Of course, Chen Yang will not let Xiaobai go.

Crane is a rare thing. Chen Yang has to take good control of it. I'm afraid it will play a big role in the future. Finally, Ye Ming directly controlled the crane's brain with his mana. It has planted a submissive idea in its brain.

So in the end, the crane was left outside the city. If it is in danger, it will fly away by itself. Anyway, now Xiaobai's heart can only obey Chen Yang and Ye Ming.

When the three entered the city, it was light.

As each other's faces have changed, so the three do not need to cover up. However, three people together, after all, or some eye-catching. Because the enemy will also pay no attention to the combination of two men and one woman.

So, in order to distinguish this. Chen Yang and Ye Ming are walking together, but Lin Bing is just far behind.

The target of the three is the Lord's mansion of Yandu city.

At the moment, in the Lord's mansion of Yandu city.

Yue Qian, Sima and long Sen, the leader of Fengdu City, are also here.

Yu lanziyi and two necromancers have gone down. Dugu Yi and master void guard LAN Ziyi.

They have to wait for a limousine to come, just wait for the limousine to come, drive away immediately and go to immortal mountain.

In addition, Yue Qian is not unprepared.

The three city Lords have a good relationship with each other. Three people are drinking tea together. First of all, Sima said, "that Chen Yang is crafty. This time, although we have successfully captured LAN Ziyi. But they will not give up

Yue Qian said, "do they dare to break into my Lord's mansion?" He seemed very relaxed and said lightly.

Sima said in a deep voice: "brother Yue must not be careless. Before, they had no idea that they had rescued blue and purple clothes in our Lord's mansion. I don't know what they are doing now. So now, we have to take precautions. "

Long Sen, the leader of the Feng capital, was a 50 year old man in a purple robe. He looks gorgeous and extraordinary, and he is not angry, and his eyebrows are as sharp as a sword.

He said suddenly, "brother Yue, brother Sima, I don't think you should be careless at the moment. If the blue and purple clothes are not sent to Ding Qing, we will not get the benefits. " After a pause, he said: "Dugu Yi and master void are not rivals of Ye Ming, so it's difficult for them to reach the immortal mountain. We can't send someone to escort them back. "

"By the way!" Long Sen continued: "Ye Ming must be in a hurry to save LAN Ziyi. Before that, they had saved blue and purple clothes in Sima's house, but it was not a very strange thing. It's just that the mana yuan God controls the servants in your house, and then your servants let the blue and purple clothes go. This thing is so simple. In addition, I really can't think of any other way to save blue and purple clothes without knowing it. "

Sima suddenly realized.

Yue qianshen said: "I'm afraid they can't do it again this time. Now it's Dugu Yi and master void who are guarding it."

Ronson said, "that's right." After a pause, he said, "since the old method is no longer available, they will certainly use the new one. Guess what they're going to do? "

Sima and yueqian pondered.

After a long time, Sima suddenly brightened his eyes and said, "now their eyes are black and they don't know anything. The only thing you can feel is brother Yue

Yue Qian touched his beard and said, "brother Sima, do you mean they may come to deal with me and rescue LAN Ziyi by catching me?"

Sima said: "yes, this is the most simple and direct way."

Long Sen said in a deep voice: "brother Yue, brother Sima has something to say. You can't help but guard against it!"

Yue Qian sneered and said, "I'm a master in the city master's mansion. If they dare to come, they can't go!"

Long Sen said: "brother Yue, that's not what I said." He said, "of course, I'm not questioning the ability of your city master's office. However, Ye Ming is a chess piece under immortal Binghuang's cloth. Besides, Ye Ming is also a disciple of Bing Huang. This immortal Binghuang is as famous as our king Bodhisattva of Tibet... "

When long Sen talks about the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet, he holds his fist to the void to show his respect. It can be seen from this that the majesty of the Bodhisattva is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Moreover, when Yue Qian and Sima mentioned the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet in lungsen, they were also awed.

