Later, Chen Yang said, "I have to go to a place today. Miss Ning'er and Mr. an will chat slowly, so I won't accompany them." Song Ning suddenly asked, "where is master Lin going?" Chen Yang said with a smile, "this is my private matter. Miss Ning'er, I'm sorry to disclose it!"

Song Ning then put aside this topic and said: "it seems that you are also a man of cultivation, aren't you?" Chen Yang's heart jumps. He is a human spirit. He immediately knows that song Ning is suspicious.

But how can this girl be suspicious?

Chen Yang doesn't understand, but he still looks the same. "That's right," he said with a smile

Song Ning said: "young master Lin has such talent and cultivation. He should be a dragon and Phoenix among people. But the young master came to us dressed up like this. What's the point? " Her voice suddenly became a little sharp.

Chen Yang looked at Song Ning more than once. He said casually with a smile, "I don't quite understand what Miss Ning'er means."

Song Ning said coldly, "you'd better tell me the truth, or I can promise you that you won't get anything."

An Zixuan's forehead began to sweat.

Chen Yang's heart turns. He knows that song Ning's identity is very delicate. If he offends her miserably, the road behind him is really hard. Moreover, an Zixuan must also listen to song Ning. Now Song Ning is suspicious. She will force an Zixuan later. An Zixuan must confess.

At that time, I was not a person inside and outside.

But at this time, Chen Yang can't sell an Zixuan in front of him. After a pause, he said, "I have no intention. If Miss Ning'er thinks I have intention, I will leave now. Since then, I'll never see you again, so miss Ning'er can believe me? "

Then he turned and walked away.

With a cold look in his eyes, Jin Wencheng said, "you are yesterday's assassin. It's not so easy to leave now." All of a sudden, he sent out twelve spurs!

Twelve milligrams of light interweaved into a knife net to attack and kill Chen Yang.

Chen Yang immediately realizes the danger. He suddenly grabs the Yinsha magic knife in his hand and turns his wrist. The sound kills the magic knife to roll out the triple sword curtain!

Twelve light jingling and Chen Yang's triple sword screen kill together. In the end, the twelve millirays were forced to return to the soul of Jin Wencheng under the great shock of Chen Yang.

"No injustice, no enmity, I'm going to kill you!" Chen Yang turns to face Jin Wencheng angrily.

Jin Wencheng ignored Chen Yang and said to song Ning, "Miss Ning, this man's accomplishments are unfathomable. It is impossible for such a powerful assassin to suddenly appear in this black prison city. This man, nine times out of ten, has something to do with yesterday's assassin. Please allow me to take this man down and interrogate him severely. "

An Zixuan's face turned white.

Song Ning is ignored Jin Wencheng, she looked at an Zixuan, the heart has been completely clear. Then she said, "I'm a little tired. Let's go back."

"Miss Ning?" Jin Wen was puzzled and called out.

Song Ning said coldly, "let's go!"

Song Ning comes fast and goes fast.

Jin Wencheng and others had to follow.

"What to do? Ning'er seems to know." An Zixuan can't help but panic. He asks Chen Yang.

Chen Yang sighed and said, "it seems that yesterday I should have hurt you more seriously." After a pause, he said, "but it's strange. How did she guess?"

An Zixuan had no master and said, "what should I do? What can we do now? "

"There are two ways," Chen said

An Zixuan immediately asked: "what method? Brother Lin, don't hurt me any more! "

Chen Yang is also helpless, he said: "the first way is to die and not admit it. No matter how miss Ning'er tempts you or forces you, you won't admit it, and you have to be very angry and lose your temper with her. "

"Ah?" An Zixuan was surprised.

Chen Yang said, "it seems that you can't do it. The second way is to be honest about your mistakes. "

An Zixuan said: "if I take the initiative to be honest about my mistakes, Ning'er will hate me."

Chen Yang said: "I only have these two methods." After a pause, he said, "now, it seems that our problem lies in that love poem. You should remember that when Miss Ning'er came to you in the morning, she was in a good mood. When she began to change, she read that love poem. "

An Zixuan can't help but stay.

Chen Yang said: "I'm too impatient. It's hard to avoid her suspicions when these two things are crowded together."

An Zixuan said painfully, "brother Lin, I'm suffering from you."

Chen Yang touched his nose. He didn't like an Zixuan. Working with you, it's done. You're so happy. If something goes wrong, it's someone else. You can't agree in advance. I didn't force you to do it.

