Blue purple clothes smile, said: "come on, Chen Yang, I don't take advantage of you. I'll give you two artifact and one artifact for Lin Bing. You don't have to suffer. "

She only calls herself the emperor in front of others. When she is with Chen Yang, she has no airs. The majesty is not so powerful.

When Chen Yang heard this proposal, he thought it was good. He also knows that he can't cheat too much.

Lin Bing is very satisfied.

Blue purple clothes said: "artifact to tomorrow can give you, Chen Yang, you talk about your second condition."

Chen Yang was stunned. In fact, he didn't think so much. He thought for a while, and then said, "I want you to stop the ten hall Yama from invading the sunny world."

Blue purple clothes is also one Leng, afterward, she said: "ten Temple Yan Luo take advantage of kill rob to do so many things, one is to follow the trend, two is to should rob.". The undead will only watch the changes, not participate in them. I can't help you with that

On second thought, Chen Yang knew that his request was not realistic. He said, "well, I'll change the terms. You helped me kill Yue Guangchen, the traitor who murdered my master! "

"Who is Yue Guangchen?" asked LAN Ziyi

Chen Yang said what happened right now.

Lin Bing is also looking forward to it.

After hearing this, LAN Ziyi said, "according to what you say, Yue Guangchen is now under the leadership of the king of Mount Tai. Well, I can't promise you that. "

"Why?" Lin Bing asked immediately.

Chen Yang is thoughtful.

Blue purple said: "very simple, I represent the whole undead. In this situation, my first task is to lead the undead through the massacre. If I deal with a Yue Guangchen personally, it will send a bad signal to the ten Hall of Yama. They may feel that the undead really want to come in and have a share. " After a pause, she said, "one of the more important reasons is that I still have to practice meditation and feel the world. I don't want to do it. Moreover, your own revenge, your own revenge, this is the best

Lin Bing fell into silence.

Chen Yang said: "what you said is reasonable. Since I want to ask you to do it, I should at least let you help me kill the king of Mount Tai. To kill Yue Guangchen, we should do it by ourselves. Of course, you have to clean up your own portal. "

But I can give you a convenience. I can introduce you to a person who can lead you into the core circle of Taishan king. As long as you want to kill Yue Guangchen wherever you go, there will be many opportunities. "

Chen Yang couldn't help rejoicing and said, "that's better." He paused and said, "but I want to go alone in this matter."

Lin Bing didn't speak.

Chen Yang said: "elder martial sister, you stay in the undead. When I finish my work, I'll come back to you."

Lin Bing ponders on, she knows this to go very dangerous. It's easy for Chen Yang to escape alone. If she follows, Chen Yang will have many constraints. However, if she didn't take revenge herself, she would not be reconciled.

"Sorry, I can't do it." Lin Bing finally said.

Blue purple light said: "ningtiandu is also Lin Bing's master, Chen Yang you don't want her to go, that's unfair to her." After a pause, she said, "don't worry, I will give Lin bing an artifact. At that time, her combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. In addition, the experts you meet this time will not be as dense as the undead. It shouldn't be that bad. "

When Chen Yang saw that Lan Ziyi had said that, he couldn't say anything.

"Blue purple clothes then said:" you think about individual it

Chen Yang scratched the back of his head and said, "you accept Chen feirong as an apprentice."

Blue purple dress is tiny a Zheng, then say: "I always don't accept apprentice. Even Ding Qing and Ye Ming, I just taught them their skills, but I didn't accept them. "

Chen Yang said, "then you mean no way?"

LAN Ziyi smiles and says, "I can't refuse every request you make. I promise you to teach Chen feirong three days. I can assure you that her mana will be improved in three days! At least it won't be as fragile as it is now. After every operation, it will be weak soon. "

Chen Yangxi said, "well, let's make a deal."

Blue purple clothes said: "talk about your third condition."

Chen Yang said: "I can't think of the third condition for the moment. I'll talk about it later. It's not easy for you to make a promise. I can't run out of it now. "

Blue purple clothes smile a little, say: "that is with you."

"But I still have a few questions to ask you," Chen said

"You ask." Blue and purple clothes are very generous.

Chen Yang said, "how can we draw the essence between heaven and earth by virtue of our own strength?"

Lin Bing is also very interested in this issue.

blue purple coat said: "must be able to feel the essence of separation between heaven and earth after your mana can reach five heavens. After five heavy days, it's a big watershed. "Chen Yang can't help but stay.