Long Sen continued: "we don't need to say more about the power of immortal Binghuang, who has been as famous as the king of Tibet Bodhisattva for so many years. Then her own disciple, Ding Qing, has stirred up the undead. Ye Ming, so we can't despise this. Besides, this time we participated in the killing of LAN Ziyi, which is equivalent to completely offending the immortal Binghuang. If something really goes wrong, we'll let Binghuang recover. I'm afraid we'll have a hard time in the future. "

Yue Qian said: "even if she returns to her real body, how dare she? Declare war with our ten hallsLong Sen gave a wry smile and said, "brother Yue, you have such a strong temper. I'm just analyzing the relationship with you. Anyway, a living immortal Binghuang is not good for us. Besides, you are the first one to face Ye Ming. Wan Yiye Ming has some weapons left by Bing Huang. You and your men may not be able to resist them. "

Yue Qian is not angry, but he has already heard Longsen's words in his heart. He's just a little embarrassed.

Finally, Yue Qian said, "brother long, what do you mean?"

Long Sen said: "it's very simple, since Ye Ming and the little thief may come to treat you. Then Sima and I will wait in secret to help you. When they come, we will kill them. As long as they die, there will be nothing wrong with Dugu Yi and master void escorting blue and purple clothes. "

Sima also said: "it's only a day's journey from Yandu city to the undead. Only these people die, and there will be no more trouble."

Yue Qian said, "if that's the case, I'll do it according to elder brother Long's idea. However, they are not fools, they can also realize the danger, so we have to take a long-term view, and don't be seen by them

"It's natural," Ronson said

Chen Yang and his three men soon found the main residence of Yandu city.

By this time, it was already sunny.

Chen Yang and the three didn't start rashly. First of all, Chen Yang let Chen feirong decompose the idea to the mouse. Then use the mouse to enter the city Lord's house to find out.

Yandu city's main mansion is as spectacular as a garden park, with countless servant girls and servants.

And the guards are extremely strict.

Chen feirong's intelligence mouse heard a lot of intelligence and finally reported it to Chen Yang and Ye Ming.

That is to say, Dugu Yi and master void are guarding LAN Ziyi, and most of the masters in the outer city are also guarding LAN Ziyi.

Moreover, the undead will send many elite experts to take over the blue and purple clothes in person.

At 5 p.m., blue and purple clothes will be officially handed over.

After Chen Yang and Ye Ming heard the news, Ye Ming first said, "there's something wrong. Ding Qing shouldn't have sent elite here. Although he is the patriarch, he does not dare to disclose the fact that he is arresting the old patriarch. All the time, what he claimed to the outside world was that the old patriarch had already gone out. As long as the old patriarch came back, he immediately returned to his throne. Now, he's just a generation leader. "

Chen Yang also felt that something was wrong, he said: "it seems that Yue Qian and they have been on guard. This is really let us die directly save blue purple clothes heart. And Yue Qian's lax guard leads us to catch him. There is a cloud in the art of war. It's a way to live or die that they deliberately left us! "

Ye Ming said, "you are right." He paused and said, "why don't I catch Yue Qian? You and Lin Bing will save LAN Ziyi."

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said, "can I do them?"

Ye Ming also knows that this is not true.

After a pause, he said, "it's four hours before five in the afternoon. What else is Yue Qian's plot waiting for us?"

Chen Yang said, "maybe Sima is still there."

Ye Ming brightened his eyes and said, "it's not impossible. Otherwise, you can let your God mouse go in again."

Chen Yang said, "good!"

Therefore, Chen feirong drives the idea to enter again.

It's a little magic. Not everyone can use it. For example, although Ye Ming's mana is powerful, he can't be as dexterous as Chen feirong.

Chen feirong is a pure Yuanshen thought, so it is easy to control the decomposition of the thought.

Chen feirong went in to explore for ten minutes. When she came back, she reported, "the city masters of Mingdu and Fengdu have been here before, but they left the city master's mansion two hours ago."

"How do you know?" Chen Yang was a little strange and said, "it's too obvious. It seems that you can just find out what information we need."

Chen feirong said: "Yue Qian lost his temper inside. He said that long Sen and Sima were two old men. He refused to let them stay in the house for another day. Knowing that Ye Ming's gang will not give up, these two old men just want to see his jokes. "

Ye Ming pondered.

Chen Yang knows that it's not that simple.

But time is running out. He really has no good way at this time.

Although Chen Yang has many tricks, his manpower is limited. In the face of absolute strength, he couldn't think of any way.

It's like a dog trying to beat a tiger. No matter how hard the dog tries, it can't do it.

After a long time, Ye Ming's eyes flashed with fierce intention to kill. "It's obvious, or it's a trick to lead us into the urn," he said. Or it's really Yue Qian's embarrassment. But anyway, we have to try. "

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