Chen Yang always has doubts about blue and purple clothes, so he pays great attention to return.

Since it's about friendship, it's not about return. Moreover, Chen Yang also knows that Lan Ziyi never regards Chen Yang and Lin Bing as friends.

He is the king of Phoenix, and he really doesn't regard these minions as friends.

What's more, blue and purple clothes are not as old-fashioned as the Chinese emperor. She is eccentric, cold, cruel, merciless style!

This is what Chen Yang feels. In addition to what Fu Ling said, he also thinks that there must be something like that.

Isn't blue and purple also not refuted?

Lin Bing admires Ye Ming, so she immediately goes into the tent and gives all the pills to Ye Ming.

And Chen Yang took the julingdan to feed Xiaobai.

"Remember who gave you the food?" Chen Yang teaches Xiaobai a lesson.

Xiaobai nodded.

Chen Yang said, "do you know who you want to listen to after that?"

Xiaobai quickly reaches out his wings to catch Chen Yang, looking like two brothers.

Chen Yang laughs and gives Xiaobai the julingdan. Later, Chen Yang said: "Xiaobai, I'll tell you that as long as you follow me faithfully, I'll give you any good pills in the future. Maybe you have a chance to be a man in your life. "

Xiaobai nodded.

After that, Chen Yang entered the tent.

LAN Ziyi and Lin Bing are sitting in front of Ye Ming. They are watching him.

Ye Ming has taken all the Holy Spirit pills. Chen Yang also looks at Ye Ming. He suddenly finds that Ye Ming's face is wrinkled, his eyebrows are white, and his skin is flabby.

At first glance, Ye Ming looks like an old man in his sixties.

This change is really cruel to the extreme.

Chen Yang and Lin Bing have seen Ye Ming's incomparable beauty before. Now that he has become like this, people can't help heartache for him.

Blue and purple is the calmest.

Ye Ming has been teasing with his eyes closed.

Lin Bing looked at the look of blue and purple clothes, and her heart suddenly became angry.

"Blue and purple, you come with me." Lin Bing stood up.

Blue purple clothes also followed to stand up.

Two people quickly out of the tent, Chen Yang ears, but also can hear them outside the suppressed conversation.

Lin Bing asked LAN Ziyi, "in order to save you, Ye Ming has become like this. Why don't you feel it at all?"

Instead, LAN Ziyi looked at Lin Bing and said, "what do you think I should do? I can't move myself with tears? "

Lin Bing said, "then you can't be so indifferent, can you?"

Blue purple clothes said: "if I restore true body, I will compensate him."

Lin Bing said, "what if you don't get back to your real body?"

"That means I'm dead. There's nothing I can do about it." Blue purple clothes rightfully said.

Lin Bing couldn't help saying, "maybe Chen Yang and I are dead, and you won't have any sadness. Now I really regret why I agreed to come in with you. "

Blue purple clothes said: "you come in, also have your own purpose. Moreover, we have negotiated terms. This should not be the factor that you feel great and selfless, so that you are moved by yourself. "

Lin Bing felt that she couldn't talk with LAN Ziyi.

Then, Lin Bing walked away and went straight back to the tent.

Blue purple clothes did not come back, she stood in the sun, and did not know what she was thinking.

In the tent, Chen Yang stood up.

Lin Bing said: "what are you going to do? Can't you comfort her? "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "do I look like such a kind person? I just want to ask her some questions! "

Out of the tent, Chen Yang saw the blue and purple clothes 20 meters away.

It's sunny and windy.

Her back is very beautiful, the wind is moving, her hair is dancing, and her clothes are floating. It's really beautiful to the extreme.

Chen Yang walked to the blue purple clothes, he first said with a smile: "there are marshes everywhere, and there are walking corpses in the marshes. If you should be killed by a walking corpse, we'd be wronged! "

Blue purple clothes turned to see Chen Yang one eye, said: "you can't also come to question me?"

Chen Yang went to blue and purple clothes and said, "do you start to think about life because of our questioning, and whether you are right or wrong?"

Blue purple dress is tiny a Zheng, then say: "you and Lin Bing are really different."

Chen Yang said: "everyone is an independent individual. Of course, I am different from my elder martial sister. But you haven't answered my question

"No!" Blue purple clothes very simply said.

Chen Yang said, "that's the end. Why bother about this boring problem."

Blue purple clothes said: "what do you want to ask me?"Chen Yang said, "I want to ask you how much memory you have now recovered?"

Blue purple clothes said: "should restore, all restored."

