Luna took a deep breath and said, "Hey, Ziyu, you haven't touched that person. So you don't understand how I feel. "

Kuziyu said: "but I know that everything must be reasonable! I can understand your feelings and experiences. But that doesn't mean I have to agree with some ridiculous things you said! Take Zonghan and Hou Mingxue's seal of life and death. You know how much he suffered. Do you know how far he has been forced by those boys? I'm not trying to help Zonghan say anything. I'm speaking from a just angle. In any case, the more lazy he is to explain to you, the more we don't know

"You go!" Luna felt tired.

Kuziyu said no more and left.

After Ku Ziyu left, Luna went back to her dormitory to have a rest.

At 3 a.m. that night, she received a call from master Ku.

You can't answer master Ku's phone directly.

There are three space communication machines in the college, which can receive calls from various planets.

Luna received the message from the space communication machine, and then quickly ran to answer the phone.

The space communication machine is a precise and super large machine, which is the size of an ordinary bedroom.

In a separate room, Luna connected to the space phone.

"Master!" Luna called.

Master Ku didn't speak at once.

After a long silence, master Ku said slowly, "you let me down!"

Luna's delicate body was shocked, and then she couldn't say a word.

Master Ku said, "half a month ago, you entrusted me to check whether Zonghan's mother had ever drunk Huizi soup. It turns out She didn't drink the same Huizi soup. Facts have proved that Zonghan is a very good seedling. I have known all the things that have happened to him recently. Nana, your suspicion has already pushed a very good seedling of our Parliament to the Hou family. Do you know how rare talent is like Zonghan? A thousand years of rare seedlings, the family met must be like a treasure for. You pour good, keep censuring him, doubt him! You're so rude Now, how can it be retrieved? "

Luna froze.

Master Ku continued: "Uncle long and I have been studying the idea of reincarnation. There is no supporting theoretical point What you are proposing is an unrealistic idea. Over the years, I support you with the principle that I would rather miss than let go. It's just that you should remember other things I said. It's time to let yourself go Moreover, even if your reincarnation does not need theoretical or practical support, Chen Yang has to be reincarnated into a stronger family. What's in Zong Guofeng's family? "

"If you go on like this, even as a teacher, it's hard to continue to support you. When doing anything, we should pay attention to planning before moving. In the case of Zonghan, it is impossible for Zonghan to be related to Chen Yang. Even if there is, you should not offend him first! You shouldn't say a word out until you're absolutely sure. You used to be a very intelligent person. Over the years, Chen Yang has destroyed all your wisdom and decisiveness. "

"Nana, don't let me down again!"

This is the last word that master Ku said before he hung up.

Luna stayed up all night when she got back to her dorm!

She felt as if things were going round and round, as if they were back to the origin again.

She could not think of any theoretical support for the principle of reincarnation. It's like ordinary people, facing castles in the air, feel that it's impossible to complete.

But Luna saw a glimmer of light in the absolute darkness. Found a little inspiration

She thinks that this inspiration can confirm Chen Yang's layout!

She felt that she knew Chen Yang, and Chen Yang could not have come to revenge.

So many years, Chen Yang did not appear, why?

"Master, what should I do? Now, don't you support me any more? " Luna whispered.

"I know. Now I've become a joke. No one will believe me But I will not give up. Even if all people do not believe me, even if all people think I am a madman, I will not give up! Zonghan, I will bite you all the time. One day, I will let you show your tail. "

Luna is an excellent practitioner. She has her own persistence and Tao!

Toward their own way, although thousands of people, I go!

For the outside world, Chen Yang has no matter.

He closed according to the space he applied for.

Before closing, kuziyu gave him some pills.

Yingxuefei, Hou Jianfei and Hou Mingxue gave him many pills.

Luna never showed up.

Chen Yang also receives a call from Jiang Wei, who is polite and kind to her.

The closed space is called Wuxu space.

It was a wood full of aura, and there was a wooden house in the wood.

Chen Yang felt real peace after entering Wuxu space.He is a practitioner. He likes to be quiet in many times.

Just like a creator, only when it's quiet can more inspiration burst out.

However, since he was reincarnated, he has little time to be alone.

When the hero grew up, it was mostly collective activities.

Living in a dormitory!

I thought it would be better to come to the original college, but it turned out to be a dormitory!

This is a headache for Chen Yang.

This time, he was very happy to be able to shut down smoothly.

Finally, I was able to really calm down and meditate, and understand the relationship between the universe and mana.

Five months passed quickly.

For Chen Yang, it's just a blink of an eye.

In the past five months, his cultivation has reached the middle stage.

Chen Yang is pressing his own cultivation to promote. If he wants to, he can directly break through to inaction.

When it comes to inaction, it will be slower.

But at present, there is no difficulty in getting to Wuwei.

In these five months, he made a deep comparison between Zeus and mana.

The practice of Zeus is not easy.

Zeus is a powerful world and a reservoir.

Every human body of the eternal race has the gene of Zeus. When this gene is developed, it can resonate with the surrounding Zeus.

Within the realm of eternal stars, every place is full of Zeus.

To put it simply, it's a bit like the feeling of the earth people breathing in the air.

With the deeper cultivation, the more you can understand the force, so as to mobilize the force, and even use various equations to resonate with the deeper force.

If the deeper the idea, the deeper the mystery, you can grasp more forces to form a powerful attack move.

All in all, these have something in common with mana. The difference is that mana is more complex. For example, all kinds of money, all kinds of gold and silver are abundant in the market. All these things can become property. But some places don't recognize this kind of money, and some places recognize it

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