Chen Yang doesn't plan to fight back, although he is not a character of waiting to die. But now in such a situation, there is no point in doing it.

Chen feirong feels Chen Yang's crisis, but finds that Chen Yang doesn't want to resist at all. She can't help being impatient. She immediately flies out and stops in front of Chen Yang. "Don't you harm my brother Yang!" said the little girl angrily at Ding Qing

Ding Qing was already in charge. Seeing the change, he was stunned, and then took back his power. "There is such an elf. This elf is the best tonic for the Necromancers!" He laughs and suddenly shows his hand print to Chen feirong.

As soon as Ding Qing's big hand print comes out, a huge pressure surrounds Chen feirong. In an instant, she is caught in the empty hand print by Ding Qing and can't move. Ding Qing's magic power is deep, and Chen feirong doesn't know any magic. It's his opponent there.

For a moment, Chen feirong felt as if she was being roasted by the fire. She could not show all her changes. Chen Yang couldn't help losing face. He yelled angrily and said, "let her go!" Then, in Chen Yang's hand, there appears a Yinsha magic knife. His figure flashes, and a knife cuts Ding Qing with thunder and lightning.

What a master Ding Qing is. Now Chen Yang has lost Chen feirong's mana, and he is not Ding Qing's opponent.

So Chen Yang this knife split, Ding Qing just another hand wrist a turn, then to Chen Yang void split a palm. Chen Yang immediately felt his chest wet, and at the same time, he was attacked by a huge force.

With a bang, Chen Yang flew out upside down and finally hit the wall of the palace.

The whole palace was shocked, and then Chen Yang fell to the ground heavily.

Chen Yang spat out a mouthful of blood. At that moment, he felt that his internal organs were seriously damaged, absolutely fatal.

The power of Ding Qing's free hand is too terrible.

Even though Chen Yang's body is strong to this point, he still can't resist his hegemony.

At this time, Ding Qing was surprised to see that Chen Yang didn't die on the spot.

He felt that even if he killed a giant beast, he would die. But the thief just spat blood.

"Younger martial brother!" Lin Bing also lose color, then, her eyes flashed fierce, then want to attack Ding Qing.

Ding Qing is more direct to Lin Bing. With a flash of his figure, he suddenly pinches Lin Bing's snow-white neck. Lin Bing couldn't move, and her face turned purple.

She can't breathe at all.

Ding Qing said coldly: "little beauty, you'd better be honest in front of me, otherwise, I have a hundred ways to make you live or die!"

Chen Yang helplessly watched Lin Bing be strangled by Ding Qing, his pain to the extreme.

This is a double psychological and physical pain. Up to now, he is still powerless. Watching these people hurt Chen feirong and elder martial sister, he is still powerless.

At this moment, Chen Yang hated his incompetence.

But Ding Qing doesn't really want to kill Lin Bing. Later, he lets Lin Bing go. Lin Bing immediately gasped, her face flushed.

"It's ridiculous that a group of mole ants want to be presumptuous in front of us." Ding Qing said coldly.

Murong Xing and Chen Qiao immediately said: "the patriarch is wise and powerful, for thousands of years!"

Murong Xing then said: "master, after you integrate the power of the cheap maidservant of King Huang again, even if the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet sees you, it's just a loser. You will become the first person to surpass God, heaven, earth and underground, all through the ages

"Ha ha ha..." Murong Xing's flattery makes Ding Qing very comfortable. He raised his head and laughed. Then, after laughing, he said to murongxing, "uncle, please go and kill the thief. The little thief's luck is not simple. If he is allowed to live, it will be a future trouble. Today, I want to see who else can save the destiny in the whole world

"Yes, Lord!" Murong Xing looks at Chen Yang, and his eyes flash with the intention of killing him.

Chen Yang's heart is broken. What he thinks is the same as Ding Qing. Who else can save himself today?

I really ran out of luck.

Today, there is no doubt that he will die.

Is this my destiny?

Just then, the miracle happened.

"I'm afraid it's too early for you to be happy." A cold woman's voice came suddenly.

Chen Yang was shocked, and the voice was blue and purple. He immediately felt ecstatic. Ha ha, I really have nine lives.

Lin Bing is also ecstatic.

At this moment, Ding Qing and others were shocked. Ding Qing and others like to see a ghost, at the same time, Ding Qing's hand a loose, Chen feirong immediately flew to Chen Yang's side.

She asked Chen Yang with tearful eyes: "brother Yang, how are you?"

"I'm ok, you go into my brain!" Chen Yang is very moved to Chen feirong. This silly girl is really stupid.Chen feirong is really afraid of the outside world. She immediately gets into Chen Yang's brain.

At the cloister, a woman in purple came over.

What's more, she has a person in her hand.

It's LAN Ziyi who comes here, and it's Ye Ming who's on LAN Ziyi's hand.