Blue purple clothes said: "but before wuchongtian, you still need a lot of elixir to have powerful mana." She paused, and said, "but there is a facility in the gates of hell, where there is so much yin essence. These are too many essential ingredients, so you can feel it as long as you cultivate it to the heavens. In addition, there are sensitive people who can feel it even in the realm of supernatural powers. "

Chen Yang said, "Ye Ming can help Chen Feirong recover his strength. He has absorbed the essence of Yin." Then you must be able to, you see, my elder martial sister also made a lot of efforts this time. Why don't you give her a lift? "

Lin bingmang said: "Chen Yang, you can't be insatiable."

Blue purple clothes smile a little, say: "Lin Bing, you are a good disposition, favor or disgrace not startle, also don't ask what.". Along the way, I have seen your kindness. Even if Chen Yang doesn't mention it, I will promote your accomplishments. I hope to improve you to a heavenly realm, and I will pass on the recipe you draw from the essence of heaven and earth, hoping that this will become a turning point in your life.

Lin Bing said: "King Huang, your great kindness, Lin Bing never dares to forget."

Blue purple clothes said: "I think we are friends, you say so, I do not like."

Lin Bing was very happy and said, "it's an honor for Lin Bing to have a friend like you."

Blue purple said: "I can have a friend like you, is also my joy."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "blue and purple clothes, I think you are a very good person."

Blue purple Yi light a smile, say: "you less flatter." "I used to be a little bit colder," she said, "and this trip to the world has taught me a lot."

Chen Yang said, "yes, you have become mature."

Lin Bing can't help but say: "Chen Yang, can you take a doorknob with your mouth? You dare to say anything."

Blue purple clothes ha ha a smile, say: "no harm, we are not friends?"

Chen Yang also laughed.

For a moment, he and Lin Bing thought that blue and purple clothes were really good friends.

Then Chen Yang said, "unfortunately, I can't absorb these things. I thought that the blood of the blood demon was a great help, but now it seems that it has greatly restricted me. "

Blue purple clothes says: "words can't say so, if you are not this blood demon blood, afraid already don't know to die how many times.". What's more, fortune and misfortune depend on each other. There is always a reason for things to happen. "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I've been taught."

Blue purple clothes said: "if you don't have other things, go to rest first. I'm going to heal Ye Ming. "

Chen Yang said, "wait a minute!"

Blue purple dress some helpless, way: "still have what matter?"

Chen Yang said, "what's the matter with evil robbery?"

Blue purple clothes said: "how can you be interested in the magic robbery?"

Chen Yang said: "because I am also the evil robber of others."

Blue purple dress is slightly surprised, way: "who?"

Chen Yang said: "the devil emperor Chen Tianya!"

Blue purple dress feels a little unimaginable, say: "it is him unexpectedly." She then said, "his surname is Chen, and your surname is Chen. What's the relationship between the two of you?"

Chen Yang said, "he is my father!"

Blue purple dress more surprised, Lin Bing is to know, she didn't speak in one side.

Blue purple clothes way: "you talk well, between you exactly is how to return a responsibility."

Chen Yang immediately said the grudge between him and the devil emperor Chen Tianya.

No wonder, she said, "it's no wonder that she suddenly realized."

Chen Yang said: "you still didn't tell me, what is the evil robbery?"

Blue purple clothes said: "the evil disaster is to cultivate to eight heavy days later will face.". When we come to this realm, there will be endless calamities, and only once in 30 years can we experience a magic calamity. The evil disaster is a disaster that can shake the foundation. If we don't pay attention to it, we will be destroyed. "

Chen Yang said, "but I think you have a plan in mind to survive the disaster."

Blue purple said: "I'm not as confident as you think. If Ding Qing sees through my situation, it will be fatal to me. " She paused and said, "however, we do have a lot of preparation when we are faced with the disaster. As a marauder, you are in the game, and we will arrange for you to survive. In this case, nine times out of ten, we can get through the robbery smoothly. Unless it's very bad luck, it will be eaten by the devil. "

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "it seems that I don't have a good chance of winning Chen Tianya."

Blue purple said: "in principle, you have no chance of winning. When Chen Tianya knows that you are his evil robber, he will make a lot of preparations. Strictly speaking, all your changes will be in his calculation. "

Chen Yang can't help feeling the egg ache.

Blue purple clothes said: "however, you and Ding Qing are different. You are destiny, you have a great chance to break the gameChen Yang said, "hope."

Blue purple dress then voice a turn, say: "this devil emperor, as expected evil nature is full, go one's own way.". I just didn't expect that he would have a son like you. "

"It's his misfortune, and it's my misfortune," Chen said

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