his mind at any time.

In a clearing in the crystal of the black hole, there are souls all over the sky.

Although it's dark here, we can see each other clearly.

It's like in the grass plain at night, the sky is full of dark clouds and the sun is not visible.

The souls around are like fog.

A little thunder light appeared in Suzhen's hand, which made her eyes shine abnormally and immediately illuminated the surroundings.

Then, Suzhen in black sat with her knees crossed. She said to the phantom, "I basically know about you. To be honest, your situation is very special, if you keep practicing. If you succeed in the future, you will be like a ghost. No one can kill you. You can kill people at will

The phantom is silent for a moment.

She then said, "I know, but I don't live to kill. After I died, there were no friends and no one knew what I looked like. It's a walk, but it's as if it's never been. "

"I know how you feel," she said. For a long time, I was also in the state of spirit, although you can see me. But I don't feel pain, I don't feel a lot of emotions. It was very painful. Later, when I got my real body, I felt that the world was colorful and interesting. "

Then, Suzhen in black changed her words and said, "among my thunder and lightning, there is a kind of thunder called wujichun. Thunder. If I raise you with wujichun Leizi, after a long time, some other attributes of you will fade away. In the long run, you can gradually become a God. Your body has already been swallowed, but it can't help you. After becoming a spirit, you will not be pulled by the power of that dimension all the time, but you will live more comfortably. But after that, your skills will decline"If you are sure that you need me to refine you with Wuji Chunlei, you will follow me from today on." Finally, she said.

The phantom is silent.

After a while, she said, "sister Bai, I think about it for a while. I must want to live a normal life. But it should not be now. Anyway, the earth disaster is only a few years away. I'll wait a few more years! "

Suzhen nodded and said, "actually, I mean that. After this, you can follow me. At that time, I'll ask Xuan Zhenghao for this favor. If he doesn't want to, I'll poke a hole in his one yuan boat! "

After hearing this, the phantom was immediately moved. She said, "thank you, sister Bai, but the emperor also promised me. If one day I want to go, he will not stop me. He's a man of many words. I don't think he can keep his word

Suzhen in Black said with a smile, "that's better!"

After that, the phantom found a place to rest.

While refining the puppet, Chen Yang chatted with Suzhen in black.

He let the phantom go to Qingsi, but don't eavesdrop on him and Suzhen in black here.

Suzhen in black sat in the dark place. Chen Yang's voice came from the sky, but it was right in Suzhen's ear.

Chen Yang said: "after our cooperation this time, I suddenly thought of an old friend."

Black Yi Su Zhen tiny a Zheng, way: "is it?"

Chen Yang was so hurt that he said, "when my cultivation was still very weak, there was such an elf. At that time, her magic power was high, and she was always in my brain. She helped me a lot This time, you're in my brain, making my mana soar again. This kind of scene is very similar to that in those years.... "

"Chen feirong?" "You told me about her, and I always remember her," she said. But don't worry, I won't die for you like her. "

Chen Yang was silent.

After waiting for a long time, Suzhen said, "I'm joking with you. Are you angry?"

Chen Yang said: "of course not. I just think that if only she were alive. I don't need her to help me. I can give her all the treasures and pills she wants. As long as she's happy. "

Suzhen sighed and said, "everyone has regrets. Sometimes I think like you. If only my sister were alive. It doesn't matter whether I live or not. I even sleep forever, as long as she's good, that's good. But it's impossible. "

Chen Yang can't help feeling distressed, he said: "I believe that if she is alive, she certainly doesn't want you to be so miserable all the time. It's been a long time. You should let go of the past and yourself. My elder brother has already put down his wife and daughter. You should also put them down. "

Suzhen in black was silent for a long time, and then said, "it's not that she can't put it down. It's just that I feel sorry when I think of it. You may not understand that feeling. When we were all alive, I never gave her a good face. I always thought she was a loser She really You shouldn't have come to save me. Why don't you let me die? "

Chen Yang said: "if she let you die but didn't save her, maybe it's her who is suffering now."

"No, she's not ashamed of me," she said

Chen Yang said, "if she doesn't save you, I'm afraid I'll die with you."

Black dress Su Zhen silence half beast, then smile of bitterness, way: "do you want me to say in the heart?"

Chen Yang wry smile, said: "or don't say, I know in your heart, I that can compare with your sister?"

Suzhen in black is silent again.

A moment later, Suzhen in Black said with a smile, "you are proud enough. In my heart, my sister is the first, and you are at least the second. The third is myself Do you understand? "

Chen Yang feels extremely warm in his heart. He has a lot of love to express, but he is afraid that Suzhen in black will blame him.

He thought about it and said, "whether you like it or not, I still want to be shameless. Su Su, I love you very much. I love you very much!"

Black dress Su Zhen immediately blushes, she dry cough a, way: "don't say again."

Chen Yang saw that she didn't blame her too much, so he couldn't help laughing.

He used to be an expert in love, and he knew that women were all duplicative.

However, Suzhen in black is not an ordinary woman.

So, when he said that, he was still a little nervous.

Chen Yang was already satisfied, so he changed the topic and said, "now that we are together, is it OK to fight two ninefold masters of creation in the ordinary world?"

Suzhen in black pondered: "I fight a ninefold master of creation alone. It's impossible to win, but it's impossible to lose. If it fits you, there is no problem in winning. But if there are two sieges, I'm afraid we are not rivals. Although the combination of yin and Yang is invincible, it also depends on the power level of the spiritual practitioner. You and I are not at the top level Fortunately, your power is no longer weaker than that of the ordinary eight fold master of creation. "Chen Yang said: "I understand that I'm still lagging behind. I still have to work hard and step up my cultivation!"

Black dress Su Zhen a smile, say: "you already very good, don't give oneself too big pressure.". At present, the star stones have been gathered together. When lingzun fights, you and I will be able to block one side. So, you're almost ready. "

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