Long qianjue said: "yes, if Chen Yang is really killed, it will be a blow to the confidence of the whole empire. Of course, this is not the most important. What's important is that the grain country tree is indeed a sharp weapon. We can't use it now, but in the future, the fairyland passage will be opened, and our fairyland elders will need it. "

He then said: "the heavenly king of the fairyland is also very afraid of the grain state tree. We have no reason to get the grain state tree, but because of fear, we will end it in advance."

Tianqingge said: "these subordinates understand, so just now, they didn't speak."

Long qianjue said, "this time, you've gone deep into the enemy's rear. Tell me, what have you got? Do you think we can beat the earth? "

Tianqingge said, "my Lord, I am ashamed of my trip. Although the subordinates entered the enemy area, they got too little information. The only sure thing is that Xuan Zhenghao has gained the power of the world. Within the earth, the power of his world can span dimensions, as well as world barriers. But it's a big discount to strike outside the earth. In addition, Xuan Zhenghao is really unpredictable. The earth has him. In the future, we will definitely meet a bitter battle. But now, Chen Yang is in our hands, and our chances of winning have increased a lot. "

Long qianjue said with a smile: "this time, Chen Yang is in hand, which really makes the emperor more confident. Chen Yang's accomplishments are not the highest, but his whole body is full of evil. "

Tianqingge said: "at present, what worries my subordinates most is that Chen Yang's most mysterious power has disappeared."

Long qianjue was surprised and said, "Oh?"

Tianqingge said: "he has a kind of great fatalism, but now it's gone completely. I have been looking for it several times, but I can't find it. This power represents uncertainty, and my subordinates are worried about what will happen. "

"Get Ouyang Yu!" Long qianjue immediately attracted great attention and said.

Tian Qingge nodded and said, "OK, I'll summon you."

Ouyang Yu soon came to Xixin hall. He was dressed in white and elegant.

However, his condition is not good, and his face is not the same as before.

After Ouyang Yu came in, he saluted longqianjue and tianqingge. Long qianjue said, "please forgive me."

Ouyang Yu, thank you.

Long qianjue came straight to the point and said, "you have said great fatalism before."

Ouyang Yu was slightly stunned, and then said: "the great fatalism, my subordinates have never fought, just have some understanding. I know that this kind of power is very magical, but he didn't use this kind of power when he fought with Chen Yang several times before. "

Long qianjue said, "why doesn't he use it?"

Ouyang Yu said: "great fatalism, in today's world, only Chen Yang can master it. It is said that the exertion of this force will consume life. This is what my subordinates understand, but I don't know anything else. "

Long qianjue said, "I see!"

Ouyang Yu said in a deep voice: "I heard that your majesty has captured Chen Yang."

Long qianjue said, "that's right!"

Ouyang Yu said, "Your Majesty, I want to see him!"

Long qianjue was stunned.

His eyes suddenly brightened.

What does tianqingge think of at the same time.

The two of them looked at each other.

It's clear to each other.

Dragon thousand absolute light a smile, say: "you want to see him, certainly can."

Ouyang Yu was overjoyed and said, "thank you, your majesty!"

Long qianjue said, "there is something I want to tell you."

Ouyang Yu said, "Your Majesty, please make it clear!"

Long qianjue said, "both the emperor and the imperial master feel that Chen Yang's life is a disaster. I want to kill him, but I think you hate him like a sea. Well, Chen Yang should be left to you. However, before the emperor has promised to give the elders some time, first do not kill Chen Yang. So it's not good to turn around Well, you can go ahead and do what you have to do. After the event, I will bear for you. If this job is done well, I will be rewarded with many rewards. "

Ouyang Yu smell speech, not from eyes light, said: "thank your majesty, your Majesty's kindness, my subordinates unforgettable!"

"Well, I'll give you the warrant." Long qianjue quickly took out a token and signed the warrant.

Ouyang Yu received the warrant and was grateful. After that, he left.

"Will he kill Chen Yang?" Long qianjue asked with a smile after Ouyang Yu left.

Tianqingge said, "no!"

Dragon thousand absolute tiny strange, say: "is it?"

Tianqingge said, "if you want Ouyang Yu to kill Chen Yang, unless Chen Yang becomes a mute first."

Long qianjue immediately thought of something, he said: "in this way, you go first."

Tianqingge said with a bitter smile: "it's useless. Although Ouyang Yu is blinded by hatred. Chen Yang is not only a fool, but also a muteLong qianjue said: "in this way, the emperor really risked the world to kill Chen Yang."

