Song Ning blushed slightly and said, "this..."

"No problem!" Chen Yang quickly agreed, but don't order any more kicks, otherwise what if the dew fell?

Seeing this, song Ning said nothing more. In fact, she was looking forward to it.

Chen Yang is a smart guy. Instead of writing poetry immediately, he starts to look at Song Ning. He looks at Song Ning very openly, up and down, and he is intoxicated.

Song Ning is embarrassed by Chen Yang, but Chen Yang wants to write poetry, and she can't blame Chen Yang for his rudeness. Otherwise, in ordinary times, who dares to look at her so wantonly.

Then, Chen Yang began to pace back and forth, and frowned. From time to time also looked at the next song Ning!

The coaxing childe immediately began to laugh and said, "can you do it? If you can't do it, just go away. Don't make a fool of yourself here!"

Song Ning can't help frowning. She thinks these people are really noisy and annoying.

An Zixuan also scolded: "poetry is about inspiration. Even if Mr. Lin can't do it, it's common. What are you making noise about? Is it true that men of letters despise each other? "

"Yes!" At this time, Chen Yang's eyebrows suddenly flew.

Chen Yang is an individual. He will say the poem immediately. Poetry writing is not as simple as eating. You can eat what you want. This needs brewing. He has to make a difficult appearance, so that people can believe that you came up with it by yourself.

At this time, song Ning's eyes lit up.

An Zixuan also appears to be very interested.

So in such attention, Chen Yang stares at Song Ning tightly and says, "there are beauties in Yalou."

Chen Yang thought for a moment, and then said: "peerless and independent, a smile to the city, and then smile to the country."

"It's better not to know the beautiful city and the beautiful country than to have a beautiful woman again!"

When Chen Yang finished reading this poem, song Ning's face was as red as an apple. She said, "young master Lin is too much praised. Does song Ning have such talent?"

An Zixuan was the first one to clap. He said, "Mr. Lin is really a talented man. He is a good poet."

Many childe brothers can only reluctantly applaud. When those young ladies looked at Chen Yang again, they had a different color.

Talent! This guy is poor, but he is really talented!

How dare those boys refute? Chen Yang's poem is good, and flattery is better. Does not opposition mean that song Ning is not so beautiful and excellent?

Song Ning murmured: "a smile to love the city, then smile to love the country, young master Lin, this poem should be given to me by you, OK?"

Chen Yang smiles and says, "Miss Ning'er, this poem is for you. Only you can afford this poem

Song Ning blushed and said, "Mr. Lin, you are too much praised. Ning Er really doesn't deserve it!"

Chen Yang smiles. Then song Ning said, "please come in, young master Lin!"

Song Ning seems to be the home here, even an Zixuan is everything according to her.

So in this case, Chen Yang smoothly into the second floor of Ya building.

There are all kinds of calligraphy and ink on the second floor. Wine beauty, and a lot of Xuan paper brush and so on, it seems that people are interested, or to write poetry immediately.

Ya upstairs, there are several small tables, people are sitting in front of the table, table snacks and wine, all should have.

Chen Yang sat down at the table beside song Ning and an Zixuan.

Then, an Zixuan got up and said, "let's continue the poetry meeting."

All the young ladies and gentlemen responded.

At this time, Guan Zhusi music sounded, but there was a special musician playing. The voice is not loud and will not disturb the conversation.

In the song Ning Dynasty, Chen Yang asked: "Mr. Lin, where are you from?"

Chen Yang was slightly stunned. He then said, "I'm a walking poet. I'm a cosmopolitan. I can't tell where it is. "

Song Ning gently Yi a, say: "childe is also pitiful person however."

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "it's not pitiful. There are beautiful scenery in the city. When I walk around, I can see the scenery and some interesting things. A man's life is short, but he can't live up to time, Miss Ning'er, don't you think

Song Ning suddenly felt that Chen Yang's words were simple but contained philosophy. She said, "you are a wonderful man."

Chen Yang immediately said modestly, "Miss Ning'er is over praised. I'm just an idle vagrant. I can't help but get some cold eyes wherever I go. I'm no wonder."

"Does that gentleman care about other people's eyes?" Asked song Ning.

Chen Yang slightly a Zheng, then said: "that won't, I live my own, that can manage so much."

Song Ning smile, said: "childe is a free and easy person."

Two people here chat hot, an Zixuan is to see some of the complexion is not good. However, he is good at camouflage, so he did not attack. He thinks Chen Yang is just a walking poet. What about his talent? It's impossible to have anything to do with song Ning.Because the identity gap between them is here!