It's like speculating in stocks. When you listen to what others tell you, you finally buy it and lose it, and then you blame the person who tells you. It's unreasonable! The stock market is not owned by his family. There will be 100% things there.Chen Yang said impatiently, "an Zixuan, do you know why you can't catch up with Miss Ning'er all the time?"

An Zixuan asked involuntarily: "why?"

"It's just because of your character, you're too indecisive and straightforward. And I'm afraid of her. Everything depends on her. " Chen Yang said.

"Is there anything wrong with her?" An Zixuan asked. Chen Yang said: "of course, there is a mistake. You are a man. A man is a man. A man needs a man. Women are sentimental animals, but also female, female soft, naturally easy to be attracted by masculine men. If you don't behave manly and masculine, how can she be attracted to you? "

An Zixuan said, "what am I going to do?"

Chen Yang was defeated by an Zixuan. He said, "I don't know. You can do it yourself."

An Zixuan seems a little lost.

Chen Yang is also irritable. It seems that he can't count on an Zixuan.

That afternoon, song Ning sent a maid to come. The servant girl came to ask Chen Yang to come. An Zixuan is even more helpless now. Chen Yang had to say: "I'll go and have a look. Don't panic if you haven't done anything. If you admit it, it's all because you care about her and love her. "

An Zixuan was a little relieved.

Later, Chen Yang just went out to pick up his carriage with the servant girl.

The place where song Ning made an appointment to meet was in the city Lord's mansion.

Half an hour later, Chen Yang and Xiaolan, the servant girl, came to the city master's house. Then they got off. When you go in, Xiaolan tells the guard that Chen Yang is the lovely person miss Ning wants to see. The guards were afraid to stop them.

It's still afternoon. It's sunny.

All the way forward, Chen Yang finally saw the scenery of the city Lord's mansion. Several times before, he went to Sima's mansion and Yue Qian's mansion. They were all in a hurry and dangerous.

To the pavilion, song Ning a red shirt, bright and moving.

Xiao Lan called miss and stayed aside. Jin Wencheng and others are still standing beside song Ning.

Chen Yang then politely called out: "Miss Ning'er!"

With a faint smile, song Ning said, "Mr. Lin, please sit down!"

Chen Yang was seated.

Song Ning unfolded the book, and the love poems in it showed. She said, "is this poem written by Mr. Lin?"

Chen Yang also a faint smile, said: "if I say not?" He then asked, "why does Miss Ning'er think I wrote it? Do you think Zixuan can't write such poems? "

Song Ning said: "I know Zixuan too well. This poem is not his style. This poem is by no means written by him, and you are the only one who can write it around him. "

Chen Yang is speechless. He thinks it's boring to deny it at this time. However, he did not admit it directly, but said: "anyway, everything Zixuan does is for Miss Ning'er. He is more sincere than anyone else

Song Ning then a smile, say: "so say up, childe Lin admitted?"

Chen Yang said, "what's the relationship between recognition and non recognition?"

Song Ning said: "Mr. Lin, the assassination yesterday was also your idea for Zixuan?"

Chen Yang did not speak.

Song Ning continued: "originally, Mr. Jin told me that it was strange. Maybe it had something to do with Zixuan. I don't believe it. But when I see this poem, I think of what Mr. Jin said. I understand all this. "

Chen Yang sighed and said, "Miss Ning'er, if you have nothing else to do, I'll leave first."

Song Ning suddenly said: "Mr. Lin, I don't mean to blame Zixuan and you."

Chen Yang stayed for a while.

Song Ning continued: "Zixuan has been very kind to me since he was a child, and I know what he wants. However, between me and him, there is always some difference in love. Most of the time, I just want to treat him as my brother. "

"But Zixuan doesn't think you're a sister!" Chen Yang said. He paused and said: "you are cruel to him. If you fall in love with others in the future, it will be the greatest cruelty to him."

Song Ning said, "but what can I do? He goes where I go. He treats me well, I know. But I can't accept this feeling just because he treats me well, can I? In my heart, I also want to meet someone I can like wholeheartedly

Chen Yang is speechless. He then said: "long pain is better than short pain. Since there is no intention, we should make it clear early. If we make constant decisions, we will be disturbed by them! "

"If we make constant decisions, we will be disturbed by them?" Song Ning murmured, and then she said, "Mr. Lin's words are very reasonable. Maybe over the years, I've been wrong."

Chen Yang was very depressed. He said, "If heaven does evil, you can still do it. If you do evil, you can't live. I told you this, you go to finish with Zixuan, doesn't Zixuan want to hate me? "

"If heaven does evil, you can still do it. If you do evil, you can't live?" Song Ningmei's eyes brightened, and she said, "why does the young master always talk so special?"

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