Tianqingge said in a deep voice: "I advise you to stop this thought first. Because in the middle, there will always be obstacles. "

Long qianjue said: "I really don't believe it. Then the fate is so evil. Chen Yang was on the earth before, we couldn't help it. Now he's a prisoner, and I can't kill him? "

He said, "the best chance for him to go back to the empire is to kill him."

Long qianjue said, "then why don't you kill me?"

Tianqingge said with a bitter smile, "Your Majesty, you and I have been friends for many years. Do you want to listen to the truth?"

Long qianjue said: "of course, we should listen to the truth."

Tianqingge said: "you didn't give your subordinates the right, although you didn't say you must bring back alive. But this matter, dead longkongtong, longkongtong is your brother. In addition, Mo Yunyu died If the subordinate brings back a corpse and the energy dissipates inside, who can believe that Chen Yang is really Chen Yang? In the Empire, including you, it's hard to doubt whether the subordinates did this fake game in order to escape the crime. In addition, the Presbyterian Council headed by the first elder will make trouble to his subordinates They are in the same vein as the elder of fairyland. I am determined to get the grain and the country

Long qianjue sighed and said, "that's what you said. Unfortunately, the Presbyterian Council has been paying close attention to this issue and has not given us a chance to discuss it. "

Tianqingge said: "it seems that everything is safe. If we plan to kill Chen Yang again, we will let the Presbyterian Council get hold of it and publicize that we are afraid of Chen Yang. We have no confidence in the Empire. If you have no confidence, the Presbyterian Council may have to re elect the emperor. "

"Hum!" Dragon thousand absolute cold hum a, way: "they dare!"

Tianqingge said: "you are in power now, but the relationship between the Presbyterian Council and Fengyun Pavilion is also profound. Moreover, our insistence seems unreasonable. Our caution is ridiculous in their eyes. "

Long qianjue said: "hateful!"

After he finished, he said, "well, what should we do now? Is that the safest thing to do? Light song, you don't have to have any scruples with the emperor. "

Tianqingge said: "my subordinates think that we should do all the defense well. In addition, we should urge the Presbyterian Council to take out the grain state tree as soon as possible. As long as the cereals are taken out, no one will care about Chen Yang's life. In addition, xuanzhenghao side, some people have special skills, may secretly sneak in. Chen Yang's subordinates will set up defense around him. At the same time, they will set up the power of the world on Chen Yang to make him have nowhere to escape. Even if we escape the Empire, our hunting power will be activated immediately. We should carry out five kinds of protection to ensure that everything is safe! "

Long qianjue said, "well, you are in charge of this matter. In a word, light song, it's hard for you. "

Tianqingge said, "it's my duty to share your worries for your majesty."

Ouyang Yu finally meets Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is in the palace of alchemy.

The elders set up many arrays in the alchemy palace and guarded them closely, never giving Chen Yang any chance to escape.

At the same time, they also checked Chen Yang's body, and began to work hard to find a way to refine the grain country tree. It's not easy.

Chen Yang did not expect that the five grain country tree would become an umbrella for his life.

Under such circumstances, Ouyang Yu takes out the warrant and meets Chen Yang smoothly.

There are Presbyterian disciples guarding the door.

Chen Yang is lying on the ground weakly. When Ouyang Yu arrives, Chen Yang tries to sit up.

At present, Ouyang Yu's white clothes are floating and cold.

Chen Yang couldn't even stand up. He was trapped in the enemy camp and was in a mess.

Ouyang Yu squats down in front of Chen Yang. His handsome face is smiling, but there is a shivering light in his eyes.

He stares at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's head is full of sweat. He also looks at Ouyang Yu.

"We meet again." Ouyang Yu said with a smile.

Chen Yang also a smile, said: "now, you can humiliate me."

Ouyang Yu laughed and said, "you don't need to remind me. I won't be polite to you." After he finished, he slapped hard.


Half of Chen Yang's cheek suddenly became red and swollen.

Ouyang Yu said with a smile: "it's just an appetizer. I still have many ways to torture you. These means, I have imagined countless times, waiting for you to be arrested, and then I can implement them. You didn't let me down at last. You finally came to this place. You said, if I beat you, the king of destiny, into feces and urine incontinence, is it a very interesting thing. And the more interesting thing, I'll let you eat it Ha ha ha... "

Chen Yang light smile, said: "if only these, it would be too boring."Ouyang Yu laughed and said, "you don't have to be tough. I tell you, they have promised me that they will attack the earth in the future. Your family, your wife, all will be mine. I'll take good care of your son, your wife. It's all because you're stupid. You sacrifice yourself for one of your sons. You think you are great, but in fact, you are as stupid as a pig. "

Chen Yang said, "Ouyang Yu, I don't mean to ask you for mercy. But before you insult me, would you mind having a good chat with me? "

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