Reggae also said: "yes, Xiao Han, don't play tricks. Let's talk about your plan. If we think it is feasible, we will cooperate with you. Time is life at the moment. I can't delay it at all! " Chen Yang said: "there are some plans." Reggae and canghailan look at each other, they all show such a look. Chen Yang said: "the power of judgment in the world of secret arts is very powerful. To be sure, all the twelve great magistrates have joined in the power of judgment. I just don't know who else is in it. The purpose of our destiny judgment lies in their skill of judgment. Now, if we want to surpass the art of judgment, we have to have enough experts. " Speaking of this, after a pause, he said: "to be honest, I have had a fight with Yuan long. Even if yuan long does not use the skill of judgment, it is extremely powerful."

Lei guidao said: "all the great magistrates in the adjudication office belong to the mysterious life court. Gabriel, the original great magistrates, betrayed him, but the adjudication office didn't catch him in the end. From this we can see how powerful the great God is. If I fight with one of the great magistrates, I should be able to barely win without using the skill of judgment. The elder can also do this. As for the other elders, most of them are inferior. "

Chen Yang said: "after I create a mixed world today, it should not be a big problem to deal with a big God. However, the decisive battle in the future depends on the judgment of fate in the mixed world. The Hunyuan world needs strength. The more people there are, the stronger the Hunyuan world will be. When these people join in, they don't need to do it. "

This situation is similar to asking a group of people to put money into the fund. Chen Yang, these people are manipulators and operate with funds. The people who put in the money will just wait for the dividend. Of course, if we do it well, we will lose everything. Even the most common monetary fund has low risk.

"Has heaven ever done it?" Knowing what Xia thought, he suddenly said, "it seems that no one has ever seen Tianzun. What kind of person is Tianzun?"

Reggae wry smile, said: "I have never seen heaven."

Canghailan said: "Tianzun didn't appear in front of people."

Chen Yang said, "Yuanlong and I were just focusing on verifying our accomplishments. We forgot to ask him about Tianzun."

Knowing that Xia felt a little strange, he said, "is it possible that Tianzun is just a supreme figure they made up?"

Thunder ghost way: "that won't be."

Knowing the truth, Xia said, "how can you judge?"

Lei guidao said: "Tianzun always likes to travel around the world and appears in different faces. The reason why we know the existence of the God is that there was a secret event in the verdict. "

"What is it?" Chen Yanghe knows that xiadun is curious and asks at the same time.

Lei guidao said: "1500 years ago, there was a huge loophole in the sky of the adjudication office. The loophole created a whirlpool to swallow up the whole adjudication. At that time, the twelve divine officials could not stop the loophole. The verdict was almost destroyed in this disaster Later, a teenage girl in red appeared and blocked the leak with the supreme power. At that time, the verdict of the talent response, red girl is Tianzun. Of course, she's not really a child. As I said before, no one knows whether the God is a man or a woman, or whether she is always a little, let alone a little. Her face is changeable. Maybe it's right next to you and me. The emperor of heaven often gives orders. If someone is not true, he will be punished by the emperor of heaven. Heaven seems to know everything When Gabriel defected, it was estimated that Tianzun didn't want to do it. Gabriel would have died if Tianzun had done it. "

Chen Yang said with a bitter smile, "as you said, it's so mysterious. If we create a Hunyuan world, it's hard for us to escape the eye of heaven."

Lei GUI said: "don't be so pessimistic. Heaven should not stare at us all the time. She should not be so boring. Maybe she's going to play far away at this time. "

Canghailan said: "this road is very dangerous, but it is also our only way out. So, if you want to do it, you can't think too much. If you think too much, fear blocks all possibilities. "

Chen Yang said: "only unknown things can make people fear. Ancestral gods fall sometimes, not to mention the God of heaven. Heaven, I think she deliberately creates this mysterious atmosphere to make people afraid. "

Reggae a smile, way: "also have this possibility."

Chen Yang said, "then I will continue to talk about my ideas."

Reggae and canghailan said together: "I'd like to hear it in detail!"