Whether it's a shady world or a sunny world, it's all about being right.

At this time, a man named Mr. Huang suggested: "since today is a poetry festival, let's fight poetry."

As soon as Chen Yang heard this, he complained. It's really difficult for him to copy poems!

He's too much of a B today, but he's really afraid he won't be able to make it.

He is not afraid to ask Chen Yang to fight. He really has a headache for the literati to play with.

At this point, Chen Yang does not dare to talk nonsense.

At this time, a young master Zhao opened his mouth and said, "it's no fun to fight poetry. Let's fight with each other."

The goods think that Chen Yang's poetry writing is too powerful. If he fights poetry, he will be robbed of the limelight by this guy. It's better to play Chen Yang's weakness!

We are all famous scholars. We really don't want to be robbed of the limelight by a poor scholar!

There were a lot of people with the same mind as Mr. Zhao. So someone immediately agrees!

An Zixuan said, "I think it's OK." He then asked Chen Yang, "Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

Chen Yang naturally can't show his shyness, but he immediately said, "I'm not very good at dealing with my partner. If I can't pick him up, please forgive me!"

An Zixuan smile, said: "that is natural."

As soon as Chen Yang said this, many young masters were relieved. Those ladies, including song Ning, were a little disappointed.

Chen Yang's heart is full of bitterness. What kind of muddy water did he come to this trip? Isn't he asking for bitterness?

Yes, he knows something about it. At this time, he can only desperately think about those knowledge points about the pair.

"I'll start first." That young master Zhao said: "the river water tide. To the tide, to the tide, to the ebb. "

"My God, it's so hard!" Chen Yang's first couplet is like a frosted eggplant. No clue at all!

In this shady world, there are rivers and lakes, so it's not surprising that the Shanglian couplet. When Chen Yang came here, he saw many rivers and lakes.

Both song Ning and an Zixuan pondered.

But song Ning seems to pay attention to Chen Yang. She looks at Chen Yang. Chen Yang immediately felt her eyes. He immediately pretended that he couldn't see it, and began to eat snacks and drink wine.

At this time, an Zixuan said, "yes." He stood up, complacent said: "floating clouds up, long up, long up long disappear."

"Good!" The crowd immediately cheered.

Even in Song Ning's eyes, there was a strange light. Chen Yang see in the eye, secret way this little girl change heart really fast!

He can't help admiring an Zixuan, because the first couplet is very difficult, and an Zixuan's second couplet is really neat. This guy seems to have real talent and learning. Unlike himself, he is totally western.

Then, people began to pair up again, and the atmosphere was very warm. However, the later couplets are not so subtle. Some of them can be matched by the ladies.

Song Ning also tried to get a few right, but she was also talented and learned. She and an Zixuan look like a good match.

At this time, song Ning made a pair. She whispered. "Autumn water silver hall mandarin duck wings."

This couplet is a reflection of song Ning's maiden mind, her heart is also want to have a husband.

Chen Yang is not a big man. He can't hear the meaning of the Shanglian. This is to ask for a husband to live and fly together.

That a public childe elder brothers immediately excited, everybody racked brains to want to come up.

Song Ning's vision is to see an Zixuan more, she is to an Zixuan intentionally after all. She hopes an Zixuan can cope with it.

By this time, song Ning had gone through the novelty of Chen Yang. After all, Chen Yang is a poor scholar. There may really be something happened with song Ning.

An Zixuan frowned and did not speak.

Anyway, Chen Yang feels that he can't be right and doesn't want to.

At this time, the young master Zhao stood up excitedly and said, "I have come up with the idea that the blue water and the sky will grow together." He was flushed and excited.

However, although his couplet is correct. But Chen Yang, a layman, can see that his couplet is in a hurry. Although the couplet is neat, Yuanyang and Guse are far fetched. It's barely a medium League.

Song Ning frowned slightly, but he didn't speak.

It's really painful for her to frown.

Chen Yang wants to be in the limelight. Unfortunately, he can't be right!

At this time, Chen feirong smiles in Chen Yang's brain and says, "brother Yang, do you want me to help you?"

"I'll go, and you'll be right?" Chen Yang communicates with Chen feirong in his brain.

Chen feirong said: "I won't, but I can read the memory of their presence! I can get into an Zixuan's head. "Chen Yang was startled and said, "forget it. An Zixuan has some accomplishments, and I can't really see them. I'm afraid he's not a simple person. If you go, it's a scare. Let's not lose the big for the small! " After a pause, he said, "besides, he's not right."

As soon as Chen Yang spoke, an Zixuan stood up. With a smile, he said, "I'm right, Ning'er."

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