Chen Yang raised his glass and said, "dry!" And then he drank it all.

An Zixuan then raised his glass and said, "I'd like to drink to brother Lin, too." Chen Yang also drank it in one gulp.

An Zixuan then said: "brother Lin, what's the matter with you recently? Or where do you want to go? "

Song Ning also looks at Chen Yang with great interest.

Chen Yang sighed and said, "I've been wandering around for more than ten years. In fact, sometimes I want to find a place to settle down. At present, there is nothing special to go to. I'm going to stay here for a while

Song Ning then said: "that young master Lin hasn't found a place to settle down, has he?" Chen Yang nodded. He said with a smile, "I still have some money. I'm going to invest in an inn."

An Zixuan immediately said, "brother Lin, I have no one to live in Huayin residence. If you don't dislike it, you can live here for the time being. What do you think?"

Chen Yang felt a little embarrassed and said, "it's not very good. It's too annoying for Mr. an."

An Zixuan said: "brother Lin, if you treat me as a friend, don't say such outsider words."

Chen Yang said: "it's an honor for Lin to have friends like Mr. an."

Song Ning also opened his mouth and said, "even so, young master Lin, don't refuse."

Chen Yang then said: "that Lin Mou is respectful is inferior to obey orders."

Song Ning and an Zixuan both smile.

In fact, an Zixuan doesn't want to keep Chen Yang, but an Zixuan is a very smart man. Naturally, he can see that song Ning appreciates Chen Yang's talent. If he pushes Chen Yang away, it will only make song Ning feel resentful.

If Chen Yang goes to the inn, it will be beyond the control of an Zixuan. If Chen Yang is placed in this Huayin Curie, then as long as song Ning meets Chen Yang, an Zixuan will know.

Moreover, with an Zixuan's financial resources and means, he has a hundred ways to make Chen Yang disappear from the world. At that time, he just needs to say to song Ning that Chen Yang has left without saying goodbye.

This is an Zixuan's wishful thinking!

As for song Ning, her world is still a little simple. She doesn't think so dark or so much.

After such a discussion, song Ning looked at the lotus in the pond.

Rain hit lotus is another kind of poetic.

Song Ning could not help chanting: "the lotus Pavilion is full of lotus, the scenery is not the same as the four seasons. The lotus leaves in the pond are endless green, and the lotus flowers in the rain are different. "

"Good poem!" An Zixuan immediately praised song Ning.

Chen Yang can't help laughing in his heart. Although the poem is good, it still doesn't rhyme! It seems that song Ning is a true love poet, but his talent is limited!

Chen Yang is also embarrassed to laugh at Song Ning, because he is also a half baked goods.

Song Ning blushed and said, "I can't help it for a while. I'm a bit embarrassed in front of Mr. Lin."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "Miss Ning'er, your poem is very good."

Song Ning satisfied smile, she again to an Zixuan way: "Zixuan, do you want to also come to one."

An Zixuan pondered a little, then said: "good!"

Chen Yang's heart is funny. NIMA, it's really hard to chase song Ning! Poetry is always there. What does an Zixuan like about this girl?

Chen Yang thinks that song Ning always seems to live in fairy tales. She really doesn't know the cruelty of reality!

"The beauty of Cuigai is standing in the water, the sandalwood powder is uneven, and the sweat is wet. A gust of wind, blue waves, pearls scattered hard to clean up An Zixuan said.

"Good!" Song Ning's eyes brightened and he couldn't help praising.

Chen Yang is also cheering. An Zixuan is really a talented poet!

"The poem does not take the word lotus, but describes the lotus in the rain so appropriately and truly." Song Ning happily said: "Zixuan, I'm not as much as you."

An Zixuan was immediately satisfied. In fact, this poem was not written by him, but by an expert when he was sitting here. He knew that song Ning liked poetry, so he kept it in mind and wanted to show off when song Ning came one day. Today is really the day.

An Zixuan was so proud that he subconsciously wanted to overpower Chen Yang and said, "brother Lin, you are a master of poetry. Why don't you sing one?"

Song Ning looks forward to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiles in his heart, and then he ponders. Then, Chen Yang chanted: "flowers drift, water flows, a kind of Acacia, two leisure sorrow. There is no way to eliminate this situation. I just browed, but I felt it

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with lotus?" An Zixuan said with a smile.

Chen Yang immediately shook his head, some sad said: "sorry, I'm impolite, for a moment, I can't help thinking of my old friend."

Song Ning was moved by the beauty and sadness of Chen Yang's poem. She thought it was so delicate.

"Mr. Lin, you are also a person who understands feelings!" Song Ning said softly.An Zixuan can't help but get angry, and is robbed of the limelight by this slut.