Chen Yang said: "the people trusted by the court, and those who have reached the realm of the universe and the metaphysics, should first be brought into the Hunyuan world, and let them enter the mountain of destiny to provide power for the judgment of destiny. The real duel lies in the judgment of fate. When the court of justice is finished, I will go to the primitive academy to bring my master and them in. When the original college is finished, I'll go to the bright Council There's no problem with the light Council. We'll start to pull the people below Zhou Xuan into the Hunyuan world, but we won't let them into the mountain of destiny. When those people come in, they can provide a huge mana base for Hunyuan world. After that, I'll go to Donghuang to get some old demons into the mountain of destiny. "

"Cough..." Reggae wry smile, said: "you do not seem to have any lower limit! Would it be too unscrupulous? "

Chen Yang said: "no way. We are weak now. We have to be shameless first. After we have overcome the pressure of the ruling, we will have a real say in the world. Now it's time to be reckless and grow savagely. When the capital was initially accumulated, there were not so many rules. What do you thinkCang Hailan said in a deep voice: "if things really go so smoothly as you said, it's really possible to have a fight with the verdict. We don't want to fight with the ruling, what we want is a fair position. It can't be said that the courthouse is their chamber pot, and let them bully them. "

What Reggae has always wanted is the respect of the ruling, which is why he is willing to take the risk to cooperate with Chen Yang this time. He pondered for a long time and said, "there are two ways to deal with this matter. I'll take care of things in the courthouse. Hailan, you should do the business of the bright Council. I'll go to xiaozhiyuan college to deal with you. We must work together in three ways to quickly put this structure into operation when the thunder is too strong to cover our ears. Only when the structure is set up can we have the capital to let the ruling fear. "

Chen Yang said: "Dean, your idea is better than mine."

Reggae said with a smile: "you are a man. How can you not think of doing this. It's just to save me some face and let me talk about it. "

Knowing the truth, Xia said, "but there is one more thing to pay attention to. After all, our courtyards are full of good and bad people, and the dark Vatican has sent many people."

Lei GUI said: "don't worry about this. We will pay attention to it. Moreover, recently, the secret order, not to let the city of the sky contact with the outside world. But everyone must move fast. "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "yes, Dean!"

Next, the four agreed carefully.

After three days and three nights of deliberation, there were no loopholes in the whole plan. After that, Chen Yang and Xia just left.

After returning to the temple of the God of war, Chen Yang let red silk enter the Hunyuan world.

After that, he held a meeting again.

All of them are from my heart.

Chen Yang sits at the top and everyone sits at the bottom, knowing that Xia is standing beside Chen Yang, which also has the taste of declaring sovereignty.

Cherry snow princess already know Chen Yang and know the feelings between summer, so also don't eat taste. She has no feelings for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang glanced at the crowd and said, "the Hunyuan world is now established. The establishment of this world is bound to make the ruling office very uncomfortable. It's like a lump in the throat. If it's not removed, it's uncomfortable. After discussion with the president and the elder, I decided to expand the enrollment of Hunyuan world. The first thing we need to do now is live on. So, there will be some chaos in the Hunyuan world, but it doesn't matter. When we have a firm foothold, we can do the following things. After this meeting, zhixia and I will go to primitive college. The purpose of this trip is to bring the experts of primitive college into the Hunyuan world. As for you, on the day I leave, you should select a group of people who you absolutely trust in the temple of God of war. No matter how high or low your accomplishments are, you should recruit me into the Hunyuan world. Ming Hui will take the lead and red silk will help. Others like to cooperate with students.... "

Toutuoyuan, tiannu, Yuanfei, Jianshuang said together: "yes, sir!"

Red silk thought for a moment and said, "my Lord, English?"

Chen Yang said: "yingluoxi is arranged by the president."

Red silk was relieved and said, "that's good!"

Yingluoxi's cultivation is good, and he is also very loyal to the war god department. However, although English Rossi is easy to use, it is always not very close to people. So Chen Yang doesn't know whether he should be involved in such a thing. But it's impossible to keep it from him. Therefore, the matter is handled by the president.

After the meeting, Chen Yang and Xia Huo left the city of the sky.

Due to the rule control of the whole dead starfish, Chen Yanghe knows that Xia can only take a special bus to the primitive city. With Chen Yang carrying the power of Hunyuan world, it is not impossible to break the rules of dead starfish. Just rashly doing such a thing is bound to cause a sensation.

What Chen Yang wants now is to keep a low profile.

This time, Chen Yang drove himself.

Knowing that Xia is sitting on the co pilot On the way, knowing that Xia said, "I can't imagine that you have so many powerful confidants in just one year." Chen Yang said: "every opportunity is transformed from a crisis. Toutuoyuan was the first powerful man I faced after I got the ancestral God's treasure. On that day, I tried every means to poison him with immortal leaves. Ming Hui is OK. I've greatly increased my strength and defeated him directly. And tiannu It's the battle between Yuanlong and me. It's a near death

Knowing Xia Xiaoxiao, he said: "I'm not here to praise you. Although these people are powerful, they are convinced of you. But they are not convinced with each other! Let's say tiannu is the strongest. But the relationship between him and Yuanlong will make him feel that he is not the direct one. Toutuoyuan and Minghui are not very convinced with him

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