At this moment, although the appearance of the blue purple clothes is the same as that of the previous blue purple clothes, there are earth shaking changes in their temperament.

She and that Huang Wang Yuan Shen's temperament is the same, between all actions, all scatter to send out the supreme King's majesty.

"Damn it Chen Yang said bitterly, "blue and purple clothes, can't you come here earlier? It's almost dead. "

The blue purple dress lightly looked at Chen Yang and Lin Bing, and then she came to the center of the hall.

Ye Ming in her hand fell into a coma, and she threw him on the ground.

Ding Qing, Murong Xing and Chen Qiao were shocked and scared.

"How could it be?" Ding Qing trembles to say.

Murong Xing responded most quickly and said: "suzerain, let's kill her together. She must be putting on airs!"

Ding Qing heart a Lin, at this moment, beg for mercy what already can't, only fight to death.

"I don't believe it," he said abruptly, "the three of us are not her opponents!" In this moment, he sacrificed the fog cover!

The fog covered the sky with golden light, and suddenly covered the blue and purple clothes.

Murongxing also immediately offered his magic weapon, but it was longxiangyu Ruyi. Once the dragon, elephant and jade Ruyi are thrown out and hit people in the head, there are dragons and elephants converging, with infinite power.

And Chen Qiao is also desperate to send out a dazzling pearl!

The three magic weapons cover the blue and purple clothes fiercely.

No matter Ding Qing, Murong Xing or Chen Qiao, they all have the most profound magic power. So once the magic weapon of the three of them is issued, its power is also extremely powerful!

This kind of magic weapon attack, if ye Ming came, he would be killed on the spot.

Even those who came to the ten halls of Yama couldn't meet each other.

It's not easy for Ding Qing's three men to attack together.

But at this time, blue purple clothes suddenly waved, her hands appear as beautiful as peacock feathers brilliance!

Five colors!

As soon as the five color divine light came out, it directly covered the three magic weapons. Then, the five color divine light gathered again.

Wonderful things have happened, whether it's the fog hidden in the sky, or the Dragon elephant jade Ruyi, or the eye-catching pearl has all disappeared.

That five colors divine light instantly took away three magic weapons.

Ding Qing three people are shocked to lose color again, they certainly recognize this Phoenix King's top magic weapon, five colors divine light!

The five color divine light is produced by the tail of immortal Binghuang. It is the spiritual treasure of heaven and earth, and it is also born of immortal Binghuang. This five colors divine light one, may receive the world magic weapon in the bag.

Blue purple clothes coldly looking at Ding Qing three people, she said: "you still think, with your micro road can compete with the emperor?"

Ding Qing lost their magic weapon, and now they have to face King Huang, where they still have the courage to fight again.

Chen Qiao was the most spineless. He immediately knelt down and begged for mercy. He said, "King Huang is here. I know I'm wrong. I'm confused. Please forgive me!"

But Murong Xing and Ding Qing didn't ask for mercy, because they knew it was useless.

Chen Yang and Lin Bing look at this scene, and finally feel the terrible dignity of blue and purple clothes.

Huangwang is really back.

Ding Qingchang took a breath, and he said: "well, King Huang, it's just the so-called defeat. Now I've lost. I'm convinced. If you want to kill or cut my life, you can do as you please. " He pauses and says, "it's just that the only thing I'm not reconciled to is that I don't understand why I lost so far."

Murong Xing naturally did not understand.

In fact, Chen Yang and Lin Bing are also very confused at the moment.

Blue purple light said: "you naturally do not understand, and you do not understand is, from the beginning, you are doomed to lose!"

Ding Qing chuckled and said, "now what you say is right."

Blue purple said: "you really don't think the emperor is complacent." She paused and said, "with your accomplishments, it's impossible to imagine what you are facing at this level."

Ding Qing stares at blue purple clothes.

Blue purple clothes said: "from the first time I saw you Ding Qing, I knew you were the devil that I hit.". It's inevitable to be robbed. We can only deal with it. Therefore, the emperor will take you around, and begin to imperceptibly tell you one thing, that is, the emperor is immortal body, any way can not kill the emperor. The only way is to kill the emperor for the first time and reincarnate. After reincarnation, bring the reincarnated body of the emperor to the soul hall. "

"And there is no wedding dress formula in this world. In fact, none of you can enjoy the power of our emperor, but our emperor intentionally tells you that our emperor's power can be stolen. Therefore, with your greed, you will try every means to lure the emperor to the soul hall. But what you don't know is that as soon as the emperor arrives in the soul hall, he can recover his Mana by himself. "Ding Qing was shocked and pale.

Murongxing was also appalled.

Chen Yang and Lin Bing look at each other. For a moment, Chen Yang feels the horror of the layout of blue and purple clothes.

It turns out that no matter whether you die or not, no matter what kind of decision you make. No matter what tricks Ding Qing and Ye Ming have. But the final outcome will never change.

This is the horror of the blue and purple layout!

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