Chen Yang said, "what about your strength? Can't recover at all? "

Blue purple dress says: "if can restore strength, return to ice Huang palace to do what?"

Chen Yang said, "that's true." After a pause, he said, "there's another thing. You can teach me the secret of immortality. Now that your memory is restored, teach me. "

LAN Ziyi looked at Chen Yang and said, "I'm not going to teach you this secret skill."

Chen Yang said: "Damn, are you reasonable?"

LAN Ziyi said, "what's more, don't learn too much. Ye Ming's power can't control the secret skill of immortality, let alone you. "

"The three conditions you promised me..."

"That's to say, after it's done, isn't it all right now?" Blue purple Yi light says.

Chen Yang said, "I'll go. That's not what I said. It's not finished yet, but you have to pay a deposit first. "

"I can't teach you now, but I need my strength to guide you." Blue purple clothes said: "I have no strength now, how can I guide you? What's more, the secret skill of immortality is created by me, which is in line with the body of immortality Binghuang. Even Ye Ming and Ding Qing, they are just practicing the way to burn the source of life. It's all life destroying. Do you think they can use it at ordinary times? "

Chen Yang said: "anyway, I don't know. I don't know if you're fooling me."

Blue purple clothes can not help but dumbfounded smile, said: "I really did not deceive you. You are a big fool. I can fool you. "

Chen Yang said, "who said I was a big liar? I... " After a pause, he said: "the topic is far away. What do you think is the most important thing for me now? I mean, you mean cultivation to my present situation. Give me some advice. "

Blue purple clothes said: "do you really want to listen to opinions?"

Chen Yang said, "nonsense." He paused and said, "but you'd better take it easy. My heart is very weak. I can only listen to praise, not criticism."

Blue purple said: "then I have nothing to say."

Chen Yang was speechless and said, "well, I'll allow you to criticize. I said it's not so evil. Can I only be criticized and not praised now? "

Blue purple said: "I will not praise people."

Chen Yang was stunned for a while, and suddenly he understood blue and purple clothes.

She is so high, she has always been respected.

She will praise people there!

She doesn't need to flatter anyone!

Chen Yang said, "OK, I'm defeated by you. Just say it."

Blue purple clothes then way: "you now, miscellaneous but not fine, what you can, but you don't have a killer mace to take.". Your sword trick is not bad. What's your name again? "

"The sword formula of fortune!" Chen Yang said immediately.

Blue purple clothes said: "that set of sword formula should be your only mace. It's a pity that once you're done, the whole person will become useless. As long as you're done, a minion can kill you. Besides, you don't have magic power. If you don't have Chen feirong, you are not qualified to face Dugu Yi and master void. Let alone Sima, yueqian and Fuling. It's far from your level

Chen Yang could not help feeling depressed and said, "am I so bad?"

"Not that you're bad!" Blue purple clothes said: "but said the fact!"

"NIMA, is there a difference?" Chen Yang almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

LAN Ziyi said: "the cultivation of immortals is different from that of martial arts in essence. In martial arts, it is important to win without moves. Once your martial arts cultivation reaches the level of success, you can win many moves with one punch. The cultivation of martial arts pays attention to returning to the original nature! "

"Three realms!" LAN Ziyi said: "in the beginning, the cultivation of martial arts focused on moves and routines, so there were many schools like Yiquan, Taijiquan, baguaquan, liuhequan, Yongchun and so on. This is the first state of seeing the mountain, and then it's your state. Your cultivation has come to the point of returning to nature. You have no idea of all the martial arts moves and boxing routines. However, when a huge force comes towards you, you can naturally unload it with Tai Chi's frustration. This is the second realm of seeing mountains, not mountains. When it comes to Xiandao, it is the third realm. The cultivation of Xiandao stresses moves, magic weapons and Maces. I believe you can see that there is a magic weapon and there is no magic weapon. Even Fu Ling, if he doesn't use the magic weapon to fight against you, it almost killed him. If he still has a magic weapon to resist today, you will suffer a lot. "

Chen Yang is open-minded.

Although he is usually idle, he is very modest at this time.

The main thing is that blue and purple clothes are worthy of being a great master, and her words make Chen Yang feel like he is full of inspiration."You go on!" Chen Yang said.

LAN Ziyi said: "through the magic array, the magic weapon can bring the magic power to the maximum. This is equivalent to the engine made by advanced technology in the sunny world, which provides excellent power for a car. No matter how powerful the horse is, it can't run the cheapest QQ car. That's the difference between technology and non technology. It's also the difference between the cultivation of martial arts and the cultivation of immortals. "

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