Chen Tianya said, "lingzun tried every means to kill him. Are you sure they won't kill him directly?"

Xuanzhenghao at this time also no longer with Chen Tianya gas, said: "I can't be 100% sure, but 90% sure, they won't kill Chen Yang first."

"Oh? What do you say? " Chen Tianya said.

"First of all, they can't go back to imperial Tianzhou immediately because it's too far away," Xuan said. In addition, Chen Yang caused them a lot of trouble. To kill or to stay, we need to take back the Tianzhou and wait for their emperor at most. Finally, once they enter the imperial Tianzhou, they will feel that they are safe. They may want to learn more about Chen Yang, and refine the grain, country and divine tree. What's more, they also want Chen Yang to be a bait to send our experts to help each other. They are very afraid of Bai Suzhen, so they want to introduce Bai Suzhen to kill her completely. "

Chen Tianya said: "but even if they kill him, we don't know. We should save, or we will. In that case, why not kill them directly? "

"So I'm worried about that," he said. It depends on what they think If they really don't care about the grain, the country, the divine tree and insist on killing Chen Yang, then I can't help it! "

Chen Tianya said, "well, suppose he's lucky."

"It's not a matter of luck, it's a matter of interest!" Xuan Zheng Hao corrects to say.

Chen Tianya said: "if we don't talk about this, we're going to save it. How can we save it? In the imperial sky boat, we're not going to be rivals

Xuan Zhenghao said: "of course, it's not an opponent. With the star master and the hall of stars, all the forces of our earth may not be the opponents of the imperial Tianzhou. You and Bai Suzhen are like defeating the hall of stars. So I'm not saving people from the Empire. At that time, I will try to help you get in touch with Chen Yang quietly. Chen Yang's fate is so strong that once the fire burns, the imperial Tianzhou will also be hurt. This is a result that the Godfathers can't accept, so they will throw Chen Yang out quickly. When Chen Yang leaves the imperial sky boat, it's time for you to save people. At that time, you should take him away as soon as possible. There, the masters of the imperial Tianzhou will go out in a large area without any scruple. Your real problem is how to get out of the hands of those experts. "

Hearing this, Chen Tianya changed his color slightly and said, "since this fateful robbery is so severe, can he bear it? Won't be robbed and burned? "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Chen Yang told me that he has a magical dragon scale. You should be able to save your life! All in all, it's the only chance to save people, but it's still very difficult. "

Chen Tianya said: "in this case, we should start as soon as possible, sooner rather than later!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I still have something to prepare. Don't worry. Besides, I have already informed Bai Suzhen that she will come soon! "

Chen Tianya said: "in short, the sooner the better."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "by the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you!"

Chen Tianya said, "eh?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "situ linger is also here. She is pregnant and is Chen Yang's child. Don't leave yourself too many regrets, go and have a look! "

Chen Tianya murmured: "regret?" He looked at Xiang Xuan Zhenghao and said, "it seems that you understand everything."

Xuan Zheng Hao's face changed color and said, "what's more strange to me is that you can understand it too!"

Chen Tianya laughed and said nothing more.

In the manor where ling'er is located, the fragrance of flowers is everywhere.

Ling'er is meditating, and she is in the sea of flowers.

When Chen Tianya appears, ling'er is surprised. Chen Nianci didn't stay on the lake of her heart for long. She soon recovered her peace. But Chen Tianya appears this moment, that kind of evil spirit immediately destroyed here all gas fields.

Ling'er quickly gets up and looks at Chen Tianya with a trace of vigilance.

Chen Tianya slightly a flash body, then came to work properly son's in front.

Ling'er looks at Chen Tianya. Her mood is complicated at the moment.

She knew that the man in front of her was her husband's father, her father-in-law.

Her grudge with Chen Yihan is over. But Chen Yihan died because of her

The love, hatred, gratitude and resentment are complicated.

Ling'er knows that the person in front of her is her husband's enemy.

But ling'er is also a wise man. Knowing that he can come here means that he has no malice.

Otherwise, Xuan Zhenghao will not let Chen Tianya come here.

In the face of Chen Tianya, ling'er's heart is complex, but at the same time, she feels embarrassed. She doesn't know how to talk to Chen Tianya.

It seems wrong not to say!

But I don't know what to say.

Finally, Chen Tianya spoke first.

Xuan Zhenghao also explained to him.

So Chen Tianya doesn't plan to tell ling'er that Chen Yang has been arrested. He squeezed out a smile, tried his best to be kind and said, "I heard Xuan Zhenghao say that you are pregnant with the blood of our Chen family."Ling Er nodded.

