In the immortal cemetery, Chen Yang wrote his father and brother Chen Yihan all on the monument.

When Chen Yang wrote about his father's life, he thought about it for a long time. Later, he wrote: "in his whole life, the devil emperor was upright and enthusiastic, but he came out of the tomb and became a nameless man. The boundary between yin and Yang, killing innocent people indiscriminately, planting evil causes. Later, he gathered the primitive fire and thunder seeds in the Phoenix world, and his strength was superior to all the heavens. However, in the battle of imperial Tianzhou, he exploded the original spirit to save his son, and then his soul returned to bliss! Unfilial son, Chen Yangli! "

This is a simple epitaph. Below, Chen Yang integrates his father's life.

It has to be read with mana.

That was my father's magnificent life!

After all this, Chen Yang just went to Shennong world.

In the attic of najialan hall, Chen Yang and Suzhen in black began to practice spirituality.

Two people's mana blend, black clothes Su Zhen with Chen Yang impact porch!

The quintessence of creation is the power of all things!

This is Chen Yang's present state!

All things, all things, also have the meaning of the power of ten thousand ancient gods in an instant!

Six levels of creation!

Promote many powers, mysteries and rules to wisdom!

Prajna wisdom!

Let a Hercules become a Hercules full of wisdom.

Prajna wisdom includes all the power of the first five. Baptize and upgrade all previous strength.

It's a huge process!

This is a vast project!

Five Vientiane, has evolved the world's Vientiane changes!

The six levels of creation also need to integrate wisdom and understand the true meaning on the basis of understanding change!

This kind of state, once understood, flexible through, then for other people's magic, power can fully understand, and crack.

Just like a wise man who has gone through the changes of the world, he can see all the ups and downs in front of him.

After seeing the deep sea waves, you will no longer be afraid of the ripples in the pond!

It is very difficult to cross the barrier from the fifth to the sixth of creation.

Even with Chen Yang's wisdom, and so many of his adventures, he has stayed in the quintessence of creation for such a long time.

Black dress Su Zhen worries Chen Yang to be unable to break through, also has its reason!

Chen Yang's accomplishments are too high now, so he can't think of any other way to prolong his life.

The only way is to break through the cultivation, break all the shackles of the body, just like changing the body!

Chen Yang is constantly calculating knowledge and rules, roaming in the endless ocean.

It's like he's in the dark, trying to break through the sea.

The sea is full of attacks and hard equations.

All kinds of forces bound him, making it difficult for him to go out.

It's like the top, it's hard for him to break through.

In fact, he tried to break through this layer of difficulties many times, but failed.

In recent years, Chen Yang has even lost heart.

Just like in the vast world, ordinary people play games and meet big boss. They use all their skills, mechanisms, hand speed and equipment to the limit, but they still can't beat big boss.

If there were not so many experts in front of him, he would have suspected that this kind of pass was unreasonable.

Fortunately, Suzhen in black has been helping Chen Yang.

Suzhen in black is like an invisible force pushing him forward!

Time went by.

Seven days later

A month has passed

Chen Yang has been pounding in the porch, floating between failure and success.

In this month, Chen Yang and Suzhen in black have been practicing in this attic.

Chen Yang never broke through the last shackles.

Every time, he failed, it was Suzhen in black who supported him with great magic.

Fortunately, Suzhen in black is such an expert that she would not be able to support others.

But even so, Suzhen began to feel tired.

Chen Yang felt sorry and said, "why don't we stop and come back after a few days off."

Black Yi Su Zhen said in a deep voice: "how can you do that? It's not easy for you to get to the present. If you have a rest now, you will fall short of success. You don't have much time to waste. It's not the biggest crisis right now, but what is often fatal is not in the terrible waves, but in the undercurrent. Now we must overcome this difficulty with the spirit of the lion fighting the rabbit. You don't care about me. I'm nothing. At the beginning, we all entered the thunder pool together. What is it now? "

Chen Yang knows that Suzhen in black is telling the truth. He takes a deep breath and makes another impact.

Many problems and mysteries were solved under the guidance of Suzhen in Heiyi.Chen Yang is also a wise man. He knows all about it. Finally, three days later

Three days later, Chen Yang finally grasped all the key points, as if he suddenly realized it!

With the help of Suzhen in black, he dashed up.

Many difficulties and mysteries from all around us surround us, which is impenetrable!

But Chen Yang is a direct breakthrough, quickly resolve!


At the last moment, Chen Yang finally broke through the heavy barrier between the five and six aspects of creation.

When breaking through the moment, Chen Yang felt the joy of long lost.

It's like staying in a dark hell for a long time, suddenly coming out, seeing the fragrance of flowers all over the mountain and the dazzling sunshine.

The vitality between heaven and earth is different in Chen Yang's eyes.

Every promotion can absorb different vitality, see more elements and enrich higher mana.

Just like wealth!

With the rise of wealth, the people and things you see, as well as your views on things, will change.

Chen Yang greedily absorbed the vitality around him!

What ordinary people absorb is air. After absorbing for 70 or 80 years, they will naturally die!

The supernatural beings begin to absorb the aura in the air! The body starts to transform!

Further up, the aura absorbed by Xuxian, Dongxian, etc. is quite different from the elements seen and the mana cast.

The more you go up, the more different the elements of heaven and earth you control. Even later, you can be reborn and master the mixed cave!

Finally become a sage!

This is the ultimate goal of cultivation!

Finally, the ultimate, get too much, just like the contemporary rich, began to feed society!

That's the only way to end a good life!

Finally, it turns into mountains, heaven, earth and universe.

Chen Yang's life began to grow, which was a fierce growth. It began to grow from the source, and it didn't stop until 300000 years!

Chen Yang's whole life finally changed!

Everything is under control.

Prajna wisdom, Dharma, Daoism, and many reforms are all in the heart.

Formula, operation of magic, and so on, are clear!

the operation of magic and elements can gather in an instant, which can accumulate the fierce thunder of heaven and earth!

But in an instant, the clouds are light and the wind is light!

Chen Yang finally arrived at the creation of six, Prajna!

At this time, the two finally separated from the spiritual state.

And a long sigh of relief.

Chen Yang said: "Su Su, the more I go up now, the more I feel that there is a big gap between the realms, and there is too much terror!"

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