However, although he was angry, he restrained all his emotions.

An hour later, song Ning said, "I should go back."

An Zixuan said: "brother Lin is here to have a rest. I have already said hello to the servants here." After a pause, he said to song Ning, "Ning'er, I'll send you!"

Song Ning said, "no, I have so many guards. What are you afraid of? You can accompany Mr. Lin more. "

An Zixuan is not from depressed, he is not good to insist too much, so he said: "that I send you to the door."

Song Ning then says to Chen Yang: "that young master Lin together?"

Chen Yang is an interesting person, he said: "I suddenly some urgent, want to go to the cottage, do not send Miss Ning er."

Song Ning blushed slightly, so he didn't insist any more.

An Zixuan said in secret: "boy, you are wise."

Later, an Zixuan sent song Ning out of Huayin house. Before getting on the carriage, song Ning couldn't help saying: "Zixuan, although this young master Lin is not from a good family, he is really a talented man. What he said today and what he wrote are extraordinary. I'll write it down when I go back. "

An Zixuan smile, said: "rather son said right, I also admire him." Song Ning said, "I'll come back to Mr. Lin tomorrow. Will you join me?" An Zixuan said: "that's nature. No matter when and where, I'm willing to accompany Ning'er with you."

Song Ning blushed, and then said, "well, I'll go." An Zixuan said: "have a safe trip!"

Song Ning turned and got into the carriage. An Zixuan watched song Ning's carriage leave, and finally turned into Huayin house. An Zixuan first walked toward the lotus Pavilion, but Chen Yang naturally didn't go to the cottage. When an Zixuan came, Chen Yang said, "Mr. an, you really shouldn't have come back!" An Zixuan suddenly looks bad, said: "what do you mean this?" Chen Yang smiles a little. He drinks himself and says, "Mr. an, you may have misunderstood my kindness. I can see that you like Miss Ning'er, don't you? "

An Zixuan said with a black face: "it seems that it's none of your business."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "it's none of my business, but you can't pursue Miss Ning'er like this."

An Zixuan sneered and said, "I can't pursue it. Can you pursue it?"

Chen Yang said, "I'm just a vulgar person. It's worthy of Miss Ning'er." After a pause, he said, "Mr. an, I'm not your rival. I don't like Miss Ning'er, and I'm not worthy of it, so I don't dare to have extravagant hopes. But maybe I can help you to get miss Ning'er

An Zixuan's face softened and said, "who are you and what's the purpose of approaching us?"

Chen Yang said, "if I say I have no purpose, do you believe it, Mr. an?"

An Zixuan said: "Lin..."

"Lin Qianshan!" Chen Yang said.

An Zixuan said: "Lin Qianshan, it's OK for you to cheat Ning'er. If you want to cheat me, it's impossible. Go ahead and talk about your purpose. "

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "if you have to say that I have any purpose, the only purpose is to seek a future. I'm tired of such wandering days. "

An Zixuan took a look at Chen Yang, he said: "is it really so simple?"

Chen Yang was surprised and said, "is it simple? Young master an, you really don't know the suffering in the world! How difficult is it for a man without background like me to seek a future? "

An Zixuan said, "but I can't trust you."

Chen Yang said: "I didn't ask Mr. an to help me, but trust is gradually established. I was going to leave today. I didn't expect you to come out. I wanted to stay here for a few days and see if I had a chance

"So many cities, why choose the black prison city?" An Zixuan said.

Chen Yang said, "as I said before, it's a troubled time. I have been to other cities. But most of them support themselves and have no ambition. And the Song Emperor where talent is too much, I went also very difficult to get ahead. Only the king of Mount Tai is here. The king of Mount Tai is the place with the most courage and talents. I think it's a great place for me to be

An Zixuan took a look at Chen Yang and said, "your words are half true and half false. I'm not sure what you're doing, but it doesn't matter. Just stay here. If I really think you can trust me. I can recommend you to the king of Mount Tai! "

Chen Yang said, "thank you very much, Mr. an."

An Zixuan said, "by the way, why didn't you just say I should come back?"

Chen Yang said, "of course, I shouldn't come back. Don't you know that women are duplicative animals? She said that it doesn't matter is related, she said that not angry is angry. She told you not to send it, did you really not? May not be that you really insist on going to the carriage to see her off. Will she feel that you don't understand the customs and that you are hateful? "

An Zixuan slightly a stay, way: "you say seem to have some truth."Chen Yang said: "of course, it makes sense. When chasing girls, we should be careful, bold and cheeky. Although Miss Ning'er is beautiful, she is still a considerate and romantic woman. Do you remember her couplet? One is that the green water has no worries, because the wind wrinkles the face. One is the autumn water and the silver hall, which all have the meaning of missing spring

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