Chen Tianya said: "anyway, the children in your stomach are all my grandchildren. So, I want to give some gifts to future children. "

After he finished, there was an object in his hand.

It's a pyrocarbide!

Inside the stone, there is fire on one side and lightning on the other, which is quite wonderful.

Ling'er is not polite either. She reaches for it and says, "I'll take good care of it. I'll tell the child that it's left by his grandfather."

Chen Tianya was very pleased. He laughed and said, "OK, OK, OK!"

After that, he turned to leave.

Ling'er said suddenly behind him, "I'm sorry about Chen Yihan!"

"Just, just..." Chen Tianya didn't look back. He waved his hand and left.

After receiving the news, Suzhen in black came quickly.

On the one yuan bridge, Suzhen and Chen Tianya finally meet.

Chen Tianya heard that Bai Suzhen came from the drama. Later, he also heard about the fierce name of Suzhen in black. But never met!

And black clothes Su Zhen also heard Chen Yang said too much about Chen Tianya.

She doesn't like Chen Tianya very much. At the moment, she just takes a cold look at Chen Tianya, and then says to Xuan Zhenghao, "what should I do now?"

Chen Tianya doesn't mind.

Xuan Zhenghao took them to sit cross knee.

After that, Xuan Zhenghao began to say: "these days, I've thought about many strategies, but they're not very good. The whole empire Tianzhou has existed for tens of millions of years. With such wisdom, I really can't think of a panacea. In the other side, there is a known tianqingge, who knows us like the back of his hand. He knows the power of the phantom. He knows the skill of white girl. What he doesn't know now is Chen Tianya. So, you're our surprise. "

When he said this, his voice faltered, and then he continued: "you used to be a transmission channel first. This time, lingzun gave me inspiration. It's very learned and profound to use human body as the transmission channel. At our current level of Taoism, no one has ever performed it. However, since they have leaked the secret, I have also studied the human body transmission method. A thousand light years away, set up a teleport array! Let Qin Lin be the carrier of the transmission array Next, a human body carrier will be set up near the imperial sky boat. Only with the human body as the carrier can such a long-distance transmission be achieved. The carrier near imperial Tianzhou will probably be sacrificed. So, I chose a dead man. He's called blood slave. Blood slave cultivation is at the beginning of heaven, and he is barely competent for this character. "

Black Yi Su Zhen eyes a bright, said: "in this way, our escape probability will increase a lot."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "don't be too optimistic. They may follow the blood slaves when you don't have time to take them away. You see the situation. If you can't, once you enter the passage, kill the blood slaves in time. I also told the blood slave that nothing can be done, and I will explode as soon as possible. But I'm afraid it's too late! "

"This is one of them. In addition, you need a person to go in and find Chen Yang and summon him. Tell him when to blow himself up. Moreover, you should be clear about the location. The imperial sky boat is huge and incomparable. Don't miss it. When the fire is burning, the lingzun master will be waiting. At this time, he will snatch. After snatching, we have to go to the passageway in time. It's easy to say that every action is extremely difficult. Whether it can be done or not depends on the nature. In addition, although the phantom is mysterious, I suspect that tianqingge has figured out a way to deal with it. I'm afraid that once she goes in, she will be found. So you should think about it. All my songs may be broken these days At that time, there will be a lot of changes. It's up to you to act according to circumstances. "

Suzhen nodded and said, "OK, we know."

"There's one more thing. Take it, white girl!" Xuan Zheng Hao suddenly said. A crystal jade appeared in his hand.

"What's this for?" Suzhen in black was puzzled.

Xuanzhenghao light said: "take it, to understand the time, you will understand!"

Suzhen in Black said no more and took it.

"We're almost ready here. Get ready and start as soon as possible." Xuan Zhenghao said.

"Let's go now," she said. "There's nothing to prepare."

Chen Tianya said, "wait a minute!"

Black dress Su Zhen and Xuan Zheng Hao look to Chen Tianya, Chen Tianya says: "I and Nianci way individual!"

Xuan Zhenghao nodded.

Now, Chen Tianya goes to see Chen Nianci again.

By this time, it was already in the afternoon.

Chen Nianci was still in the boat of one yuan. He found a lake and sat by it.

In the rear, the grass is continuous, just like the prairie.

Chen Tianya directly sat beside Chen Nianci.

Chen Nianci was not excited, but calm. He said, "I'm sorry, Grandpa, it was just me. Dad has long said that you and his grudge, I do not get involved. I just I think Dad is too bitter. He suffered in your presence. He gave me all my father's love, but I

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